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Norway Bus Stabbing

Imagine that you’re on a nearly-empty rural bus at night, driving through the mountains. One of the passengers pulls out a knife and stabs another other in the chest. Now he’s coming for you. What’s your next move? If you’ve been disarmed because you live in Norway, your next move is “die.” DGU’s aren’t allowed in nanny-welfare-state Western Europe. Then again, neither is the knife in your killer’s hand. That should make you feel at least a little bit better, right?

Make the jump to The Truth About Knives for the full story.

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  1. Sigh, is not just Europe is socialist countries overall. I came from South America, guns are illegal, and some exceptions are only for authorized personnel. Criminals still have sidearms, shootings still happen , stabbings are common place… and worst , given the bad aim a lot of bullets end up dropping out of the sky as “lost bullets” and killing people once in a while.

    The mark of a socialist nation is their economy and the thought that being a victim is morally superior to being a survivor.

    • Does anybody remember the incident in Alberta last year when a supposedly “cannabalistic” passenger BEHEADED the bus passenger sitting next to him?

  2. This is MDA’s (and groups like them) vision for America, New Zealand and Australia have the same approach, shut up and die, one can use no force in their Defence that causes death or bodily harm.

  3. I would disobey those laws in a heartbeat.

    I will never let me or mine get hurt or killed because I didn’t have some way to defend myself, with lethal force, against the person that was doing it. That may not be the mindset EVERYONE has, but I just scoff at the sad people that obey laws designed to enable criminals to be MORE successful.

    That is insanity.

  4. Greetings from Sweden. We have had some similar events here recently as our neighbor Norway. Still illegal to carry anything that you could defend yourself with. Knives? No. Tazer? No. Baton? No. We are allowed to defend ourselves of course. But not in any meaningful way and if we “win” the fight we will most likely be prosecuted. Happened to a friend of mine, someone started a fight, he finished it and got punished. Fortunately we have basically no punishments here. A known criminal on parole was caught with a FA ak47 the other day and was let loose immediately without punishment.
    Basically fuck this.

    • See 24/7 Pro above. And don’t get caught. But at least if you have to use a weapon, then make sure you live, because getting caught will be among the least of your concerns.

      That is all.


  5. How is this protrayed in the media? Any calls to lock up the mentally ill? Or is it just the cost of living in Utopia?

  6. Least we forget that Norway is home to the worst mass shooting by a single individual; and hell, he only got 20 years for killing 70 people!

      • Not really, after serving the time they will do psych eval. And I dont believe Norway is above declaring him unfit and giving him more tile in prison.

    • They’d tell you this is your punishment for not letting them in and giving them free stuff no questions asked.

  7. the european states depend on such events. theyr goal is to victimize as many people as possible, because victimized europeans want a bigger gouvernment to protect them, not the possibility to defend themselves. same shit here in germany, could be seen after every shooting, every terrorist action, every murder. the main goal is to stricten the already facist-like gun laws. thats a vicious circle, i think europe will never be able to leave it behind. sad but true: if you loose your fight against the gungrabbers, the ideal of a free man, able to defend himself and his rights, would be dead. (i don’t think the freedom in switzerland will persist.)

  8. The regulations wary from one municipality to the other here in Norway (what do you call it – ‘local police ordinance’?). Where I live carrying knives are legal and not an issue, and you can carry your gun in public – open or concealed – as long as it’s unloaded.

    This was a shocking crime. Shocking because it’s so rare. The crime rate in Norway is low, and I believe that’s why Norwegians generally are not armed. There is no perception of any threat in our daily mundane lives.

  9. There is a lot of ignorance going on here about European gun laws ; -)

    Self defense with any weapon is legal in most European states. Self defense law is (in a liberal state – not what some American might consider liberal; aka classical Liberalism- Kant, Locke, Rousseau) superior to the gun laws. So even if you carry a gun illegal for example and you use it in a justifiable self defense scenario you will probably face no or “just” minor charges. (GB IS NOT mainland Europe!)

    Although its difficult to get a concealed carry license, castle defense doctrine is the norm in Europe.
    The austrian law for example, allows every liable and sane person to possess 2 semi-auto weapons for self defense in one’s home or company premises for self defense. Competition shooters can own more. Hunters use mostly Bolt actions which are hardly limited at all.
    Concealed carry is somewhat similar to California. (You must be endangered or a hunter) and we have an assault weapons ban WITHOUT a magazine limit. So no flash-hiders or bayonet lugs on semi autos.

    Kind Regards

    • yeah, self-defense is legal, but the tools needet for it aren’t. castle doctrine is the norm, but if the attacker is armed, most europeans have only the chance to flee because they can’t be armed.
      the smaler states (in terms of population) like austria, norway, switzerland, tend to me more liberal about guns then the rest, thats also true. but even there, horrible things like gun registration are common and one cannot bear a weapon outside his home, where most self-defense situations occur. the austrians for example must get a Waffenpass for being alowed to carry a sidearm, those waffenpass isn’t shall issue, its “may, but usually won’t be” issue. one must show that he’s endangered and needs the gun to face this. horrible. not to mention that gun ownership is a privileg in europe, not a right. horrible. i’ll flee that lost continent asap.

      • No, Like I said it is a right to defend your life and property in Austria with guns. Self-defense, hunting, collecting, sport and heritage are the only valid reasons to posess guns. I have 3 licenses: Hunting license, Waffenbesitzkarte (Gun owner ID) and the Waffenpass (concealed carry license).
        I can posess an unlimited number of bolt action rifles and shotguns, posess a limited number of semi-auto guns and carry one handgun. (A hunting license also allows you to carry bolt-action guns and shotguns, even when youre not hunting)

        Secondly here in central europe we have very less violent crime. So on the countryside it is very less likely to be attacked. In the metropolitan areas it sure is but it is not compareable with Chicago or even the UK.

        If you view it on the constitutional side, those european countries which have something like the american 2nd ammendment. France for example even have stricter gun laws then the rest.

        Switzerland, the czech republic and austria for example have nothing about guns in their constitution but their gun laws are pretty liberal. In some special cases even more than the US. For example in Austria there are no restrictions regarding SBRs.

        But sadly the EU wants to take these rights away. Step by step : (

        • How did you get your Waffenpass? Well, i don’t know the situation in austria exactly, because i live in germany, but i have relatives in austria who told me this waffenpass is hardly issued. wikipedia tells me the same. so are they wrong? afaik these waffenpass is issued very restrictively. could you give more details?
          switzerland is a nice country for gun owners, their gunlaws are definitely better then the US ones in most cases, plus they have these “well-organized militia” the 2a tells about. only downside is that its surrounded by the EU-facists. i don’t think thats a good place to be in the long term. switzerland will one day be occupied by the EU via a political process or via a military invasion one day.
          don’t know about the czech republic, but this country also falls in the “smaler states”-category. i wonder why many of these tend to be more liberal about guns. (again, the european meaning of liberal.)

        • oh, i forgot about that: there isn’t less crime in europe. at least not here in germany. the problem is the police don’t want to do their job. try to report a crime in duisburg-marxloh or call the police to a crime happening there. you’ll hardly be successful. every bigger town has no-go-areas where the police just refuses to do their job. plus there are many bigger criminal groups that can do their buisness without or nearly without police intervention, look at the hells angels in hannover for example, albanian syndicates in the ruhrpott and stuff like that. i recomend reading the book “Ermitteln verboten!” from Jürgen Roth, he shows very detailed how the police in germany has practically given up fighting organised and unorganised crime in many parts of germany. under such circumstances, its no wonder that many crimes won’t be seen in any sort of statistic ever.

  10. I am talking about violent crime here. We dont have gang bangers shooting up liquor stores 24/7. Ore people mugged at gunpoint. Its out of contrast. Even in Germany. and no you cant compare them easyly. Bavaria and Berlin are different. Even in the metropolitan areas.

    About my carry license: OK the most liberal country in the EU is the czech republic. Every citizen who passes a test of knowledge and safety gets it. In switzerland its basically impossible to get one after 99.
    In austria people get a Waffenpass when they show a need.
    Like. Security personel, police officers, cab drivers, private investigators, some hunters, people who have been robbed before, politicians, members of the ministeries, judges, lawyers….
    Its not that simple as it was 30 years ago, but it is still possible. I wont tell you how I get it, because you can read it off wikipedia but i fall in or two of the cathegories above 😉

    • Yeah, Bavaria and Berlin are different. Bavaria is on of the few states with a police doing their job, maybe its because of that 😉
      A friend of mine got his carry license in swiss in ’09. He said there were no real difficulties to get it, he wasnt robbed before or something. btw i heard unloaded carry is legal in switzerland without permit? not sure about. What your telling about the czech republick really sounds great. but its part of the EU, so this won’t persist.

      “In austria people get a Waffenpass when they show a need.” yeah, so its “may- but usualy won’t be”-issue. i don’t fall in any of the cathegories you mentioned, i don’t even know someone falling in one of these cathegories, except of one hunter. so your lucky.

      • I think in switzerland it strongly depends on the kanton you live in. I know for certain that its pretty easy to get a full auto machine gun in the Kanton of Zug. But there is no chance of getting one in Zurich or Aargau. Regarding carry it´s probably like in austria. – May issue – so it strongly depends on your Sachbearbeiter. If he/she is gun friendly you get the stuff you want.
        Unloaded carry is also legal in austria. as it is not considerd carrying. We also dont need to lock up the gun cases during transport like you folks in germany.
        We can also do private sales of Bolt action rifles or shotguns without influence with the authorities or background check. Just make sure he/she is 18… since 2012 although you have to register them within 6 weeks.

        We have had Handgun registration since, puh god knows, the 70s? But since last year Thanks to the EU we have to register all guns. But according to statistics, very few people do…

  11. Nobody can imagine the hell in that little bus as the butcher went about his work.
    Why do libtards not want everyone to be truly equal a la Mr. Colt?

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