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The PSS at the bottom of today’s email blast: “The Taurus 28 gauge pistol drama continues. We have lit the article back up as it appears BATFE [that’s the ATF to you and me] has now decided to allow them to make the revolver.” In a note above the article, gunsamerica says it bases its decision to re-post the post on a Tweet from gun blogger and TV type Michael Bane. That would be: “Taurus says all A-OK with both the Raging Judge .28 gauge and hte [sic] Rossi Ranch Hand .410…no BATFE problems after all…” Bane bases his Tweet on a blog post by American Rifleman’s Mark O’Keefe, which reads as follows . . .

With the vast array of new guns in the Taurus booth at the 2011 SHOT Show, it was easy to go into new-product overload. But the one gun that stood out most was the 28-gauge Raging Judge revolver. Whenever there is something truly new and different, there are bound to be juicy rumors, which included that the gun had been declared a National Firearms Act item by BATFE and “removed.”

This is simply not the case. Taurus President and CEO Bob Morrison invited officials from the ATF’s Technology Branch to discuss some of the firm’s new product introductions. “I asked them to come and give some advice,” Morrison said. By all accounts the meeting was cordial, professional, and not a “raid” or “gotcha” as erroneously reported elsewhere. No determination on the gun’s status was made at the show.

Remember, to even be in the United States at all, the prototype had to be cleared by BATFE for importation. On the 28-gauge Raging Judge revolver, Taurus sought BATFE’s advice on some modifications to the gun and is the process of implementing the results of those suggestions. This is a very common practice; gun manufacturers and importers regularly work with BATFE as the firearm industry’s regulatory agency.

Also, despite rumors to the contrary, the .45 Colt/.410-bore lever-action Ranch Hand with the rifled barrel is good to go for importation, as is the 28-gauge Circuit Judge. You’ll see them later on this year, as well as the 28-gauge Raging Judge, with minor modifications.

Rumors also abound regarding an impending ATF ruling regarding shotguns and “sporting purposes,” but they have nothing to do with the 28-gauge Raging Judge.

FYI: I spoke to Taurus PR guy a couple of days ago. He threw his metaphorical hands up in the air and said that the Taurus Board of Directors was in the middle of a post-SHOT Show sit down, wherein they would discuss the over-.50-caliber weapon.

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  1. This gun still looks like a toy. I hope S&W makes something like it, then it will at least have some style like the 500’s.

  2. what metal shell would it shoot? it has to fire a pistol shell too so that it is not considered a SBS

  3. metalic 28guage slugs, metallic cartridge like the cowboys used. i know, that dont count, but lets start to split hairs like the batf does, and according to the letter of the law, any thing metallic and single projectile, right? am quite pissed about the sporting ruling on other shotguns though, as i have yet to get my siaga 12

    or as i said before in other places, tautus should include a serial numbered set of chamber cyclinder spacers, that would let the new raging judge 28g shamber and shoot something like .44 mag/special, or .357 mag/.38 special. make them proprietary to the judge, I.E.–> no other shotgun can accept them, only the ragin judge. and number them to the gun, or include a extra cyclindr in a magnum hadgun caliber that also has a short bit of rifling at the end of the cylinder, like a choke. and bing bang boom, it should fly.

  4. I just called Taurus on Friday to ask when this gun will be on the market. The lady I spoke with told me that at this time they no longer have plans to produce this weapon. — WOW that sucks! This would have definitely been my next gun purchase. Score one for the gun opponents!

  5. Let’s simplify things and get rid of NFA ’34. I think the Overton Window is opening for that. Might be best to take a baby bite and de-list suppressors first, however.

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