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It seems America’s government-run education system provides almost weekly examples of pants-wetting idiocy wherever firearms are concerned. Whether it’s students being suspended for infractions such as biting their food into the shape of a pistol, or pointing a pencil at another kid and saying, “bang”, institutionalized hoplophobia runs amok in our public schools. Which is why it’s so sadly surprising when a school system – in this case, in Broken Bow, Nebraska – tacks the other way . . .

Broken Bow High School had decided to allow students who choose to have their senior portraits taken while holding a firearm to do so.


“Superintendent Mark Sievering says that as district officials talked about the issue, ‘There was a sense that to allow a student to have a firearm, as long as it was done in a tasteful manner in terms of a hunting or sporting-type picture, that that might be OK.'”

Board president Ken Myers is, well, on board, too.

“We have the 1 Box Shooting Club, a great trap range and sporting clays range. A lot of youth are interested in that so that brings up firearms, I guess, a little bit more to the forefront along with the hunting.”

For uncommon common sense and rejecting mindless anti-gun zero-tolerance stupidity, Superintendent Sievering and President Myers are our gun heroes of the day.

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  1. Guess that’s real progress… students can now have a picture of a gun… as long as it is “tasteful” and only about hunting or sport. What is “tasteful” anyway?

  2. At my son’s high school, one of the girls there was a national skeet champ (not for the school, but on her own), and the school was very proud of her, bragging about her to incoming students. That was a private school though, and San Antonio is the shotgun sports mecca.

    • That’s pretty cool. In the US, most universities ban guns, because the American universities are the last bastion of socialism in the country.
      You can also probably get CZ pistols and rifles and CSA vz. 58s cheaper than we can. I’m moving to Prague.

    • You know who was at the top of the class out of the four on the bottom right? The last guy, who was smart enough to turn the rifle the other way so his dink wasn’t touching the side the last three Dinks touched.

    • In Czechoslovakia we participated in quite a lot shooting at school when I was a student. Even elementary schools had mandatory basic shooting training with air pellet guns and mandatory races with military themes like running with shooting, estimating distances and throwing rubber grenade into the trench. It was called “Contest for guerrilla’s machine gun”. In high school we had similar race with .22s called “Race of military versatility”.
      I remember training with a pellet gun in great hall of high school during lunch break. But after so called Velvet revolution my school gave all their air rifles to police to be destroyed. I wanted to buy one instead, but principal insisted on destroying them.

      • Senior portraits are done off campus, by a private photographer that you personally pay for…not a picture in the library during 3rd hour. He has no say. If thats the picture a kid wants to pass to his friends, he has no say. Does he have to let it be published in the year book, I would agree that there he does have some say…its to bad he’s afraid of a picture.

  3. Great…my dad had pictures of him on his high school shooting team circa 1923 in his yearbook. In Kankakee Illinois. And had his rifle openly on the street. He took it on the long-gone trolley too. This is breath of fresh air in an insane world.

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