The vast majority of states and colleges prohibit guns from being carried on campus either by law or choice. However, in recent years the gun lobby has pushed legislation to force guns onto college campuses against the wishes of most students, staff, and campus law enforcement. There is no evidence that allowing guns on campuses reduces crime or makes campuses safer. In fact, campuses are already incredibly safe and adding guns to the mix only makes them less so.
Colleges are places of learning and students should be free to express their opinions and learn without the fear of another student carrying a gun to a lecture or at a tailgate. Colleges also have unique risk factors—increased rates of mental illness, and prevalent drug and alcohol abuse—which make the presence of guns potentially deadly.
— Everytown in Keep Guns Off Campus
[h/t Rob Romano]
Schools/universities were one of the *very* few areas that guns were banned in the ‘Founding Era’, so it’s likely bans there would pass constitutional muster…
But not basic human rights muster. Any person that is a danger to themselves and others with a gun is also a danger with a steak knife or a sledgehammer or a chainsaw or a car. yet these same people all routinely eat dinner, do yardwork, and drive.
Let the courts rule as they will. To borrow a line from Shakespeare “By my heal, I care not.”
Amen, pirate. Amen.
With morons marching for socialism and with cases of missing or found dead students popping up here and there only a fool would be without means to defend themselves.
Furthermore…Nowhere in history or in the founding documents is it in stone that colleges and universities can deny one their 2A Right and force them into victimhood. To give Gun Control a gram of validity is to give Gun Control a pound of your freedom.
The criminal misuse of firearms, bricks, bats, knives, vehicles, etc. should always be Center X. Otherwise crime stays and your rights vanish wherever you go.
“Furthermore…Nowhere in history or in the founding documents is it in stone that colleges and universities can deny one their 2A Right and force them into victimhood.”
I really hate to break it to you, but that’s not completely correct.
In the founding documents, no. In history, yes, they did. That was actually brought up in the oral arguments of the recent ‘Bruen’ decision, when the justices were musing what areas could ban the carry of guns…
also dangerous with bare fists, feet, the belt fro your britches, logging boots, cars, heavy backpacks……
I love the wat David Codrea puts it: if a man cannot be trusted in public with a gun, how can he be trusted in public without a qualified custodian?
It ain’t the arrow, its always the indian. (if you think that’s a ray cyst then swap out “indian” for any other person.)
If they’re banned for students & faculty they should be banned for LEOs etc… as well. If only these “gun-free” zones worked on people who don’t follow the rules. After V-Tech I carried illegally on campus for 2 years. Know plenty of other students and professors who did/do as well. The constitution is one thing, and there are many things about it including the 2A that I deeply cherish, but sometimes it isn’t the end-all to logical solutions or even individual liberty for that matter.
My brother teaches in the anthropology department at Virginia Tech and there’s no way on Earth I can convince him to carry a gun. He believes that bearing arms is right up there sin wise with molesting children but he is a hardcore Marxist so what does he know. You’ll find that probably 80% of the faculty on the campus thinks the same way.
Yeah I spent too much time on a State U campus a few years back. ONE prof had his head on very straight. He had us reading Federalist Papers, Thomas Sowell, von Mises, etc. ONe day a young shippersnapper wannabee stood up i session and asked him point blank to his face WHY are you here? With all this nonsense you”re feeding us, you just don’t fit the mould of this institution. He calmly and matter of factly stated that “I came here the second year this college was open, and i was sought after specifically BECAUSE of my “non-standard” views on things. There used to be a few other profs who thought “differently” than most, but they’ve all gone on. I’m the only one left who takes the time to examine different viewpoints, and apply LOGIC and common sense to them. THAT is why I am here and what I am doing. If you like I will sign the transfer slip so you can move on to something that suits your appetites better, but I will NOT cease presnting these view and ideas. You want what everyone else teaches, move over to one of THEIR classrooms. He did it respectfully and honestly. No fear. I mean, what COULD anyone do to him? He was already decades older than dirt, still active and strong, had worked all over the world in industry and seen a lot… that worked, and more importantly thet did NOT work. He was a breat of fresh air to we who had somewhat open minds.
Oh and I also carried there. Found out halfay thought that it was verboten somewhere in the stident handbook, which I had not wasted the time to read. all about how to ride the busses into town, and where the beachfront dock was. I rode my bike, and have strong policy to ALWAYS do that whilst armed. Somehow creeps seem to enjoy waylaying folks on expensive road bikes, perhaps thinking they;ve got significant quantities of cash on them.
Then SCOTUS ignore that BS and issued Bruen with their standard of ‘sensitive places’. Clearly a college campus is NOT (unless the inmates are demonstrated to all be particularly insane).
Yes, but in the ‘Founding Era’ duels were allowed. Kind of balances out. Less chance of being drugged or intoxicated at sunrise waiting for the moment.
“Colleges Have Too Many Nutjobs, Drunks and Stoners to Allow Anyone to Carry a Gun on Campus”
I have a simple solution. Why haven’t they thought of this? Just make colleges nutjob, drunk, and stoner free zones. Problem solved. Hey if it works for guns, then why not? Guns are easier to conceal than drunks.
Why limit that to college campuses? Lets make America Nutjobs, Drunks and Stoners free.
Hey, if you can’t handle your booze or your grass, how is that my problem? Ban yourself.
exactly 🙂
its called “hootch control” and “likker control”. Works so well for guns, who would it NOT work amazingly well for weed and hootch?
There’d be no Democrats left.😂
You say that like it’s a BAD thing, Ghost. How many of our “problems” would be eliminated by the simple expedient of getting rid of the Dimocrats?? 75%? 90%?
That would collapse their consumer base and probably close most of them and utterly destroy many social sciences fields………………..nevermind.
There’s a silver lining to alcohol and pot use on campus.
It shields those majoring in social sciences from absorbing the avalanche of lies and BS the professors spew at them.
The criminal justice and psychology courses were not bad (normal teachers) but the few sociology courses I took had nothing to do with learning about other groups/how they think interact or behave. It was all how we should think interact and behave with the disadvantaged to the point that our entire class was failed (thrown out and regraded by an independent professor) for not accepting that widespread deviant behavior was an entirely acceptable way of life……..the black students pointing out that encouraging such behaviors was utterly destructive to their community/ability to succeed and racist in background was particularly enjoyable to see in the presentation section.
Considering the employment prospects of social sciences students, it would not be a great loss.
Repeat after me, “Do you want fries with that?”
“Repeat after me, “Do you want fries with that?” ”
At a mandated $25/hr ($55k/yr) in Californication, that might not be too bad.
I was making $56k as a GS-11.
I was making
benefit not bug
Do it.
Right–and in the same breath, “campuses are already incredibly safe….” But no evidence to suggest that adding guns will reduce crime or make them safer. All of those drunks, nutjobs, and stoners either don’t seem to be adding to the crime or at least don’t make it worse–so allowing students to protect themselves is somehow a bridge too far?
Maybe just put up signs…like in Times Square. THAT’LL make a difference.
Ok Dude, you have covered the faculty and administration. So what about the students?
If they did that, who would be left to teach the students?
you assume, a questinable route, that they actuall DO “teach” the students.. valuable things. Just because that’s their job descriotion does NOT mean that’s what tjey DO………
Evidently if they did that colleges would go out of business? LOL
easier to clean up after, too. And necessary far less often.
They just exposed the REAL problem in the country without knowing it!!😂
if college in america
is really that bad
maybe we should take a second look
at the federal student loan program
see also:
education bubble
Why solve a problem that works for the elite? Their idea of solving the federal student loan “problem” is making me pay for sum_one else’s lone*. They decided to do this after they taxed my income and net worth with record inflation as they continue to spend like it’s going out of style (which causes more inflation). The only problem they want to solve is to make themselves more rich and powerful and put me in the poorhouse.
*Text in bold forces comment into moderation purgatory. Misspelled to avoid moderation.
The fact that those words get moderated speaks volumes of where TTAG stands on fundamental rights.
‘The Truth About Guns……..
The most popular and widely respected voice in America for your gun rights,…… ‘
That ‘widely respected’ looks highly suspect to those who like other rights too.
Take the 1st for example. Woops, Freudian slip, seems that TTAG is doing EXACTLY that. 🤔
No story on the MPD receiving ks of P320 without safety lever springs installed.
Odd, TTAG usually covers EVERYTHING SIG.
Here is a fun one, where to buy a sig 320 subcompact grip module size medium any color?
Hope you have better luck then my neighbor.
He ordered a grip module a few years ago, found it had a revision in the slide lock area that didn’t match his FCG. When assembled there was a large gap.
He was instructed to return that grip module for a replacement, did so. He received another with the same gap.
He called CS again and was told that SIG made a change to that module, but didn’t change the part # in any way, not even a revision letter to differentiate the design modification.🤪
CS told him to just keep returning each unwanted module shipped until he eventually receives the desired module.
Oh, each return item/received item process took ~six weeks.
After a few returns only to receive ANOTHER wrong module, he sold the gun and hasn’t purchased any more ‘modern’ Sigs.
Awesome CS there Sig. 👍
Seems the old ‘we hate you’ title that HK has endured for decades has now been handed over to Sig.
Stupid question but he had the 9/40/357 fcg and not the 45, 10, or barely not a 250 version?
He had an early 9mm FCG.
Not sure what version it was.
I vaguely remember the early (barely not a 250) had some complaints re “new” modules not fitting (already phased out for x series which is also likely soon to be replaced) but that was way before I qualified for a pistol permit. And now just seeing if I can play mad scientist with a subcompact grip and substantially longer slide to have the upsized (comically if possible) version of my sig 365L (XL slide on standard frame) but at the rate the search for a subcompact grip is going I will likely be able to rock standard capacity magazines by the time I find it.
So colleges and universities are “campuses are already incredibly safe”.
Also “Colleges also have unique risk factors—increased rates of mental illness, and prevalent drug and alcohol abuse—which make the presence of guns potentially deadly.”
You can’t have it both ways. They are safe and don’t need guns or they have a bunch of risks which in my mind would say I need to have a means for self protection.
But doublethink is required in freshman orientation
Ask the women who get raped walking back from a class or studying whether they should be able to defend themselves in an effective manner on campus. I guess they would just chalk that up to “just students being a little wild, exploring their sexual expression” or something, it’s totally safe on campus, they have those police call boxes so I’m sure no one needs to defend themselves.
Also for a lot of universities the sprawling campus pretty much is a lot of the town or urban center so defining what is on or off campus could make much of the city into a gun free zone if walking down the street or going to a gas station is “on campus.”
Wait, wait, I thought universities were places where our best and brightest were sent to realize their full intellectual potential. If instead, they’re sanctuaries for people of questionable mental reliability, then there’s a lot more we need to rethink about society than campus carry.
“Wait, wait, I thought universities were places where our best and brightest were sent to realize their full intellectual potential…..”
Most can more accurately be defined as ‘day care centers for childish adults’.
‘Indoctrination Finishing Schools’ is another accurate description.
I was going to say “Daycare, but with sex and drugs.”
What about the rifle team or the trap teams? Who gonna know I’m strapped?
Gangs in the inner city Have Too Many Nutjobs, Drunks and Stoners to Allow Anyone to Carry a Gun in the inner city.
There are many more shootings in the inner city than anywhere else, maybe we should try that first. Enforce gun laws against those who use a firearm in a crime, make it the primary offense, and no plea bargains on those offenses.
Most college students are under age 21, the minimum age to buy or carry firearms in most jurisdictions, so banning guns on campus is largely superfluous. But let’s ask the victims at Virginia Tech how safe their “gun-free” zone is. Oh, wait. Nevermind.
Fortunately there were some cases resolved in Florida allowing you to have your gun in your car, otherwise you couldn’t even drive through the campus with a weapon without risk of arrest. At least you can stow it, otherwise if you would need to leave it at home even though you might go to the store, campus, dinner, and work, drive home… on campus at all means you couldn’t have it for any of those times.
On the other hand, it shows how silly that is, if I can protect myself carrying while driving, at home, at the store, at dinner, why does my right to protection end on campus? Especially as an adult, we went to a church that was meeting on Sunday on campus, I would normally carry at church, so should it really change anything if the church meets in a college building instead?
when a space is rented to a non-school entity the new entity should set the standards for what goes on in that space. The institution cannot dictate what goes on within that rented space they have ceded control over it just as when I rent a house owned by someone else. They cannot tell me what music I can play, how many guns or tarantulae I can have, (as long as they are secured) what time I go to bed or get up, or who I invite into MY SPACE.
I was part of a church that met in a rented public school facility. They had a “security team” who packed, and anyone else who wanted to could as well, One time I was “made” by someone who did not know me, he went and contacted one of the security team and pointed me out. OH, HIM. He’s fine. He’s part of the team too. The guy thought that was fine……
but to carry in that hall during school days would likely have me ventilated by the local hot headed LE goons. I’ve had a couple of them get on me hard for some imagined thing, while I was carrying (with Mother May I Card, of course) so I chilled real quickly and let him insult, etc. Had I provoked him further in the slightest I have no doubt it would have instntly turned full felony stop, me grounded, cuffed, legs up, gun in HIS car……. and some made up charge because I was “hot”.
If they banned all the nutjobs, drunks, and stoners from colleges, there would not be any more teachers or administrators to take care of the students.
You can’t spend your time teaching anti-American hate without driving everyone crazy and creating nut jobs.
They are creating the problem and then complaining about it.
Not much has changed since I was in college 50 years ago. Which is kinda sad…fight the power.
Over 50 years ago before I graduated, I debated professors who were very left-leaning. I was also the president of the campus young conservatives. I was never criticized for my point of view as long as my arguments were strong.
If I tried that today, I might me censored and possibly expelled. So things have changed. They’ve gotten worse.
they’re not complaining about it so much as using it as a sorty excuse to disarm the rest of us.
We make the nutjobs, and since nutjobs are DAYNjrus its too risky to allow guns anywher enear them, so no you cannnot bring yuor gun to school
Always playing the long game.
It’s hard to dispute the part about mental illness on campuses.
Colleges also have unique risk factors—increased rates of mental illness, and prevalent drug and alcohol abuse—which make the presence of guns necessary.
There. FIFY
Prevalent mental illness and substance abuse. Can’t be trusted with individual rights. They really know how to heap praise on the mighty college educated class don’t they? I thought we’re all supposed to bow to the college educated and hand them the keys to civilization.
“Colleges Have Too Many Nutjobs, Drunks and Stoners to Allow Anyone to Carry a Gun on Campus”
Fact check: 100% true.
Dear Everytown, Mom’s Deman, etc.
About those college “nutjobs, drunks and stoners”…… YOU raised them. YOU had every opportunity for the first eighteen years of their lives to teach them. YOU had the time to help educate them in the difference between right and wrong. But more importantly, YOU had the almost two-decade chance to help them learn to think for themselves.
So what did YOU do ?…… YOU did worse than nothing. YOU were part and parcel of indoctrinating them – in lock-step with the Democrat-run ‘educational system’ – into being what they’ve become: Nutjobs, drunks and stoners.
This is all on YOU. Not law-abiding citizens whether firearms owners or otherwise. YOU. Not Republicans, nor -OrangeManBad’, or anyone else. YOU.
“There is no evidence that allowing guns on campuses reduces crime or makes campuses safer. In fact, campuses are already incredibly safe and adding guns to the mix only makes them less so.”
1. It is not true “There is no evidence that allowing guns on campuses reduces crime or makes campuses safer.” – in fact, there is evidence that many sexual assaults on campuses are prevented or could have been prevented if the victims are or would have been armed.
2. It is not true that “campuses are already incredibly safe and adding guns to the mix only makes them less so.” – there are over 38,000 violent sexual assaults on public school campuses annually. For college campuses there are over 47,000 violent physical assaults or sexual assaults annually. Based upon surveys, there are an estimated 43% of students and teachers/professors/instructors that go armed daily on college campuses – 32% of them have had to employ DGU and were successful in doing so to stop the attackers. All public school and college campus ‘response’ to violent physical assaults or sexual assaults is always after the fact with lip service paid to the environment paid to the environment in terms of ‘patrols’ and ‘awareness’ and ‘education’ for the crime – no in-progress crime has ever been stopped from beginning by ‘campus police’ or campus environment signs or procedures but plenty of them have been stopped by the victim employing DGU.
3. The very fact that college campuses are liberal enough to allow “Nutjobs, Drunks and Stoners” (which commit the majority of sexual assaults on college campuses) makes the campuses even more dangerous and less safe than a law abiding person being armed on the campus. In many ways, especially for women, being present on a college campus is a lot less safe than being on the city streets.
I lived in a college town for 30 years. When I moved there, there were lines to get into the bars at night. By the time I left there were probably lines to get into the library. There were a lot of foreign students and they were not there to mess around.
Were told there’s a rape epidemic on campuses, though.
Oh well, I suppose the human rights of people who happen to be females just didn’t matter.
Excuse me! Excuse me! I happen to be a big fan of stoners, drunkards and nut jobs. I wrote a good part of my organic chemistry thesis in a local dive bar. After all booze is just chemistry.
They raise dirtbags then act horrified when they find out they grow up and have rights and can be a danger to them
The U of Utah has had legal guns on campus for a while now with few if any problems. But a 21 year old student WAS recently arrested for threatening to “detonate” the school’s nuclear research reactor if the Utes didn’t beat San Diego State. Maybe a football ban?
The old saying is true: “Eventually the Left ends up eating it own.”
Calling out your peeps; great method to rally the party.
“Colleges Have Too Many Nutjobs, Drunks and Stoners to Allow Anyone to Carry a Gun on Campus”
Hmm, forgot to add “Snowflakes” to that list.
Ohio law now allows concealed carry on campus, so long as the college/university has some kind of official policy allowing it. Cedarville University is the only one I know about that has such a written policy. Three years running, and no reported gun crime on campus yet…
Have an old friend who teaches at UW-Madison. He’d never carry a gun, but on the other hand, he’s deadly with a shiriken.
Angels and ministers of grace defend us
So, these same young people who are supposedly mature enough to decide if they are going to be men or women, sign loan documents, sign contracts, purchase vehicles or booze, or even join the Military, are not mature enough to have and carry firearms. But, if 21 or older can do so nearly anywhere else. Of course we have seen in recent decades how other rights are left at the gate on college campus’s. Like actual free speech, choice or preference in political ideology, freedom of association and assembly, right to self defense, or the keep and bear arms, etc.
As for colleges being safe places, only if you are in a protected, preferred, or favored group.
QOUTE: In fact, campuses are already incredibly safe and adding guns to the mix only makes them less so.:QOUTE
They mean just like Uvalde?
Too many nutjobs, drunks and stoners. And that’s just the liberal faculty.
Let’s keep this SIMPLE: Drunks and Stoners are not allowed to carry nor own; if they are totally honest when making their purchase (if done legally). If you smoke POT it’s illegal Federally, that’s all that matters. As for handguns, in the many states, you cannot carry if under 21 years old. So a large portion of college students would be unable to carry. As for others, why shouldn’t the parent of a student be allowed to conceal carry, or any other visitor of legal carry age? Legal owners are not the issue in the majority of criminal firearm use. If we are determined to protect the criminals, keep pushing to restrict Legal Responsible Firearm Owners.
I don’t think Everytown was complaining, I think they were bragging about nutjobs!
Colleges are places of learning
Perfect place to learn how to be a nutjob, drunk and/or a stoner just follow the example of their professors.
The article claims that college “campuses are already incredibly safe.”
But then it contradicts itself by saying, “Colleges also have unique risk factors—increased rates of mental illness, and prevalent drug and alcohol abuse.”
OK, which is it? Are colleges “incredibly safe” or do colleges have “unique risk factors—increased rates of mental illness, and prevalent drug and alcohol abuse”?
Because it can’t be both at the same time!
Its quoting a piece by Everytown, an anti-gun organization. They are well known for their false, misleading, and contradictory stances on various gun related subjects.
“increased rates of mental illness, and prevalent drug and alcohol abuse” is what makes college campuses less safe. For college campuses there are over 47,000 violent physical assaults or sexual assaults annually – about 90% of the perpetrators are other students and faculty with “mental illness, and prevalent drug and alcohol abuse” issues.
Everytown doesn’t see the distinction and contradiction here because their narrative here is “campuses are already incredibly safe” because guns are not allowed and not that they are actually safe because they are not. But Everytown doesn’t want to point out that the campuses are extremity unsafe, especially for women, but tries to leave the impression for the less intelligent that only guns can make the campus less safe. I got news for Everytown, based upon surveys there are an estimated 43% of students and teachers/professors/instructors that go armed daily on college campuses (even if guns are not permitted) – 32% of them have had to employ DGU and were successful in doing so to stop the violent attacks upon them – in other words guns have been carried all this time and have been stopping the violence against those that were armed, specifically because the campuses are very unsafe.
“Because it can’t be both at the same time!”
In this day and age, it most certainly can; and likely mandatory.
What the apparently contradictory statement means is that campi are safe because those risk factors are held in check only by the lack of firearms legally possessed on university grounds.
“Too Many Nutjobs, Drunks and Stoners”
Well, it seems the fed.gov needs to screen those applying for student loans MUCH better.
Also apply zero tolerance for underage alcohol usage and illegal drug use on campus.
Kinda like what MADD did for DUI offenses.
If they’re old enough to decide to get gender reassignment surgery at 12, they’re old enough to experience the consequences of actions at 17.
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