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The lawsuit, filed by the Firearms Policy Coalition, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC and San Diego residents James Fahr, Desiree Bergman and Colin Rudolph, contends that the ban violates the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding San Diegans.

“The right of individuals to self-manufacture arms for self-defense and other lawful purposes is part and parcel of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms and an important front in the battle to secure fundamental rights against abusive government regulations like San Diego’s unconstitutional ban,” said Adam Kraut, FPC’s Senior Director of Legal Operations.

In the plaintiffs’ request for an injunction, they state that “such a broad prohibition against the exercise of constitutional rights, untailored in any way and untethered from any legitimate interest that could be achieved, wouldn’t be tolerated for a moment if the rights being targeted were secured under the First Amendment.

“Just the same, it cannot be tolerated here, where it targets rights of equal importance secured under the Second Amendment — specifically, the right to keep and bear arms.”

— City News Service in Firearms supporters sue to block San Diego’s ban on ghost guns

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  1. It’s Commiefornia. They will succeed in the first court. The appeal will succeed in the next court and the 9th circus will sustain. It’s Commiefornia where rights go to die.

  2. The concept of “ghost guns” is nothing short of ridiculousness to start with.

    People have been making their own guns from the initial formation of this country. Without the ability to do that there would not be any company here making guns. This is part of what makes all this such an issue. It becomes an attack against the entire industry. NOT just things labeled ‘80%’ or ‘3D printed’. That’s just what’s on the surface. It’s part of a larger effort to defang America.

    The fact that this is taking place in California is no real surprise. It will take generations to fix what the Democrats have destroyed there.

  3. “such a broad prohibition against the exercise of constitutional rights, untailored in any way and untethered from any legitimate interest that could be achieved, wouldn’t be tolerated for a moment if the rights being targeted were secured under the First Amendment.

    I support the lawsuit but even a gun lover like myself would argue that the 1st has taken a bigger hit over the last 18 months than the 2nd. There are numerous and growing examples of the government using private industry to violate the 1st.

    (edit) With that said, the forced closing of gun stores in the early days of COVID was a pretty gross violation.

    • The closing of any businesses was a pretty gross violation. I seem to remember something about a ‘right to assembly’ in the First amendment. Maybe I just missed the part that allowed for the government to suspend the right if there was a bad cold going around?

    • Interesting, your first word “gunm” was blue however the second time you used it was not.
      On my screen anyway

  4. ‘…wouldn’t be tolerated for a moment if the rights being targeted were secured under the First Amendment.’

    Democrats – ‘Hold my beer.’

  5. “The right of individuals to self-manufacture arms for self-defense and other lawful purposes is part and parcel of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms and an important front in the battle to secure fundamental rights against abusive government regulations like San Diego’s unconstitutional ban,” said Adam Kraut, FPC’s Senior Director of Legal Operations.”

    How very nice and polite and pretty please Adam Kraut. Such defense is lacking and has been used a thousand times. What’s missing? Teeth my friend, Teeth…

    Plaintiffs feel a need to remind the court the Second Amendment is a cherished right and it is not to be mixed in or combined with the criminal misuse of firearms, bats, knives, vehicles, hands, feet, etc.

    Plaintiffs would like the court to recognize The Second Amendment endures relentless ongoing attacks daily from Gun Control politicians, billionaires and ordinary people who assume they are engaging in something honorable. Plaintiffs wish to remind the court that History clearly confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is an agenda rooted in racism and genocide. Let the court never forget Gun Control stands in line with slave shacks, nooses, cross burnings, concentration camps, gas chambers, swastikas and the like. We must not, we cannot allow such a diabolical agenda to attach itself and have reins on any part of The United States Constitution.

  6. Biden ordered the ATF to ban ghost guns and no judge in his right mind would overturn it. Remember the excuse for restricting and then later banning the sale of new machine guns was that they were a danger to society. This is no different.


    Are ghost guns frequently used in violent crime?????????????????????????

    Yes, ghost guns are increasing being used in shootings across the country.

    In July 2020, an individual who was prohibited from possessing guns allegedly murdered two people in Pennsylvania using a homemade 9mm handgun.9

    In November 2019, a 16-year-old shot five of his classmates at Saugus High School in California—two of them fatally—using a homemade handgun, before fatally shooting himself.10

    In August 2019, a shooter used a homemade gun kit to build a .223-caliber firearm that he later used to fire 41 shots in 32 seconds in a bar in Dayton, Ohio, shooting 26 people and killing nine.11

    In 2017, in Northern California, a man prohibited from possessing firearms ordered kits to build AR-15-style rifles. On November 13, he initiated a series of shootings that began with fatally shooting his wife at home, followed by a rampage the next day during which he fired at multiple people in several different locations, including an elementary school, killing five people and injuring dozens more.12

    In 2013, a shooter opened fire in Santa Monica, California, shooting 100 rounds, killing five people, and injuring several others at a community college using a homemade AR-15 rifle. Reporting indicates the shooter had previously tried to purchase a firearm from a licensed gun dealer and failed a background check, potentially indicating why he opted to order parts to build a gun instead.13

    Law enforcement officials around the country are sounding the alarm about the dramatic increase in the recovery of ghost guns at crime scenes in their communities. ATF reported that approximately 10,000 ghost guns were recovered across the country in 2019.14 Ghost guns have also been illegally trafficked to Mexico.15 In addition:

    In 2019, Washington, D.C., police recovered 115 ghost guns, a 360 percent increase from 2018, when they recovered 25 ghost guns, and a 3,733 percent increase from 2017, when only three such firearms were recovered.16

    In 2019, ATF reported recovering 117 ghost guns in Maryland with almost 25 percent recovered from Baltimore alone. Ghost gun recoveries in the state then tripled in 2020.17
    According to law enforcement in Philadelphia, ghost gun recoveries in that city rose 152 percent from 2019 to 2020.18

    The special agent in charge of the ATF Los Angeles Field Division reported in January 2021 that 41 percent of the division’s cases involve ghost guns, and a May 2019 statewide analysis in California found that 30 percent of all guns recovered in connection with a crime in the state did not have serial numbers.19

    In addition, an investigation by The Trace found that ghost guns are increasingly becoming the weapon of choice for violent white supremacists and anti-government extremists.20

    In conclusion the ATF is a law unto itself and as in the past it rules at 8:00 AM and it is then a new “regulation” (disingenuous term for new law) is now the law of the land at 5:00 PM.

    No Judge Conservative or Liberal will declare the ATF ruling illegal or Unconstitutional because ghost guns are a danger to the people of the country and even the much ballyhooed Scalia decision with the usual double talk and smoke and mirrors declared “The Courts had the right to regulate firearms” (slick disingenuous term for ban or restrict firearms).

    In conclusion your right to own a weapon rests with the rulings of the courts, not the Constitution, and history has proven this reality like it or not.

    No sane person would want ghost guns legal and no other civilized nation tolerates them.

    • darcy dodo…In a city close by a woman was crossing a 4 lane on foot and was struck by a hit and run driver. Are we going to use that incident and other criminal acts like drunk driving to zero in on the drivers obeying the law? I mean you’d have to be one sick, lowlife pos from an era of Salem Witch Hunts to reason along those lines…don’t ya think?

      • The little commissar is more into Stalininst style purges. He’s having naughty dreams of his Caravan of Death bringing social justice to the masses.

    • Out of the 400 million-plus guns in this country, and 330 million people, a mere dozen or so “ghost guns” have been misused by a handful of violent nutcases. More people than that get killed by lightning strikes every year; you going to ban those too?

    • What purpose does a Serial Number serve for Law Enforcement? It allows the authorities to track a Firearm from the FFL holders possession to the first buyer, nothing more than that, because if the weapon is sold, lost or stolen, it’s outside of the already Unconstitutional database. Stats show that roughly 20% of guns privately sold, end up in criminal hands. The far larger percentage are the stolen guns that end up in criminal hands. The made up term Ghost Guns, also includes firearms with absent or defaced Serial Numbers, so the real number of home made guns recovered is less than the stats the Anti-2A crowd spouts. Even the home made guns recovered from underage perps are stolen, as they were taken from adults (usually family members). Overall, Ghost Guns are statistically insignificant in an honest analysis of the data.

      Paint the picture anyway you like, but it really comes down to the Anti-2A crowd and ATF’s hatred for any weapon they can’t track through the Unconstitutional Registry they deny having, but obviously they have and maintain in violation of the Law.

    • I didn’t read every one (doubt anybody did!), but of those I did read, every shooting, never mind death, was illegal. Why do we need them to be more illegaler? And just BTW, my right to firearms certainly does not rest with any judge living today. It rests far more with my supply of ammo.

  7. People have made their own firearms since the 9th century. The knowledge is out, it can be found in print on on the internet. The process can be simple and effective to complicated and effective depending on a person’s skill sets.

    We banned drugs and that failed. We banned alcohol and that failed. Seems if someone desires something they will get it regardless of a law. Now we are told we need to ban homemade firearms. That will fail as well.

    We have a problem with laws that lack teeth against actual violent criminals. We let them excuse their actions and place blame elsewhere. We should go back to enforcing laws and punishment before we try to ban honest people from a hobby.

    • Hey Paratrooper History has proven you wrong on every one of your points. Nixon’s 3 strikes and you are out filled prisons with people who were sent up for 20 years for stealing a $1.00 VCR tape. Crime and drugs actually went up under Nixon’s 3 strikes and your out law.

      Civilized nations treat drugs as a sickness not a crime and their success in reducing drug sales and addiction shows by keeping people out of prison they were more successful than we are.

      quote————-enforcing laws and punishment before we try to ban honest people from a hobby.—————quote

      Yeah some fking hobby. As usual with a wave of the hillbilly hand you totally ignored all the death and destruction from ghost guns I just posted. No sane person could argue with the facts which you totally ignore because it does not fit your demented political beliefs.

      No civilized nation on earth permits people to make their own guns without vetting or buy or sell them without vetting and among all the industrialized nations Capitalvania has the highest homicide rate with firearms most of which are un-vetted.

      And your argument falls flat on its ignorant face as you can still build your own gun if the receiver has a serial number on it and you sign a 4473 form if you bought a partly finished receiver. NOW TRY AND LIE YOUR WAY OUT OF THIS ONE. Why are you against signing a 4473 form if you are not a crook, nut case or Trumpite Nazi Revolutionary, the very people who should not have guns.

      And do not give me the same old Far Right Nut Case response that it’s to take over our government. We all saw how that went over like a lead balloon when Trumpites tried to destroy democracy in the U.S. and establish your utopian twisted arm band stiff arm saluting one party government as their own families turned them it

      Only people suffering from advanced paranoia would argue with sane common sense gun laws that keeps the majority of nut cases from just ordering a receiver through the mail and then committing mass murder with them.

      No sane person would want ghost guns legal and no other civilized nation tolerates them.

      • because registration leads to confiscation and that is a historical fact. by making your own firearm you stay off government more lists.

        • The government does not need registration to confiscate guns. They only have to put a notice in the paper you have 30 days to turn them in “or else” and everyone will know what “or else means”.

          You would not be able to sell one, keep one, use one at the range, or use one in a self defense situation. In other words it would be totally useless. If you are caught with one you would be fined as in the machine gun ban with a $200,000 fine, lose your job, be incarcerated and lose your rights to own any gun for life. Now go peddle your fantasies about keeping one to Far Right Nut cases that live in their own fantasy world not in the real world.

      • Dacian, there are a hundred countries you could move to that have exactly the kind of government and “progressive” socialist policies you want. Why not do it? You’d be happier, and so would we.

      • 21 people killed in 7 years? What an OUTRAGE! The “recovered at a crime scene” does NOT mean that the gun was used to commit a crime, only that it was recovered at a crime scene, which of course includes guns recovered during drug/crack house/gang hideout raids, I suspect that confiscation is the major source of gun recoveries, not guns dropped at the scene of a shooting.

        • quote—————-21 people killed in 7 years? What an OUTRAGE!————-quote

          I whish I could be there to see what would happen to you if you mouthed off that to the people who lost their loved ones to ghost guns.

          Your reading comprehension is at the 3rd grade level. At the top of the post it said THIS IS A PARTIAL LIST and the article went on to say that crimes with ghost guns have skyrocketed and in some places crime with the is up 3,377 percent which you ignore with the wave of the hand screaming “do not confuse me with the facts”.

          quote———– I suspect that confiscation is the major source of gun recoveries, not guns dropped at the scene of a shooting.——————quote

          More blind panic “I suspect” and just plain grasping at straws when faced with the horrific fact that ghost guns are now a national horrific disgrace.


      • All ghost gunms are not home builds you know. If it has had its cereal number removed they call it a ghost gunm.
        There is a law about removing cereal numbers. Evidently criminals do not care about breaking the law. And then?

      • Yo, doofus! You repeated exactly what he said while disagreeing with him. Can’t you read? I had thought you just couldn’t think.

  8. If you had reading comprehension, i posted banning drugs and alcohol failed.

    Crime went up as well when cities didn’t prosecute for petty larceny either. If 3 strikes failed and not prosecuting failed, what is your answer to the problem?

    We stopped treating drug abuse, we opened dispensaries. We exchange needles for junkies, and we still have drug issues. What’s your solution?

    Do you vet someone who buys bleach and ammonia at the same time? How about stump remover and acetone? Would you faint if they bought a 5 gallon bucket too?

    “NOW TRY AND LIE YOUR WAY OUT OF THIS ONE. Why are you against signing a 4473 form if you are not a crook, nut case or Trumpite Nazi Revolutionary, the very people who should not have guns.”

    In our Country we established you are innocent until proven guilty. Why shouldn’t I build my own firearms? I am not committing a crime against anyone nor have I. Simple enough truth for you Kommissar?

    Often I wondered if your polemic , but no one could stick to the script that well.

    Your part of the circular political spectrum where the far right and far left meet at totalarianism. I am completely 3200 mils away from you.

    • And I forgot to mention Prohibition was a success as overall crime actually did go down which included domestic violence, auto accidents, violence in the work place, assaults and murder.

      The “Roaring Twenties” and the Prohibition era are often associated with unchecked use and abuse of alcohol, yet the statistics tell a different tale. According to a study conducted by M.I.T. and Boston University economists in the early 1990s, alcohol consumption actually fell by as much as 70 percent during the early years of the “noble experiment.” The levels jumped significantly in the late-1920s as support for the law waned, but they remained 30 percent lower than their pre-Prohibition levels for several years after the passage of the 21st Amendment.

      • And prohibition also greatly reduced government tax revenue. There were many loopholes and flagrant breaches from those who were supposed to make and enforce the law.

      • What a fool. Alcohol was ILLEGAL! Do you suppose the average bootlegger was dutifully reporting to the ATF (which did not exist) how many gallons of booze he had produced and sold each month, and to whom? Your figures are manufactured fictitious bullshit and you are eating it up!

    • quote—————In our Country we established you are innocent until proven guilty. Why shouldn’t I build my own firearms? I am not committing a crime against anyone nor have I. Simple enough truth for you Kommissar?———–quote

      Once again you dodge the truth and that is YOU ARE AFRAID TO SIGN A 4473 form because either you are a nut case, a criminal or a revolutionary. I am not letting squirm out of this one. Millions of NORMAL PEOPLE buy new guns on the 4473 form every day but you are hiding from it. Its not rocket science why you are afraid of the 4473 form. Its people like you who should be banned from owning firearms. Law abiding citizens do not fear the 4473 form nor should they.

      And by the way political genius you live in a Right Wing Fantasy world as Capitalvania is no different than that North Korea or Putin’s Russia as YOU ARE GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. Realty proves that thug cops lock up innocent people every day and they have to either post high bonds or prove they are innocent after rotting in jail sometimes for up to a year before they go to trial.

      Sorry try again you know nothing about the U.S. corrupt legal system. There is a system for the rich and powerful and a system for the people and it mirrors Putin’s Russia exactly.

      • “And I forgot to mention Prohibition was a success as overall crime actually did go down which included domestic violence, auto accidents, violence in the work place, assaults and murder.”

        Kind of odd that from I find online shows that homicides increased from pre prohibition numbers along with suicides. But you conflate the drop in alcohol usage from MITs report with crime. Then those numbers fell again after prohibition ended.

        The KKK was also active in the same time period. Murdering people just because of their political affiliation, skin color and those who thought it was wrong to think that way. Why would you want that back? Are you still a racist?

        “Once again you dodge the truth and that is YOU ARE AFRAID TO SIGN A 4473 form because either you are a nut case, a criminal or a revolutionary. I am not letting squirm out of this one. Millions of NORMAL PEOPLE buy new guns on the 4473 form every day but you are hiding from it. Its not rocket science why you are afraid of the 4473 form. Its people like you who should be banned from owning firearms. Law abiding citizens do not fear the 4473 form nor should they.”

        I buy firearms and fill out a 4473 all the time. I do not have an issue with passing a background check. In fact in my State of residence I have a FOID and CCL and my information is run twice a day for criminal reports that would revoke my permits. So try again.

        Innocent until proven guilty, why are you against that concept? Is it because for all your bluster here you are ineligible? Or is it a jealousy thing? You are not capable of making a firearm yourself so no one else should be allowed to do so?

        The Judicial system you pine for is remarkably like that of NK and the Soviet Union. You just wish you could find me and others here and make a report on our impure thoughts of a Country that should live up to the ideals it was founded on.

        Is our Judicial system completely fair? No, never claimed it was. We have people who game the system and are unchecked. That needs to change. We can’t change that until we bring literacy and critical thinking back. Right now the Left is telling everyone they are either oppressed or the oppressor based on skin tone. That is not even the far left, that is critical race theory straight from Communism brought to you buy the moderate Left of this Country.

        With people like you who want us to prove ourselves innocent, we can never have a fair system.

        I said:
        “We stopped treating drug abuse, we opened dispensaries. We exchange needles for junkies, and we still have drug issues. What’s your solution?”

        Your reply:
        “Don’t make me laugh. European countries put people into treatment programs because they are not Republican Hillbilly cheap and stingy and regard human life as expendable. Rather civilized Europeans realize it costs far more to put people in prison and hire armies of thug cops than it does to put addicted people into treatment programs.”

        What did I say that was not the truth? Did many States legalize pot and open dispensaries? Are there not programs in most major Cities that allow junkies to exchange needles? These are true statements, so your reply does not follow logically.

        Oregon has decriminalized a lot of hard drugs. For many in the criminal system they are offered rehab as part of sentencing, did you not know that? When you were sentenced didn’t your public defender it? So this we don’t offer rehabilitation is another lie you are telling.

        “No ING you move then we can civilized Capitalvania.”

        This Country is civilized still. People like you are trying to uncivilize it. You are the revolutionary you say we are, you are trying to make a change that does not fit our Constitutional system. Are also a nut case and criminal?

        • quote—————I buy firearms and fill out a 4473 all the time. I do not have an issue with passing a background check. In fact in my State of residence I have a FOID and CCL and my information is run twice a day for criminal reports that would revoke my permits. So try again————quote

          Then what nefarious plan do you have that makes you want a weapon that is not traceable back to you. Again only a crook, criminal, nut case or revolutionary wants a ghost gun and that includes you by your own statements.

          quote————This Country is civilized still.———quote

          You are on drugs that is for sure we have well over 38,000 gun deaths a year which dwarf civilized countries gun deaths.

          quote————–What did I say that was not the truth? Did many States legalize pot and open dispensaries? Are there not programs in most major Cities that allow junkies to exchange needles? These are true statements, so your reply does not follow logically—————quote

          Nothing that you mentions even come close to long term professional drug rehabilitation like the Europeans have because they are not hillbilly cheap and are willing to spend the money to run these programs.

          quote————–With people like you who want us to prove ourselves innocent, we can never have a fair system. The Judicial system you pine for is remarkably like that of NK and the Soviet Union. You just wish you could find me and others here and make a report on our impure thoughts of a Country that should live up to the ideals it was founded on.——-quote

          Do not make educated people laugh in your face. What ideals have we ever have? None except in your fantasies. I stated facts, you state pie in the sky fantasies. In the countries you mentioned or in our own YOU ALWAYS HAVE BEEN GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT and I stated why.

          quote————-But you conflate the drop in alcohol usage from MITs report with crime. Then those numbers fell again after prohibition ended.————quote

          Nice attempt at another of your bold face lies , I said no such thing as those are two entirely different subjects which I stated in separate paragraphs. Too bad your reading comprehension is at the 3rd grade level.

          quote————Is our Judicial system completely fair? No, never claimed it was. We have people who game the system and are unchecked. That needs to change.———–quote

          Which again proves my original statement correct in regards to the system treating everyone as “guilty until proven innocent” which again is no different than Russia or China.

        • “Then what nefarious plan do you have that makes you want a weapon that is not traceable back to you. Again only a crook, criminal, nut case or revolutionary wants a ghost gun and that includes you by your own statements.”

          What statements specifically do you refer? Be honest. As far as a Revolutionaries, your the one who should not be making that claim against others. You claims to be a Socialist and wants Socialism brought to a Republic makes you the Revolutionary.

          “You are on drugs that is for sure we have well over 38,000 gun deaths a year which dwarf civilized countries gun deaths.”

          There are also 700K to 3 Mil DGUs a year as well, which dwarf the criminal uses of firearms, so what is your point? Firearms are used more often for good than not. The ability to protect yourself is a mark of civility. Do you prefer more victims?

          “Do not make educated people laugh in your face. What ideals have we ever have? None except in your fantasies. I stated facts, you state pie in the sky fantasies. In the countries you mentioned or in our own YOU ALWAYS HAVE BEEN GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT and I stated why.”

          Your not educated, therefore you shouldn’t be laughing at anyone.

          “Nice attempt at another of your bold face lies , I said no such thing as those are two entirely different subjects which I stated in separate paragraphs. Too bad your reading comprehension is at the 3rd grade level.”

          Then you lied. You stated crimes fell, they did not.
          You tried to tie prohibition to supposed falling crime rates in the 20’s, which did not happen.

          “Which again proves my original statement correct in regards to the system treating everyone as “guilty until proven innocent” which again is no different than Russia or China.”

          You are an advocate for treating people guilty, so what is your disconnect here? Russia and NK will send someone to kill you before a trial, even in other Countries. A little handkerchief with an agent on it and you are done. We don’t do that no matter how much you would like us too.

        • quote———–What statements specifically do you refer? Be honest. As far as a Revolutionaries, your the one who should not be making that claim against others. You claims to be a Socialist and wants Socialism brought to a Republic makes you the Revolutionary.—————quote

          Look Moron what the hell do you think U.S. Social Security or Medicare or Medicaid or aid to education is. ITS SOCIALSIM WE HAVE HAD FOR DECADES. Really what Right Wing Fantasy planet do you live on.

          quote————–What statements specifically do you refer?————-quote

          You are have been caught like a rat in a trap and now you are trying to lie your way out of it. Again you are afraid to sign a 4473 from for a receiver because you do not want anyone to know you have it and that makes it so much easier to commit murder and robbery with one or try to overthrow the government now does it not. No law citizen is afraid to sign for a receiver.

          quote———–You are an advocate for treating people guilty, so what is your disconnect here?———–quote

          Another bold face lie or your reading comprehension is at the 3rd grade level. I merely stated the facts and that is that in Capitalvania YOU ARE TREATED AS YOU ARE GUILTY UNTIL YOU PROVE YOURSELF INNOCENT NOW THAT IS REALITY WHETHER YOU ADMITI IT TO YOURSELF OR NOT.

        • Dacian,

          You couldn’t show the statements I have made that make me a crook, criminal, nut case or revolutionary.

          “Look Moron what the hell do you think U.S. Social Security or Medicare or Medicaid or aid to education is. ITS SOCIALSIM WE HAVE HAD FOR DECADES. Really what Right Wing Fantasy planet do you live on.”

          Yes and No whether it is socialism. The concept is Democratic Socialism, not the Marxism or the Socialism as you preach here. Subtle differences, but a complete society based on Socialism as your preach is not sustainable. These programs are employee and employer contributions, where employers still own the means of production and not the state as in what far left and far right ideologies support. SS was meant to supplemental support, not complete support, to those who paid into in and their widows. Medicaid and Medicare are the same except for those who are unable to support themselves get help from the rest of society. These are safety nets provided by capitalism, paid for by capitalism and could be sustainable if the Government didn’t use it for other measure to shore up overspending and providing benefits to those who are not Citizens. You are right, but you are also wrong.

          “Again you are afraid to sign a 4473 from for a receiver because you do not want anyone to know you have it and that makes it so much easier to commit murder and robbery with one or try to overthrow the government now does it not. No law citizen is afraid to sign for a receiver.”

          Done told you I have filled out 4473s when buying a firearm. Not afraid of them. I don’t agree with them on the premise that they are worthless to stop criminals and rarely is anyone prosecuted when people lie on them. And you say capitalism is bad.

          You may feel compelled to do those things you accuse me of, but I don’t have those urges. You should seek help for your violent fantasies. If I choose to build a firearm, and I have, without a 80% kit, then as free person I have that right. It has always been a right and has been done for 1100 years. Some of the best innovations in firearm development have come from people doing this on their own. Your just full of violent fantasies.

          “Another bold face lie or your reading comprehension is at the 3rd grade level. I merely stated the facts and that is that in Capitalvania YOU ARE TREATED AS YOU ARE GUILTY UNTIL YOU PROVE YOURSELF INNOCENT NOW THAT IS REALITY WHETHER YOU ADMITI IT TO YOURSELF OR NOT.”

          Nope, not a lie. The Constitution has a lot to say about this very topic. It is a foreign concept to you being a Marxist, but it is true. The 4473 and background check to treat you as guilty until proven innocent. You like that, you want that kept, so yes, you do like the concept of guilt until proven innocent. That is 4th grade level there, 2 above you.

  9. quote—————We stopped treating drug abuse, we opened dispensaries. We exchange needles for junkies, and we still have drug issues. What’s your solution?————-quote

    Don’t make me laugh. European countries put people into treatment programs because they are not Republican Hillbilly cheap and stingy and regard human life as expendable. Rather civilized Europeans realize it costs far more to put people in prison and hire armies of thug cops than it does to put addicted people into treatment programs.

    Sorry your lame excuse trying to pander Right Wing propaganda is laughable.

    • Even casual observers would have to notice the media is predominantly left wing in bias and presentation. There are some more centrist and even right wing (ie:Fox) but still overwhelmed by the left wing. The long game started in academia 50 years ago. Affect what people see and hear, you can direct how they think and act.

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