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We’ve been running a series of ammunition consistency tests for years here at TTAG, and the results have been surprising. There are some runaway winners, but for the most part everyone (even the “premium” brands) seems to be clustered around the same level of consistency. It’s a state of affairs that one new company is hoping to change in the United States, and they are making some big claims about their accuracy — a 1/2 MoA guarantee with each box. It’s something we’ve been invited to witness in person, and we’ll be reporting on it as soon as we see those results for ourselves. In the meantime, here’s their press release . . .

Long range and precision shooting are incredibly difficult skills to master. Whether a shooter is trying to hit a target 1,000+ yards away or shoot dime size groups at 100 yards, it takes training, lots of practice, quality equipment and in all honesty, a little bit of raw talent. Today, Eagle Eye Precision Ammunition is making the task a little bit easier and setting the new standard for what commercial off the shelf match ammunition. By guaranteeing every lot is factory tested to 1⁄2 minute of angle or better, Eagle Eye Precision Ammunition is forcing shooters around the world to rethink their views on what factory ammunition is capable of.

In the past, we as shooters had no option except to hand load ammunition if we wanted to consistentlyobtain 1⁄2 minute of angle precision. We can all recall countless hours spent checking case dimensions, weighing powder charges on the scale down to 1/10th of a grain, separating bullets by weight, cleaning flash holes and more in order to achieve 1⁄2 minute of angle groupings while avoiding the inherent variation and lot to lot inconsistencies of traditional mass production ammunition.

There are an ever increasing number of factory rifles and custom gunsmiths producing 1⁄2 MOA guns. Unfortunately, in today’s market, when purchasing ammunition, it is far from a foregone conclusion that a regular box of ammunition labeled ‘match grade’ can even shoot 1⁄2 MOA groups. Simply loading a cartridge with a hollow point boat tail bullet does not automatically guarantee match grade or 1⁄2 MOA performance. While the outright 1⁄2 minute of angle or better accuracy of Eagle Eye Precision Ammunition as tested in real rifles (not test barrels bolted to a bench) is noteworthy in its own right, the truly exceptional aspect is the astounding consistency with which the feat is accomplished. After all, achieving 1⁄2 MOA from hand loads lot after lot requires meticulous and painstaking attention to detail.

When asked about the lot to lot consistency, Holger Kamin, MBA, CMO at Eagle Eye Precision and former Lapua executive replies, “why would you accept anything less?” Holger explains, “If I go to any store in the country and buy a can of Coke it tastes the same every time or if I pick up any iPhone it performs the same as every other one. I don’t have to worry about getting a bad can of coke or one iPhone being slower than the one in the box behind it. Shooters should not have to worry about one lot of ammunition shooting different from the next. With Eagle Eye Precision ammunition, shooters can pick up a box of our match on any shelf in any store and know it can shoot 1⁄2 minute of angle or better. Consistency is Accuracy”.

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Obtaining the Eagle Eye Precision levels of consistency is the result of attention to detail, modern manufacturing processes & quality systems combined with the best raw materials. For example, unlike most other manufacturers who start the case manufacturing process with pre-made brass cups, Eagle Eye Precision cases start life in the factory as individual brass discs. The brass discs are made from the highest quality CuZn28 brass that is specifically screened for even the faintest traces of impurities including tin and bismuth which could lead to microscopic bubbling/warping during manufacturing or contribute to cracking after only a few reloads. The cases undergo a proprietary heat treating process to further enhance the homogeneity of the brass above and beyond the typical annealing done by others. This means that Eagle Eye Precision cases can often be reloaded 10+ times.

For cartridges in the ‘match grade’ category, precision and accuracy results are usually the end of the story. However, Eagle Eye Precision is taking things a step further. Match bullets have traditionally used very soft and thin jackets because they are easy to work with and make obtaining tight concentricity tolerances easier. While the tighter concentricity tolerances improve accuracy, the downside to thin jackets is poor terminal ballistics upon impact compared to hunting bullets tend to favor much thicker jackets for better expansion and weigh retention upon impact. Conversely, because of advanced manufacturing processes the Eagle Eye Precision 175gr HPBT bullet makes use of a thicker than usual jacket and a wider meplat which provides significantly improved terminal ballistic properties when compared to conventional match bullets. These additional design features serve to expand the versatility of the bullet far beyond simply punching holes in paper.

The unprecedented levels of precision, consistency and innovative thinking have helped attract some of the world’s best shooters including as US Palma Team Member Kelly Bachand and Glenn Dubis, a US Army Marksmanship Unit Hall of Famer who has set 5 world records to the Eagle Eye Precision Shooting Team.

For many of us who are not a Kelly backhand or Glenn Dubis, having the tools to shoot help us shoot dime sized group at 100 yards is quite the dream setup. However, Justin Brown, PhD, the CEO of Eagle Eye Precision Ammunition explains, “If you measure a US dime you will discover its actually about 0.7 inches in diameter. 1⁄2 minute of angle at 100 yards equates to approximately 0.5 inches. This means that every lot of Eagle Eye Precision Ammunition is required to be able to shoot a group nearly 30% smaller than the size a US dime at 100 yards in order to pass inspection and be cleared for shipping to customers”.

This consistent level of exceptionally high performance is why many experts are beginning to consider Eagle Eye Precision the new gold standard in precision match ammunition.


    • $38.00/20 for .308, $29.00/20 for .223.

      The cost can be offset by saving your brass. Their brass will undoubtedly be a big jump in quality above most other types/sources of brass. Their necks will be much more concentric, their internal volumes will be much more consistent, flash holes more consistent, etc.

      Once you have their brass and you reload using either their bullets or someone else’s match bullet (Bergers, etc), your cost/round will come down significantly and quickly.

      • To claim 1/2 MOA is without warrant. Are they going to furnish you the gun they used to get “their” 1/2″ group? and then, who’s to say everybody that barrows this gun is actually going to be able to shoot that well.
        For about $75.00 you can get 100 pieces of Lapua 223 brass. Berger bullets, another $27.00. I use both these products, and get good results.
        I don’t know if their brass is any more precision than Lapua, maybe so, maybe no. Their probably both pretty good.
        I think that if a shooter is going to shoot very much, and is willing to pay those prices, he or she might as well start hand loading, although your going to need more than just the typical handloading tools to get that sought after 1/2″group.

        • I completely agree. I’m just pointing out in my response that the cost of their ammo can be brought down, juad as with any other high-quality ammo (Federal, Lapua, Norma, etc) by reloading. Use the superior quality brass several times; quit leaving quality brass on the range.

          The #1 thing that it always comes down to is that people who want to shoot 1/2 MOA (and under) groups need to reload. There’s no way around it. There’s a bunch of people here at TTAG that think you can just buy this level of accuracy off the shelf. You can… if you’ve got a wallet that will allow you to do that.

          For the rest of us, I’d suggest learning how to reload.

        • That’s kinda what I was thinking. I’m by no means an expert shooter, and I’ve spent more time listening to others on the topic off precision shooting than on the range with my own rifle, but my impression is that the powder charge in three cartridges has to be “tuned” to the harmonics of rifle that fires it. Which is what is happening when a reloader slowly increases the powder per cartridge by half a grain or so every five or ten rounds, looking for the sweet spot of accuracy.

          I still want to believe, though. Free time is scarce with me.

      • I’d be more interested if they would just sell the brass. Granted its a company press release but it sounds like it would be up there with or even better than Lapua, Nosler, and Norma as far as quality. If they could price it somewhere in that neighborhood I’d be down. $38/20 for 308 isnt bad though, I wouldnt buy it because I just dont like OTM/hollow point ammo for hunting, but the price is on par with loaded ammo from Norma/Lapua/Nosler Trophy Grade. I have definitely bought premium ammo before to hunt with and then save the brass for working up long range loads for.

        When you think about it, $38/20 ($2/rd loaded) isnt a whole lot worse than your cost for the first batch of ammo loaded with premium brass like Norma/Lapua. My cost is 0.44/round for Nosler Ballistic tips, 0.20/round of Varget, another 0.03 for a primer, 0.75/ round using Lapua brass (or even worse if you count the cost of my time spent prepping my Win and RP brass to the same quality) and your are nearly there although ever batch I run on that brass decreases that cost significantly, and over its lifespan that brass only costs me 0.09/round, if the accuracy claim holds up this would be a very solid choice for hunters and occasional shooters who need precision ammo but would never reload/shoot enough to make up the equipment cost of reloading.

        Then again, if we are being honest most of us who reload don’t do it because it saves us that much money (yeah if you only count the cost of the sum of components you put into a loaded round you save a ton of money, but even if your time is only worth minimum wage we would have trouble breaking even if we took that into account), I do it because Im a nerd, and working out stuff like tuning a load to the harmonic nodes of my barrel and obsessively pursuing decreased SD and ES, and as my wife says as much, as she hates my hobby, there are many more destructive vices I could be spending my money on.

        • Tex,
          Good post, I don’t reload to save money. I reload to get the kind of accuracy you can’t buy! I get rewarded when I shoot a 5 shot group, where the outside edges of each hole is inside a dime or penny. This of course doesn’t happen frequently, but when it does, it makes my day!
          As far as wives go, for the most part, I think they just simply don’t understand the pains we go through, to make a cartridge that will shoot it’s bullet into the same hole as the last one. They are far more interested in jabbering with their girlfriends on the phone.

          This reminds me of a story,
          A woman returned from shopping, and asked her husband what he had been doing while she was away. He replied that had been killing flies! Three males, and nine females.
          The wife asked how he could tell the difference between the males and females. The husband replied that the three males were on an empty beer can, and the females were all over on the phone!

      • I suspect good glass on a K31 shooting the GP-11 surplus ammo will give you incredible groups for a reasonable price. I’m not sure about 1/2 MOA though. Maybe 3/4 MOA. 😀

      • Out of the right gun, Federal Gold Medal Match can consistently shoot 1/2 MOA. But the key is out of the RIGHT GUN. This ammo will not turn a mil spec AR15 into a 1/2 MOA gun.

        But it will probably allow a GA Precision bolt gun to shoot 1/2 MOA. But then again, so will Federal GMM.

        This is all just bragging until someone tests this in a few guns while using Federal GMM, Lapua, Nosler, and Hornady Superformance Match as controls.

  1. Ammo manufactures think that labeling something with “precision” or something like that is the best way to sell ammo. The best way to sell me ammo is by labeling it “cheap .22 that goes bang.”

  2. I cant shoot 1/2moa from 10 feet…….I think so what difference does ammo quality make for a guy like me??
    With a defensive hand gun if all co-operate I have a pretty good point of bad guy. 15yards or less.
    With my only rifle being a 10-22 set up for the latest circa 1994 Chevy Truck Challenge.
    Ill do OK even with Thunderbolts. That last time I cared cost $5.99 for a brick.
    So unless you have a gazzilion dollar rifle and unlimited ammo funds.
    Whos going to buy this stuff??
    I guess there is a market for almost anything.
    Put it out there someone will buy it.
    But it wont be me.

    • “Whos going to buy this stuff??”

      People who want precision ammo for hunting but don’t shoot enough to justify the overhead expense or time requirement to handload their own.

      If the accuracy claim holds up and they keep it priced competitively with other “precision/premium” loaded ammo offerings by other brands, then I think there will be plenty of people buying it.

      • And there will be plenty of folks like our friend there who pretty much just want some cheap and reasonably reliable bangety bangety for a fun afternoon at the range, and who will look at a $2 a round price tag and walk. As for me, I’m working with a semiauto .308… so I handload both to reduce cost, and to remind myself to make every last shot count.

  3. Old school rule. Shoot what LEO’s shoot, and practice.

    Hydra-Shok, Speer Gold-Dot, Hornady, etc,…. The uber super dee duper bullet days are just marketing hype.

      • The point of shooting what LEO’s shoot is for legal reasons. I have heard urban legends that some prosecutors will try and say that the use of hollow points indicates a desire to kill. Using what local LEO uses is at least in theory protection against that.

        Also pretty sure the ammo in this article is high powered rifle ammo for long range shooting, not handgun ammo.

        • I dunno, they got a box of .223 up there in the picture. I’d be hesitant to call that high power or long range.

  4. I’m looking forward to seeing how this ammo can perform, and if it can produce groups as well as, or better than, Federal Gold Metal Match.

  5. I always shoot 0 (yes zero) MOA. Just one single shot on paper and voila!

    Bad humor aside I’d love to try their ammunition, even though I suspect the price would be way higher than I can afford. I hope I am wrong…

  6. I can see it now…

    BREAKING – Eagle Eye Ammunition announces its first Product Recall…

    Followed shortly with –

    Eagle Eye Ammunition announces corporate liquidation, selling of all assets…

      • It’s a .308. And that barrel shot better groups at faster speeds.
        That’s 44 grains of IMR 4895. 168 grain sierra match king hpbt.
        Brass is once fired federal match. The bullets that are more than 2 grains off get tossed to the plinking can. (I’m picky)
        I just picked up a box of Berger match in the 175 grain match VLD. I’m curious to see how well the shoot.
        Scope is a tasco 6-24 with bullet drop compensator with yardage turret.

        • The Tasco scope is the most surprising part to me – thanks for the info. The parallax at 100 yards must be spot on to get groups like that. I wish I had the time to tinker with reloading recipes, but my progressive press is out of alignment and I haven’t had time to fix it.

          Thanks for sharing. I may try out your load. I’m curious how far off the lands your are loading, your COAL, and if your are using the stock trigger or an aftermarket upgrade.

        • I like this tasco series. I picked up a couple at a gun show years ago after having such good luck with the first one.
          Overall loaded length is 2.780. At that length, the lands are just starting to make their mark on the 168’s.
          Single stage presses are the only way to fly if you’re loading for accuracy. Especially since I’m only loading 1-200 rounds. I’ve got a Dillon 650 for bulk plinking ammo.
          DG is right. Inspecting brass after firing is just as important as checking before. Uniform primer ignition, signs of over pressure, cracks, good extractor marks, etc…

          Trigger is stock, dialed down to just over 2 lbs.

    • Tom, remember, Each barrel and chamber is different. There are many variables to consider. 1/2 grain of powder, primer used, neck tension.
      If you buy one box, you might get better than 1/2 MOA, assuming you rifle is capable, or you might get much worse. Point is: Each shooter must experiment to find out the best combination of ingredients for each rifle.

      Their claim of 1/2MOA or 1/2″ groups, reminds me of Weatherby’s claim: Every rifle guaranteed to shoot 1 1/2″ 3 shot group at 100 yards. I could almost through a brick with that accuracy.

      • And then there’s bullet seating depth, what is the chamber throat angle, the variance in the firing pin velocity, etc.

        One of the things that pulls in the dispersion in muzzle velocities is dealing with the firing pin. Getting the pin to hit the primer in the center, every time, with uniform force, is a big piece of getting the standard deviation of Mv’s to come down into single digits.

        So an accuracy ‘smith will clean up the pin’s finish, check protrusion, then look at fired cases to see whether the dent is in the center of the primer. If the pin can wobble in the hole in the face of the bolt, then the bolt face will need to be bushed.

        • DS,
          Do you know of Mic McPherson? He is a friend of mine who helped me get a few products on the market years ago. He writes for shooting magazine, such as Varmint Hunter etc.
          He also has a great book for handloaders, titled “Metallic Cartridge Handloading, Pursuit of the perfect cartridge”
          2013. 425 pages that everybody interested in precision shooting should read.

        • No, I don’t know Mr. McPherson, but his book has been on my “to get into my collection” list for the past year.

  7. With my 10FP my 5 shot groups start like that, then I will ruin it with either 3,4 or 5 and that’s at a 100 yard indoor range
    Must be my scope, rifle or ammo

        • I never thought about the exhaust fans, I guess that could stir up a little wind. Maybe they leave them off for just long enough for folks to get in a string, and then turn them on until the air is clear??

        • I’m asking because of that article DG (I think it was) linked to about that indoor warehouse range in Texas that was so massive in internal volume they didn’t need blowers.

          Reading that write-up had me thinking about what it would really take to have ideal shooting conditions.

          Then again, I’ve never shot a really accurate rifle so WTF would I know…

    • Yeah I have very seldom been able to put a solid 5 shot group together. On the days when I am on with the rifle I always get so excited when I see the holes stacking up on top of each other or at least touching through the scope and end up pulling the last 1 or 2 shots trying too hard not to ruin the group. So frustrating.

      • Try what some of the self claimed “accurists” do. Shoot 3 shot groups! I tried that once, thought I had worked up a fairly accurate load. Went home, loaded up some more of the same and shot a few 5 shot groups.
        Most of them started out the same. 3 holes around .4″, and the the 4th bullet opened the group to .5, or .6″, and the the 5th shot opened the group to maybe .7 or so.
        So much for 3 shot groups. If you think you can go on a prairie dog hunt, and only fire 3 shots, you have been talking to the wrong folks.

      • I’ve had the same problems in the past.

        What helped me was coaching myself that “only this shot” matters. Put the prior shots and future shots out of your mind (future shots meaning what your current score is on the paper). What I have to do is focus on the current shot. When I look through a scope and see that I’ve nailed a X, then I worry more about “what did that feel like?” and try to repeat what worked. I have to work to block out how good my group is progressing, or how my score is adding up, etc.

        I’ve found this applies to trap shooting as well. For the longest time, I’d break 5, 5, 5… and then start feeling pretty pleased with myself, only to start dropping targets back to back, finishing with between 17 and 19 clays hit.

        When I quit worrying about making 25/25, then I started shooting 23’s, 24’s and so on. The only thing that mattered was the the clay I was going to call at that moment.

        • That’s exactly the same thing I was taught. Don’t worry or think about score, just think about the current shot. I usually just think to myself “this is the only shot, got to make it count”.

          A lot of it is psychological.

          Also, I managed to shoot a perfect group (5 shots in the X). Too bad we were shooting five groups.

          I don’t really know the English word for it, in Norwegian it is “skyteserie”. So I just used the word group instead to avoid a wrong translation. It is a sequence of a set amount of shots (usually 5) that is repeated a set amount of times (3 or 5 is usual). The score of all sequences is tallied together to get the final score.

      • Try working with 10 shot groups. I can keep most of my five shot groups sub-moa. My ten shot groups “somehow” always wind up around 2 moa. Three shot groups can tell which direction to move your sights, but they don’t tell you much about your load, rifle, or shooting.

      • I’m going to expound a little on three, five, and 10 shot groups because it relates to some of my gripes about how TTAG reviews consistently overstate accuracy and the fallacy of the “flier,” a flier being a shot that’s supposedly pulled due to shooter error, a bad load, or something other than the rifle itself.

        Let’s say you shoot 10 five shot groups. Let’s also say the rifle is a “1 moa rifle,” whatever that means to you. Let’s also say you shoot a 2 moa “flier” every third group because you think you flinched or a bug flew in your nose or something. That means you will have 3-4 fliers in your ten shot group. Under this scenario, if you overlay your targets, you should see 46-47 holes inside a 1″ circle and 3-4 holes an inch or so outside of the circle. What you’re almost certainly going to see though is 50 holes evenly dispersed throughout a 2″ circle.

        To bring this to a real-life application, I don’t reload. My target rifle shoots Federal American Eagle 50 grain varmint tips and Hornady 55 grain V-Max better than anything else I’ve found. The American Eagle can produce a better five shot group than the Hornady can. But the American Eagle is cheap ammo and also tends to include 2-3 rounds in each box that don’t shoot right. The Hornady is more consistent through the box. If you average group size for five shots groups, the American Eagle has a better average. If you shoot ten shot groups (or do overlays), the Hornady prevails. Which is the more accurate ammo?

        I’ve read a bunch of statistical analysis on this stuff that I frankly don’t understand. However, the takeaway seems to be that you need to shoot at least 8 shot groups to really learn anything.

        • 8 shot groups? I just shoot a bunch of 5 shot groups and take the average of those.

          Frankly, I find the whole thing weird. A 2 MOA rifle can fire an accurate first and second shot, yet it still isn’t an precision rifle.

        • Consistency is what matters. Which is better? A rifle that shoots 5 shot groups at .6″, and does it all the time, or a rifle that will shoot .5″ groups, part of the time and .7″, or .8″ groups the rest of the time.
          If you have a rifle that that shoots small groups constantly, no matter what the size, then you have the option of trying to figure out how you can improve the group size.
          A good chronograph is essential!

  8. The truly amazing part will be if the ammo can not only travel further and accurately but how well it can cause trauma, the rounds cavity wound size and how well the round can lodge itself into a target

    • This is what ran through my head.

      I pick on the hand loaders at my local public range that use progressive presses. When we compare loads, I constantly remind them that I hand weigh every charge. All are within .1gr of the intended weight. When we start shooting, their metered (volume) loads always have a larger spread. One gentleman had the exact load I did (Nosler 50gr ballistic tip, LC brass, Wolf primers, and IMR 3130 powder). We both gave 10 rounds to a mutual friend with a Remington 700 20″bbl 1 in 7 twist .223 to test fire at 100 yds. His loads had trouble keeping a 2″ group, where mine all went through the same hole with 1 that punched about 1/4″ off center. Neither of us prep brass any differently. No neck turning, case length between 1.75-1.755.

      I am no expert, and have not hand loaded for more than a year, but I am extremely anal when it comes to following the recipes, and adamant about making sure I don’t depend on the automated processes that make things easier for volume loading, but sloppier in terms of consistency.

      If this manufacturer does powder loads by weight, then I can see their claim being valid.

      • From my experience in Q.A. in a manufacturing environ, if they spent the money on high-end balances with a very fast settle time, they could do that. It would cost some real money, tho.

        The brass moves onto the balance, it tares to zero, the powder is fed until the target weight is met, the next one is moved to the balance, then lather, rinse, repeat.

        I’m willing to bet they spent the money. From what you have described, Rambeast, you would be a good Q.A. guy, the best ones are anal to a fault. They are also the most hated people in manufacturing. 😉

    • Unless you use a “benchrest” powder scale @ $200.00 or so, I prefer to weigh all charges. Sure it’s slower, so what? Rome wasn’t built in a day. If you only have a limited of amount of time, load less ammo. What ever amount you load should be the highest quality you can load!

      • I agree completely.

        The hard truth is that a progressive press and haste are the two largest components that go into most every “ka-boom” I’ve seen happen at a range (or where I’ve seen the results later). That’s the worst thing that happens out of not weighing every charge, IMO.

        The nominal thing that happens out of not weighing every charge is the lack of repeatability/accuracy and frustration, wasted time and invalid conclusions as to what is causing the problem that results from the lack of accuracy. As a result, shooters start blaming everything in sight for their problems, almost like a witch doctor blaming the moon for smallpox or something. Some of the theories I’ve heard… would make you shake your head.

        I don’t own a progressive press. Wait, I take that back. I own a progressive press for shotgun loading. Let’s put that aside for a moment.

        The presses I own are all single stage presses. I own multiple single-stage presses, because IMO, I can make significant progress by simply moving the operation between presses, but paying attention to every single case as it goes through the process.

        So I’ll have a press set up for decapping & resizing. That’s all that press will do. It’ll be one of the heavier presses, too. The subsequent presses can be lighter presses (like the RCBS Partner press) because I don’t need to reef down on the press for the primer seating, powder throw or bullet seating.

        Still, even with only one single-stage press, if you “stage” your loads through in batches of 100 or 200, you can run all 100 to 200 rounds through every stage as a group before changing dies or whatnot. It just isn’t that difficult.

        Progressive presses are OK if you’re doing something like shooting IPSC. That’s when I last thought about getting a Dillon 550B – to crank out 500+ rounds in an hour of ho-hum accuracy 9×21 or .45ACP. Now that I no longer shoot IPSC, I never even think about getting a progressive handgun/rifle press. I am thinking seriously about getting a P-W shotgun press tho.

        • I’ve never used a progressive press either. In fact I only have one regular press, a Lee turret press, which I only use with my Lee collet neck sizing die. I know that some shooters don’t consider Lee as being very high quality, but some of there stuff is OK. They are the only ones using the collet die which compresses the neck onto a mandrel giving you exact neck tension every time, that is if you put the same pressure on your press handle every time. I purchased one of the new breaker handles, that can be set for different release pounds of pressure, not sure it’s worth the price (one Benjamin).
          I use a cheap lee C press for seating, BUT, and it’s a big but, I use a Redding competition seating die.
          I also made a small press that uses a ram primer seater, for seating primers only, and I check every one.

          Before, I used to do a little non professional benchrest shooting (6MM PPC) and had several tools from Sinclair, including insertable bushing dies etc. They do sell quality items, although I’ve noticed they sell a lot of mediocre items.

          I haven’t seen anything mentioned about neck turning yet. This is an important step that a lot of shooter avoid, but if your looking for that ultimate group, it should be considered.

  9. If you’re an operator, hunter, or competitor, then yes, I suppose super accurate ammo is par for the course. Along with a similarly capable firearm, those are among the tools of the trade.

    For the other 95% of shooting people do, however, consistent feeding & firing and minimal fouling are far more attractive features than long range precision. Basic, off-the-shelf ammo and firearms are already more accurate than the typical shooter is, anyway. So this ammunition (assuming it delivers as promised) strikes me as a niche product targeting two small segments of the market:

    Serious shooters who can genuinely exploit its capabilities, and jack wagon posers who just want the latest and greatest gear for bragging rights.

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