Image of the block where this DGU occurred (via Google Street View)

Yesterday in Shreveport, Louisiana, a man returned to his home at 3:00pm and was met by two intruders who were attempting a burglary. Fortunately, the homeowner was carrying his gun at the time and was ready to be his own first responder.

The man drew his gun and shot both of the suspects, killing one and wounding the other. The deceased was a 40-year-old man who has not yet been identified. The other suspect, 47-year-old Martin Davenport, was charged with aggravated burglary and booked into Shreveport City Jail.

The homeowner was taken to the police station for questioning, but no charges have been filed, as the police are fairly confident this was a justified homicide.

This is a great illustration of the importance of situational awareness and why you shouldn’t drop your guard just because you’ve reached the threshold of your home. It’s a very good thing the homeowner in this case was armed. Two against one don’t make for a fair fight, Sam Colt made the homeowner more equal.

Here is a clip of an interview with the responding police Cpl. Marcus Hines:


  1. A lifetime habit of mine. Open the door to the house and just stand and listen and ‘feel’.

    And I don’t remember the movie I saw as a kid but I never get into a vehicle without looking in the back seat/rear area.

    • I just can’t seem to get that through my wife’s head, and she has been robbed and assaulted at gunpoint(while working in a grocery store).That was 30 years ago, complacency is starting to creep back in. I am retired now, and am at home 99.9% of the time. She knows I’m here, but I try to tell her that doesn’t matter, what if someone got there before her and “got the drop” on me(it COULD happen,although it’s highly unlikely[another story, another time], but it could)? I just read her this story, her response was, “I’ve got my gun”(she always carries, but off body in a purse. It’s grounds for immediate dismissal from her job, and she can’t dress for on body concealment there). So, what’s a poor boy to do???

      • You should set up an ambush on her and show her how easy it is to take her by surprise. This will also drive home the point that having a gun is not enough. You must be able to access it.

        Something as simple as standing behind the door as it opens and grabbing her arm as she’s blissfully unaware should drive the point home of how vulnerable she’s making herself by not paying attention.

        • what terrible advice: You should AMBUSH her!

          that is such a bad way to teach a lesson, and a good way for someone to get hurt.

      • In the Trump economy we are at FULL employment. If you wife is of any value at her job, the pansy employer will not be able to replace her.

      • Get a German Shepherd and leave him at home when either she’s gone or if you both are. When my wife and I get back home we consider the little furry tail whirling around with delight as he greets us that the house is clear.

        If he doesn’t answer my call from the door I pull a pistol and clear the place. So far, he’s almost always answered my call.

    • The tactical practice of simply stopping, being quiet, looking and listening, is an underrated one. I can’t remember the acronym for it off the top of my head.

    • Speaking of situational awareness sparked by media, when I was a kid the television networks had tons of “private eye” and “spy” shows on. This was in the ’60’s and 70’s.

      In almost every show, the PI or the spy would enter a room, or turn a corner, and get knocked unconscious by some bad guy behind a door or around the corner. They never learned, either, as it would happen in practically every episode of the series. LOL

      To this day, I don’t go around a corner without going wide or at least peering around it – today it’s called “cutting the pie” in firearms training. It also helps to avoid running into people who don’t do that.

      • There was a movie (I forget which one) where a bad guy was entering a room and the good guy was hiding behind the door. The bad guy stepped through the doorway and looked around. Then he stepped back and looked between the door and the door frame.

        And was promptly shot in the face by the good guy.

  2. Glad he was able to stop the crime and respond with force…they may have added murder to their list of crimes that day had he not been armed.

  3. The “Feel Good Story” of the week and an important reminder that crime takes no day off.

  4. Wow. News comes “home”.

    Lived quite near the neighborhood when stationed in S’port, back when. Why is it things seem to always go downhill from what you once knew?

  5. I’ve got my wife and sons to yell “I’m home” or ” It’s me” when they open the back door. I started it years ago with “dad’s home!” Recent rapes and home invasions necessitate it. And I got my wife to carry a gun(discreetly) when she’s working outside or in the garage. I’m NEVER complacent…

  6. I love a good ending. There are a great many creeps lurking amongst us. Allways be on your guard , sleep with one eye open & both ears listening to what’s happening around you. Complacency can get you killed.

  7. I’m so grateful I retired to a state were I can carry a firearm nearly where ever I want to. And I carry from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed.

    • Likewise, Chris. And a Glock 17 under the pillow to my right at night. I’m sure you have your weapon of choice within each reach, too.

      • I think Liberal gun owners and the Left are just as dangerous because of who they vote for.

        Her husband was already attacked on his own property. Now she does what many of us have already been doing of years now. As more of the senior GOP leadership , and their families are threatened, They will all see the real reason for the Second Amendment.

        To protect yourself from a tyrannical government called the Democrat Party.

        I keep 2 long guns and 2 hand gun at the bed side.

        “Rand Paul’s wife: ‘I now keep a loaded gun by my bed’ after activists threatened family”

  8. That town is right down the road from me. The news sites are now reporting that the second burglar has been arrested.

  9. So now our tax money is gonna pay for his medical bill, trial, food and detainment. Bet we don’t even get a thank you…..Again. Nice job on taking out the one though.

    • Actually if the cops wait till the perp is discharged the county/city isn’t stuck paying the bill, but the hospital, or some other government group will end up paying it, and the tax payer/consumer will end up paying the bill anyway.

  10. Likes me a good half happy ending, (one still kickin’) Break into my home got a 90 lb dog that makes you think twice. And a 60 lb that is older but still defends. The 90 lb’er hears a leaf fall and is on alert. 🙂

    Of course I got good locks, an alarm. And If my dog ain’t in the front window as I walk up that is a warning.

    • I get a hole in my heart ever time I read or hear of someone’s beloved “guard” dog. Sadly mine got old and died. I’d get an other one but for right now I just don’t want a dog.

      • My last Rott died four years ago.
        I still don’t want another dog. My daughter got one. That’s good enough.

        • Had to put a 95 lb female 14 year old Louisiana Catahula down Nov 2016. Just had to do the same to a 7 year old 90 lb female American Bulldog Jan 2017, cancer. Got the 90 lb Male American Bulldog / Boxer the next day, a lady had to let him go he is 5 years old. He his thicker than a boxer, Brindle and black, Just his stance intimidates people. Deep bark. It is all part of being a dog guy. Gotta have them. Plus no wife. So rescuing dogs, and my gun collection grows, and no one to gripe at me. 🙂

    • I don’t think any of my dogs are worth a damn in terms of actual protection, but they sure do make quite the racket. I don’t have to worry about anything being wrong in the house unless I DON’T hear them.

      • ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ This ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
        We have three small dogs in the house. (Rescues. We only planned on one, but what can ya do?) Whenever my wife or I come home they always raise a ruckus, happy that we’re back. Drives us nuts, sometimes. But, if we ever do NOT hear them, or their tone is different, we’ll go on full alert and proceed with extreme caution.

    • I hear you, Mike, six dogs, all worthy guards. Two German Shepherds and a beefy Catahoula Bulldog on the outside, three hyper-alert Chihuahuas on the inside. Yeah, ain’t nobody creeping up on us.

  11. “Fortunately, the homeowner was carrying his gun at the time and was ready to be his own first responder.” I like this. So many people are not prepared to be their own first responder.

  12. This situation is something that people who live a long way from any neighbors worry about constantly. Living out in the woods, or on a farm, has positives as well as negatives. This is one of the negatives, and a primary reason we object to any restrictions on firearms.

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