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“If you sell it to a gun shop, they’re going to sell it to someone else, and is that really achieving the goal? I don’t have it anymore, but somebody else does.

“At some point, we each have to be held accountable for our individual actions. If I drive slower, it doesn’t mean I’m going to stop car accidents, but I don’t have to perpetuate and be a part of it.

“There’s not a limited number of guns ― they’re not diamonds. You could destroy guns all day long and it would not impact the guns in society, so why can’t we have this discussion?” – Army veteran Shane Hooper in an interview with Huffington Post, Some Americans Want to Give Up Their Guns – But it’s Complicated

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  1. Plenty of diamonds in the world…ask deBeers..they control the flow. Diamond control. Why they are so expensive.
    Just as with abortions…don’t want one…don’t have one. Don’t want a gun…don’t buy one.
    But don’t force your views on me…either way. Same with religion and politics. You do you.
    The world needs people control…reduced population…all over. 7.5B is way too many!!!

      • With abortion the views and morals (or lack thereof) are being forced on another human being, albiet at a very early stage of that human’s development.

        It’s illegal to take eggs from birds of prey. Sure, they aren’t viable on their own yet, but it’s legally recognized that those eggs need to be protected because they are -going- to be a bird of prey. Human babies currently don’t have the protection rare birds have.

        • “… eggs need to be protected because they are -going- to be a bird of prey. ” Eggs and babies are NOT the same thing. Eggs MIGHT become babies. Babies ARE babies. Why do you think gun-grabbers choose to ignore facts? Facts matter.

        • Birds of prey are rare because we poisoned their environment with DDT, causing their eggshells to be too thin to survive. Human “babies” are not at all rare, no matter how hard some governments attempt to control the growth. Disease, starvation and war have been the only successful controls on population growth, since we have a reproductive cycle that on par with rodents and pigs. Having defeated or substantially reduced two of those three, we are left with major conflagrations to reduce the population back down to a sustainable levels.

          And by the way, Orthodox Judaic tradition, the well-spring of Christianity, does not consider abortion to be immoral or unethical. Their teachings were that a fetus was not a human being until it drew its ifirst breath, as that first breath was what endowed it with a soul.

      • Thanos needed to read a recent economic history and he would have known the population growth was not an issue. In reality, randomly removing half of the population of any given society in an instant is probably a good recipe for societal collapse. That, of course, would lead to a lot more death and chaos, much sooner.

      • Mark N.,
        Show us where this is taught. Citations and accredited quotes please, or do indeed, STFU.

        • Mark N posted this…
          “Birds of prey are rare because we poisoned their environment with DDT, causing their eggshells to be too thin to survive. Human “babies” are not at all rare, no matter how hard some governments attempt to control the growth. Disease, starvation and war have been the only successful controls on population growth, since we have a reproductive cycle that on par with rodents and pigs. Having defeated or substantially reduced two of those three, we are left with major conflagrations to reduce the population back down to a sustainable levels.

          And by the way, Orthodox Judaic tradition, the well-spring of Christianity, does not consider abortion to be immoral or unethical. Their teachings were that a fetus was not a human being until it drew its first breath, as that first breath was what endowed it with a soul.”

          From the outset his statements are full of errors and other flawed thinking. That birds of prey bit only applies to Bald Eagles. Birds of prey affected by DDT were the ones that eat fish. The fish absorbed the DDT in the water and that was the pathway by which the bald eagles were affected. Not a problem for 90 percent of the birds of prey species present on this planet.

          Next we have this problematic bit of flawed reasoning – “Human “babies” are not at all rare, no matter how hard some governments attempt to control the growth.” Pretty unrealistic view of both the precious nature of human life and attributing government with consciously attempting population control is like looking at statistics from the backside. You cannot extrapolate population growth into a government conspiracy against it’s own people. No country wants their population to go into decline. The notion of that is ludicrous. Policy may have a seem to have that effect, but there is no causal relationship you can point to that governments are limiting population on purpose, at least not the countries outside of the communist governed ones.

          Then we have this gem to deal with, “Disease, starvation and war have been the only successful controls on population growth, since we have a reproductive cycle that on par with rodents and pigs. Having defeated or substantially reduced two of those three, we are left with major conflagrations to reduce the population back down to a sustainable levels”. He again assumes there is a need for controlling population, (which does not exist), and makes the absurd statement that the reproductive cycle of humans is equivalent to that of rats and swine. I believe that if you do some research you will find that there is no equating the gestation of these three species, and in fact human gestation is much longer than either. This is another example of false information being spread with a lack of regard for the truth.

          As to his analysis that war, disease and famine that results in human deaths have been all but done away with except armed conflict is patently false as well. Diseases are still killing people despite advances in medicine, in fact that is the essence of epidemiology. The Spanish Flu of the early 1900’s can still kill on a massive scale, if the conditions are right it will come back. I wouldn’t be so eager to consider medical advances as having eliminated the deadly effect of disease. Despite having advances in agriculture that have made an abundance of food crops a reality, this too is subject to weather and fungal infection, as well as insect infestation. Wars are inevitable as long as human beings continue to disrespect others and want to take territory from their neighbors, but looking at that as a consciously entered method of population control is absurd.

          And to this last part, I am truly awed by his anti-Semitic statement, “And by the way, Orthodox Judaic tradition, the well-spring of Christianity, does not consider abortion to be immoral or unethical. Their teachings were that a fetus was not a human being until it drew its first breath, as that first breath was what endowed it with a soul.”

          His lack of understanding of these faiths astounds me. The man has reduced the essence of Judeo Christian beliefs into his own summation of the teaching of the moment of life’s beginning. I have never heard of this differentiation between being a human being and not. I can bet you that the same funeral rites are performed for the stillborn children of Jewish faith whether they took that first breath or not. To suggest otherwise is inhuman. The conclusion he is drawing us to in this statement that Christianity and Judaism is on one had a specious claim and on the other hand absolutely ridiculous.

          I believe Mark N. should have stayed away from the computer on this one. His premise is completely flawed, and either ignorant, unreasoned or both. This is what reasonable people have to deal with in today’s world, a torrent of Illogical and poorly thought out arguments constructed of misinformation and outright falsehoods.

          I wish that our public school system would be restructured from Kindergarten through graduate school and be purged of any information that is not factual. Unfortunately three generations of students have been exposed to the worst that progressive liberal minds can churn out. I actually feel sympathy for people like Mark N who believe what they have been told is the truth turns out to be a pack of lies meant to manipulate them.

          For those who commit these offenses on the unsuspecting young people who have no choice but to attend this indoctrination, well, there is a special place in hell for them.

    • Diamonds are just an arrangement of carbon, one of the most plentiful elements on the planet.

      We’ve had technology to make diamond film for a few decades, and making bulk diamonds is getting easier and better (i.e. less flaws) all the time.

      Had DeBeers and co. not actively tried to suppress development, we might already have been using cheap bulk diamond in commercial and household, as well as industrial, applications. (smartphone screen anyone?)

      • Indeed, it is a legal requirement to include indicators in artificially create diamonds, because otherwise the only reliable way for a jeweler to determine that they were man-made is that they are too perfect/flawless. Given that the whole marketing approach to diamonds has long been about how perfectly flawless and long lived they are, and that artificial diamonds meet or exceed all of those traits, it is only by regulation and a change in marketing approach that natural diamonds can compete.

    • A Malthusian huh? Ehrlich has been claiming doom from over population was eminent (<10 years away) for over 50 years now and has always been wrong. Julian Simon kicked his ass in every encounter but people still buy Ehrlich's books and give him publicity.

      • Weird how as population rises over time that same time gives rise to newer and better tech (and better use of already existing tech).

        Just plain strange. It’s almost like he thinks we should be permanently stuck in the bronze age or something.

        • Perhaps the more people on the planet, the more advances are made. Sometimes the things that are best for us are counter-intuitive.

    • How many people is too many? And who gets to be the Arbiter of population? Try not to put yourself in the place of God. He said be fruitful and multiply. There isn’t a population problem. There’s a thinking problem. The Earth can sustain quite a bit more population. The problem is mostly governmental interference and people not being able to have the ability to grow their own food. With the growing technology that’s available nowadays there’s no reason people can’t grow their own food almost anywhere. Or have fresh clean drinking water.

      • Food isnt really the problem and hasn’t been for a couple decades. The problems are transport and refrigeration.

        The root problems there are on the two ends of the political spectrum. Government and lack of government. Africa is a prime example of both issues.

        • Africa is a prime example of Godless govt. and religion preventing any type of prosperity. You can chart the prosperity of a nation by how closely it follows the principles in the Bible in its govt. and religion. In the U.S. our prosperity is so great we have surpluses of just about everything. Just Google map of nations by GDP and then the same for Christian nations and you’ll see the correlation vividly and in color.

      • Could not care less how many people are in the rest of the world. There are at least 50million unassimilated twits In the US that need to go back there they came from. And it’s got nothing to do with the food supply

    • @Leighton Cavendish: I read a novel many years ago when I was still a kid, the premise of which was, some guy had a real resentment toward the diamond cartel and he plotted to steal the cache of uncut stones they kept in London to create “shortages” and high prices. He and his crew somehow snaked a giant vacuum hose into the vault and filled up a whole dump truck. They then spread them around in a gravel pit. I was down on diamonds after that, and since then the whole conflict/blood diamond thing has come out, so my position is that anybody that buys one is just a fool.

  2. We have been having this conversation since 1934! In the end it does not matter what any one individual thinks. The plain truth is that the second amendment brooks no arguement. I do not care to engage with anyone who wants to gut or eliminate it. I suffered through artillery barrages and small arms fire. I emerged from it with a stronger sense of self. Not a brag just fact. So I can’t relate to the writer. Plus the placement of the article in Huffpo automatically makes it suspect.

  3. Guns are your property. Just disassemble it and take a hammer to the individual pieces and there you have it — no gun. What? You want tax payers money for your unwanted gun? So I guess you aren’t all that serious.

    • Guess this guy doesn’t know how to operate a hammer or hacksaw, or maybe he is just too cheap. Does not want to take the loss, or could be just lying about the whole thing !

    • I agree. It’s not speed that causes most crashes. It’s speed difference and inattentiveness. Ask Germans about autobahn speed limits.

      • I have drove all over Europe. And Germany was without a doubt the SAFEST place to drive. I was there for years!

        Coming home gave me some serious road rage. Plus… the whole “PTSD” thing…. Anywho… a couple aggressive driving tickets later and I have driven in almost 25 states – regularly, not just passing through – (4 of which were before leaving the states as a youngin before the army)

        Currently in Montana, and without a doubt the WORST I have ever seen. No vehicle safety inspections, the roads are terrible, and NO CELL PHONE LAWS! people here are podunk as fuck, and the weather doesn’t help either.

        Damn… You got me started. Fucken drives me nuts… the negligence behind the wheel here. Even California, Texas and Virginia were not this bad. At least most states require yearly state inspections. In Montana, there is shit on the road that should not even be driven around a farm.

        • lol try being here in central australia. All the whites cars are in good nic but the Locals (read aboriginals, boongs or whatever you want to call them) cars are unregistered, definately unroadworthy, barely running and falling apart with broken windows including windshield and most of them are not even licensed. TBH licensing and regulation is just another taxation scam anyway

  4. We can’t have this discussion because some of us no longer believe one party is discussing anything in good faith, and further, are tired of being shouted at and told we’re bad people when we disagree.

    • There is no causal link between speed (in and of itself) and car accidents. In fact, the majority of accidents are rather low speed affairs.

      Just another huffypo chucklehead, who would be destroyed in a factual debate.

      As previously mentioned, TBI is unfortunate.

      • As a cop who has investigated a few traffic crashes, I can tell you most are caused by lack of attention and bad judgment. Drivers distracted by their cellphones, people making a turn who fail to evaluate the speed and distance of the vehicle ahead, folks who do not check their blind spots…Following too closely is also a big one.

        • Lars, lets not forget the motorons who ride in blind spots and follow too closely, and there’s the ones who pull into your lane without warning and slow down in front of you, just barely past the front bumper of your vehicle. I believe this got markedly worse when they stopped driver education in the schools. This happened about the same time that kids were being told by teachers that their parents were stupid, ignorant, and didn’t deserve respect.

          My daughter told me that was what her teacher told the class on the first day of fourth grade back in the late 1980’s.

          She’s always known right from wrong.

      • “There is no causal link between speed (in and of itself) and car accidents.”
        If speed were deadly, there would be no surviving astronauts.

    • @ No one of consequence

      “We can’t have this discussion because some of us no longer believe one party is discussing anything in good faith, and further, are tired of being shouted at and told we’re bad people when we disagree.”

      As most recently evidenced by the Kavanaugh hearing in the U. S. senate,no discussion,witch hunt and trials by the Left.

  5. How’s the war on drugs going?
    The notion that banning things makes them going away is the greatest folly that government’s have ever foisted upon citizens and subjects alike.
    Guns ultimately are merely projectile throwing devices, ban them ,we can make more, at home or in small shops across the land! Ban ammo, we can use air. Ban rifling, we can make the projectile spin!
    The only way to achieve such a goal is to have such a level of spying that would be unsustainable.Or the alternative is to ban all machines.

    • Well said. You find all kind of weapons in countries where the citizens don’t have anything even close to the 2A, and you find them in the hands of thugs. The only country able to use an efficient form of gun control is N.Korea, but again people cannot even buy the kind of food they want or pick a brand of toilet paper.

      • Well… corporate brands and advertisements are kind of a problem too if you really think about it 😉

        Yea, I hit that medium. No doubt N. Korea fucken suck tho…

  6. If you driving slower keeps your car from causing an accident, how about I don’t use my guns in crime. I won’t be perpetuating it, right? So far I am preventing dozens of guns from being misused every day. That number needs to be higher, so send me your money.

  7. At some point, we each have to be held accountable for our individual actions. – Army veteran Shane Hooper

    Of course Mr. Hooper will promptly declare how that universal idea does not apply to people who refuse to take responsibility for their own self-defense — which means his universal idea is not universal at all.

    Mr. Hooper and his ilk are weak (relatively speaking) because they go about life unarmed and unable to stop attackers from harming them. Rather than tool-up, be stronger, and fix their problem themselves, Mr. Hooper and his ilk demand that OTHER PEOPLE solve THEIR PROBLEM of being weak (where the “solution” is that OTHER PEOPLE disarm so that everyone is as weak as they are).

    • People like Hooper disgust me.

      Even worse, he uses that Veteran shit to gain recognition from the other weak willed simpletons. Fucken hate these tools who seem to forget it was a selfless service. Stop holding your fucken hands out. The government never gave a fuck about you. You were a tool to them. Whiney ass POG’s.

      Plus, the guy owns a fucken emotional support hamster.

  8. Sorry I ain’t clicking on huffpoo. And being an ex-soldier doesn’t mean dikk. I’m also fresh out of diamond’s which means my guns are more valuble than any diamond(they’re not rare-Russia is reportedly sitting on a trillion$ load).

    • People like Hooper disgust me.

      Even worse, he uses that Veteran shit to gain recognition from the other weak willed simpletons. Fucken hate these tools who seem to forget it was a selfless service. Stop holding your fucken hands out. The government never gave a fuck about you. You were a tool to them. Whiney ass POG’s.

      Plus, the guy owns a fucken emotional support hamster.

  9. I’m willing to bet if one were to check into Mr. Hooper’s DD214 we’d find he was a POG in a POG unit doing POG things while being a Fobbit. This is anecdotal I’m sure, but you really don’t see this kind of attitude among combat arms or even the POGs in combat arms units (yes they do have folks around that keep them from eating too many crayons and glue sticks). In fact, most of the troops harboring this kind of opinion are generally in career branches pertaining to clerical work or other career tracks that have very little to do with weapons. The ones that carry or are expected to know about the equipment normally turn out to be very pro 2nd amendment. I really wish somebody would hand me a few million dollars to study this relationship and either prove or disprove this link between a service member’s career track and their stance on firearms/politics but I doubt anyone will since it’d be an actual honest study and I’m not a scientist.

    • You are probably correct about Hooper being a POG. Usually when a veteran is a combat veteran, the writers of stories like this one highlight that a “combat” veteran wants to do something about “gun violence”. This writer does not point out that Hooper is a combat veteran.
      Also, it is hard to take any veteran seriously who has a therapy dog, regardless of MOS, but especially if a POG.

    • People like Hooper disgust me.

      Even worse, he uses that Veteran shit to gain recognition from the other weak willed simpletons. Fucken hate these tools who seem to forget it was a selfless service. Stop holding your fucken hands out. The government never gave a fuck about you. You were a tool to them. Whiney ass POG’s.

      Plus, the guy owns a fucken emotional support hamster.

  10. When their “War of Leftist Aggression” turns hot, all the diamonds in the world won’t save your ass. When the time comes to defend ourselves, our families and our country, from the feral leftists, the only things that will matter are:
    1)how much ammo you have for your rifles,
    2)are the carriers and plates sized correctly to fit your kids
    3)are the batteries charged for the PVS14s
    4)have you trained and coordinated locally with an “assault team”
    5)do you have the names, addresses and photos of the Liberal Terrorists™️ in your neighborhood/town.

  11. I don’t understand the problem. If someone does not want their guns any more and does not want to sell them, then take them to a police department in a liberal city and turn them in or have someone with a big band saw cut them up and put into a dumpster.

    But don’t try to make me feel guilty because I don’t want to dispose of my firearms and I want to protect myself and my family from the loonies out there or enjoy them for what ever reasons as a law abiding citizen enjoying my Second Amendment Rights.

    Oh and thank you President Trump for nominating and getting Justice Brett Kavanaugh confirmed as the newest member of the Supreme Court. I feel my Second Amendment Rights are considerably safer this morning.

  12. After reading half the article I think the problem isn’t too many guns in American society but to much estrogen in the bloodstream. Hormonal therapy should fix that.

    • The trend of dropping testosterone in men (and women) is currently thought to be driven by processed food, and the levels of many chemical compounds in drinking water which aren’t removed in the treatment process.

      We joke about it, but we really are feminizing men environmentally not to mention socially.


          You know we could debate for years on whether or not he’s a character actor or actually nuts but he is a funny and entertaining fellow if you go in and take nothing he says super seriously.

    • Too much residue of birth control pills in the potable water supply. Also many other products used by industry and food preparation and sales also when decomposing give off estrogen like chemicals.

      In addition to that, too many boys are being raised by females and that lowers testosterone as the child is growing.

      Obesity is also a testosterone lowering condition. Some says it’s a cause and some say it’s a symptom.

      A lot of our problems would be solved with men raising boys and girls. They should pass some laws that make it profitable instead of promoting single motherhood.

  13. Answer: because guns provide man a means to protect something much more valuable than diamonds… life.

  14. ” You could destroy guns all day long and it would not impact the guns in society….”

    Anybody else note the self-defeating sentence?

    If destroying guns “all day long” has no effect, why bother?

    Liberalism (including Dimowits) is a mental disorder. It is untreatable. It can only be quarantined.

  15. Stop your f’en whining ya damn puss, grab an angle grinder and destroy it yourself. Problem solved. I feel sorry for you that you are SO fragile that the shooting broke your brain and you can’t let it go. I would suggest you seriously rethink your breed choice for an emotional support animal too. The Schipperke is likely to be even more neurotic and has higher anxiety than you do. I don’t believe you would find many, if any at all, who has had one that would refer to them as a CALM breed of dog. As soon as I read that was what you had for your emotional support, I realized how f’ed up you must really be. But getting a dog that is more mentally unstable than yourself so you can feel more normal explains a lot of your mindset regarding gun ownership. I see that in your broken mental state that you have developed a phobia of people with weapons, not a phobia of guns themselves. You’ve turned into a little scaredy pants, crybaby, I get that. I would like to be more sensitive to your “feelings”, but I find I can’t bring myself to care that much to make the effort. The only thing more irrational than your fear is your desire to make guns just go away so you don’t have to be afraid anymore. GET HELP, you need it.

  16. “Guns aren’t diamonds so why give yours up”

    My article, if I gave a shit about his opinion enough to write one, would be titled,

    “My guns (the ones I had before the boating accident) are no danger to anyone, and furthermore are none of your business, so why would you ask me to give them up?”

    It’s a little wordy for a title, I know.

    How about I just make it a short story about my grandma. Here goes:

    “My grandmother lived to be 83 years old… by minding her fucking business. The end.”

  17. I can’t believe huffpo (which autocorrects to buffoon) would allow the words “accountable for own actions” to be published. The left really hates that concept.

  18. The analogy in this short article sucks…

    You don’t have to give up your guns to not take part in gang violence or shootings and thus aren’t a part of the problem anyway.

  19. It’s not about reducing crime- or progressives wouldn’t be protecting violent criminal illegal aliens.

    It’s not about reducing deaths- or progressives wouldn’t be encouraging the deaths of millions of the unborn.

    It’s not about guns being turned on their owners- or progressives wouldn’t have hired gun hands to protect them.

    Eliminate all other logical reasons to ban guns and you are left with the truth that it’s all about eliminating armed resistance to a tyrannical government. The kind of tyranny where citizens could be tried without a presumption of innocence (Kavenah hearings) or peaceful protesters are violently attacked by mobs funded and fomented to violence by political opposition (Berkeley, SC, LA, Seattle, Portland). Tyranny is the rule not the exception. Progressives have the same obstacle to power as did the Japanese in WWII. Americans are armed and we love our freedoms!

  20. YES Iam going to keep my guns,,, An my Suppresors too, Becaues as the world today is going, your going to have to protect your self,,,,, Iam not going to be some sheep

  21. Actually this is such a stupid example she gave – re: driving – because if we all resolved to drive more carefully there definitely *would* be a reduction in vehicular fatalities, injuries and damage.

  22. Sure, this argument might make sens to some people – but put them in a survival situation against larger, stronger, 2-on-1, etc… Offer them a single shot .22 or a million dollars worth of diamonds.
    I have had to survive, and I would not have traded my carry gun for all the diamonds in the world during those moments.

  23. i wonder if the rest of what shane hooper said to HuffBlowis as mind-numbingly idiotic as the excerpt in this article.

    no, you do not get a pass on idiocy because you are a vet. Vets are like everyone else in that they have a wide range of opinions and a wide range of intelligence.

  24. No, my gun is not a diamond. Ten of my guns would not be worth a diamond. However, a diamond cannot defend your life and family. A diamond cannot take down game to feed yourself and your family. A diamond cannot defend your property against thieves. A diamond, while sparkling with light and beauty, while extremely hard, while extremely valuable, is worthless in a fight against a drug fueled junkie, or an Islamic terrorist, or a totalitarian government.

    • diamonds are really a stupid purchase that we’ve all been tricked into buying in to. men spend thousands to buy their fiancés a little hard trinket of rock that just sits there doing nothing except tell everyone approximately how much money a person has tied up in a rock.

      the universe is teaming with diamonds. on earth, we dig up about 57,000 lbs of natural diamonds and lab create another 200,000 lbs every year. diamond jewelry is literally nothing but polished rocks.

    • You could sale your jewels and hire armed security, and with enuff “diamonds” you could probably buy the tyrants. Silly Rabbits

      • “..with enuff “diamonds” you could probably buy the tyrants.”

        Don’t we have evidence from WW2 that such is not so?

  25. Yup, sorry, once you’ve purchased a gun from a rightful owner you’ve sent money into the industry and it can’t be undone. You can destroy the gun, but that doesn’t undo the original purchase. In fact destroying an unwanted gun rather than selling helps manufacturers by preventing a used one from hitting the market, so that’s one more they won’t have to compete with to sell new.

  26. I do not give a fuck about diamonds, gold or jewels. I’d rather have a box of creedmoreeo’s

  27. “….At some point, we each have to be held accountable for our individual actions”


    So why are you and all of f the gun control groups trying to blame all gun owners collectively?

    Or do your ideas only apply to some people and not others?

    • You cannot spell politics without “Hypocrisy”, “Greed” and “Tyranny”.

      /Comment section.

  28. Okay… so since someone can just go buy a new gun from the store instead of my old one if I sell it, what’s the point of destroying it, again? Feelies?

    I guess it slightly drives up the price of guns but it also puts more money into the gun industry. Seems pretty stupid all around.

  29. My first though was he lied in every word.

    I’d be shocked to find that any part of this story is true.

    If, admittedly, there are more guns than people, and more guns each day than the day before, then there can be no harm in selling an unwanted gun, and further, by supplying a buyer with a used gun, the demand for new ones is decreased some small bit.

    Though Hopper admits he wants one of his guns destroyed for emotional purposes, which seems odd, but I’ll allow him that, why hasn’t he taken a hammer to it? How many swings before the receiver caves In? How many to deform the chamber or crack the barrel? If what he wants is for someone else to destroy it, why hasn’t he hired it done? Why didn’t the HUFFPO reporter offer to do it for him? The whole thing is a non issue, a made up problem that no one actually has, or at least no sane person has.

    As for the $3000 AR owner…its a sunk cost, if you keep the rifle, you’re still out the money…but worse, most of the value of the rifle must be in parts other than the lower receiver…sell those and smash the lower if you really want to have your cake and eat it too.

    As for the fellow with the felony revolver…would you keep this gun around? Would you advertise having it? Here again, a few minutes work with a hammer and the gun would be scrap, why all the failed effort?

    Aside from Hooper, I don’t believe these people exist. As for Hooper, he wants to keep one gun and have someone else destroy the other? Illogical, but surely he could have accomplished this with less effort that seeking out HUFFPO to interview him about it. Its almost like he’s actually seeking something besides the destruction of the shotgun…

    It doesn’t flow very well, but I can’t let this go without pointing out the pitiful whining and utter lack of self sufficiency demonstrated in the article. Are we to believe both that there are significant numbers of gun owners who wish for their arms to be destroyed who also cannot figure out how to accomplish said destruction? I don’t believe it, and I’m insulted that someone thinks I might.

    • It’s all a load of bull.

      I read the article before it got posted here, and the basic premise is it’s legally complicated to destroy a gun with a bunch of other BS adhered to that central concept.

      The only thing difficult is gun grabbers being idiots. There is LITERALLY a .pdf on the BATFE website explaining how to legally destroy a firearm, not to mention in most places, even if you don’t perform the BATFE de-milling process per spec. You can functionally destroy your property all day and night unless you are the moron who creates and SBR on youtube because you understand essentially nothing about firearms and the law in the US.

      Look fro the part with the serial number on it. Cut it up. BATFE requires the use of a torch and forbids the use of a band saw. I’d argue that an angle grinder would have a large enough kerf to prevent reassembly for those legally in possession who simply want it to be unusable, rather than be BATFE compliant.

  30. “Some Americans want to give up their guns…but it’s complicated.”

    No, it’s not complicated. You give up yours if you want. Easy, peasy. I’ll keep mine. And maybe yours too, if you don’t want them.

    But that’s the kicker, isn’t it — you don’t want anyone to have guns.

  31. That’s a lot of incoherent for only five sentences.

    Diamond in the rough as a writer, I think.

  32. Why not give mine up? Because I am not a sheep to be slaughtered.

    Giving up guns will not make the criminals unarmed, the physically powerful – less powerful or make the police protect me while the crime is taking place.

    • “An article filled with very stupid things people say.”

      Sometimes my stuff is stupider, but a few folks don’t get the gag.

  33. You want my gun or guns, come by, like an adult and make me an offer, who knows, I might say DEAL. When and if it comes down to you saying that I should not have one or as many as I might desire, and purchase, nobody asked for your opinion, so take it and yourself and go elsewhere. I don’t much care where, so long as it is away from me, as far away as can be managed.

  34. If you’re too crazy/stupid to own a firearm you should see Dr. Kevorkian because you probably are not safe with a knife and fork, a car or a computer.
    Widows who dispose of a husband’s guns after his death don’t increase public safety or their own.
    1,000 years ago before gun were invented tyrants killed millions of people who were unavle to defend themselves, their livestock or possessions.

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