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Dan Grossman

See all of the “I Am A Gun Owner” portraits here.  Please send your statement photo to [email protected] with the word PHOTO (all caps) in the subject bar. Let us know if you want us to use your name, a screen nic or remain anonymous.

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  1. Sigh…another SUSPECTED Obama voter seeking absolution via public proclamations of gun love. If you didn’t vote for Obama, my apologies Dan.

    • So nice of you still keep prejudging people. If I was inclined to such judgments I’d say you’re a very close-minded and angry person and wrap it up with an apology just in case I was wrong but having never met you I’d rather have a beverage with you and see exactly how right or wrong the assumptions I kept to myself were.

      Your pre- judgmental posts remind me of a quote by good ol’ Abe Lincoln.

      “He who makes an assertion without knowing whether it is true or false, is guilty of falsehood; and the accidental truth of the assertion, does not justify or excuse him.”

    • And i guess you are probably a “Crazy right wing gun nut who loves guns, especially ASSAULT RIFLES more than the children”

    • J&D = Troll. It’s guys like J&D that make it hard for the rest of us in this fight. They’re as bad for the cause as the anti’s are.

  2. Glad to have you on-board Dan! Please keep spreading the pro-second amendment cheer (and indeed, as you say, ALL of the ammendments)!

  3. I love these posts. Takes more guts than I have. Thanks Dan.

    All the self-righteous little men who have nothing to do but criticize should grow a set and post their own version – alas, they lack the balls

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