I’m not shilling for Taser, I swear. It was the AP who made TTAG’s stun gun coverage a trifecta. To wit: the news org reports that The Nutmeg State is considering a bill that would make it legal for its residents to carry stun guns for personal protection. While CT taxpayers can keep a Taser inside their abode, the law states that they have to leave ho,e without it. “A representative of the device manufacturer told a public hearing of the General Assembly’s Public Safety Committee on Thursday that customers from the state want to carry their Tasers with them when they feel most vulnerable. Peter Holran of Scottsdale, Arizona-based Taser International Inc. estimates more than 200,000 citizens are currently carrying the devices in the U.S.”  The move to OK concealed carry Tasers makes sense, what with the Supreme Court decision striking down D.C.’s restrictive gun laws. Lest we forget, Connecticut has some of America’s most onerous handgun ownership requirements . . .

After a criminal check, fingerprinting, a fee and a public safety course, an aspiring handgun owner residing in Connecticut must then receive the blessing of The Commissioner of Public Safety. And then wait 60 days. And then it’s only good for five years (more taxes fees).

If you forget to renew your permit, bad things can happen. “Any person convicted of carrying a firearm without a permit shall be fined not more than $1,000.00 or imprisoned for less than 1 year or both, noting that absent mitigating circumstances, the sentence may not be suspended or reduced by the Court.”

Concealed carry? You can ask . . .

Ready to sell your gun? “No person, firm, or corporation shall sell or transfer any pistol or revolver unless an application provided by the Commissioner of Public Safety is filled out,” About.com tells us. “There is a 2 week waiting period from the date of the application.”

A relaxed rule on Tasers would provide ammunition for Keystone State legislators intent on preserving the handgun related status quo. So to speak.


  1. A Taser is probably more likely to be fired than a handgun in a dispute. The upside is that It is less likely to leave the recipient dead and you get to shoot something without the nagging problem of guilt. The downside is that it might provoke the odd misfit to use it to settle minor differences such as a traffic issue or pool table argument.

  2. Odd misfits will use "anything" to settle minor differences, so I don't see the down-side here. The up-side is that should you encounter one of these "odd-misfits" you'll have an option to defend yourself.

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