Sorry today’s meme is late! As a newly single man, my schedule’s a bit different these days. Maybe I’ll find me a lady like this one. Not sure I’d ignore her like that dude, though. Hmmm.



  1. I know the wife’s body language and the folded arms of the woman definitely tell me she’s pissed at him for something and from the look on his face, he knows that he deserves to for her to be pissed at him and doesn’t know how to make it up to her. (Try “I’m sorry”, dude for a start.).

    • He probably used the wrong garbage bag or something unforgivable like that. I’m old enough to remember when getting another woman pregnant was a very very bad thing that might not get forgiven. Nowadays it’s not liking enough of her posts or not allowing her to walk on you enough that will get you searching for a lawyer.

      • hah. i gave up on social media when i got my mrs and she tried that.
        now it’s her job to keep up with the family and events, not mine.
        one less fight to have, a lot more free time and less brainwashing too

        • Mine likes bananas, occasionally she’ll eat a small rodent or amphibian .
          I’ve tried making her happy with money but her bowels became impacted.

        • avatar Geoff "A day without an obsessed, apparently brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in New Jersey) is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

          “I’ve tried making her happy with money but her bowels became impacted.”

          Possum, thanks for that, after the drive home today, I needed a laugh… 🙂

    • “You’re absolutely right. What was I thinking?! I’m sorry. I love you!”

      The exact sentence order isn’t important, but each word must be used in order within the sentence. It may be necessary to repeat all or part more than once. Sometimes, it’s a good idea to just chant the mantra immediately upon waking up in the morning, without prompting, just to get one on the scoreboard, because you KNOW that at some point in the day you will be blamed for something that you didn’t do, nor had any control over, or will offend in some obscure manner of which you are completely unaware, or for something that you did years ago, or perhaps in a dream that she had.

      You’re welcome.

      • Well John you are in quite the pickle.

        You understand the situation, but without your balls, which she obviously keeps in HER pocket, you are unable to summon the courage to ask for them back and then….you know…like…

        Be a Man.

    • I’m thinking he ran out of “ammo”, if you get my drift…

      And at least Jeremy is looking for a woman again, or someone who identifies as female.

    • avatar Geoff "A day without an obsessed, apparently brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in New Jersey) is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

      “…the wife’s body language and the folded arms of the woman definitely tell me she’s pissed at him for something and from the look on his face, he knows that he deserves to for her to be pissed at him and doesn’t know how to make it up to her.”

      It’s a look my obsessed, apparently brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in New Jersey) troll sees every day, since he spends so much time hanging around a forum where he has *zero* friends and literally everybody there hates him.

      Your wife is so proud of you, isn’t she, peegeeetwo?

      I *really* hope you don’t have daughters, pg. Daughters need a stable role model when young, or they might end up living with a drug-addicted loser that slaps her around for funsies.

      You really are a pathetic 🤡 , you loser… 🙂

      • Lol. Good one Geoff. I’m surprised you took the time away from your crush porn fetish to write this ‘witty’ post.

        Anyway, if you try really hard you *might* one day ascend to the level of your master Lamp the Community College flunky and serial woman abuser.

    • avatar Geoff "A day without an obsessed, apparently brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in New Jersey) is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

      Unlike you or I, he can actually whip out more than one pork sword at the same time! 🙂

    • avatar Geoff "A day without an obsessed, apparently brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in New Jersey) is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

      “his gun is out of ammo.”

      The right woman can cure that… 🙂

    • Boomer: Been there, done that, learned the lessons. If it didn’t exist, invented it.
      People who deride boomers: Don’t know, don’t care, got my phone.

      Don’t sweat it, kid. You’ll get there.

      • When he gets here there will be a younger dude blaming him for all the worlds problems.

        All these edgy young twits haven’t been around long enough to realize its all been done before.

        • jmw “It’s all been done before..”

          Well that makes it OK then!

          Thank you jwm for perpetrating the bullshit.

          Isn’t it nice to say you left the place… just a “little” worse than you found it?

        • The trouble with youth is that it’s wasted on the young. The trouble with “MWJ” is that he/she/it/they/them/whatever is wasted.

  2. He was glad his mate was into gunms until she pulled it out of her pants and he seen it was bigger then his.
    Oh the envy.

  3. Jeremy, as a newly single gun man you should be aware that “Hey baby, let’s put one in the chamber. ” is not a suitable pick up line for most women.

  4. Looks like she has the .45 and he has the .380. Or perhaps she has the Barnett, and he has the Daisy. Either way it looks like he came up short somewhere.

    • …and Mr. ‘Hitler was just misunderstood’ jwm knows what it is to ‘be into men’. What a complete joke ‘he’ is lol…

      • Hey, peegee. Being paid to make anti vaxxers look bad and being paid to harass real gun owners. soros and bloomberg must prize you highly.

        Where were you on 1/6? At a pro biden rally?

        • Lol. Y’all fascist, anti-vax weirdos do a fine job of looking bad without any assistance. Enjoy your Klan rally 🖕🤡!

        • Wrong on every count. Par for the course. And at least you told the truth. You were never an anti vaxxer. Just a bought and paid for whore.

        • Don’t mess with jwm’s experience of this;

          he has lived the life of the the “bought and paid for whore.”

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