I carry my SIG both ways, which means sometimes I have one “in the hole” and other times I leave the chamber empty. Why? Well, if I know I’m going to go to a place where I will be required to unload the gun (no loaded chamber, no magazine, hammer down), I usually don’t load one. These are rare occurrences, but I do keep it this way for convenience. I do quite a bit of USPSA/IPSA shooting, so I can draw and operate the slide fairly quickly. I can draw, load a mag, rack the slide, and aim in less than a second (unless of course my wife is watching, then I usually fumble the first mag and have to grab the second spare from my hip holder!). However, most of the time, I have one in the chamber with the hammer down.

I have a problem with RF’s remark “questionable combination of double action – single action” in  his How Was Your Day? post (7.10.10.) Sure, most modern SIG’s have a 10# DA pull followed by 4-5# SA pull, but is “questionable” the word you were looking for? I occasionally use my P229R and my P220 Elite in the Production Class at my local club matches. In Production Class, you must shoot the first shot DA, even if your gun does not have a decocker (CZ and variants).

With MINIMAL practice, the DA pull is easily learned, and the SA follow-up shot is easily accustomed to. As a matter of fact, this is how I teach new SIG owners to shoot. DA shot, followed by SA shot. Decock hammer, DA shot, followed by SA shot. Decock hammer. Rinse and repeat.

Now let’s get to you accuracy conundrum. What kind of accuracy are you talking about? I agree that with most people, a DA/SA combination is not as accurate as a SA/SA combination. But I would argue heavily that “practical” accuracy between DA/SA and SA/SA is identical. In an emergency situation, you’re not aiming for the gap between the eyebrows. You will (or should) be aiming for center mass.

Most people who’ve handled a gun before can manage a 3” grouping with SA shots. Even if we double that to a 6” grouping on DA to SA shots, this is PLENTY accurate for a SHTF (sh*t hit the fan) situation. In reality, at 21 feet many people can manage much better than 3” groups.

The problem I find is that people do not practice enough with a quick follow-up shot. I am reluctant to call it a “double-tap” because people begin to assume that I am talking about aiming once and pulling the trigger twice. Only at ranges less than 6 feet is this really appropriate. I had a football coach in high school say that “practice doesn’t make perfect, only perfect practice makes perfect.”

I know he stole that quote from someone else, but it still is appropriate. If people are using their range time to slowly aim and acquire a “perfect” sight picture before taking each shot, then I fear they are setting themselves up for disaster in a SHTF situation.

This type of practice is only appropriate is select situations (i.e. zeroing sights, bull’s-eye competitions, and long distance shooting to name a few). Get with an instructor, take some pistol classes, or sign up for any local USPSA/IDPA match. You’ll not only learn how to properly handle a gun smoothly, but you will gain a lot of confidence knowing that you can come back to target quickly and prepared to take a second (or third) shot if necessary.