Four Northeastern State Governors Announce Agreement to Share Crime Gun Data



“’Despite our best gun safety laws, we have more damn guns on the street than we ever had before,’ Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont said in an online announcement with the other three states. ‘And if you’re not taking guns seriously, you’re not taking law and order seriously.’”

So says one of the four northeastern governors who announced yesterday that their states will share crime gun data amongst themselves. The states involved are Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. Apparently the irony of “gun violence” soaring in three of the states with nation’s most restrictive gun control laws was lost on the the Constitution State’s top elected official.

The four pro-gun control governors, Gov. Phil Murphy (D-NJ), Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY), Gov. Tom Wolf (D-PA), and Gov. Ned Lamont (D-CT) announced the information sharing program yesterday on a joint Zoom call.

From the AP . . .

The states plan to share details they get from the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives through “eTrace” reports that show who first bought and sold guns recovered during criminal investigations. The states can also share gun data that predates the Thursday agreement.

As a sure sign of success, the four amigos are modeling this latest effort to battle “gun violence” on the war on drugs.

“Right now, we’re all putting more police on the street; we’re community policing more folks,” Lamont said during a virtual meeting. “… Like the War on Drugs, you don’t want to just go after that kid with a nickel bag or that kid with the pistol. We’re going to take care of them, but I want to go after the kingpins. I want to go after those pushers. I want to go after those big drug and gun wholesalers, those big guns, so to speak.

The effort was, of course, cheered on by the White House . . .

We applaud today’s announcement by the Governors of New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Connecticut that the states’ law enforcement agencies will share crime gun data across state lines to bolster law enforcement operations and improve public safety. This data-sharing agreement recognizes the reality that firearms cross state lines, and we therefore need a multijurisdictional approach to tackling gun violence.

Fortunately, no one should worry about any of the information gathered by the states being hacked, leaked, or otherwise misused.

The deal requires each state to designate and screen the law enforcement people who will be allowed access to the data, and it must be kept on computer systems dedicated to criminal justice.

The states must notify each other if the information is misused, including unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, modification, storage or deletion.



  1. Show me the “big gun wholesalers” who are selling to inner city street thugs.

    It’s always a BS straw man argument with these fascists.

    • The racist white facist democrats can’t figure out how the “dumb criminals” keep finding ways around their racist gun control laws????

    • why is Pennsylvania lining up with these dirtbags?…does Wolf think we’re like them?…apparently he is…time for a change…

  2. ““’Despite our best gun safety laws, we have more damn guns on the street than we ever had before,’ Connecticut Gov. …”

    hey stupid, once again like we’ve been telling you for years – gun laws do not keep criminals from having guns.

    • ““’Despite our best gun safety laws, we have more damn guns on the street than we ever had before,’ Connecticut Gov. …”

      Doing the same thing OVER and OVER, yet expecting a DIFFERENT result. 🤔

      Hey, those voting these idiots!
      What’s your major malfunction?

      • Gun safety to these idiots is banning ar15 type rifles, and standard capacity magazines. When 90% of gun murders are done with a handgun. Nobody needs those weapons of war, when those war weapons are used to kill less people than hands, fists, and feet, according to the fbi stats. Laws based solely on feelings will keep this nonsense going strong.

    • And once again it is clear, “gun safety” is secret squirrel speak for “outlaw all guns”, nobody told this dunce that it’s supposed to be on the downlow, don’t let the intended victims find out.

  3. Arrest all you want, the DA’s in Philly and Pittsburgh will let them out faster than you can round them up again. The only people likely to be prosecuted are old white guys who shoot young black guys in self defense.

    • philly is far worse than Pittsburgh..but that doesn’t mean they don’t have their share of wackadoos running things….

    • Interesting how quick they were to bring up intended parallels to the war on drugs while apparently not noticing how completely ineffective the war on drugs has been for over *50 YEARS* now. You must have to attend some really special schools to learn to be that stupid.

  4. Hope these leftarded states can generate enough additional revenue to make up for the losses “woke” corporations are enduring.

    Case in point? JP Morgan just got kicked to the Texas curb by getting shut out of the states 35 BILLON $ bond market………

    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Don’t support gun and ammo manufacturers? There’s the door!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Oh, wait a minute. 🤔 There’s no way the leftarded states can support these Corporations and their financial losses. These states can’t even fund their own disfunctional policies. 🤣

    Could JP Morgan become a “useless” idiot in the lefts plans towards socialism?
    Get woke, go broke………Corp America style. 🤔

    • The way things should be. Now lets hope the Fed doesn’t get involved and bail out the woke banks (again) or states (like mine) with stage 3 commie cancer (also again) with the wages of productive states and the following generation(s) of future taxpayers.

  5. The problem all along has been a-holes like them invariably believe they’re smarter than you and you won’t know when they steal you rights! Or you won’t notice that their little slices of hell are the result of lax law enforcement and suppression of the second for “normal” people.

  6. If you want to control crime and violence you have to start with the fascist left. Ban the democrats from holding public office and treat the fascist stormtroopers in antifa/ss as terrorists. Drones would be a good start.

    Any thing less and you are not serious about crime.

  7. The problem with Democratic Governors is they too conveniently forget that it was in the blue cities and states that they released criminals, refused to indict rioters, and have supported illegal immigration, sanctuary cities and defunded the police. Therefore, crime has risen throughout the nation and the reason people are exercising their 2nd Amendment Rights is because they are protecting themselves because these bozos won’t. The rationale that these folks use to twist the truth is beyond comprehension and belief. They are a total failure as representatives of the people for whom they are suppose to be working.

  8. They are doing it for all the wrong reasons and it is never going to be as successful as they are presenting the plan to the media. My question is, why have they not been doing this all along? Stolen cars are reported across state lines all the time. BOLOs likewise are shared between jurisdictions, that’s the point. If there were sharing stolen firearm information a few of them may have been recovered from pawn shops a state over.

    “The states plan to share details they get from the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives through “eTrace” reports that show who first bought and sold guns recovered during criminal investigations.” Does this mean they will return stolen crime guns to the person who first bought the gun when they have a theft report to prove ownership? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

    • Nes flash, any firearm stolen anywhere is supposed to be entered into a federal database. EVERY FFL (includes panwshops who deal guns) reports whatever they take in, and thigns are theoiretically crosschecked. If B&R Loan and Pawn takes in a Glock 17, and that has a stolen report anywhere, wil gt flagged. Since ALL used goods buyers MUST report their purchase to local LE and hold it from sale for thirty days, the problem is alreayd solved. Laws are already in place.

      Didjua read lately bout the handgun pinched in a gun store heist in Indinana has now been positively connected to some 47 separate crime incidents in good ol Chicago? Connected via spent brass taken up atthose crime scenes.At least two of those were nurders. Many more went intohospital from bullets fired by that one gun.

      HOW is this scheme gonna cure THAT? impe.. it ain’t This is feel good chain rattling by poohbahs who have fewer funcitoning braincells than a termite. All for show.

      • Boy, are you guys operating with your eyes closed! Fellas, this entire operation, news coverage and all is not concerned with stolen guns in the least. The idea is to attempt to PROSECUTE the original purchaser of a crime gun, not to return his property. With an additional mission to shutter gun stores which legally sold such guns.

        Meanwhile, before a stolen gun can be entered into some database, it has to be reported stolen, which I, for one, do not intend to ever do. At least until the Python I reported stolen in 1969 is returned. The cop said at the time the theft report was only for filing an insurance claim, no police efforts would be expended to attempt to find it.

  9. The headline should have read “Four Slave States Pretend to be Interested in Justice.”

    Then in the body of the article the author can admit, well not really. But it does give them the excuse to grandstand and say guns are evil, and so are the people who own them.

  10. ‘And if you’re not taking guns seriously, you’re not taking law and order seriously.’”
    Ned Lamont

    Hey Ned you obvious genius, how about taking repeat career criminals serious? Get a data base on the criminals going between the 4 states? You clowns have tried to blame everything except the criminal for gun crimes. It’s beyond amazing that anyone takes y’all serious in those “progressive” states anymore. When 13% of the population commits over 51% of gun homicides, and of that 13%, it’s males between 15-35 that commit 90% of the above gun crimes, it’s easy to pinpoint enforcement. But keep blaming southern states, with less restrictive gun laws. Cultural stereotypes exist for a reason.

  11. ” ‘…And if you’re not taking guns seriously, you’re not taking law and order seriously.’ ”


    If you are not taking CRIMINALS seriously, as in those already breaking laws on the books and not seperating them from normal society through incarceration measures, you are not taking law and order seriously.


    • He let us know how serious he is. I mean he cursed in his official announcement. He probably didn’t even plan that.

  12. ”And if you’re not taking guns seriously, you’re not taking law and order seriously.”

    Hey, I take guns plenty seriously. Just bought a new rifle this week…

  13. ’Despite our best gun safety laws, we have more damn guns on the street than we ever had before,’

    Yup. YOUR refusal to preserve law and order in your states has run crime out of control. The citizens are beginning to wakt up in large numbers, This next number is YHOUR fault: there ARE more “damn guns on the streets” all accross the natioin. Over ten MILLION of them now in the hands of people who had never owned them prior to this past year. ALL purchased legally thorgh FFL’s with BACKgound checks oh my.
    And if YOU clowns don’t start getting your act together, that number will double or triple in the next year or so. And that is not even addressing the many millions more been bought by folks who already have owned guns for some time. WHY?

    Because YOU CLOWNS refuse to address the ROOT of the probmlem. It aint an issue with the hardware as you falsey maintain. Nope, it a software issue…. the soft muchy stuff between the ears of the criminals you REFUSE to deal with. Didjya see how the “prosecutor” (pardon my french….) in Chicago is refusing to prosecute any of the gangbangers involved in a massive shoot-em-up on the streets in Chi Town… reminds me of the stupid mayoress of Baltimorw who infamously declared “well they wanted to destryoy so we gave them space to destroy”. WHAAAAAATTTT!!!????!!!) Your oath of office sworn is to protct and defend the CONSTITUTION Where is “letting them destroy” found in there?

  14. “Like the War on Drugs, you don’t want to just go after that kid with a nickel bag or that kid with the pistol. We’re going to take care of them, but I want to go after the kingpins. I want to go after those pushers. I want to go after those big drug and gun wholesalers, those big guns, so to speak.”

    1. We all know how well the “War on Drugs” worked out. If it was me, I would have chosen something else to compare.

    2. There are no big “gun wholesalers” providing guns to criminals knowingly. You might find a criminally minded gun dealer or gun owner that will sometimes do it, but there are no big “gun wholesalers” providing guns to criminals knowingly.

    3. A 2019 survey conducted by the Department of Justice (DOJ) found that 43 % of criminals bought their firearms on the black market, 6 % acquired them via theft, and 10 % made a retail purchase – 0.8 % purchased a weapon from a gun show. ~1% of the guns used in crime were purchased from legitimate law abiding gun owners via deception (fake ID’s, false information, etc…) (gun owners do a pretty good job of making sure their guns do not go to criminals, sometimes mistakes are made. But legitimate law abiding gun owners are the least of your problems and pretty much self-regulate a lot better than any government regulation.)

    4. Since these idiot governors are in the North East; Of the crimes in New York – In 11 % of cases the criminals had someone else buy a gun for them (straw purchase), 15 % got guns from a friend or relative, and about 12% of weapons found on a crime scene had been brought there by someone else (not the criminal engaged in the crime).

    5. A recent national survey of prison inmates aged 18 to 40, published by Preventative Medicine, found that only one in 10 bought the firearm involved in the act/crime that resulted in them being jailed.

  15. Wow another “data base”, nothing will get done to combat crime. It is their voter base that is doing the crime, that’d be rascists to hold 13% of the population accountable for their actions. Their plan has been to release prisoners, no bail, lax enforcement especially on juvenile crime and they believe they will be able to get order out of their inflicted chaos…Typical Cloward and Piven beliefs and every democRat in any form of Power knows it..

  16. Whatever happened to “No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, […] enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State”?

    • Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 of the Constitution reads: “No State shall, without the Consent of Congress . . . enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power.”

      It only applies if the agreement or compact encroaches on federal power or the power of states that are not participant to the agreement or compact.

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