Courtesy Ivan the Troll

Politicians and members of the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex are still operating under the delusion that they can keep the lid on 3D printed guns and parts, despite the fact that people have been making their own firearms for hundreds of years.

Al Gore’s greatest invention has only made the information and the processes more widely available. The authoritarian prohibitionists don’t have enough fingers to plug in all the holes in the digital dike and that realization is finally dawning on them.

Anti-gun campaigners, obviously, disagree with the notion of a downloadable gun. Avery Gardiner, the co-president of the Brady Campaign, has said 3D-printed guns present a “supreme threat to our safety and security”. Speaking after a court decision in August Gardiner said: “Already, there have been a wave of dangerous actors seeking to illegally post the blueprints online”.

A mix of a libertarian attitude and the rewarding hobby aspect of designing and creating something is often what drives members of these decentralised 3D-printed gun networks to do what they do – that is, uploading schematics, sharing them, improving designs, and making 3D-printed gun work more easily accessible while remaining largely under the radar. Ivan (the Troll) claims he does this for a love of freedom and “radical” belief in the US first and second amendment: free speech and the right to bear arms.

He takes this to such a radical degree though, that he even theorises he should technically be able to have his own Tomahawk Missiles, saying that they would be safer in his hands than in those of the US Military and its allies – given the country’s track record for accidentally targeting civilians, including a wedding party in Afghanistan and a school bus in Yemen.

Referring to the mounting list of civilian killings carried about by US forces in foreign wars, Ivan sounds at times more like a radical leftist than the right wing “gun nut” many in America label him as. He claims not to have any specific ideology though, saying: “I get to be my own special snowflake.”

As of now, Ivan the Troll, Deterrence Dispensed, and the thousands many more 3D-printed gun enthusiasts connected to each other worldwide, have essentially let the cat out the bag. There is no way to stop the anonymous file sharing of 3D-printed guns online. Whether they’re just pretending to be doing this for reasons of liberty or otherwise, their message is clear: it’s already too late to stop.

– Jake Hanrahan in 3D-printed guns are back, and this time they are unstoppable


  1. Speaking of stupid, why hasn’t Al Gore thrown his dunce-cap in the presidential ring, yet? Suspect he’d be way more popular than Joey Jojo. Plus, he’s also a former Vice President.

    • He’s too busy fighting climate change from his private jet or stationed at his 10,000 square foot mansion. There’s more money to be made in guilting rubes out of their cash than in public office.

  2. Oh my God ! Run for the hills snowflakes , the radicals that believe in the second amendment have 3 d schematics ! Next month they will have fully automatic nuclear weapons just like Swalwell, the end is near !

  3. Already, there have been a wave of dangerous actors seeking to illegally post the blueprints online

    1. It’s not illegal just because you wish it to be.
    2. Sharing blueprints doesn’t make people dangerous.

    • DaveL,

      (fingers in ears while yelling)

      La la la la la STOP CONFUSING ME WITH THE FACTS la la la la la la!!!

    • Too late. Engineering drawings for a fully automatic military grade M16 were legally made publicly available several months ago. Until recently, the drawings were restricted by ITAR, which was silly, since M16s are very likely present in some quantities in almost every country in the world.

      • It’s crazy. In my part of the world, if I’m caught with 3D printer files for firearms, I will definitely lose my firearms license and spend a few years in prison.

        But I have printed copies of the US military M16 and M16A2 reference manuals.

  4. Well back in the day(like 40 years ago) I occasionally sold a certain herb. Illegal as he!! What was a stream is now a flood of biblical proportion…he he😄

    • And if you could, there are plenty of copies intentionally stored offline, with an air gap to the Internet.

      • We used to call that the “sneaker net”. Any transfer of files that required walking(with one’s feet, thus sneaker net) from one machine to the other. Then, it was with 8″ floppies, but with today’s flash drives, that’s still the sneaker net. To me anyway.
        I save every page I like to a SSHD and keep it forever. That way, when I get sent to the memory hole(which happens to me regularly), I still have proof of what WAS there. And then I can prove the censorship also. Its a win-win. And all it costs is a smaller size of HD. But I get that back just in how quick it boots up. Solid State drives are the tits. I recommend them for any serious user.
        They also never crash, and on a laptop they give you a lot more battery life too. Hoards of advantages, and the only downside is the smaller capacity. Well, I guess they cost a little more too, but that’s not a problem that power users care much about. And if the capacity is a serious issue, one can always dock with a desktop and transfer stuff off of the SS drive unto a regular, physically spinning platters one for safekeeping.
        The machine I’m on right now has a 250 Gig, its years old now, and it still isn’t full. And its got many thousands of web pages and images on it. If one only saves normal files and images, it takes forever to fill up 250 Gigs. The only way you can really need more than that is for lots of HD video, or saving tremendous amounts of regular files, like a server hosting many satellite machines. Or maybe a HUGE music collection in lossless compression formats.
        I do have lots of video stored, too, but they are all on a remote server with two, 1 terabyte drives in it, and room for three more if I ever need them.

        • “We used to call that the “sneaker net”. ”

          Oh, yeah?

          In my day, we had “sneakerware”. It was a time before “sneaker net”, when you had to print out data, and carry the paper over to another person, who transcribed the paper data into a separate data entry machine. And the paper had all these holes in it. (And we were glad to have it, I tell you)

        • 250 gig sshd? I have one I use to launch my OS. 1Tb ss drives with performance good enough for gaming are cheap. Like $120. A friend of mine has over 40 Tb in ss storage for his movies.

          Go buy a 1 or 2 Tb sshd. A nice side effect is that with solid state, the performance increases with drive size, not decrease.

        • Sam: Wow! You’re old enough to remember punch cards and the ENIAC? I am impressed. I only read about them in college history…. in 1985. You must have an even longer graybeard than mine….

          • “Wow! You’re old enough to remember punch cards ”

            Not going to tell you how long I spent manually reading cards until someone told me we had a machine that would print out the data along the top of the card.

        • Ferret427:
          When I put this 250 in, it was about the biggest one around. Sounds like they have gotten way cheaper yet in the last couple years. That figures though. I knew they’d be getting bigger and cheaper, like digital anything always does.
          So, my plan was always to forget the docking and offloading, and just replace this one, with one double or bigger, whenever this one got full. But it’s still only about 75% full, so I STILL have room left. And I’ve never deleted anything, and have never de-fragged.
          But now it’s almost time. Nice to know I can replace it with a 1T now for a hundred bucks! That’s another two years at least, cuz the old one will only fill the new one to like 20%.
          I still don’t think I’ll bother putting movies on it though. The only thing I ever use that for is like a train trip. Throw a few movies on and watch them on the way wherever. But I delete those when I get home, so they’re only on temporarily. I put them on a partition so when they get deleted, it doesn’t build up any fragmentation. I detest de-fragging.

  5. So this plague of publicly available information is Al Gore’s fault? Go figure.

    • Well remember what gore said…

      “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.”

  6. Al Gore never said he invented the internet, that is a lie and a distortion. He said he sponsored the legislation to fund the development work. That is true and the people who actually did that work have said so.

    Gore is annoying, boring and very much anti-Second Amendment. But he never said he invented the internet.

    • “Al Gore never said he invented the internet, that is a lie and a distortion.”

      It’s no distortion Gore loudly tooted his own horn and exaggerated his involvement in its creation.

      He had *zero* idea of what it was, it was some computer technology project he rubber-stamped at the time. But he proudly took credit for it…

    • If the left can claim that Sarah Palin said, “I can see Russia from my house,” (it was actually Tina Fey) then the right can say that Al Gore claimed to have invented the Internet. The rules for lying about one’s opponents must be applied equally, and the stupider the circumstances, the more furiously and equally they should be applied…

      • He initially took the initiative on the initiative of the initiative of the internet initiative. Close enough.

      • Or, watch it come right out of the horse’s mouth(I’m guessing here that ones like enuf can’t read. Oh wait… I mean: “those ones that are scholastically challenged”) 🙂
        “During my service in Congress, I took the initiative in creating the internet” – Al Gore, CNN, 1999.

      • IF Al Gore had any honesty or integrity he should have said;
        “I proposed the funding to turn the internet (text based file sharing for business, education, and govt use) into the World Wide Web (graphically based file sharing, directed towards citizens instead of institutions, and thus less for serious use, and more for entertainment).”
        Then it would have been accurate. But that wouldn’t have tooted his own horn as loudly. Lacking even a smidgen of integrity, he naturally went for the big lie. But it sure bit him in the ass badly. Ended his political career. Now he only has the millions he bilks the unaware out of each year. Poor Al…

    • Direct quote…

      When asked to describe what distinguished him from his challenger for the Democratic presidential nomination, Senator Bill Bradley of New Jersey, Gore replied (in part): “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country’s economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.”

      Sound like he said he created the Internet…

  7. Machine,file,carve and print all the arms you need or want,as is your natural right,Eff theCivilian Disarmament Proponents.

  8. Al Gore couldn’t have invented the internet.

    My boss says he came up with the idea while working at Princeton, he had an idea to make computers talk to each other back in the 80’s and they must have overheard him and stolen it.

    True story.

  9. “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.”

  10. You know the more in the MSM screech about 3D printed guns the more I wonder why we don’t have more people just take a note from the late Philip Luty and work on building all metal guns with off the shelf shop tools. After all, it’s a well known fact that shady gun smiths around the world are know to produce decent copies of several different designs.

    • One of those places is Darra Adam Khel.
      Guns (from pen guns to anti-aircraft guns) are the major economic provider of the town.
      They are made in individual shops, using methods handed down from father to son over generations.
      They don’t even know what a 3D printer is.

      • Thats the market square in Peshawar, isn’t it? They build entire bolt action Enfields there, from scratch, by hand. That’s a hell of a complicated design to do with files and drill presses. Enfield’s aren’t exactly a Sten gun. More like a 1928 Thompsen. Difficult as all hell to build.
        Hell, even that high school kid on You tube can put together an open bolt gun with a file and a hand drill in his parent’s basement. All it takes is the desire. That, and a file, a hacksaw, and some scrap steel.

        • No, it’s outside Peshawar.
          Peshawar has its markets, but Darra Adam Khel is almost completely devoted to making guns. Its a lot smaller than Peshawar, so less other businesses/shops needed, as residents travel to Peshawar or Kohat for their daily needs, just like the residents of smaller villages do worldwide.
          Making guns isn’t really difficult, as most here know. It’s time consuming, but when you can live on a couple of dollars a day, time is cheap.
          I saw a documentary on the gun making trade in the Philippines, and it’s amazing what can be turned out when more modern tooling is used. 1911s that rival anything Colt puts out, with proper serial numbers (well, proper enough to fool most agencies for a time). That’s something most Dems don’t want you to know about at all: that there are more guns brought into the US illegally every year then they even hint at. With bales of weed coming across the border every hour, something as small as a handgun hasn’t a chance of being caught.

    • I saw a documentary about illegal firearms showing someone in the jungle in the Philippines who with hand tools makes 1911 clones. And he tests them before sale to the distributor.

    • There are plenty of machinists in this country and I’m confident they could make just about any firearm

      • There aren’t near as many of us machinists around as there used to be. Most are now just “machine operators”. That is, their skill set ends at properly clamping a workpiece to the table and pushing the “start” button. There’s a bit more to running a CNC than that, but you get the idea.
        Machinists, on the other hand, need a lot broader knowledge base than that. They need to know how to measure with precision, what surfaces can be used as reference points for measurement, or how to create such surfaces when needed, trigonometry to calculate and set angles and tapers, create plans on how to get which tools into where, which order the operations will need to be performed in, which tool bits to use for which types of cuts in which materials, numbers of flutes, controlling surface finish, chip control, just reams of things that CNC operators will never bother to learn, because the machine will do their thinking for them.
        Machinists, like personal liberties, are dying out. Idiocracy is taking over.

  11. Politicians on the left and some on the right are open sewage they’re hipocrisy knows no bounds

  12. To stop the signal you have to kill freedom. One reason Fascism old and new is so eager to embrace authoritarianism and police-state methods is that you have to have that level of control to force a recalcitrant population behave the right way. It is the defiance of free people using new inventions that is the real “supreme threat” to gun control. From bathtub gin, to Escort radar detectors, to 3D printed guns, so long as you have a society with constitutionally guaranteed freedomns you can’t stop the signal. Gun controllers are Fascists.

    • You are correct, complete, authoritarian control is the real goal of the anti-gun crowd. The cruel irony, for them, is the more they let the mask slip and reveal their true face, the more they solidify the case for the existence of the second amendment and an armed, free, populous.

    • Take China’s social credit scheme. This is George Orwell’s 1984 which is rating 11-15 on a 1-10 exponential scale.

      An authoritarian’s wet dream made reality.

      • “Take China’s social credit scheme. This is George Orwell’s 1984 which is rating 11-15 on a 1-10 exponential scale.

        An authoritarian’s wet dream made reality.”

        Well, “it’s” here, brought to you by the SAT college exam folks (Google is probably providing the tech). SAT scam decided last week that each test score would be provided to a university, along with a rating detailing the social history of the applicant.

  13. There is so much silliness and inanity with the attempts to control digital distribution of firearm blueprints. For one, the early blue prints for 3D guns do not make invisible guns (for the most part) and are typically plastic single shot pistols or rudimentary revolvers. One can by fully functional black powder revolvers that are far more reliable for a fraction of the cost in a store or over the internet without a background check. The only part of an AR build that requires blue prints (if starting from scratch) is the receiver–every other part needed is unregulated. The only thing “dangerous” about them is that they are not “registered” with some governmental entity–just like most guns in the US. Gang bangers are not going out and buying expensive 3D printers to make “invisible” guns to rob stores or do drive by shootings, nor are mass murderers. It is so much easier to buy real guns in the street for a fraction of the cost and without any effort.

    And last but not least, someone once published a book detailing the plans to make an atomic bomb. After he was “detained” and interrogated by the FBI, he revealed that everything he needed to write the book together was obtained from publicly available materials. Of course, having the plans and building a bomb are completely different animals.

    Thus, the only objection to 3D printed guns or ghost guns is that they are not under government control, and all good gun banners believe that the government should have complete control over such items.

    • Makes me wonder how long it’s going to be before some lying anti-second amendment politician claims that a 3-D printer can be used to manufacture atomic bombs. After all the politicians anymore have the morals of a female alley cat in heat.

  14. Government doesn’t want to stop the signal, it wants to control the signal. The G wants to determine what you have a right to know or say.

    “If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists – to protect them and to promote their common welfare – all else is lost.” — Barack Obama

    Well, then, Barry, I guess all else is in fact lost. The government simply cannot be trusted.

    • “No matter how deeply you distrust the government’s judgment, you are too trusting.”
      -George Will

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