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With the advent of Sons of Guns and American Augmentation— I mean American Guns, the Discovery Channel has laid claim to millions of viewers. In the process, they must have severely pissed off Michael Bane and the various firearms-friendly cable channels. Not including the History Channel, whose Top Shot proved that a Survivor survivor can survive post-Survivor as long as he access to a slow-motion camera, lots of guns and an endless supply of dental whitening products. Anyway, Discovery has discovered that people like watching experts buy/sell/auction/pawn/restore stuff—especially firearms. So why not focus on a, make that the firearms auction house? Why not indeed? Enter Ready, Aim, Sold!

Which may or may not be punctuated that way. Disco’s divas have done sweet FA to promote the show to the media; I ain’t got kit. The pilot’s airing a week from today and the company chronicled—Rock Island Auctions—doesn’t know which guns will feature. Chances are they won’t be cheap. RIA’s co-owners oversee a biz that sells the creme de la creme of antique firearms, as well as more affordable stuff. But where’s the buzz in that?

Tune in next Tuesday at 10pm EST and see if Discovery can find the way to suck the life out of what should be a fascinating look at fabulous firearms. Meanwhile, The Truth About Guns has cut a deal with HBO to create a program called . . . The Truth About Guns. Kidding. [Potential producers ping [email protected]]

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  1. Its not just guns, everyone has a reality show anymore. Like that new show rockstars. It is about guys who clear rocks off of highways, seriously

  2. Maybe shows like this are on Discovery Channel and not The Outdoor Sportsmans Wildlife Channel because they’re actual TV shows and not thinly veiled TV commercials disguised as shooting shows.

  3. I find these shows unwatchable. But, I assume, they are getting viewers and that might say something about the changing tide of the attitude toward guns in American culture. Not that it has ever ebbed, only that we were led to believe it had.

  4. My BrightHouse program guide lists the show as “Discovery Channel Programming” with no further description.

  5. Hell, I’ll watch it. I watch the Barrett Jackson car auction* show – yes it is train wreck tv – much to the annoyance of my wife. But she watches The Bachelor, so she doesn’t really qvetch much. Watching other people spend money is a great pleasure as long as it is their own money, and not, say, mine, i.e. the grand political class.

    *All the car sites bitch and moan about it, but seriously, who really cares?

    • You were able to buy a decent classic car for a good price before the BJ auctions were televised. Afterwards, every goober with a rusted out car in their backyard thought they were sitting on a gold mine. Like the guy I bought my 68 mustang from. Tried to tell me it was something special, but it isn’t. Just a standard 6 cylinder coupe with no bells and whistles.

      • Not being a car guy, I have to ask:
        “Could you really buy a ’68 Mustang with bells and whistles?”
        “Wouldn’t the owners of other cars laugh at you for having bells and whistles?”
        “Could you get those clicky things for your spokes?”
        “What about streamers and a basket?”

        These questions were brought to you by a smartass who is currently codeine enhanced. Your mileage may vary.

  6. I watched the pilot and it was actually pretty informative compared to other shows. I like old guns and I think the auction deal tells more history than some show with girls in tight shirts or drama with employees wanting to date the daughter. Unfortunately since it didn’t have any drama I doubt it will get a full time slot. Ppl say they don’t like drama. We go look at the sons of guns forum or American guns forum. It’s full of ppl talking crap back and forth and causing DRAMA. This show isn’t getting a buzz in the forums because ppl are too busy causing drama on the other shows forums that they say they don’t like but most likely secretly watch them lol. I’ll admit I’m not a huge fan of either show but with less crap to watch in tv these days my options are limited. History channel has crap about aliens and discovery had crap about aliens. Why don’t they just make a channel reserved for drama, aliens , and leave the discovery to discovery and history to history

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