california gun control legislation
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On Tuesday, April 2, both the Assembly and Senate Public Safety Committee are scheduled to hear several firearm-related bills and on Wednesday, April 3, the Assembly Appropriations Committee is also scheduled to hear several firearm-related bills. Click here to contact the Assembly and Senate Public Safety Committee AND the Assembly Appropriations Committee.  

  Assembly Bill 1096, sponsored by Assembly Member Melissa Melendez (R-67) would improve California’s concealed carry permit system by defining “good cause” and requiring that the issuing authority “shall” issue a permit if the statutorily required criteria is met.

Assembly Bill 276, sponsored by Assembly Member Laura Friedman (D-43), would modify California’s already existing storage laws, which include a patchwork of local restrictions in addition to requiring firearms be inaccessible to both minors and prohibited persons, by providing additional storage requirements and significantly enhanced criminal penalties for failure to comply. 

Assembly Bill 879, sponsored by Assembly Member Mike Gipson (D-64), would require precursor firearms parts to be sold/transferred through a licensed precursor parts dealer in a similar process to the new laws regarding ammunition purchases. It would further create a new crime for transfer of precursor parts without the involvement of a licensed precursor parts dealer to anyone under 21 years of age or prohibited from owning firearms. Precursor parts include items such as unfinished frames and upper receivers.    

Assembly Bill 1064, sponsored by Assembly Member Al Muratsuchi (D-66), would place further restrictions on licensed firearms dealers, including prohibiting a residence as a place of business for licensees, allows localities to place further restrictions on where licensees may operate, requires licensees to carry insurance of at least $1 million in coverage per incident and requires extensive recording of a licensees premise to include video surveillance system that, among other requirements, visually records and archives footage of (1) every sale or transfer of a firearm or ammunition, in a manner that includes audio recording (2) all places where firearms or ammunition are stored, displayed, carried, handled, sold, or transferred; (3) the immediate exterior surroundings of the licensee’s business premises; and (4) all parking areas owned or leased by the licensee.  

Assembly Bill 1297, sponsored by Assembly Member Kevin McCarty, would remove the maximum fee a local authority can charge on the concealed carry permit application.


This article originally appeared at NRA-ILA and is reprinted here with permission.

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    • hummm all caused by the feds not maintaining border security for over 35 years, then add when California cried no YELLED for help in 1994 with prop 187….49 other states stood silent
      now they blame California for the mess they made

    • There are less than 2 dozen access roads from the West Coast across the Rock Mountains to the interior of the US between Mexico and Canada(check it out on google maps) so no wall is needed. Rip up some roadway and station a contingent of armed crossing guards at each pass. Problem solved!

      • don’t think they would miss us…they live in a world of their own out there…most are only vaguely aware there’s a great big country on the other side of those mountains…

  1. Reposting.
    Excerpt ( Quote from Mel Gibson’s The Patriot):

    Benjamin Martin : Would you tell me please, Mr. Howard, why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man’s rights as easily as a king can.

  2. Why is the photo accompanying the article of a revolver when it’s about magazines? Is that what Californians will be able to own if these bills pass? If they’re lucky?

    • Nothing wrong with a revolver. Although, that shouldn’t be your only option. Especially by government decree. Still, cool looking handgun. Know it’s a Smith, but what model? Bet if you flip it over you’ll see that stupid trigger lock. That’s makes it a “no go” for me. Still, curious about model.

      • Gadsden Flag,

        Since this article is related to California’s 10-round magazine limit, I have to ask an extremely relevant question. Can that 10-round magazine limitation prove crippling or fatal if I am carrying a handgun chambered in 9mm Luger and defending myself against three large and hyper-aggressive (psychotic) German shepherds that have already attacked/bit one human and (on a separate occasion) attacked/bit one dog?

        In addition to the above mentioned attacks/bites, I have had a stand-off multiple times with those German shepherds when only one-at-a-time was out. Now that all three are routinely getting loose and roving together as a pack, I figure it is only a matter of time before I have to pull the trigger.

        Personally, I do not trust that I can reliably stop three large attacking dogs with only 10 shots from a handgun chambered in 9mm. Your thoughts?

        (Implied in that question: I am doubting that a single hit to the torso with a 115 grain, 9mm bullet will reliably stop a 90 pound German shepherd that is in full-on attack mode.)

        • Uncommon, read my post again. I said, “Nothing wrong with a revolver. Although, that shouldn’t be your only choice. Especially by government decree.” If you want a “high capacity” handgun (whatever that is) to fend off a multi-dog attack. Go for it. I own several of the pistols that Pelosi hates. Wait, that’s all of them. Always liked the way that sounds. 😃 9mm, 115 gr to defend myself about damn near anything. Even 17 of them. No thanks. 124 gr Gold Dots are as small as I go. Rather have 8 rds of .45 ACP Gold Dot.

        • Uncommon, be careful of the cop haters. They disparage anyone who shoots a dog. They’re animal lovers. They would rather be mauled than shoot a dog.

        • Gadsden Flag,

          It sounds like you don’t entirely trust 9mm, 115 grain bullets to promptly stop 90+ pounds dogs either.

          I am having trouble deciding what to carry for those dogs. Here are my options:
          (1) compact semi-auto pistol in 9mm Luger (with a 7-round single-stack magazine plus one in the chamber) because I can carry that in hand in a jacket pocket. Main advantage: almost instant presentation. Main disadvantage: only 8 shots and only 9mm Luger.
          (2) snubby revolver in .38 Special with 6-round cylinder because I can carry that in hand in a jacket pocket. Main advantage: almost instant presentation and can shoot through my pocket. Main disadvantage: only 6 shots and only .38 Special.
          (3) full-size semi-auto pistol in .40 S&W (with 15-round magazine plus one in the chamber). Main advantage: 16 rounds without reload and big (.40 caliber) 180 grain bullets. Main disadvantage: must draw from concealment which is much more difficult with heavy clothing and coat and takes extra time.

          I know it seems like a no-brainer to carry the full-size in .40 S&W with 16 rounds. The trouble is these German shepherds like to come out of nowhere (from concealment) from only 30 feet away and ambush passers-by. That means they could easily be on me within one second, which is faster than I can draw from concealment and put shots on target. And since I will probably encounter trouble if I walk around with my full-size semi-auto pistol in hand, I am in somewhat of a lose-lose situation.

        • Uncommon, I don’t trust any pistol caliber. Waaay underpowered for what we ask them to do. Bigger, deeper holes. That’s all we can do. Rifle, rifle rifle! .30 caliber is about the best all around. But, you can’t walk around with one most places. Handguns are just that, handy. Back to proposed scenario. Three dogs. Your going to get bit. Try to stay on your feet and keep your gun hand/arm out of their mouth, or you’re fucked.

        • Wait! This is real? I thought it was hypothetical. Animals, both bipedal and quadruped can be deadly. The quads especially in packs. If you’re asking me shot on first sign of aggression off the owner’s property. But, that’s just me. Depending on where you live it could mean civil action at the least.

        • The owner? Whole new problem. People can get stupid over their pets. I’m afraid the dog owner will dictate your response.

        • Gadsden Flag,

          Yes, unfortunately this is a very real situation. About two years ago one of the dogs was out alone and bit a canvasser who stepped onto their driveway with a petition. It was a nasty bite, drawing blood through a thick leather belt. The dogs (when alone) have charged me multiple times, only stopping just a few feet away when I step forward to shoot them if necessary. And about two weeks ago two of the shepherds ran up to a neighbor woman who was walking two Labrador retrievers, lunged at the woman and her dogs repeatedly, and bit one of her dogs. And lately all three are getting lose together and running around as a pack. It is an out-and-out miracle that they have not seriously maimed or killed someone yet.

          My jurisdiction is usually very good about self-defense, even with a firearm as long as you have a concealed carry license. And I have self-defense legal insurance if my jurisdiction decides to come after me anyway. At this point, going through the legal hurdles would almost be worthwhile because that is a whole lot better dealing with the aftermath of those dogs shredding one of my children or a neighbor’s child.

          Oh, and speaking of children, I should probably mention that the school bus stop is right in front of this house with these shepherds that get loose. On one occasion when one of the shepherds was loose, a parent used one car as a shield to discourage the dog, I was on foot yelling and stomping at the dog to discourage it, all while a parent in her car pulled right up to the bus door to get her daughter off the bus and into her car.

          This really sucks, big time.

      • Besides, three German Shepherds, my 6″ Python, 2 rds per dog; and the problem is?

        • I was kind of thinking that route as well. I did not list that option in my reply to your reply above because presentation time could still be too long, unless I carry in a shoulder holster.

          If I went that route, I have a double-action revolver in .357 Magnum with a 6-inch barrel and a 7-round cylinder. I am confident that .357 Magnum will promptly stop those dogs assuming that I can put rounds on target — something which I figure is anything but guaranteed if three dogs are coming at me with maybe one second to shoot before they are on me.

          I keep coming back to the fact that this is an exceedingly dangerous situation if I am trying to fend off three 90+ pound shepherds that are hyper-aggressive and suddenly come out of nowhere. I am concerned that I face legal jeopardy if I start shooting when they are far enough away that I have time to hopefully put all three down. And yet if I wait until they are just 10 feet away, it is highly unlikely that I can shoot all three before they can plow me over.

          (Try to imagine trying to stay on your feet with two or three, 90-pound dogs plowing into you at 30 m.p.h. Unless you are a 300 pound football lineman, you are probably going down. And once you are down on the ground, two or three hyper-aggressive shepherds could impart life-threatening injuries in a few seconds. Not good to say the least.)

        • Uncommon, *seriously* consider buying and using a body-cam, or even a go-Pro of some sort. That will help cover your ass in the event of the dog attack you described, by having a ‘digital witness’…

        • Uncommon, I had to shoot one K-9. Pit Bull named Jihad. Ain’t that nice? Dog had mauled three people, all family members, before we got a report. Assisting Animal Control to quarantine the dog for seven days before returning it to the owner. Owner elected to sic the dog on us. First saw the dog at about 30 feet when it rounded the corner of the house. Began backpedaling and moving around a vehicle to create an obstacle while drawing my weapon. By the time I wiped the safety off and put a round through his upper left chest he was launching himself at me. Dog went down, regained his feet, fled and died a the vet. Two more must and I would have been in really serious trouble. Give them your weak arm a shoot!

        • Geoff,

          This situation has been so dangerous and happening so long that I actually went through the trouble and expense to install video cameras at the end of my driveway. Two cameras cover the entire road frontage of the home that owns the shepherds (about 100 yards of road frontage). I have multiple events recorded on video that I have already turned over to my county’s Animal Control deputy. (Fat lot of good that does: the homeowner is simply facing a $250 fine for his dogs being at large and a $250 fine for not having a dog license.)

          If the dogs rush me anywhere on that road frontage (and the likelihood of it happening there is about 95%), I will have a high-definition video record of it (including pretty nice audio) on my video recorder. Even if it does not happen within range of my cameras, the dogs have been loose so many times and I have enough video showing them charging at me and (most recently) attacking another neighbor and her dogs that I should be in pretty good shape.

          Nevertheless, thanks for the suggestion: I believe it is important to have video evidence.

        • Gadsden Flag,

          Unfortunately, I believe you are correct on all counts: if all three shepherds come at me I am in serious danger because at least one of them (and probably two of them) will be biting me before I can shoot them. At that point all I can do is try to hold them back with my weak arm while shooting with my strong arm — assuming that they don’t actually go for my legs which would probably be even more dangerous/destructive than if they go for my weak arm. That makes a very strong argument for my full-size semi-auto pistol in .40 S&W with 180 grain hollowpoints and a 15-round magazine.

          And the equally important question: after one or two of those shepherds have shredded my arm or leg before I could dispatch all of them, will I be in good enough shape to forcefully confront the owner for letting his dogs attack me?

        • Uncommon sense.

          Perhaps it’s time to consider alternate methods. Coming from someone who raises dogs in a rural area, it really depends on your locale, rural/urban and the laws. We have problems with wild feral dogs and coyotes occasionally where I live, but where I live, shooting them or trapping them isn’t an issue. If you’re in a rural area you could consider a large coyote trap, trap them, then call animal control. I wouldn’t shoot them from a distance, considering you know they’re somebody’s pets, as Gadsden said, people get violent over pets. But if you catch them in a trap on your land, turn them over to animal control, then it becomes an issue of that owner and the state, and not you. That’s at least how I go about it where I live. Coyotes: shoot on sight. feral dogs: shoot if they become a nuisance. Dogs that look like they could be runaways or belong to someone: trap and have the state deal with it.

        • Although it will not completely stop the attack, pepper spray or bear spray should disrupt the organized attack by a pack enough to prioritize who to shoot first. When you have multiple dogs living together, more often than not, a pack mentality develops. If you have the time to identify the main aggressor and remove them from the mix you may stop the attack altogether. If not, at the very least the remaining members that notice one of their own is down and disabled will pause to reassess their attack, giving you time to pick the next target.

        • bear spray?…why are you so eager to kill something?…guns should always be the last resort…not the first thing you reach for…

  3. WTF is a precursor parts supplier? Home Depot going to track pipe, nut and bolt sales?

    • Likely, things that handle the kinds of pressure firearms can develop, like barrels, firearm bolts, ect…

  4. Please note that Assembly bill 1064 requirement for video surveillance will be really expensive. I cannot see how typical gun stores could satisfy the video requirement with anything less than 16 cameras. The cameras alone will cost on the order of $2,000. The corresponding video recorder/s will cost on the order of $1,000 for just seven days of video storage. And if this California bill will requires longer archives, you can probably add about $1,00 for each additional seven days of recording. Finally, a gun store would probably have to pay between $1,000 and $4,000 for someone to install everything.

    So, the total cost to have extensive video recording (with just seven days archived) would probably cost between $4,000 and $7,000. And then the gun store would probably have to replace the cameras and video recorders every few years which cost another $3,000 each time.

    • That’s the *point*, to harass them out of business.

      We need to attack crap like that as a “deprivation of civil rights under law (?)” violation, with punishing *personal* penalties…

      • Need a serious change in government where @$$#ol€ , self-important, “Safety-Nazi”, Demo-Authoritarians and GOP RINO Globalists (like S.C. Sen. “Red Flag” Graham) are thrown in GITMO for Violating Oath of Office, Constitutional Infringements, Attempting to Criminalize the American Pro2@ population, etc…Prison is where this Tyrants should be…

  5. Love the part about infinite fee level for the CHL. I’m sure there’s no inherent prejudice to this?

  6. Not dogs but I had an encounter with a severely injuried javalina. It was hit by a car and back legs were useless. Called game and fish (AZ.) and he was an hour away. We live outside of town but still have foot traffic people walking dogs or old people exercising. My wife called and the agent asked if I was comfortable dispatching the critter. I got out my trusty Henry big boy 44 mag and at six feet fired right behind the left ear. He ran into the bushes and lay there. The agent finally got there pulled his ar and right between the eyes. News flash I fish not hunt.

    • you shot an animal with only two functioning legs with a .44 mag {head shot?)….and he ran away into the bushes?….

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