Dwayne Dixon of Redneck Revolt (courtesy youtube.com)
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In the video below, YouTuber Wild Smile makes a compelling if Alex Jones-like case that “Dwayne Dixon of Redneck Revolt . . . chased James Alex Fields into his [Dodge] Charger, which led to Fields driving his car into counter protesters.” I’m a lot more concerned . . .

about armed Antifa members than say, armed OFWSs (Old Fat White Supremacists). But I reckon the two groups share moral equivalence. Yes?

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  1. I guess it depends on whether said OFWGs are racists or not. If they’re not wearing white hoods or Swastika armbands I think you’re okay, RF. OTOH the antifa loonies are blinded by hatred for white males, especially if they lean less to the left than Mao.

    • We have the freedom to think and say what we want. Once we cross the line to physically harming others or forcibly prohibiting them from doing legal acts then we are no longer within our rights. We have the right to discriminate, it’s called freedom of association.

      • Self-hating white males. Want me to provide you with a list of Jewish, gay, and Slavic Nazis? People can be really stupid and self-destructive sometimes.

      • Nothing in their rhetoric is about hating white people. They primarily stand against neo-Nazis/fascists and white supremacists who by and large are white. I don’t agree with their tactics or their extreme views, but I don’t see anything to suggest they as a group hate white people. They are anti-racists and tend to be socialists, communists, or anarchists.

        Do some Antifa members hate white people? I’m sure some they do. Do some Republicans hate people of various faiths and races? Absolutely! But I don’t generalize to assume all do. Most probably don’t.

        • “They primarily stand against neo-Nazis/fascists and white supremacists who by and large are white.” Like that one Nazi, Ben Shapiro.

        • Bullshit. ANTIFA wouldn’t know a nazi if they were shoving them into a cattle car. There are no Nazis in the US. Not in any statistically significant numbers.

        • ANTIFA fundamentally misunderstands the philosophical and political underpinings of Fascism.

          They arw the fascists they claim to hate and fight.

        • “They primarily stand against neo-Nazis/fascists and white supremacists who by and large are white.”

          Also like that other Nazi anti-semite Dennis Prager.

          I find it distressing that I may have to add a /sarc tag.

        • “Nothing in their rhetoric is about hating white people. They primarily stand against neo-Nazis/fascists and white supremacists who by and large are white.”

          So they DO hate white people! And the term “white supremacist” is a racist term. It is an anti-white slur. And you know it!

          You talk out of both sides of your neck.

        • Everything in their rhetoric IS all about hating white people. They primarily stand against anyone who is not a communist, and they are every bit as racist as any neo-Nazi is. They are fascists and tend to be communists, as anarchists don’t engage in such drudgery. And, yes, anarco-communist IS a contradiction in terms, and AntiFa is NOT at all in any capacity whatsoever comprised of them, either.

          ALL AntiFA members hate white people, merely by dint of not calling out their fellow communists for their rabid racism. ALL. OF. THEM.

      • yeah–on behalf of non-whites. They are sick and abused kids who grew up being attacked for the color of their skin and not being allowed to have pride in their own people and their achievements. So, they attach themselves to other groups of people (races) who have very strong senses of identity and join them as “allies<' and get community second-hand, by attacking their own group, whose skin color has made them get ridiculed their whole lives.

    • Something tells me that a large group of violent, delusional individuals that constantly make violent threats on social media and only just discovered firearms probably don’t handle guns safely or properly.

    • If I see a guy decked out like the local ISIS fan club waving a gun around, I think it’s more than reasonable to feel threatened.

      • I’m not a lawyer, but I would think that the legal culpability of Dixon would be different depending on whether he was told “Get out of here as fast as you can or I’m going to blow your head off” or if he was just told “You’re not welcome here- get out” by a guy who happened to be armed.

        The presence of a firearm is not, in itself, a threat.

        And, like you, I don’t like the so-called “alt-right” any more than the next guy. I’d say there’s a qualitative difference between the right and left, wherein the left embraces their most radical voices (Like #BLM and Antifa) while the right rightly treats them like the misguided people they are and not the purest form of their ideology, but that’s an entirely different question.

        • Yet, if the guy with the ak had been plugged by said chucklehead with a pistol.

          People better pick sides right quick.

        • The term “alt right” has been molded and distorted by the progressive marxists in this country. Much like “assault weapons” and “white nationalist”. I mean what’s wrong with being white and loving this country? Before Charlottesville the alt right sure just seemed like anybody agreeing with the extremely un-racist Milo more than somebody that is right in name only like McCain. If you control the words you control the argument. Marxists need not control anything more in this country.

  2. We have freedom of speech, etc., in this country. Everyone has as much right to express something that someone might call “racist” as they do to be a Methodist, Orthodox Jew, or Cubs Fan. (And you think that being a Cubs fan is not a religion?)

    The proper response to any charge of “racism” is “so what.”

    • Sports fandom is a lot like religion. Some of us are born into it, others pick it up later, and some fandoms are holier than others.

  3. Are you for real? Moral equivalence? You cannot be serious. They answer is absolutely not and the suggestion that they are is disgusting.

    Please understand that I in no way support or agree with ANTIFA, but they dislike people based on their choices and opinions. Which we all do. I know my opinions will make some people dislike me, and I own that.

    White Supramacists hate based on someone’s genetics. Their target didn’t make a conscious decision to put themselves in someone else’s crosshairs, they end up there by virtue of lineage.

    They are not equivalent, and the suggestion that they are is pandering to the lowest common denominator for clicks.

    Good luck with that.

    • You still didn’t explain why it’s somehow worse to hate someone for their choices or opinions as opposed to their race, ethnicity’s or genetics.

    • You’re right. White supremacists didn’t kill a quarter billion people. Commies like ANTIFA did. This is a free country. You are free to think any way about anybody for any reason. Now fuck off back to your SJW paradise of Venezuela.

      Oh, and FYI, anti-white racists are just as bad as the KKK. Worse, given that the KKK didn’t have a tendency to organize riots.

      • So its safe to assume that you buy your white sheets in bulk, then share them with your like minded friends yes???

        • Not an Argument. I know its upsetting that your jokes not only dont work but work against you.

      • It suprises me every day how US americans see politics. How can it be that everything that isn’t capitalistic or conservativ must be commi?
        Liberals = Commis, every European nation = Commis, etc.
        Like a 9-year-old who doesn’t understand anything about politics.
        And Stalin/Mao killed “a quarter billion people” not the communism
        Prove: It’s called Maoism and Stalinism (it got its own name) because it is that far from communism. Socialism/social state (the thing Liberals want) is about as far from communism as Stalinism, but in the other direction.

        “Commies like ANTIFA did.” First of all you should learn what communism is (and what ANTIFA is).

        “This is a free country.” Except it sounds like you don’t think everybody should have the same freedoms?

        “You are free to think any way about anybody for any reason. Now fuck off back to your SJW paradise of Venezuela.” No comment on that one. Just let it sink in and find the problem on your own.

        “Worse, given that the KKK didn’t have a tendency to organize riots.” Same thing….

        • ANTIFA/Democrats hate America and our freedoms, that’s why they can FO and go back to Venezuela. It’s not just a difference of opinion, they don’t support what America is all about, they WANT this country to be like the UK, France, Holland, etc. ANYTHING but what America is.

        • “what vermin like you are selling.”
          I’m not selling anything. Why should I. What you are doing, it’s your thing!
          But thanks for the “vermin” as a perfect example for your naivity. You are the type of guy
          “I believe in freedom of speech, except your opinion is dangerous and should be terminated”
          And i know: People will think: It’s freedom of speech, so you can say everthing you want. That doesn’t mean I have to listen and I have the right to think and answer what I want. You’re completely right, it’s your freedom too; EXCEPT you’re threatening or insulting me. Then you are VIOLATING my right!!!

          “I grew up in the Soviet Union” Which doens’t exist anymore. Same as the communism as the pure ideology doesn’t exist anymore.

          “ANTIFA/Democrats hate America and our freedoms”, based on what. The same thing as blaming Jews that they want to destroy our society. They have different believes, but that doens’t mean they are bad.
          How many % of the US american society voted for them? So you basically think that about 30-60% of US americans hate the US and their own freedom?

          The worst thing is: This is a TTAG (a firearm board). So here are a lot of firearm owners. Reading many comments on this page (reader since about 2 years), many of you would raise your arms against a so called tyrannical/commi/democrat/liberal (all the same thing for you guys) government.
          Just think for a moment about your plans. If the Democrats win, they got elected. So a bigger part of the voting people are on their side. You are on the other side and start raising your arms. So you’re basically threatening to fight a democratically elected government. In my opinion this makes you more of a threat to the society, than any commi/democrat/liberal could ever be.

        • Whatever you say commie vermin. Again… Quarter billion dead bodies make everything you say irrelevant. Anybody who supports any form of socialism supports mass genocide and should thus be stood up against a wall and shot.

          As for “democratically elected”… You work with the deranged delusion that 51% of drunken peasants are correct 100% of the time. Or in this case, rabid welfare leeches and their commie enablers. Same form of barely sentient vermin.

        • “Whatever you say commie vermin.” I can’t take you serious.
          “Again… Quarter billion dead bodies” I disproved your argument and you are just repeating it. Closing your eyes and taking the easiest way (the way you don’t have to think) is, i know, easy, but not always the right one. You often call yourself smart, but don’t want to get deep. You are calling gun-control-advocats and fudds close-minded, but you are in no way better.
          “make everything you say irrelevant.” Thats neither answer, nor counter-argument.
          I just hear bla bla. If you think you are more than me, show it.

          “Anybody who supports any form of socialism supports mass genocide and should thus be stood up against a wall and shot.”
          Thats why gun-control-advocats want to take your guns, because you are threatening people. You are the danger you want to warning the people of.
          (extra info: I’m a firearm owner on my own, owning several and also pro gun, or i wouldn’t be here)

          “and should thus be stood up against a wall and shot.”
          Little sidenote: thats what the Stalinists and Maoists did, killing people because of their different believes.

          As for “democratically elected”… You work with the deranged delusion that 51% of drunken peasants are correct 100% of the time”
          Yeah as stated above, you are the only one seeing the true enemy and all of the 51% are drunk??? or potentially the reincarnation of Joseph Stalin himself. But as said you are the only one who sees it.

          Want to hear true arguments: look at the statistics: a lot of commi shitholes (as you call them) have a higher or compareable HDI than/to the US.
          Although I would say that the general life-standard here in Europe (the nation where I’m from) is way higher than the US one.

        • Throwing out a “No True Communist” is not “disproving” jack shit.

          As for your eurotrash socialist paradise… Tell that to the muslim rape gangs roaming your streets and taking over chunks of your cities.

        • Not to agree or disagree with anyone in this argument, but…
          “Anybody who supports any form of socialism supports mass genocide and should thus be stood up against a wall and shot.”
          Isn’t that like saying “Anyone that supports private gun ownership supports mass shootings.”?

        • Throwing out a “No True Communist” is not “disproving” jack shit.
          Thats the official definition. That would be the same thing, as you saying air isn’t existing because you can’t see it. Thats the official definition. Experts say it, politologist define it like that and 90% of the world defines it like that (but I know your opinions on other opinions and numbers) except some stubborn US-americans.

          As for your eurotrash socialist paradise… Tell that to the muslim rape gangs roaming your streets and taking over chunks of your cities.

          OK, I comply thats a problem now, but we start to work on it, but its pretty hard, if you are only 3 hours by ship away from their contry. Is the same “problem” as the US/Mexican border.
          And a nation which constantly starts wars and shipping tons of weapons down their (hmmmm US) ins’t helpful either. I know Germany does that too, but it’s their problem too. And don’t come with, we are securing your existence. That stopped about 1960! Now you are just a pain in the ass (common opinion here in Europe).

          AND although you are about 20 times farer away from their countries than we are and have way stricter controls/regulations (immigration, laws, wiring phones, etc. and torture, which by the also was a big thing in communist countries) there are a lot of terror attacks with a lot of casulties in the US too.

        • Blah blah blah “not true communist”… please tell this descendant of survivors from the last communist/international socialist genocide about how socialism can totally work if it’s “real socialism” as opposed to the version that has failed in every country that has tried it.

        • Warloc. The difference is that private gun owners didn’t systematically exterminate a quarter billion innocent people as a matter of policy. There is a bit of difference between criminals abusing rights and socialist governments performing mass genocide “for the greater good”.

          The reason socialism always leads to genocide is that it puts the wants of the group ahead of the rights of the individual. When you do that, killing a few dozen / few thousand / few million innocent people becomes an acceptable option so long as it benefits the group in power.

          Like I said.

          National Socialist
          International Socialist
          Democratic Socialist

          Same shitstain, different label.

        • “Blah blah blah “not true communist”… please tell this descendant of survivors from the last communist/international socialist genocide about how socialism can totally work if it’s “real socialism” as opposed to the version that has failed in every country that has tried it.”

          You are not listening to me! I want to inform you that socialistic state (1) is NOT socialism (2) is NOT communism (3) is NOT Stalinism/Maoism (4). for you all those words are synomyms. But they are separated by worlds in relation as in the sentence above. Stalinism and Maoism killed a quarter million people. NOT communism, NOT socialism and 1000% NOT by the socialistic state.

          with this knowledge f.e.:
          Healthcare as nearly all over the world = socialistic state (not more)
          free education = socialistic state (not more)
          And don’t think that a socialistic state could shift in communism without us noticing, but in the moment we see it as it is: a beneficial system. So we don’t feel the need of doing something about it.
          I would be stupid if I would leave university because I don’t want it for free or ask the doctor that he shouldn’t tread me without a bill.

          There is a bit of difference between criminals abusing rights and INDIVIDUALS performing mass MURDER “for the greater good”. The reason EGOISM always leads to MURDER is that it puts the wants of the INDIVIDUAL ahead of the rights of the SOCIETY. When you do that, killing a few dozen / few thousand / few million innocent people becomes “an acceptable option so long as it benefits PERSONEL power.

          Magic! Your side of the fence doesn’t seem better, but I’m not at the other side of it because I’m not a communist (as stated often enough). You are just throwing empty phrases around, showing a threat where no threat exist and by this behaviour you are revealing that YOU ARE THE REAL THREAT.

          tl:dr: You are a firearm owner with a questionable views on the world, willing to use force against people with different opinions than you, (some of your comments make me think that) a serious aggression control problem. People like you definitely should own firearms, nothing could go wrong!

        • Whatever you say eurotrash. The words “never again” have meaning to more people than just the jews. Have fun with your muslim rape gangs that your government sweeps under the rug. I’m sitting here watching your continent go down in flames and knowing that this time, we’re not coming to save your sorry asses. The Russians aren’t interested and the Americans are tired of fixing your shit.

        • Based on what? I’ll give you a few examples. The Dems are constantly trying to ban guns and pass other arbitrary laws that infringe on our 2nd Amendment freedoms because they hate it. The Dems are constantly trying to infringe on our 1st Amendment rights by calling freedom of speech “hate speech and/or offensive” when they don’t approve of what you say, perhaps you’ve saw the many videos of them beating and spitting on Trump supporters leaving his rallies, which they claim are hateful and racist. Or how about claiming people who won’t bake certain types of cakes because it’s against their 1st Amendment freedom of religion beliefs are “homophobic and intolerant”? Then take them to court where a leftist Judges forces them to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to satisfy the rotten freedom hating leftist MFers. And of course they scream RACIST at anyone who wants America to be a sovereign nation and secure our borders from illegal aliens flooding in via a wall and turning our country in the shithole they left.

        • “You’re completely right, it’s your freedom too; EXCEPT you’re threatening or insulting me. Then you are VIOLATING my right!!!”

          That is not how free speech works. Insulting you is not threatening you. “You’re an [expletive].” – Insult. “I’m coming over to your house to kill you.” – Legal threat b/c of lack of realistic possibility of it occurring. “I’m watching you at [address], and you are [something accurate that needs to be directly observed].” – Illegal threat.

          Since you are not an American, I understand that free speech is literally a foreign concept to you, so I don’t blame your misunderstanding.

        • “The reason EGOISM always leads to MURDER is that it puts the wants of the INDIVIDUAL ahead of the rights of the SOCIETY.” Actually, the last century repeatedly demonstrated that putting the “rights” of society ahead of the “wants” of the individual has repeatedly led to the slaughter of vast numbers of people.

          Also communism, socialism, and fascism are all marxist inspired political systems.

          Here is the definition of socialistic:

          1. of or relating to socialists or socialism.
          2. in accordance with socialism.
          3. advocating or supporting socialism.

        • Oh and fucktard… a society doesn’t have “rights”… that’s the problem with your identity politics bullshit.

    • I judge someone based on his/her actions as an individual, and not my suspicion of what their innermost thoughts might be.

      Antifa and the Alt-Right do the same things to disrupt our society, and as such the specifics of their motivations (“I’m doing this to help ensure the advancement of green people” “Well, I’m doing to help ensure the advancement of blue people”) don’t particularly matter to me.

      • I don’t recall the last time the so-called “Alt-Right” organized riots, beat people half to death, and threatened people they don’t know with unprovoked violence — and all with the explicit support of the media and the implicit support of city governments and their police departments.

        So far, all these appear to be things that only the so-called “Alt-Left,” BLM and ATFIA and others of their ilk, do to disrupt our society. There is no equivalence to speak of in terms of actions on the ground. Or even on the internet, for that matter.

        So, perhaps you could enlighten me with a few examples. Of course, that’s assuming any even exist in first place. There don’t appear to be any at first blush.

      • “don’t particularly matter to me.” really? Why is that?

        Maybe you should look it how groups vote, the come to the conclusion that maybe not all people value the same things and will gladly vote your rights away for “free” stuff.

      • The term “alt-right” was made up as a slur to be used on anyone that’s not a RINO. i.e. If you support constitutional carry, if you support enforcing current immigration laws and not making new ones, you’re “alt-right”.

        Now one thing that can not be allowed is letting true racists getting lumped in with republicans/conservatives/right. If you go out to protest against something democrats/progressives/left want or care about, all they say is it’s a “alt-right” protest and it’s then viewed in a negative light. Then when the news covers it, all a head line only reader sees is “alt-right protest on main street” and when they see the head line they think “racist protesters”. And here’s why.

        The only time I’ve seen “alt-right” used was the fluster cuck that was Charlottesville. A bunch of white supremacist/KKK guys go out for their shindig and the media calls them “alt-right” because they think Trump is their savor. Then every protest that has connection to the right/republicans/conservatives after that gets called an “alt-right protest” with out any connection to the KKK/white supremacist.

        So don’t buy in to the term “alt-right” because the people that are called “alt-right” never called themselves “alt-right” before being called “alt-right”. The term is total BS.

    • And what of the Antifa and their ilk who dislike people because they’re, say, white and have the temerity to not be ashamed of being white?

    • ANTIFA actually dislike people based on their genetics, as well. They will go out of their way to attack white males first and foremost, based on the first-hand accounts of their victims, and then go on and beginning attacking everyone else as, wait for it, “white supremacists” and “misogynists” regardless of whether they’re white or male or not. Also note the nearly if not complete lack of any minority victims, too. This is despite the fact that ANTIFA themselves are ironically, overwhelmingly young, straight, white males themselves.

      They absolutely ARE, in every articulable sense, any and every single solitary thing that they claim to hate, and then some. They are simply projecting. Period.

      I’ll refer you back to an earlier TTAG article detailing an incident where a transgendered person, out with her friends (many of whom were minorities) who were confronted but NOT physically attacked by ANTIFA.

      So, yes, yes they are absolutely equivalent. Both philosophically and operationally, but with only the so-called “Alt-Left” actively advocating for and frequently precipitating physical violence on their political opponents. The suggestion that they aren’t is what’s actually pandering to and coming from the lowest common denominator.

      Good luck explaining that.

    • You are so far removed from reality is it sad.

      The term “White supremacy” now means anyone who enjoys milk, “Pumpkin spice”, believes that whites have the right to stay a majority in the nations they founded/created.

      We do not hate people for being different then us, only they can be themselves, only Black Africans can be Zulus, Only Japanese can be Japanese, Only Navajo can be Navajo, etc, only Whites can be White, only the creators of a culture can propagate and sustain a culture.

      People are not interchangable cogs, if you think they are maybe look at their voting habits and see how much they value the right to freedom of speech or gun rights, careful red pills are highly addictive.

    • Bull! ANTIFA’s platform of hatred has as much to do with one’s color as it does with someone’s ideology.

  4. Both “sides” SUCK…the driver was there being a pos. Antifa was there being leftscum. MY take as an OFWG married to a gorgeous brown woman.

    • Please quit feeding the SJW narrative. The alt-right are basically SJWs for white people. There is no practical difference between the various brands of socialism. Democratic socialism, national socialism, international socialism, different label same shitstain.

      • Everything you posted there reads a lot like leftist propaganda from the pages of salon. Getting your definitions from the left sure isn’t going to make you more correct in the real world unless you plan on using said phrases to preach to the left. The left preaches to itself pretty well as it is. You can use their terms and I’ll just stick with leftist cryptonite (reality) to define my terms.

  5. Why did the eighth grade teacher take the knives from the rednecks in her class? She was teaching subtraction that day and didn’t want bloody fingers on the floor..

  6. Well it’s at least a solid possibly. Taking in mind both this video, other videos of ANTIFA actively chasing down the defendant in this case, and statements from others at the scene.

    At the end of the day this is why we have a court case. But I also worry that if this man is found innocent we’ll be looking at a Trayvon Martin situation on steroids.

  7. Yes, we have never been perfect as a nation. Yes, we have enacted laws that were unconstitutional. I ask you all to rise above it for a moment and remember our ideals.

    It does not matter what a jerk you are, what you are wearing, your genetic makeup, or how you voted. If someone reasonably caused you to fear for your life, then that is how a jury of your peers must judge you.

    It should never matter in a nation of laws how many prisoners of any color are in prison. What should only ever matter is how many were rightly or wrongly convicted.

    • “I ask you all to rise above it for a moment and remember our ideals.”
      “To Secure The Blessings Of Liberty For Ourselves and OUR Posterity”, its very clear what our ideals are as a nation, Liberty, not the lie of “equality”.

      “It does not matter what a jerk you are, what you are wearing, your genetic makeup, or how you voted. If someone reasonably caused you to fear for your life, then that is how a jury of your peers must judge you”

      And would you likely get that by a jury of your peers where you live or a jury made up of people from some Ghetto/Burrio?

      And yes it does matter how they voted, you really think leftist are able to be objective? Are you will to gamble your rights/future/life on this?

  8. So, when something related to this article says racist, is that referring to the new definition where anyone that is not an extreme leftist is a racist, or is it the old definition that refers to someone that discriminates against others for their skin color?

  9. Alt-anythings are bad, really. Extreme left, extreme right, militant this, militant that… ANTIFA, Alt-Right, militant feminists… All these people do is take whatever organization they supposedly speak for and make it look a million times worse than it is (or isn’t, in some cases).
    There’s no harm in looking at things in shades of gray- or purple, as the case may be.

    • yep, any kind of extremism is bad for everyone and that seems to be what both political parties have turned into. a kind of extremism pissing contest.
      its scary how many people think the mark of a good leader is they never compromise. that is the mark of a dictator and nothing but.
      a good leader hears both sides of the argument, uses whatever facts are available and valid and tries to come to a conclusion that attempts to satisfy BOTH sides, not just their own.

      • “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!” — Barry Goldwater

      • “its scary how many people think the mark of a good leader is they never compromise. that is the mark of a dictator and nothing but.”

        1. I’m not saying inability compromise is a good thing in a leader.
        2. It is not the mark of a dictator at all.
        3. Some things should never be compromised on, like pedophiles. I have a no compromise anti-pedophile policy.

  10. In the end this will all be a matter for the courts and a jury or two.

    The video supposedly from Charlottesville, shows a man, claimed to be Dixon, giving orders while holding some kind of AK variant. But after Spikes came out with their anti-ANTIFA ad, Dixon claims he was using a Spikes AR lower. Did he take two full sized rifles with him and change out?

  11. You carry a gun? Fine.
    You point it at me and threaten me? Die right there.
    I’m all for equality. If i shoot you it is for your crimes, not your opinions.

  12. it would be one thing if antifa was actually anti-fascists but they are not. they are fascists in every way. so when someone practices THAT MUCH cognitive dissonance and special pleading, i just don’t bother with them.

    • The biggest difference between a fascist and communist is the former is a nationalist and the latter is a globalist. I believe antifa is communist and not fascist. A difference of degree more than anything else.

      While fascists and communists do hate each other, antifa isn’t attacking any fascists, they’re attacking anyone who isn’t far left.

  13. “Did Gun Wielding “Redneck Revolt” Antifa Demonstrator Cause Charlottesville Car Crash?”

    Probably not, but Dixon just gave his defense team a golden ticket. Running from armed deliberately menacing people while surrounded by their allies, all they have to say is that he panicked and was looking behind him as he WAS RUNNING FOR HIS LIFE. That still get’s him involuntary manslaughter(expect a plea deal along those lines), but their murder charges are blown.

    • I’d say he probably walks. Reckless disregard is impossible to prove if you’re in demonstrable fear for your life.

      • Except a case can possibly be made that Dixon is lying. Video from the day shows him carrying an AK. His post claiming to have assaulted Fields mentions a Spikes Tactical AR.

        • Reasonable doubt. He could be lying, he could be telling the truth. There’s video of him there with a gun strapped across his chest and decked out like the domestic terrorist he is. All you need is one conservative on the jury and the video of this clown’s shenanigans at the event admitted into evidence and the defendant walks. For example, I would find him guilty of littering. It was rather inconsiderate of him to leave discarded communists lying around. $50 fine payable to the clerk, next case.

        • Reasonable doubt? The video of him decked out with a weapon shows him using an AK. He posted a picture of an AR using at least a Spikes Tactical lower after Spikes posted an anti-ANTFA ad. That gives me reasonable doubt that he actually chased Fields. Needs to be figured out if he had two weapons or just the AK.

          What does “conservative” have to do with rule of law? Now if you are feeling froggy and want to start the party, start it.

  14. I’m a lot more concerned . . .about armed Antifa members than say, armed OFWSs (Old Fat White Supremacists). But I reckon the two groups share moral equivalence. Yes?

    b’cs: Farago’s “ethnicity” means he’s got a dog in the fight…

  15. I’d say they aren’t morally equivalent. In the last ten years, can you name a single instance when white supremacists started a riot that antifa wasn’t at? I can’t.

    Congratulations antifa! You’ve won the coveted “Worse than Nazis” award.

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