By Matt Magliacane
Canik is known for delivering a lot of bang for the buck. Their ONE Series TP9SF Elite 9mm is no exception, and it may even be the exemplar.
The TP9SF Elite is a striker-fired, single action semi-automatic pistol. The TP9 series borrows heavily from the tried-and-true Walther P99 series. Its 15+1 round capacity places it in the “compact” category alongside the GLOCK 19, Walther P99/PPQ, S&W M&P9 M2.0 Compact, etc.
That said, it is a large pistol and feels substantial in the hand.

The polymer frame features stippling texture on the sides of the grip serration nubs on the front and back straps. The grip angle is wrist-friendly, and I am able to maintain a full, three-finger grip with my medium-sized hands.
The grip angle is, in my opinion, much improved compared to a GLOCK for comfort and a natural point of aim. There are no finger grooves. The combination of grip angle, length, and texture strike the sweet spot for the price.
The Canik’s grip offers just enough purchase to ensure proper control in adverse conditions while avoiding, for example, the overly abrasive sandpaper texture of some pistols. The dust cover features textured “memory points” for parking your index finger when you aren’t ready to fire.
The square trigger guard features serrations on the front for those who like to rest a weak side finger there. Three Picatinny rail slots lie ahead of the trigger guard for lights, lasers, and chainsaw bayonets.

Rather than using the ambidextrous paddle magazine release found on other TP9s, H&Ks, and Walthers, the TP9SF Elite mag release is of the standard push-button American variety and can be reversed to the right side for you lefties.
The polymer trigger contains a red blade safety (drop safeties are also present inside). Long, Germanic slide release/lock arms flank both sides for ambidextrous control. I love the shape and position of these levers. While they are easy to actuate to send the slide home, I have yet to accidentally hit them and prevent slide lock-back.
(Note that the TP9SF Elite “S” features an additional trigger block safety that resembles a magazine release paddle.)

The TP9SF Elite’s show-stopping feature is its trigger. A clear indication of its Walther P99 pedigree, the TP9SF Elite features a smooth, crisp, and light trigger pull with a very short, tactile reset.
There’s no mush, imprecision, or drag as one may experience with other striker fired triggers. Similarly, it lacks the hard wall I have experienced on first-gen M&Ps that tend to throw your shot to the left of target.
The Canik TP9SF Elite’s trigger has an initial soft take-up that reaches a wall before breaking like a fresh kettle-cooked potato chip. Reset distance is negligible, making rapid follow-up shots a breeze.
It only takes a slight partial rack of the slide to reset the trigger. Try out the trigger on one of these if you ever have the chance. It may well tempt the hammer-fired aficionados among us.
Sitting atop the polymer frame is a Tungsten Cerakote-finished steel slide. It makes for an attractive two-tone finish without the stark contrast of polished stainless against a black frame. Cocking serrations are found forward and aft, and the slide contouring behind the chamber acts as another convenient area to grasp.
The TP9SF Elite is equipped with a set of Warren Tactical sights. The rear sight is an all-black U-notch, and the front is a red fiber optic rod within a black post.

Those of you who suffer from astigmatism and the imperfect correction granted by toric contact lenses will appreciate the sight picture. For my less-than-stellar eyes, the fiber optic red dot up front seems to cut through the multiple focal planes better than a traditional three-white-dot sight picture.
The front fiber optic pipe is on the small side, trading some brightness for a better view of your target inside the U-notch.

The TP9SF Elite packs a 4.2” barrel. Century Arms bills it as “match grade.” I will take their word for it from initial testing with offhand shooting at 20 yards with the aforementioned eyes.

The barrel features a nicely polished feed ramp. The sturdy, captured recoil spring soaks up the recoil on spicier varieties of 9x19mm.
In the Box
The Canik TP9SF Elite ships with two 15-round magazines, an outside-the-waistband paddle holster with retention release, bore brush and cleaning rod rods, the obligatory trigger lock, changeable back strap, a magazine loader, and extra red and green fiber optic pipes for the front sight – all inside a hard plastic case.

This would make for a great starter kit, particularly for the price point, providing a new shooter everything he needs except cleaning solvents and ammunition.
The included magazine loader was greatly appreciated in convincing the new double-stack magazines to submit during the initial range session. The holster is sturdy, adjustable for cant, and perfectly suited to open carry or, for those with broad shoulders, concealed carry under a jacket.
A punch is included to change back straps, though I have not found any need to deviate from the stock configuration. The instruction manual is complete with clear color photos, and an additional disassembly instruction card is included (new owners should pay attention to the unique, but easy, slide removal procedure).
On the Range
After an initial field strip, inspection, and dozens of slide racks and dry fires, I took my new TP9SF Elite to an indoor range. I cycled 200 rounds of new Sellier & Bellot 124gr FMJ through the gun and encountered a single malfunction. It was magazine-related.
One of the magazines would only hold 14 rounds instead of 15. Compelling it to accept a fifteenth round, I attempted a full magazine +1 test. It would not cycle the second round after firing and ejecting the first.
Repeating the full magazine +1 test with the second magazine ran without a hitch. No other malfunctions or oddities were encountered. The ejection pattern was uremarkable, with no hot brass down the shirt or in the face (early models suffered weak extraction when end users ran domestic commercial ammunition with the TP9SF Elite’s NATO-spec action spring).
Point of aim required a slight adjustment as the gun was shooting a few inches left out of the box. Lacking tools to loosen and drift the rear sight, I resorted to Kentucky Windage for the duration of the range visit.
First up, a 9” target at 20 yards, standing, and without support – 15/15:

Next, another 9” target at 25 yards, standing, and without support – 11/15 hits:

Despite my difficulty obtaining a perfect sight picture thanks to astigmatism, I was thoroughly impressed.
A second outing with a couple of hundred more pills of 115 grain Blazer Brass resulted in no malfunctions of any kind. The “bad” magazine seemed to have its spring break in with the additional use. It happily accepted a full 15 rounds.
I knew I could be taking a gamble in opting for the Canik over ze German perfection that is the tried and true Walther P99AS. The results so far have assuaged my fear that I was ordering a subpar facsimile.
Fit and finish, machining, and performance are all top notch. The price was right, and I didn’t need to shell out extra for usable sights. Value for value, the Canik TP9SF Elite is a clear standout in an increasingly crowded budget plastic fantastic 9mm market.
Specifications: Canik TP9SF Elite
Caliber: 9x19mm
Capacity: 15+1, Two 15-round magazines included
Weight: 28.2oz w/ empty magazine
Barrel Length: 4.2”
Sight Radius: 6.5”
Overall Length: 7.25”
Height: 5.25”
Maximum Width: 1.45”
Sights: Warren Tactical rear black U-notch, front fiber optic
Controls: Ambidextrous slide release/stop; reversible magazine release; no external safety
Price: About $320 retail
Ratings (out of five stars):
Reliability: * * * * *
Except for one early magazine-induced failure, the TP9SF Elite has been completely reliable. Excellent machining, a factory-polished feed ramp, and a tried-and-true design deliver smooth and predictable feeding, extraction, and ejection. Cerakote on the metal surfaces ensures protection against sweat-induced corrosion for those wishing to carry IWB.
Accuracy: * * * *
Preliminary testing has demonstrated that the TP9SF Elite delivers more than sufficient accuracy for casual, competitive, or defensive use. While this is no custom match-grade handgun, the TP9SF Elite will likely out-shoot its owner. The light, crisp trigger pull allows for a precise first strike and rapid, accurate follow-up shots. There was no need to resort to corrective training or an aftermarket trigger to achieve stellar down-range results off the rack.
Ergonomics: * * * *
While not quite possessing CZ or Walther PPQ ergonomics, the TP9SF Elite is very comfortable in the hand. Controls are large and easy to manipulate. Grip texture, cocking serrations, and textured controls create a great out-of-the-box package that won’t require skateboard tape or aftermarket fixes to ready the handgun for service.
Customization: * * *
While there’s some inherent customization options with the included changeable back straps and fiber optic pipes, the TP9SF Elite can’t hold a candle to the levels of aftermarket support that GLOCK or S&W owners enjoy. Century Arms offers various magazine sizes from other TP9 models, and Warren Tactical (among other brands) offer alternate sighting systems. A factory-milled optical sight cut would have been helpful (now standard on the sub-compact model).
Overall: * * * *
For approximately half the price of its German ancestor, the TP9SF Elite delivers incredible value. The trigger alone separates the TP9SF Elite from its budget-minded competitors, and it will hold up favorably with most factory offerings from the bigger names in the business.
The magazines come loaded in the case? Sweet 😉
No Turkish gun for me. Coffee? may be.
Same here, Turkey is not a friend of the US.
Turkey is still a “third world” county, why would i trust their technology? I would not even buy Chinese made guns.
It’s a Turkish company that makes CZ’s OU shotguns. I think they make some Beretta shotties too. As for Chinese guns, please don’t buy them. The lower the demand, the less I have to pay for quality firearms.
Says who? The mainstream media?
While we can all pick and choose what country of origin our pistols are manufactured, keep in mind that there aren’t that many US makers now. SIG is originally German, and has the existing US contract for military handguns, previously, it was Beretta, from Italy. As for good ol’ Colt, it’s now owned by a Czech company, CZ. LEO firearms in the past were largely supplied by Glock, and before that, we find S&W, using a design borrowed from the Walther P38 and submitted for the 1954 Army Pistol Trials.
As for Turkey, they WERE admitted into NATO. In point of fact, Turks were emigrating into Germany and were a significant work force at Mercedes Benz and Volkswagen plants as far back as the 1960’s – they as a people are notably absent from the shenanigans of political terrorism over the decades, vs Syrians, Iraqis, Palestinians, Saudis, etc. It’s NOT a monolithic block of terrorism in the Mid East any more than Left Coast represents MO, KS, AR, FL, TX, etc.
Canik is owned by a major supplier to the large aircraft assemblers – Boeing, Airbus, Martin Lockheed. Erdogan doesn’t want to lose that business by having sanctions against his national exports due to some contrived excuse. Unlike Clinton, who blocked sales of Norinco in the US in exchange for the entire Walmart corporation stocking Chinese goods. Keep that in mind standing in line for the next two boxes of .22 – more profits go to China thru Walmart. Who really supports terrorism? China is the owner and operator of Iranian power and is directly helping build their nuclear industry, Iran is the country shipping missles to North Korea.
As for the actual handguns used by ISIS? Keep in mind, when you are trying to source thousands at a time, a secret contract under the table is completely exposed after the first firefight. Weapons collected from the dead hands of ISIS are what count – and the top handguns used by them are the Beretta M9, Glock, Makarof, and HiPower. Existing guns imported by other nations into the Mid East as “military aid” to nations allied to their suppliers.
Goes to the combat rifles, too – Ak’s, M16/M4, M14, FNFAL, SKS, Dragunov, SVD, and Mosin Nagant. KEEP IN MIND that Obama supplied PALLETS of cash to finance ISIS and they bought what was on the market – to destroy their opponents and then take their weapons.
Bluntly, it’s :highly uninformed: to suggest Turkey has much to do with ISIS at all, and so far, very little of that regions war has affected Turkey directly nor has ISIS attempted to infiltrate their society. Look to Germany and France for that – millions of SYRIANS moved there, and now contribute to the largest faction raping women and burning churches.
So, make your own decision about what guns you might prefer to purchase – SIG was a preferred supplier to the Wehrmacht during WWII, which does not reflect credibly in their history, and our taxpayer financed Berettas, Colt M4’s and FN M16A2’s are given as military aid to our allies who trade, supply, and sell them as the circumstances allow. WE were a major supplier to ISIS, cash, guns, and politics during a previous administration. Own it.
Dayum tirod3!
Well done!
I shot a similar version of this gun. had a decocker making it a da/sa striker fire. It was a sweet shooting pistol and I liked the safety of the decocker and the second strike capability. Canik sells Good guns.
I am proud of how the gun community. I would not buy a Turkey gun. Might as well slap ISIS on the side of it. (I know they have our systems too, regardless. Turkey is a enemy of the USA.
“I am proud of how the gun community. I would not buy a Turkey gun.”
You’re proud of how the gun community… what?
Does what? Is what?
Just his incoherent attempt at maligning Turkey (Turkey bad, blah, blah). None of these Turkey trashers have a problem with AK variants, even though the Soviets were a far graver enemy of the US. Frankly I don’t give a damn where the gun comes from, if it’s top quality and the price is right.
Current mood on the country of origin ranges from uninformed to plainly bigoted.
I might remind those who prefer other firearms companies to consider that even our current supplier for the Army handgun is a derivative of a German company, and their products were definitely used to further the Wehrmacht, herd people into cattle cars, and later, into gas chambers.
Ahhh, but youth is ignorant. Today, it’s all about ISIS. A paramilitary army organized and funded thru the actions of our 44th President. There’s a reason he sent pallets of cash by direct flight to the Mid East.
Our previous issue service pistol was Italian. It was a decent firearm, what made the final choice was keeping an Airborne Brigade and Med refueling stating in Italy. In comparison, that appears as polite negotiations.
Canik is an aerospace company supplying to Airbus, BOEING, and LOCKHEED MARTIN, has earned an ISO rating, and also earned NATO qualification to supply service pistols – which are also used by the Turkish Army.
You may not want to buy a Canik, fine, it’s America and by God, we buy what we damn well please. Just keep in mind if you get on a Boeing to see family or do business you may well be flying with Canik parts, tho. And it never even crossed your mind.
At least make a fully informed decision, it helps to appreciate the irony of thread like this.
Everyone said it better than me would. Turkey is for eating, Juan Valdez and his donkey is for coffee.
The original Canik was a copy of the Walther P99. Both are pre-loaded striker fired pistols and like all such weapons including the Glock they have very weak ignition systems. My testing proved this beyond all doubt. Its one of the reasons the U.S. Military chose the Sig P320 over the Glock because the Sig 320 has a full cock striker system.
The pistol in the above article seems to lack the double action first shot capability and re-strike capability of the original Canik and ditto for the Walther P99. This makes this new model that has no double action pull unsafe to carry and handle.
My original Watlher P99 (as well as my Wather P88 which was ever tighter) had a very tight chamber which was a concern for ammo that was up to speck such as using handloads. In other words even the slightest pressure ridge from a sized cases would jam the gun up tight. It did not like aluminum or steel case ammo because of this either. I seriously doubt the Canik is built to the German made close tolerances so this pistol many not have the Wathers problems of tolerance that are too tight.
As one can see in the targets that were fired in this article the accuracy does not even come close to the very good accuracy of the Walther P99.
I would have considered buying the original Canik tp9 if I was on a budget but not this newer single action gun because it lacks the double action safety feature.
” This makes this new model that has no double action pull unsafe to carry and handle.”
Going out on a limb here…Keep your booger hook off the bang switch.
Visit your local graveyard. A lot of Glock owners are there. As well as Morons that tried carrying and handling a revolver at full cock in single action mode. No difference between a pistol like the Glock and a revolver with the hammer cocked back. The low I.Q. people cannot understand this. Darwinism eliminates both of them sooner than later.
“…carrying and handling a revolver at full cock in single action mode.”
Balderdash! Where do you get your “facts”?
Recently I researched the history of the Demersville Cemetery (a local historical society has compiled a fascinating list of the persons buried there…with a synopsis on each including causes of death). Not a one of the persons interred there passed from carrying or handling a revolver at full cock in single action mode.
You have zero credibility on any firearm issue.
I am far from being a Glock fanbois and even I will admit that they are very safe and reliable. Now, if you were to damn the factory sights and “sproingy” trigger then we might have a basis for agreement..
“This is my safety”
Tough road ahead convincing many s police force to give up their Glocks. I prefer other brands for other reasons.
The Canik is a neat gun, I wish Turkey was a better Ally…
I don’t think I would ever consider a Canik when pistols like the M&P 2.0 and CZ P10C not much more these days. Warranty support and parts availability would be a possible concern also.
I simply prefer the pistols you listed. Sigh… Get them on the Cali roster!
Am I the only one rolling my eyes and groaning upon hearing the name of this decidedly low-end of the gun line being called ‘Elite’?
This kinda smacks of like how that other low-end gun called itself ‘Honor Guard’.
C’mon, is marketing that difficult a job these days?
But what does Jeremy S. Say about this gun?
You’re missing a key part of this whole thing in your review. The “One” part of it is that it includes only one magazine and the pistol in the box, hence the price point. I think you’ve confused the review with the regular TP9SF Elite which comes with two mags and some extra crap about $70–80 higher price point.
I believe Trader is correct. The gun being described isn’t the correct gun. The gun only comes with one Mag and no loader for that price point. The more you pay, the more you get with these gun packages. I was getting upset I didn’t get the rest of my gear until Trader pointed out you were incorrect in your description. You can not find the gun you are describing for that price point.
I don’t care for Turkey either but it is a good gun.
Sorry it’s from the caliphate…Honest Outlaw just named the Taurus G3 the 2nd best new gun of 2019. And TFB gave it a glowing review among others. For 250 bucks and 2 magazines. And their headquarter’s just moved to Georgia. There IS a moderately priced Girsan with a built-in red dot I like but sadly also Erdogan-land…Merry CHRISTmas everyone!
I can’t see myself ever owning anything from Turkey. It would just make me feel dirty.
Prefer not to support Sultan Yip-yip the First.
I am simply not going to buy a firearm made in Turkey when so many quality handguns are produced here.
Just buy a Walt her ppq
Well, the Turkey bashers did not disappoint me.
I’d rather see my exmominlaw sans clothing than buy a Turkish made anything.
To all the Turkey Trashers…. Good functional Tech at great prices?? Works. There are dozens of countries that don’t like US either, yet they use the M4’s and fly our helos and jets… The most important part of that equation is putting lead downrange where it’s needed. I’ve been using my Canik TP9SFX for about 5 years… long before the G3 was announced. My CCW is a G2C…. NOT as accurate but much easier to carry. The TP9SFX with a Vortex is everything you could ever need for accuracy and consistent operation. Didn’t have money to waste on other “up-scale” hardware… Quite often the choice you have to make…. and LIVE with. Merry Christmas!!
Truth. It’s a damn good gun. I was a Walther fanatic. Was. I really dig the Canik, I don’t really care where it comes from, only what I can do with it.
i have a yardstick that was made in turkiye. sadly, they don’t make them any longer.
me ol’ lady just inherited a building in istanbul (her old man stowed away to escape to here; loong sturry). only city in the world on two continents.
that’s enough turkcrap for one family.
The Canik is often compared to the Walther P99 and PPQ M2 pistols. It’s not but a facade of either gun. While it has its similarities, accuracy and trigger pull/reset are a shadow of the PPQ’s real trigger. Do yourself a favor, save for a couple of more months and buy the real deal. This is but a fair clone of a much better gun.
Support Terror & Turkey Terrorist funding & Rape of Women & Children…. buy a junk Canik Terrorist Gun build by Terrorist for Terrorist!
As A Taurus and M&P guy I wouldn’t own a Glock or this POS gun, Turkey or no Turkey.
Keep in mind that the Turkish government also struggles and fights terrorists as well. Granted, the president changes all the time because of the volatility, they are a NATO country that is a buffer zone to separate western society and the middle east. Because of so, they get the brunt of the conflict with Islamic terrorism.
It is the same as people from Switzerland saying they won’t buy US made guns because we support terrorism because of the Clintons.
Also, Canik makes parts for Boeing and Airbus planes, how many are going to start refusing taking flights?
I got one and I put shoot my buddy’s with Kimbers and Glocks ….. it’s just a good pistol for a good price!
I bought a TP9SF Elite LNIB for $250… went to the range and it runs like a top… I have tools made in China that work just fine.. thus, a Canik is just a tool that works…
Don’t like it? DON’T BUY ONE!
I have this Canik TP9SF One series non elite model. Runs damn fine. Often better than my Glock 23 or 17. Blows my Taurus G3 out of the water. Don’t understand all the Turkey hate here. They are our “crappy” but necessary NATO partners who are literally the wall between the middle east and the rest of western society. And outside a few incidents of them being shits because NATO won’t send them aid they made a reliable firearm.
Canik TP9SF
Eat your butter eat your chicken turkey turkey all day and all night
It’s not where she comes from but does she ride like a monkey
This pistol shoots Do not get involved in Government brain wash
People from all over the world are born good. Government ruins us
Live free own a pistol that works for you
God decides
I have a Canik sf9 elite. I am 66 and frankly I find it difficult to rack. I can do it, its just a pain. The recoil spring is very tight on Mine. Canik assures me that it will be easier to rack as it breaks in. I have also seen several videos of this gun having stovepipe problems. Caniks solution to this is a pack of recoil springs, one painted blue on the end with an L on it for lower power, and one red with an H on it for higher power. These were designed to help with the ejection issues. The gun is designed to take 124 grain nato ammo, not the 115 americans usualy use. If I keep having trouble with it, I will sell it and Buy a M&P 2.0 9 MM with a 15 round magazine, expandable to 20. Either that or a Ruger with a hammer. I am one of those that prefer a safety on my gun also and the canik does not have one.
I have three Walther P99 AS (love ’em!) a Walther PPQ Q4 Steel Frame, and a PPQ M1, along with three HK’s (P30L, P30SK, and VP9). I have sold all my Sig’s 229’s and numerous Sphinx SPD’s for various reasons, and my Styer pistol was a complete failure. My S&W M&P was unmemorable, and a FN pistol I owned was quite good, but not THE ONE for me. Oh, and I hate Glocks.
You guys that think a Canik is a bad pistol need to shoot one. In fact, Canik is an EXCELLENT pistol, and I have the experience and ownership to know the difference. If Canik was manufactured by a US or German company and sold for $200-300 more than it does, you would all be talking about what a great pistol it is. Who cares who makes it? Do you own anything from CHINA in your home? OF COURSE YOU DO (like 1/2 of everything in your house!). I have an Arsenal SAM7SF, and I could care less that Russian is the fatherland of the AK-47. I am a Walther fanatic, and the Canik is an outstanding brand and makes GREAT pistols. The only thing I would like to see Canik do different is a paddle mag release. Pull your head out and try being unbiased, and you’ll probably like your Glock a little less and the Canik a lot more. Not capable of being objective? Sorry, I cannot help you.
As for the comment above by Bob… “I am 66 and frankly I find it difficult to rack. I can do it, its just a pain. The recoil spring is very tight on Mine. Canik assures me that it will be easier to rack as it breaks in”… go buy yourself any of the HK P30’s and know that they rack and shoot as easy as anything you will get your hands on, and it is also why I bought my 18 year old daughter a HK P30SK. Cheers.
As a guy who drove a Japanese car when they, were still suspect because the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor, and love Mauser actions, I have no problems with a Canik. On the other hand I do have problems with politicians that are trying to destroy our Constitution. I shot a Canik several years ago, when an on line dealer was selling them for under $200.00 but was too stupid to buy one then. Now that they have made a name for themselves there are other proven guns for about the same money. I guess I’ll stick with an S&W, as I have an N frame with thousands of rounds through it and sent it to S&W on the off chance they would fix the wear problem. They basically returned a new gun at give away prices. Service like that deserves loyalty.
I also have 2 S&W’s. Good guns. The canik has been broken in and works fine now, no problems with it at all now. Just needed a few dozen rounds of 124 nato ammo to loosen it up. I shoot the canik at least twice a month at a range, i even can shoot one handed with it, as I practice that. In a real life situation you may have to shoot one handed so I practice it.
P.S. The Optic sights are really good, easy to line up on target. The Trigger is one of the best I have ever seen.
I’ve owned SIGS, Glocks, Smiths and everything else and for the money the Caniks are the best value. I have to laugh at the Turkey haters and this misguided hostility focused on a country that is part of NATO and allows the U.S. to set up air bases in their country. I have an Elite and an SFX and they outshoot most other semis, are reliable and bargain-priced. If you want to play politics, why are you buying HK’s, Walthers and Glocks, home of our deadly enemy in WWII?
I bought this same gun recently and I do not regret it. It’s a fun gun to shoot. If it goes bang every time and is comfortable to shoot, I’m for it. Besides Sleepy China Joe is going to block import guns, so you better get one now if you can. It is a great firearm for when the zombies come.
Kevin, just an update: The Zombies are already here, I drive by Starbucks and there are groups of them standing around, staring at their phones.
I read a lot of “copy of a Walther P99” and at first glance it appears so.
In this day and age of derivative engineering – or, what the industry has been doing for hundreds of years, “can we copy that legally now?”, Walther’s P99 brings a lot of other gun features to the table.
Different backstraps for different grips? One much older comes to mind, the 1911. I was reasearching the features and mechanical design when someone smacked me in the forehead with that – it’s one of the specific and obvious changes to make the A1 designation.
Barrel hood lockup to the slide – because modern guns quit using the interior locking lugs that didn’t actually do much of that, most and once again, the 1911 comes to mind, it’s something you pay dearly for in blood sweat tears or bucks to accomplish. That and eliminating the swing link is what tightens up that ancient design to get accuracy, as so many 1911 shooters for precision well know. A firearm that starts out with the problem solved then starts with a higher accuracy baseline other things being equal. Who came up with barrel hood locking and no swing link as a system? SIG Sauer in the 70’s. Most do that now – I’d like to see a 1911 with that.
Polymer frame? Not Glock, HK did that with the VP70 of the same decade, a ray gun styled but innovative firearm that proved the concept. Glock just copied it to lower prices, increase profitability, and drive the typically slow to change or innovate American makers out of LEO sales.
Double stack magazine? Back to the past again, search for “Savage 99”, and hunting rifle with a 4 round in action magazine that staggered them. From there it was simply a matter of time before it was used in handguns, and the Browning HiPower did that. You know, the design Browning was working on trying to get past all the patented features of the Colt 1911 he sold off. Goes to, when you paint yourself into a corner, THEN you really get cooking, and the HiPower has been much more influential in combat handgun design.
Last but certainly not least, the trigger – a GLOCK SAFE action design, and no, striker fired weapons are certainly no weak or insufficient. We have moved to them to eliminate the more obvious flaw of an exposed hammer – impact can and will cause negligent discharges. On the other hand, all too many do not heed Glock’s very specific warning about holsters – use only hard sided trigger enclosures. Never use flexible leather or woven fabrics with any single action or double action only handgun that doesn’t have a separate safety. Keep loose clothing away from the holster when reholstering, don’t practice “combat reholstering” the way some instructors insist be done to amplify their training time, and inspect those holsters as regulary as you clean the weapon. Weekly.
“Copy of the P99?” Not so much, copy of the 1911, HiPower, Glock, SIG and a few others made long ago. It might be a way to inform the consumer about what the firearm seems to look like, but it drastically understates how much designers borrow from each other and as quickly as they legally can. If you need another example, look to Ruger who copied the Keltec P3AT, while not actually achieving a better end result. With Canik, we at least get a price point, more mags, holster included (hard trigger guard, hmm) ISO rated operating system, NATO certified, cleaning kit, mag loader. Now if Canik could just add a coupon for a years worth of 9mm at 35c a round, it would golden.
I own a Canik Elite and it’s just as good, if not better than my Glock and my M&P. It shoots just as good as them and it has better ergonomics. It is just as reliable and probably more accurate. I like them all equally but the value of the Canik out of the box is amazing. The Canik comes with parts that would be considered aftermarket upgrades on any other brand. I love the Elite. Give it a try. You won’t regret it.
Personally, I don’t give a rat’s patootie where a gun is made, as long as it functions properly. I have no brand loyalty. If the gun runs, and is priced right, I don’t care who’s name is on it. The Chiappa Triple Crown shotgun is made in Turkey, along with several other “name brand” firearms. The Turks take pride in their work, and just because their facilities are based in Turkey, does NOT mean the gun makers are in any way affiliated with ISIS, the Taliban, al-Qaeda, or any other terrorist organizations. They are mostly all ISO 9001 companies, and NATO certified/approved. Get a clue, people, not all middle east companies are evil doers for the bad guys.
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