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Hornady tells TTAG that their new-for-2017 BLACK ammo is flying off the shelves. “The price and bullet selection has really hit the sweet spot in the market,” Hornady marketing maven Emily Mierau revealed at the NRA convention. With four different bullet types, there’s BLACK ammo for rifles answering to the name of direct impingement, gas piston, suppressed, unsuppressed, inertia, bolt, pump, supersonic, subsonic, rifle, mid-length, carbine or pistol. TTAG has a supply on its way for T&E — if only to improve our ammo diversity.

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    • Why not? It appears to be the exact same load as their TAP offering of 300BLK subsonic ammo, just in a different box. The price is no more expensive.

  1. Hey, you ammo guys – Ya wanna make a shitload of money from happy gun people? Make reasonably priced ammunition that will shoot decently and not foul our firearms like black powder. Really, folks. That’s all it takes.

  2. Anyone remember when Winchester was prodded into removing the ammo called “Black Talon” from the market as it was deemed “racist” by the MSM? Oh how times are a’changing.

    • I don’t remember BT being called ‘racist’, but I do remember the civilian disarmament complex being all a flutter about it being evil incarnate since it was designed to ‘cut its way all they way through someone, making wounds that were impossible to treat’ – or some such BS.

      • There was also something about doctors (being worried about) cutting themselves on the opened up petals and getting whatever interesting diseases the perforated person was carrying.

      • Yes! I remember the Fake news media coverage! Black Talon ! Expands with Ripping claws ! Like a projectile from “Rotor-rooter!” The horror, poor gangbangers being shot to pieces out on the mean streets!

        • What I remember was them being called “Cop Killer” bullets, even though there were no recorded incidents of cops actually being shot with them.

  3. “Long Live King George….God Save the Queen!!!” Just for the UK folks and the DemoCRAPS …DemoNAZIS will probably want us to pay reparations the Royal family real soon…

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