No. There is no hope for Mexico until and unless the people can reclaim their constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms. As always, when seconds count, the police are just minutes away. This effort to reclaim the streets for guitar-playing Mexicans and other law-abiding citizens is doomed to failure considering the endless financial resources of the drug cartels and the resulting spread of corruption throughout Mexican society.


    • “Article 10. The inhabitants of the United Mexican States have the right to possess arms within their domicile, for their safety and legitimate defense, except those forbidden by Federal Law and those reserved for the exclusive use of the Army, Militia, Air Force and National Guard. Federal law shall provide in what cases, conditions, under what requirements and in which places inhabitants shall be authorized to bear arms.”

      • That’s pathetically weak. Not really equivalent to the 2nd Amendment at all. All it really says is that the government allows citizens to keep guns at home (not to carry them in public) and can restrict or revoke permission in any way it sees fit.

        Considering everything that’s been done to cripple our 2nd amendment even though it comes right out and says “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed,” Mexico’s path should be no surprise.

  1. Though private citizens owning guns would be good, I think the best thing for the average Mexican would be an immediate end to the United States’ failing, bloated War on Drugs. Last time I checked Prohibition didn’t work well either.

    • +1,000.

      The second you ban something that has a huge demand you instantly create a vibrant and profitable market for said banned item. There’s enough revenue in drugs that the profit margin is large enough to be economically sound for the Columbians to build honest to god submarines to smuggle their drugs. Submarines! $2 million dollar submarines that can carry ten tons of coke to central America and back submerged and undetectable. At this point it is ridiculously obvious the war on drugs is an utter and complete failure. It was destined to be from day one.


      If only there was a way to put all the cartels/gangs out of business, rake in taxes, fund world class rehab centers and obliterate 90% of all violence related to the drug trade. Oh, wait. We do. But the majority of our nation sees misguided “morality” as somehow preferable to the absolute carnage the illegal drug trade causes.

  2. The most striking part of this story, to me, was the fact that not even the police officers can take their weapons home when off shift. Maybe because so many of them were corrupt and involved in illicit side businesses?

  3. 2 points to make. yes the war on drugs is a complete failure and we need to rethink the whole thing. and if mexico is to ever know peace and justice it’s people will need to stop running to the states and stand their ground and reclaim their country. what’s the odds that either will happen? i wouldn’t hang my hopes on either.

  4. There is no hope for Mexico as long as drugs are illegal in the US, and the profit margin remains so high.

    You legalize marijuana and the Mexican marijuana industry dies overnight. Americans grow arguably the best marijuana in the world, and legalization would just lead to more efficient corporate farming, and marijuana would become as cheap as cigarettes before long.

    • In your first statement, replace “Mexico” with “Columbia” and see how false it reads.

      And your second sentence should read that when you legalize marijuana, the Mexican marijuana industry en mass becomes a cocaine and heroin industry and keeps right on smuggling.

      You fight these with a cultural change of heart, as happened in Columbia. Having the citizens possess the strength to stand up for their homes is a prerequisite for that. An active right to keep and bear arms does far more for Mexico and Mexicans than you getting cheaper weed.

      • The US needs to realize that we are losing the “war” on drugs. We spend Billions every year fighting a “war” on these substances that still make it en masse into our country. The money involved in the illicit trade of these substances fuels violence both in foreign countries and in the US.

        Why not legalize the substances, tax them, and then use the proceeds from ceasing our “war” and the tax revenue to set up clinics for rehabilitation of druggies that want to quit? It would also reduce the number of people incarcerated (~22% of the inmate population in the US at any given time); freeing up $47,100 per inmate in costs per year.

        Oh, and take away the drug money and the cartel’s will fold sooner or later. Doing that and having the right to bear arms in mexico would go a long way towards restoring peace in our southern neighbors.

        Before anyone trys to insinuate anything to the like, I have never used any sort of illegal drug, the hardest stuff I hit is a single malt.

      • The reason the Mexicans grow so much marijuana and have gotten heavily into meth production is so they can own the production. Coca and heroin don’t grow in Mexico, and the Colombians aren’t wholly dependent on the Mexicans to get their product to the US.

        I believe the Mexican people should have the right to keep and bear arms, but I understand that the violence will not cease until the market for the product disappears. That is only achieved through legalization.

      • human being, why would their marijuana and other drug industries “keep on going”?

        with legalization in the US, there would be zero demand for mexican drugs, thus the mexican cartels would receive no money based on the laws of supply and demand. economics 050.

        I hold a hope that someday our corrupt government will stop locking nonviolent human beings inside a f–king cage for smoking a plant for their own spiritual experience. f–k anybody that somehow thinks their entitled to tell me what i can and cannot smoke inside the privacy of my own home.

        • Exactly.

          In a truly free country an individual has the right to put whatever substance they want in their body. Unless and until an individual infringes on the rights of another it’s nobody’s business what they partake in. If they do infringe on an others rights then the full extent of the law should be applied.

          I don’t partake myself but over the years I’ve known countless folks that love their bud every night, never hurt a soul, raise good kids, hold jobs and pay taxes.

          A nanny state benefits no one and everyone has the innate right to be stupid or to make bad choices. That’s life and that’s how we learn to hopefully better ourselves.

  5. Mexico is a perfect example of how gun laws will never stop criminals. They have some of the strictest gun laws in the world, and their silly laws are completely useless. The poor people who obey the law make fine lil sheep to be robbed and abused by the BG’s.

  6. The best part about a failing state: it brings down the states around it, which in this case would include California, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas. Good riddance.

    • We ought to transplant the nation’s capital from DC to El Paso so the dumb bastards who caused the whole mess can face the music directly. When the shit hits the fan the CIA and congress should be the first turds to splatter.

  7. There is no hope for Mexico. It is in the US’ interests to maintain the war on drugs (at the cost burdened on the american public) , which perpetuates the killings, gang warfare, and corruption in both countries with power holders benefiting from it. As usual, the american and mexican subject gets the government treatment: non-consensual intercourse with cactus plant.

    The only hope for the Mexican people can arise from them overthrowing the yolk of the cartels and their own rotten government. This wont happen any faster than the american people flipping DC upside down and tossing everybody out on their asses.

    • The Mexican people will never be able to overthrow the cartels or their government, mainly because they dont have the firearms to do it. But their strict gun laws are really protecting people.

  8. I found it interesting that the officers chose to live at the station, where they could have the benefit of being armed at all times. It’s too bad citizens in general don’t have that right.

  9. Mexico has no hope because Mexico’s government is even more corrupt that ours — which is really saying something.

    That’s the thing about government. A good one won’t do you much good, and a bad one will f^ck up everything beyond all recognition.

  10. The Mexican government has been corrupt long before drug production took off. The culture of corruption made it easier for the cartels to buy into the system. If the cartels disappeared tomorrow Mexico will still be run by an alliance of political officials and the criminal partners.

    Criminal organizations exploit legal goods, be it mafia owned cheese suppliers to pizza parlors in the 1970s or untaxed cigarettes in Chicago today. Chicago gangs move masses of cigarettes from low taxed states to Chicago. If the state taxes drugs the criminal gangs will simply move legal products at lower untaxed prices. The notion that legalization will put criminal organizations out of business is as naive as the belief that taking guns from law abiding citizens will end crime. The mafia did not go out business when Prohibition ended so why would you think that drug legalization would put well established trans-national criminal organizations out of business?

    • The Mafia didn’t go out of business, but the violence around alcohol production, distribution, and sales did go away. Legitimate businesses had no need for those violent practices, and regular citizens could get a drink without enriching criminals. Win-win.

      Later, of course, the drug war kicked off and organized crime got a huge boost. How much is the Mafia making off cheese trafficking and cigarette smuggling? I bet it’s trivial compared to the drug money. There are huge markets for these substances, and keeping them illegal just drives prices up and incentivizes violence. Maybe some of these organizations will find alternative revenue streams, but it’s not guaranteed that all will, and they should be forced to try.

      • If drugs were legalized the cartel’s workforce would definitely go down a wee bit. Ideally the newly unemployed would find work ramping up tequila production.

      • When prohibition ended organized crime was in position to control the distribution network which they still do in many areas of the country. When the product gets legalized costs go down and profits remain or even increase. Legalization will not drive the cartels out of business or turn them into fine upstanding ciitizens. Criminals got into drugs because they were criminals, not because they were regular businessmen with an idea.

        Organized crime has existed in this country since the mid 19th Century when drugs, gambling and prostitution were all legal. The mob controlled legalized vice in Los Vegas. A criminal enterprise exist to act outside the law. They will do so with both illegal and legitimate business.

        Here is fun fact for you. Sports books were legal in 1919 when Arnold Rothstein fixed the World Series. Rothstein is the guy who brought the New York crime families together to form what we would now call a Cartel.

  11. Bwaaahahahahahahahahaha

    “No. There is no hope for Mexico until and unless the people can reclaim their constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms. ”

    You’re actually saying the problem in Mexico is not enough guns in the hands of lawful gun owners?


    • Think about it. Imagine yourself as an average citizen in an area controlled by a cartel in a country where the politicians have been corrupted. What are your options?

      • I thought we’ve been told that every home has a gun in Mexico. The fact that they’re illegal means nothing in that lawless place.

        Besides, what’s your point? “an average citizen in an area controlled by a cartel in a country where the politicians have been corrupted” would be fine if only he could buy guns like you.

    • Oh, and with some of the strictest gun laws around, that whole gun control equals peace argument is starting to look a little bleak dont you think Mikebnumbers? Or are you too dumb to see the evidence right in front of your face? Multiple countries with outright bans on private ownership of guns are, surprise, still seeing citizens killed by guns.

      • mikeybnumbers may or may not be too dumb, that doesn’t matter. he is a troll grandstanding for his sheeple followers on his blog. mikeybnumbers, like jim jones, doesn’t believe the garbage he spouts, he just found a way to manipulate some weak minded indivduals and make himself feel important in the process.

    • Mikeb, Mexico is an example of what your proposals leads to: Corrupt government agents and criminals have guns, while ordinary citizens are victims.

      • So, what you’re saying is Mexico’s problems are due to the gun control policies of the government.

        That’s one of the most idiotic arguments I’ve ever heard.

        • Only if you don’t think about it. Or consider lessons of history. Or fail to sympathize with the unarmed population.

          But riddle me this MikeB: what would be your solution to 80k dead in six years? How would you “fix” Mexico?

          • I’d do a lot of things including all the gun control proposals I’m continually talking about. Along the border, exportation would be severely curtailed, if I were king.

            But, the single most effective action would be to legalize all drugs and put them all under government control like alcohol and ciggies.

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