Courtesy Edelweiss Arms

Last year we posted about the launch of Edelweiss Arms, a venture of KRISS USA that’s dedicated to importing classic European firearms. They’ve been busily importing ever since, and tomorrow they’re giving away a SIG P49 (there’s still time to enter). The P49 is the Swiss military equivalent of the SIG P210.

For more info on the gun, on Swiss National Day, and on how to win this beautiful bad boy, check out Edelweiss’ press release below . . .

Edelweiss Arms offers rare SIG P49 pistol, valued at $3,000.00, for monthly giveaway

Chesapeake, Virginia, USA – Edelweiss Arms, KRISS USA’s division focused on the import and sale of C&R (curios and relics) and antique firearms, is offering a rare and highly valuable SIG Swiss Army P49 pistol for their monthly giveaway. The P49 offered is valued at $3,000.000 and the winner will be selected on Swiss National Day, August 1.

Courtesy Edelweiss Arms

“This is an unprecedented giveaway for Edelweiss Arms, offering such a rare and valuable item.” states KRISS USA Marketing Manager, Tim Seargeant. “Swiss National Day celebrates the founding of Switzerland in 1891, and we couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate such a momentous occasion than to offer one of the finest examples of Swiss craftsmanship for our monthly give away. The P49 on offer was manufactured by SIG in Neuhausen, Switzerland, and is part of the fourth delivery to the Swiss Army. It is in very good condition with 90% of its original finish and all matching serial numbers on the barrel, slide, and frame; with minimal wear around muzzle, grip, and frame. One lucky participant is going to win a fantastic piece of history.”

There is no purchase necessary to win. Participants can enter multiple ways by signing up for the Edelweiss Arms newsletter and by following Edelweiss Arms on social media platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook.

To enter for a chance to win the SIG Swiss Army P49, visit

About Edelweiss Arms

Edelweiss Arms is a division of KRISS USA Inc., specializing in the import and resale of antique and collectible firearms, with a strong focus on Swiss firearms. Edelweiss Arms specializes in offering premium quality collectors pieces to the discerning collector in the United States. Leveraging on strategic business relationships in Switzerland and a wide network of partners in Europe, Edelweiss Arms’ aim is to import only the highest grade and historically significant collector’s firearms. Edelweiss Arms is headquartered in Chesapeake, Virginia, where all of our pieces are inspected, cataloged, and vaulted.


KRISS USA is a leading manufacturer, distributor and provider of small arms, training replicas and accessories for commercial, military and law enforcement users worldwide. KRISS USA is part of a group of companies that focus on delivering proprietary technologies to the firearms industry, enabling more efficient solutions and corresponding to the 21st century security requirements.


  1. Swiss National Day? Will the EU allow a nation to celebrate its sovereignty? National pride? Ain’t that verboten in the People’s Republic of the EU?

      • Oh yes they are. They were just forced into it this year. They may never have “officially joined” the EU, but they are now subject to all the EU mandates and rules that Brussels wants.

        • The Swiss should have told them to pound sand and that they would do their own thing like they did for decades.

        • Brussels used the carrot and stick approach. If Switzerland didn’t comply, Swiss citizens would be regarded as non-european and have to show passports when crossing EU borders. Goods traveling to and from Switzerland would be subject to tariffs and processing delays. But by complying all these difficulties would disappear.

        • Evidence the EU anticipates Brexit will happen — demonste to the other vassels that the Brusslescrats can inflict their diktats whether you aren in or out.

          Or, the encumber and inflict strategy that closed half of the Ill gun dealers (so far), when they couldn’t get a straight ban. See also D C gun laws, “doing business” in N Y S, and historically, Jim Crow laws.

      • Yes, its almost like the price of an item sold is balance between how much of it there is, and how badly people want it. Like, if you’re trying to sell a thing in a place where they have a lot of them around, but there’s not many people wanting them, I bet the price will be lower. But that exact same thing, if you’re selling it someplace where there are NOT very many of them, but a LOT of people want it, would probably sell for a higher price. It seems to me be some sort of universal law. We could call it… the Law of Amount and Appetite… no, the Law of Inventory and Desire… no that sounds awkward…the Law of Supply and Dem… you know what I give up, something will coem to me eventually.

        I bet there’s even money to be made taking advantage of this. Like you could buy a thing in a place or time where you could get it for cheap, and then sell the exact same thing at a time/place where it was selling for more. Imagine that, you could literally make money, just by buying and selling a thing for different prices! I bet we’d need to come up with a weird name for it if you did that cross national borders. Since you ahve to go in through a port of entry, I propose we call this new business sector the InPort business. This will revolutionize world commerce

  2. Sushhhh…..It was suppose to be a secret, how I’m I suppose to win if every knows about it !!!

  3. Looks like a nice gun. But $3000?

    For the same money, I can build four complete ARs and a G19 from 80% frames and have money left over to outfit with nice sights, triggers, handstops, mags, etc.

    Yes, I admit that *if I won the lottery*, I’d spring for a nice Turnbull restoration or top-of-the-line AR, but I live in the suburbs and work for a living.

    • That’s like saying “Pfft, why would anyone buy a ’55 Thunderbird when you can use that money to buy a Honda Civil AND a used minivan?”

      Which, okay, but if you have to ask…

        • To which I say, “pfft, why would anyone buy a ’55 Thunderbird when you can buy a couple of Hondas…one for you and the other for the wife.”

          The Thunderbird would be cool, no doubt, but it’s not my style. You can have it.

    • Because I outshot my friends with scoped rifles at 100yards with my sig P210-6. Target? 16-oz water bottles.

  4. All I know, is that I went to Garmisch-Partenkirchen, and didn’t see any edelweiss, other than the lodge. Mostly because I got too drunk to go anywhere else. Beautiful town though. The food was amazing. It was great. Good times. I miss Germany.

    That said, I think I’ll pass giving up info to win a murse gun.

  5. Entered it. What the heck my inbox is cluttered as is may as well get it cluttered a bit more at a near impossible chance to win what is a cool gun with a cool holster.

  6. fk all the political and racist comments against the Swiss by the out house denizens. We are supposed to be talking about this weapon. If its a newly manufactured one its no where near the equal of the original. The New model has a cast frame and cast internal parts, I am told they are junk MIM cast parts. The fire control system is no longer tongue and groove but is held in by a 10 cent chrome plated fillips head screw. The magazine no longer has a stainless steel follower like the original high quality gun and the magazine does not have a welded continues seem on the spine but rather it is folded over and then spot welded together. Yeah , I know they work while they are new because without knowing it I needed an extra mag a few years ago and paid over $100 bucks and did not know that I was about to be shipped junk compared to my one original magazine that came with my original Danish Contract gun made decades ago.

    The original guns were of the highest quality and had the best accuracy of any 9mm I have ever shot. They often shoot much better than so called custom 9mm guns being made in the States (1911 9mm custom guns) or even the Smith custom guns of several decades ago.

    They point very naturally too and feel like an extension of your own hand.

    Its one of the worlds great tragedies that the Swiss never put into production their prototype that was a 16 shot variation of the gun. Now that would have been one hell of a hand gun even today.

    I might point out the newly made trash is so overpriced its simply a rape of the consumer. You will suffer less of a rip off if you by a High Point instead. I am not being facetious.

    Of course there are still plenty of “original” guns out there that of course are used and if you want one there still are deals out there for a lot less than paying $3,000 for a modern made cast iron piece of shit.

    By the way I think this gun they are advertising may be an original. Even so its not worth $3,000.

  7. Cool story, bro. Amazing how with just a computer you can find out a lot of ‘authentic sounding info’ from your mom’s basement. And then you can pretend you know your shit even though you’ve never touched a real gun.

    But we know better.

    • I still would like to see some source he sites for any of his bullshit. He’s never posted one.

    • so flab topless is the same mo who used to whine about mim and helmet penetration all those years ago?
      dsa used to import these used way back. missed the boat there. the new u.s. made ones have changed some materials and processes necessarily to keep them at $1500.
      me really likey.

      visit larvatus prodeo site for good info.

      • “””””””””””””””””””””””””dsa used to import these used way back. missed the boat there. the new u.s. made ones have changed some materials and processes necessarily to keep them at $1500.++++++++++++++++++++++

        Your statement simply translated means your buying $1,500 of over priced modern made junk.

        I will keep my original Danish contract piece and yes I missed the original boat when it docked and yes I payed a lot more for an original one later in time but it was worth it. its MIM cast free and there is no comparison to the workmanship either.

        • does it smell like the north end of a “ferule bread goat” facing south?
          so, fab teepees cares what i spend on what.
          you’re a wigwam, you’re an igloo- you’re two tents.

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