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Disarm Houston Insurance Office 2016 has a video of an armed robbery [click on the link to view]. You see the armed suspect bring the pistol very close to the victim. It’s an opportunity for the victim to successfully attempt to disarm him. The victim uses both hands to grab the pistol to lever it away from the suspect. Eventually, the suspect flees the scene, chased by the now armed victim. From . . .

The man then pulled out a gun and demanded money.

The owner, who asked to be called Enrique, and the man began to struggle, and the man punched Enrique multiple times in the face. The two men wrestled each other to the ground.

There are important lessons here for those who chose to go about armed. If you’re holding someone at gun point, don’t get within arm’s length of them. The minimum acceptable distance: five feet. Don’t push the gun out in front of you within easy grabbing distance of the person you are holding at gunpoint. You’re practically begging them to attempt a disarm. Keep the gun back by your side, if you must be close. Use your off-hand to defend the gun.

If someone attempts to disarm you, shoot them. A person who is attempting to take your gun away is almost always a deadly threat. If the disarm is not serious or plausible, don’t shoot that person. I expect readers know they must be reasonable. A three-year-old who attempts to grab your gun is not someone you should shoot.

If you are being held under threat of gun point, decide if the person is more likely to shoot you or to leave you without harming you, as well as the chances of a successful disarm. It’s a cost – benefit decision. If you attempt a disarm, go all out, fast, hard, ruthless.  Your life is in the balance. More defenders appear to have successful disarms than criminals; they have greater incentive.

©2016 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.
Gun Watch

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  1. “If someone attempts to disarm you, shoot them. A person who is attempting to take your gun away is almost always a deadly threat.”

    Politicians, take note of that… 🙂

  2. First time I tried this I had to fight the urge to push the gun forward. Try it slow mo without trigger. And work up single shot. To doubles, then empty mag.

    • The key is pressing meaty thumb palm area on your hip during gun rotation. Feeling gun blast near the mid section feels is different.

    • The first time I’d seen anything but fully extended arms was at a course in Fort Worth. IPSC and IDPA didn’t stress stuff like that. Folks that had maybe 300rds down range over their entire lives had mastered close shooting in just a couple mags. Probably the best and most practical thing I learned from that course.

    • While that shooting technique and speed is great, I would work on moving away even sooner. It looks like he is focusing all of his mental power on drawing to shoot from the waist and put the rounds on target. It is only after he has shot several rounds that he starts to “relax” and move away.

      As we like to say: Get off the X !!! (The “X” being the place where you are standing when an assault begins and you decide to draw and shoot.)

  3. Wow, the robber gives us a great lesson on situational awareness in a use of force scenario. He totally tunnel visioned on the desk drawer with far too little distance between him and the victim. I don’t know what this guy expected to find at an insurance company that would make it worth robbing either. Seems kind of dumb to me.

    It also lends a lot of validation to the notion that having a gun is a great thing but other skills like grappling give you options to supplement it.

  4. Three takeaways:

    One, the defender has a yard of guts;

    Two, the robber hits like a girl;

    Three, the on-scene reporter is kinda cute.

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