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Ibragim Todashev (courtesy

“A Central Florida man who was shot and killed by an FBI agent early Wednesday morning was being investigated by the FBI and Massachusetts authorities in connection with the Boston Marathon bombings,” reports. “Ibragim Todashev, 27, was shot in a condo at 6022 Peregrine Ave. in the Windhover community, a quiet residential area near Universal Studios, said FBI Special Agent Dave Couvertier, a spokesman for the Orlando region. A friend of Todashev’s said this morning that the Central Florida man was friends with at least one of the Boston bombing suspects, Tamerlan Tsarnaev.” Apparently, the Fibbies and a brace of Massachusetts State Troopers didn’t secure the interview scene as well as they might . . .

Couvertier told the Orlando Sentinel that during the early morning hours Wednesday, an FBI agent — along with two Massachusetts State Police troopers and other law enforcement personnel — were interviewing Todashev in connection with the Boston Marathon bombing investigation when a violent confrontation was initiated by Todashev.

“During the confrontation, the individual was killed and the agent sustained non-life threatening injuries,” Couvertier said in an email statement. “As this incident is under review, we have no further details at this time.” describes the deceased as “a former mixed martial arts fighter.” Anyway, the development raises the spectre of co-conspirators to the Boston bombing, additional “terror cells” and/or police incompetence. None of that was in the original narrative. Huh.

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  1. I want to know EXACTLY what happened.

    Did he punch or kick an agent or something?

    • They asked him what he was doing, the suspect told them to “f-off”, when they attempted to detain him, the suspect tackled to agent to the ground, attacking him ‘MMA-style’, punching him repeatedly in the head….

      Oh wait. That was a *different* incident in Florida.

      My bad.

      • And it’ll have a much different outcome, too. Lemme guess, no prosecution of the shooter for second-degree murder in this one.

      • Remember, the police report didn’t originally support prosecution in that one. Political grandstanding caused a change of plans a level or two up.

  2. Judging by that nose in the picture, he’s been in one too many fights – I’d expect nothing less from him.

  3. “That’s how a conspiracy works . . . . ”

    VIDEO DELETED – YouTube embeds screw up some browsers

    • Dead men tell no tales kinda popped into my thoughts. Just thinking, hey that’s one way to stifle an investigation and help the trail go cold. If this was an interrogation of a trained fighter for complicity in terror activity, why wasn’t he restrained in any manner?

      • If this was an interrogation the suspect would probably be restrained but the police in the room with him would definitely be un-armed. This sounds more like a field interview that went bad, trained MMA guy goes for agents gun maybe.

    • No offense, but you throw the bullshit flag out on damn near anything that involves the government, governmental agencies, governmental employees, and basically anyone that wears a uniform. It kinda makes your flag meaningless.

        • Shoot, yesterday’s conspiracy theorists seem to be today’s prophets. Henry could certainly be right more often than not.

        • Two weeks ago I would have rolled my eyes…
          A lot’s happened since then, hasn’t it Ms Attkisson?

      • Personally I have never seen any government employee, government agency, or anyone wearing a “public service” uniform that wasn’t full of bullshit.
        You might be a badge licker, but some of us are Free Men.

        • Yep, you got me. I’m a badge-licker. I can’t believe it took ’til now for someone to point it out.

          Except, perhaps, that it’s not true, and I challenge you to find a single example in any of my comments that a rational person (hint: that’s not you) would feel fits that description.

          You, on the other hand, clearly have a hardon for anyone in law enforcement, and examples are easy to find, to wit:

          “All cops lie, all the time.”
          “If the cop is honest, then no amount of baiting will make him be a typical cop.”
          “The cop can go back and sit in the Dunkin Donuts…”
          “Disarming cops is one of the first steps toward a safer America.”
          “They [cops] have already shown they are the enemy of the citizen. Wearing the uniform is all it takes to make them guilty now.”

          Those examples took me less than 90 seconds to find. Go find some examples of me being a badge licker. I’ll wait, I’ve got ice cream.

  4. Accidental discharge resulting in death…disguised as a justifiable, defensive popo shooting. 😉

  5. I hope that the same agent will soon visit Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Between Tsarnaev’s welfare, hospitalization, trial, incarceration, free appeals and extra security, the Comintern of Massachusetts is going to go broke.

    Okay, that’s not the worst thing in the world.

    • And, if only for economic reasons, have him pay a visit to Nidal Malik Hasan. THAT sob has been paid way over $200,000.00 since his participation in the Ft. Hood “work place” violence incident.

  6. Wow! Three LEOs can’t subdue one man?! I don’t care what he was, that is what pepper spray and Tazers are for. Looks like murder to me.

  7. The full article mentions that Todashev had previously been arrested for assaulting two men over a parking spot at a local mall. One of the men required treatment at a hospital.

    This guy was not a model citizen. I suspect he decided to bring his MMA to a gunfight, with predictable results.

    • I would expect that the FBI had access to the info before paying him a visit—during an investigation into terrorist activities. So . . . they should have arrived expecting trouble. And maybe they did.

    • >> The full article mentions that Todashev had previously been arrested for assaulting two men over a parking spot at a local mall.

      The guy exhibited typical behavior of a young male raised in traditional Chechen culture while in foreign territory where local culture and customs are not rigorously enforced. If you look at Russian criminal news, these kinds of stories happen by the dozen every day in Moscow, and almost universally involve people with the same kind of background.

    • Bet they have been instructed not to change their procedures until after they finish the IRS investigation…and they will interrogate the whistle blowers first. This may not end well, except for the Administration, that is.

  8. Not to pick nits, BUT; how is this person who was being interviewed by LE a “. . . Boston Marathon Bombing SUSPECT”? Nothing would yet indicate he was suspected of any involvement other than being in contact with one of the bombers.

  9. There are a lot of questions one could ask. We’ll have to wait for answers. But I suspect that the FBI was leaning on this guy, and he couldn’t take it anymore. Veiled accusations, threats of deportation or cooperation, the typical stuff. I am reminded of several incidents in which American citizens of “certain” extraction traveling in the Middle East have been put on the watch list and barred from returning to the US by air, treatment that is promised to cease in exchange for a waiver of the right to counsel and promises of “cooperation.” I recall a Seattle businessman who went to Libya and a student who went to Egypt who received this treatment, resulting in months of effort to get back home. Is this more of same?

  10. Why does the FBI consistently underestimate the people they intend to interview?Why does the FBI seem to be ill-equiped to address the folks they intend ot arrest( Miami bank robbers) or do a Ruby Ridge number.Accountants and lawyers.

  11. This looks bad no matter how you spin it, but it would also look bad if the FBI had strapped him down to a chair before questioning him, or brought the largest dozen agents they could find to stand around him in a circle, or anything else I can think of to keep a fight with an MMA fighter from possibly going sideways. Is there more to this than meets the eye? Perhaps. If, just if, it was as simple as the agent was attacked and was about to be disarmed, though… an easier way to avoid answering questions is to just not answer the damn questions.

    Remember, there are more rights than to bear arms, and more amendments than the second.

  12. I want to know why Massachusetts State Police were in Florida “interviewing” a “suspect” at any location other than a police station.

  13. Wait. So you’re telling me the FBI knew he was connected to the terror suspect in Boston, was an MMA fighter, and DIDN’T have him in handcuffs? Something stinks of complicity or stupidity in this one.

  14. Maybe the FBI offered the poor guy some water and he panicked. I can’t blame him. That Gitmo water tastes so bad it makes you gag.

  15. The NY Times is reporting that some Chechen immigrants believe
    the Russian may be steering the FBI to ex-Chechen rebels with
    no ties to Boston or terrorism at all. As little credibility as the
    Times has I wouldn’t put it past the Russians to do this. Nor would
    I put it past some of the illustrious brainiacs in this administration
    to fall for it hook, line and sinker.

    • Well, of course Chechen immigrants would tell you that they that. Most of those guys are refugees because they were fighting for the insurgent side either in the first or the second Chechen war. The first one had a significant Islamist component to it; the second was pretty much entirely Islamist (it started with an invasion of the neighboring Russian region of Dagestan by the so-called “Islamic Peacekeeping Brigades” from the territory of Chechnya; the first thing they did in captured villages was to establish Sharia law). So a lot of those people are complicit in the same thing.

      Add to that the fact that Chechen society is highly traditionalist with extreme emphasis on family relations – “me and my brother against my cousins, me and my cousins against the village, me and my village against the tribe, me and my tribe against the rest of the world” is literally true in Chechnya. So everything that one Chechen (with a traditional background, born and raised in a teip – it’s a culture thing, not a blood thing) says in defense of another Chechen to an outsider should be taken with a huuuuge grain of salt.

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