Doc Reviews usually reviews mainstream media. His foray into firearms fail is a welcome addition to his canon — although why he fails to mention Doc’s wife-beater T shirt is beyond me. We hope to engage Doc’s talents for further explorations into the world of YouTube gun videos, both positive and negative. Saying that, snark rules. Especially when it’s punctuated by a belch. [h/t DrVino]
There can be only one….. que “Princes of the Universe” for the backround montage.
Worst thing is he’ll prob make 10k off it..
I have no record of sending this to you……
Are you trying to tarnish my reputation?
You should see the anti gun article in my GF’s March issue of Cosmo!
Have her write a letter to the editor explaining that lying anti gun agitprop will lose them thousands of potential Women of the Gun readers..
Like female shooters read Cosmo.
that camera guy looks like pre skinny Fargo!
10/10. Great trailer review.
Wait – Was that an actual self-defense training vid?
The derp, it’s painful…
I did a double-take on the splash screen. Is that my beloved 915 in Clint’s hands? Don’t see many of those around anymore.
Guess I gotta watch the video now.
What do you expect from the guy who made Cool Cat Saves the Kids.
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