courtesy The Daily Beast
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David Hogg is back and as indoctrinated as ever:

Ninety-seven percent. That’s the overwhelming percentage of Americans who are in favor of universal background checks. No issue in American politics is more universally agreed upon than this. Yet nearly 40,000 people died last year due to gun violence.

When our school was shot up, we became one of those statistics from the last eight years. We were the evening news headline. We were those kids running out of our school with SWAT teams armed as if they were going into battle. Seventeen of our classmates and teachers didn’t make it back that day.

Those statistics, though…

We have had enough of living in fear of our favorite places. It is time as a nation we end the cycle of gun violence that continues to rage on; already, not even a week into the new year, 577 people have been shot and more than 150 others are dead due to guns.

– David Hogg and Jaclyn Corin at The Daily Beast, Parkland Survivors David Hogg and Jaclyn Corin: It’s Time Republican Cowards Ditched NRA Cash and Voted for Gun Checks


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    • Damn! 97%! And the number of quoted percentages which are made up on the spot is only 96%. Really impressive. Hey! Maybe I should change the number of quoted percentages which are made up on the spot, perhaps to, oh, 98%! Hah! Took care of that! We win!

      • “To back Baldwin’s claim, her campaign cited a national telephone poll by Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Conn., of 1,249 people who identified themselves as registered voters.

        The poll, done with live interviews on landlines and cell phones, was taken over four consecutive days, starting Feb. 16, 2018 — two days after the school shooting in Parkland.

        The question: “Do you support or oppose requiring background checks for all gun buyers?”

        Before we get to the results, there is one wrinkle here: Respondents weren’t asked if they were gun owners themselves; rather, they were asked if they, or anyone in their home, owns a gun.

        “The result was 97 percent support among gun households (as well as 97 percent among all respondents in the poll).

        The margin of error for the gun households (which made up 555 of the 1,249 total respondents) was plus or minus 5 percentage points.”

    • Nearly every mass shooter passed a background check and bought the guns at a store or stole the gun/guns. hogg and company lie because the facts are against them.

    I wonder how big the check from soros and bloomberg was, for his lying propaganda? Sadly the brain stem only sheeple will eat his poo with glee.

    • Ollie,

      Building on your point:

      Of the alleged 40,000 people who died from gunshot wounds last year, about 30,000 DID IT TO THEMSELVES to commit suicide — and most of those poor souls would have passed background checks as well!

      • Actually, it is closer to 26,000, with 14000 homicides. At least for that year. They fell somewhat the following year. Also, the gross numbers are higher, the percentages in terms of population are lower; there are just more of us, so the numbers will rise proportionately to population change.

  2. Hogg: 97 Percent of Americans Want Universal Background Checks

    Lol. Yet they repeatedly keep voting them down! Something isn’t right about this statement.

    Also – UBC = universal gun owner registry.
    No thank you.

  3. I can see him standing next to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with tanks, missiles on trailers and goose stepping soldiers progressing down the street.

      • You couldn’t get 97% of Americans to agree there is an earth.

        But really Kat, is this minor article anything more than a dog whistle?

        In the spin up to SHOT Show, this forum should be packed with the truth about guns, not high school bullying.

        • Kat only does “Dog whistle”/troll pieces. I have no idea if self created or assigned by the new lame owners of this once great site.

        • “To back Baldwin’s claim, her campaign cited a national telephone poll by Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Conn., of 1,249 people who identified themselves as registered voters.

          The poll, done with live interviews on landlines and cell phones, was taken over four consecutive days, starting Feb. 16, 2018 — two days after the school shooting in Parkland.

          The question: “Do you support or oppose requiring background checks for all gun buyers?”

          Before we get to the results, there is one wrinkle here: Respondents weren’t asked if they were gun owners themselves; rather, they were asked if they, or anyone in their home, owns a gun.

          The result was 97 percent support among gun households (as well as 97 percent among all respondents in the poll).

          The margin of error for the gun households (which made up 555 of the 1,249 total respondents) was plus or minus 5 percentage points.”

      • My grass is brown. My sky is grayish-white, although it sometimes is a nice red-orange at sunrise or sunset.

    • Americans have been hopelessly and irreversibly divided since the “Tastes great! Less filling!” light beer debates of the 1980s. No way there’s 97% agreement on anything out there.

    • If you did, the 97% would be wrong because of equatorial bulge, though I concede the earth is generally best described as spherical in nature.

      So I’m proving your point, and also making one of my own that most people don’t know the facts.

    • 97% of anything claimed by an activist pedaling a political agenda is always going to be suspect. Similarly whenever someone with an axe to grind justifies their position by claiming “studies show” you can assume they’re talking twaddle. In short, don’t believe anything these idiots say.

    • Nicely put. I want to see EXACTLY where little Mr. Pigbrain got that 97% “statistic”. More than likely it’s where he gets all of his so called “statistics”. He poops them out his a$$.

      • “To back Baldwin’s claim, her campaign cited a national telephone poll by Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Conn., of 1,249 people who identified themselves as registered voters.

        The poll, done with live interviews on landlines and cell phones, was taken over four consecutive days, starting Feb. 16, 2018 — two days after the school shooting in Parkland.

        The question: “Do you support or oppose requiring background checks for all gun buyers?”

        Before we get to the results, there is one wrinkle here: Respondents weren’t asked if they were gun owners themselves; rather, they were asked if they, or anyone in their home, owns a gun.

        The result was 97 percent support among gun households (as well as 97 percent among all respondents in the poll).

        The margin of error for the gun households (which made up 555 of the 1,249 total respondents) was plus or minus 5 percentage points.”

  4. Hey- i see after being rejected at a number of upper-level universities due to grades, etc., this little kid was offered a ride to Harvard with U officials saying he is exactly the type of leadership student they are looking for. Probably thinking future SCOTUS nom or politician headed for POTUS. I’m thinking their Statistics classes would likely reflect his personal hyperbole as well.

    • Soros likely paid for that. Hogg will probably flunk out of Harvard, unless he gets free passes like Potus 44 did.

      • Sadly, POTUS 44 showed some brilliance in constitutional law while he was there. He used that brilliance and is still doing so by working very hard to bring it down. His mentors taught him well…..

      • It is virtually impossible to flunk out of an Ivy League school or any private insitution.

        And George Bush was a C+ student in the era before grade inflation. I graduated Magna Cum Laude with a 3.4 GPA in 1971. C was the average grade back then so Bush was above average.

        • Sorry, original reference was to Obama and not Bush so please disregard second paragraph. First sentence is still true.

  5. 97% = Number of illegal gun suppliers who will decline to obey any new (or old) law requiring universal background checks.

    Hogg looks like a Nazi flunky from the 30’s. A junior Goebbels. Even looks like he’s making a Nazi salute.

    • The school he went to is basically a DNC operative training ground; seems like every one of those kids has media or political connections or both in their family, and were already involved in various ‘advocacy’ extracurriculars. Practically every public figure in that city has DNC connections. That town is the Clearwater of the Democratic National Committee.

      Now, whether they intentionally let a nutcase run loose so he could shoot up the school & boost the careers of the vast majority who would survive (including the LEO and school officials), or if it was the natural consequence of the ideals espoused by the modern liberals who dominate that area…I honestly can’t decide which is more likely or the bigger factor. What I do know, is the same combination of ingredients are playing out every day in hundreds of cities, with thousands of schools. All ticking timebombs, waiting to go off and be blamed on gun owners & conservatives who don’t even have a voice in these areas, and launch the careers of dozens of political operatives for decades to come.

      • Mr. Cruz was a nutcase who was pushed by school and driven over the edge by his mother’s death. Too bad he didn’t make a move when they stopped him on the street.

    • Why, you think he’ll be more effective as a martyr? Because no gun owner that knows even the tiniest bit about history would ever wish for political assassination.

    • ” “Someone” at long range, please fix Hogg!” And right there, Mr.Savage- cute or not- is one of the reasons this site and normal 2nd Amendment exercisers are now in a serious lather about “Red Flag” proposals that are being put up in the states and nationally.

      I have an idea that a whack-o like Nicky Cruz and the many other massed murderers out there who left volumes on internet and other sites that “should’ve tipped off LEOs” started off small, with comments such as this they thought were funny. Isn’t that exactly where the Red Flags are aimed, at least in theory by those proposing them? Words have meanings, even if you are only kidding.

      You want to fix this little creep, and others like him? Sit down and debate them, or in the very least, lead a life with firearms that doesn’t scare the hell out of those who don’t- show them that we aren’t the crazies that the Bloombergs and Soros vote buyers claim we are.

      • You are correct, crazy talk just authorizes even more repressive actions by our government, and everyone knows words are often followed by deeds.

      • If ALL gun owners came out and showed the public that they have held guns for X amount of years(without a ripple of anyone knowing or any misuse), many people might just change their minds about it. Many gun owners keep gun/guns for self defense, most haven’t been to the range(It is time to check them for servicibilty) in quite a while.

        Many gun owners have them as a personal thing, not telling the kids and other family members. If these not-so-super owners would take these firearms out, show them to their loved ones and have a frank discussion about them, showing others that there more people that anyone ever knew that actually keep firearms.

        I suspect that many people who are prohibited from owning them actually have them for protection and are now acting responsibly with them.

        • Interestingly enough I lost a long time friend over that. She finally “caught” me carrying in a wardrobe malfunction and lost her shit when I pointed out she should calm down as I’ve carried around her for the 10 plus years I’ve known her. It was as if my past behavior proving me right was too much to take in and that the evil gun had been there this whole time! Wow, such vapors. I believe I’m more disturbed than she was that I was fairly good friends with such a fanatic and I never knew or suspected. There was plenty we agreed to disagree on but that courtesy has vanished in the face of hysteria over inanimate objects.

        • Again, I say, all who legally exercise the 2nd Amendment in the US should endeavor to live in a manner that appears mainstream and especially non-threatening to the majority of those to whom we will have contact on a daily basis. Clean up, physically and verbally, quit trying to appear tough or like someone living in a van down by the river, even if we do. Save all the bravado and BS until it’s really necessary- when there’s a real threat beyond words. As I stated above, while words have meanings it is often words that create cause for actions, often actions that are later proved unintended.

          We can really only control our own actions and words, not those of others around us. OF COURSE we and others often use “hot buttons” to try to push/control others or create an intended response to them. Knowing when and where is an art many of us do not learn, either in our own words or in our reaction to others using those “hot buttons”. We need to learn to not take the bait, and if we must react, not get caught in the trap.

    • I assume you mean place a long distance telephone call to him to engage him in discussion and persuade him to realize the error of his position? That doesn’t work. You can’t reason someone out of a position that they didn’t reason tthemselves into in the first place.

      If you mean something else untoward, then how about you go plant your false flag elsewhere? It’s obvious you’re an a8nti-gunner out to make the rest of us look bad. You’re trying to put us on par with the leftist whack-jobs who’ve been threatening Congressman Scalise on Ocasia-Cortez’s Twitter feed.

  6. I suspect Hogg’s college career will end with him lying in a puddle of puke after ODing on heroin or something. He seems like the druggy type. It will be sad for people who like him, but typical.

  7. I see they haven’t ” polished him” enough to tell half believable lies. Don’t think you can get 97 % of the entire American population to agree on any one topic.

    • Exactly, I doubt you could get 97 percent to agree with the statement:”the sky is frequently blue.”

  8. More background checks is just another step is gun control or gun confiscation! If you smoked pot 50 yrs ago, was in the military, went to a psychiatrists, or whatever you may not pass.

  9. Background checks to filter out illegal aliens sound good. As for the gun part let me carry anywhere anytime anyplace in all cities and maybe we can work something out.
    If all you want to do is build a database of what we have and where it can be found then pound sand.

  10. t is not the Legal Gun Owners we have to worry about. It is people like HOGG or what ever the idiots name is. They are the ones who should never even be out in Public! Not one ounce of sense. We need to out law Democrats and idiots. You check the mass killings. All but one are Democrats. Check where Hogg went to school! Not in Florida! California! He is a Democrat Plant paid for by Soros!

      • What no one is looking at is that the NSA has all of the E mails and all other digital traffic saved and archived. This would include the background check that is run when you have filled out the form that your dealer calls in to get an o k to sale. This recording/saving is illegal but it is there.

  11. Hoggboy may get “his” wish. And Republitards will co-sponsor UBC. AND the NRA & Donnie will sign it…

  12. At this point in time David Hogg probably believes 97% of women in the United States want to have HIS Baby…so he can make-up anything he wants and the Ministry of Propaganda will report it Nationally.

    Piggy Boy has no interest in resolving the issues he’s using to keep himself in the limelight…

  13. In Los Angeles, CA (both the City and County) there are fatal shootings most every day. Local “News” sources never report HOW detained suspects obtained the firearm, but regularly report any past criminal record, and more often than not the suspect has prior convictions rendering him/her a prohibited person who could not pass the Background Check to legally obtain the firearm used in the current matter.

    California requires a Background check on ALL sales or transfers of firearms between non blood related persons, so “Private Sales” are essentially prohibited. Hence California already has UBC in place, but prohibited persons have no problem obtaining fire arms. The reality of Los Angeles’ situation clearly demonstrates the UBC does nothing to prevent “prohibited persons” from committing homicides and other crimes involving firearms. Nor does it actually prevent ANYONE who wants a firearm outside of CA’s legislated restrictions from readily obtaining one, or more. Apparently, however, it does copiously feed the Black Market in firearms.

    So HOGG can claim anything he wants and the reality that UBC doesn’t work remains the same…

  14. I’m reluctant to ask him which orifice he pulled that 97% fake news stat out of, because it’s probably the same one those six universities told him he could shove his college applications up.

  15. You know, I’d pay good money to see Hogg sit down and debate gun control with someone…maybe Ted Nugent (because I think he’d make him cry like a little girl and them laugh at him) or David Shapiro (because he’d dominate him to complete silence or babbling incoherence).
    This kid has been left to spout his nonsense WAY too long, it’s WAY past time for someone to very publically call him out to a debate and just flat destroy him. Shouldn’t be hard to do considering all the word vomit he’s been spewing out as ‘facts’.

    • He would never agree to it. Just as Vaccine “experts” like Dr. Paul Offit will never sit down and debate vaccine safety and efficacy with other doctors and researchers…..they know they will embarrass themselves and discredit their positions.

  16. Yes, and that black market does not seem to want older firearms(even though they work). They want the latest and greatest, especially with double stack and high capacity mags, even though they are against the law.

  17. 97% of the people riding with Hogg on the bus to the last gun control rally that he asked the question of…

  18. Hogg looks like s psychopath himself, with his “thousand yard stare”. It is interesting to ntoe that Hogg never attended the school in question, but lived in California, his father being a retired FBI agent.
    It is likely that he was (is) a “crisis actor”, not unlike what was used in every other mass shooting…

  19. Ask those same Americans if they understand that once they have universal background checks they will eventually be required to register their guns….see how fast they want those background checks……also, tell them that background checks do not stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns, since they already can bypass current federal background checks..which means they can easily bypass universal background checks…..but that the anti gunners only demand universal background checks so they can then demand universal gun registration as the next step…once the criminals and mass shooters keep getting guns…

  20. I read it was 107%.

    Didn’t know that high school was one of kids’ favorite places to be.

    “Had to be there, Hogg.”

    Parkland had all the markings of a false flag. Designed, of course, to get to more gun control.

  21. Clearly not Harvard material.

    He conflates gun homicides, gun suicides, and firearms negligence with universal background checks. However nowhere does he state how many of the incidents from each category are the result of unchecked transfers. He mentions mass shootings later on, but nowhere does he state how many mass shootings involved unchecked firearms.

    Really this essay is an indictment of the Broward school system and the Harvard admissions team. Well, aside from being a yelp for attention from a hysterical millennial.

  22. This would be a lot more interesting if Hogg and the Daily Beast shared how they determined the 97 percent figure. Did somebody run a poll? Did the Daily Beast survey their readership? Did Hogg knock on door himself and ask questions until he gathered a statistically relevant sample? Or is it just a number somebody pull out of their a… um, ear?

  23. Blah blah blah the kids a broken record. I live near by Parkland. Ohhhhh and he is also full of crap about his percentages. Most here wish he would just go away already.

  24. “………40,000 people died last year due to gun violence.” 40,000/365=110 people a day.

    “………not even a week into the new year……… more than 150 others are dead due to guns.” 150/6=25

    That’s a 77% reduction in gun deaths!!! For the year 9125 vs 40,000!!!

    Looks like we don’t need any gun control.

  25. “Swat teams going into battle” Har Har Har. Anyway Hogg according to this possum 40.000 people a year is not near enough. Those humans breed like rats. You can shoot all you want but until you start using poison and traps you won’t make a dent in the problem.

  26. 97??

    I did not even….Heck I was sure that Hogg boy could not even count that high?

    he had help i’d bet!

  27. Hogg is the definition of scum of the earth opportunist, he used to the deaths of his fellow classmates to start a political career that helped him get accepted into an ivy league university where he plans to study political science.

  28. Why even bother giving this idiot publicity on your site? Ignore his rhetoric. All he wants is to be talked about by us. All we want is for people like him to need a gun toting good citizen to save their lives. Until that happens, nothing will change. Even then, assholes like him would have questioned the lethality of your life saving maneuver. So fuck him. Stop posting his bullshit.

  29. 97%??? Where did THAT number come from?
    As many here stated…Americans can’t agree on ANYthing with that high a percentage.
    And it always matters how the question was asked, too. Again…already mentioned.
    Most people don’t want violent criminals to have guns. Violent criminals might disagree, of course.
    Just like drug laws don’t stop ODs…gun laws won’t stop gun deaths or crimes.
    Criminals will find a way to get what they want…legally or not.
    This just makes it harder for the law abiding and allows for prosecution when caught…AFTER the damage/carnage.

  30. As a Parkland School shooting survivor myself, yeah I wasn’t there either, Hogg needs to understand we already have background checks.

  31. I just got put in Facefuck jail for posting this article and making a comment the Zuck didn’t like.

  32. if 97 percent of all Americans wanted something, in reality it would happen as near to overnight as bureaucratic processes allowed. Damn this is stupid.

  33. Anyone else remember a little game called Secret of Evermore? It was Secret of Mana Perfected. It still ranks as, in my opinion, one of the greatest RPG’s with a fantastic setting, characters and some wonderful gameplay. It was simple, fast to pick up and almost impossible to put back down. No? Just me? Alright.

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