Nice rifle there Mr. Mann. But calling it a Mini Cooper does the project gun no favors, mucho macho-wise. And I’m not sure why a .22 bolt gun is behind your truck’s seat. Impromptu varmint hunting? OK, sure, why not? But most of us consider a trunk gun something we’d use against two-legged critters posing an imminent threat of death or grievous bodily harm. Before the boating accident, I stashed a B&T 9mm pistol. You?

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  1. My trunk gun is the one on my hip. That being said when Keltec makes the sub2000 with an m&p magazine, that will be added to my trunk!

    • As far as I know Kel-Tec was supposed to start making/selling SUB-2000 carbines that accept M&P magazines this year. Have you checked lately?

      • As with most things Kel-Tec, them announcing it, and it actually appearing available for sale, are two different and largely disconnected things.

        Right now, the only gen2 Sub2Ks I can find online are Glock 17 and Glock 19 varieties.

      • The KT website says 2nd quarter 2016. I expect I won’t see one until next year. Even then, not holding my breath!

        I’d much rather have a 500 dollar foldable gun that can be discretely stowed in a laptop bag or backpack in my trunk than a full length anything (harder to conceal) of greater value.

  2. M92 PAP. It just jumped in the truck one day so I took it home. Friendly fellow, if a bit rough around the edges.

  3. 12g pump gun. a little 300 dollar gun that if my truck is stolen I wont cry about it too much. mix of 00 buck and slugs in the ammo sleeve.

    • An excellent point, make it something you won’t cry too hard over if it’s stolen on you.

      I bet beater Hi-Point carbines could be had for $100 or less…

    • $100 pawnshop Marlin 60

      (may occasionally rotate with Marlin 795, Hi-Point 4095, SKS, or 12 gauge pump)

      Unlike Mr. Farago, my trunk gun is primarily intended for impromptu plinking (or sage rat shooting) sessions on the way home from work, rather than fighting off the zombie hordes.

      I’ve got the concealed carry handgun for criminals. My trunk gun is for plinking.

        • Extar-556 is what I have in my trunk.

          And yeah, it’s a 7.5″ 5.56 AR. Which means that ammo selection matters a lot if you expect it to be more than a hole puncher. Barnes makes bullets that still expand out to 150 yards even in barrels that short.

      • Same, 10.5″ AR pistol as cheap as I could build it, Along with a few mags of soft point ammo (as someone pointed out that ammo choice in SBRs is important).

  4. Only the gun I’m carrying, which is usually a G19.

    Nothing against trucks, I’m just not interested in keeping a designated gun for the truck.

    • This.
      Something about the definitionof a truck gun (cheap, so it can get stolen without grief) has always stuck in my craw. I don’t want any gun of mine falling into a criminals hands. As i like to remind my customers, “your car doesn’t need a gun, you do”. Take your piece with you.

      • I tried stuffing my M92 down my pants. It did not go over well and the 30rd magazine prints a tiny bit. 😉

      • For people who live/work on ranches or large-acreage farms, keeping a handy carbine-sized rifle of some sort in your vehicle makes sense. For the rest of us, not so much. My “trunk gun” is actually in a holster inside my waistband.

        But these decisions don’t always have to make sense, I suppose. Anybody who wants to stash a mostly useless gun in their trunk is welcome to do it. America, and all that.

      • @BLoving,

        That definition might stick in your craw, as you put it, because that’s not the definition of a truck gun. That would be more like a burner gun.

  5. Kel-Tec Sub2000 9mm, if I want something in a laptop bag. 12ga pump gun with a pistol grip if I don’t. That being said, my EDC on my hip is the real “trunk gun.” Springfield XDS .45.

  6. Marlin 336 30-30. A lot of scratches, been that way since I bought it. Iron sights, perfect for anything the mean streets may throw at me

  7. A .22 rifle is a perfectly sensible choice for a truck gun for many, given finances, ammo availability, shooting ability/familiarity with the gun and the ever present potential for vehicle burglary and potential loss-value.

    Headshot sized hits can repeatedly be made out to far beyond 100yds by even a modestly capable shooter with a .22 rifle. Two-legged skunks and stand-up snakes ‘could’ be dispatched handily if and as necessary with a good .22 rifle.

    Of course, a .22 just ain’t imaginatively ‘tacticool’ enough nor have enough horsepower, bells, whistles and whizbangs for many of the ‘gun-elite’ and for the wide-eyed, eager, lates/greatest whizbang trigger-pullers.

    • I was thinking the same thing. Personally I would have gone with a well tuned 10/22 with a red dot though.
      Head shots all day long with ease inside of 70 or 80 yards, and if your shooting past 25 you’d have a really hard time justifying any defensive shooting claim anyway.

    • Agreed. there are a LARGE number of reasonbly reliable, affordable and accurate semi-auto .22’s out there with which I (and a high percentage of anyone who practices) can put 10 shots in half as many seconds through an biped’s eyeball inside of 50 yards. No question as to the lethality of that. It’s ironic how the shooting jouralistas seem to disparage the mighty .22 the way they do when the market silently roars out the value of having a few hundred(thousand?) rounds of your favorite rimfire socked away.

    • Have to agree with you on this one . 22 is a very versatile round for any number of situations . I do drive a truck , have since I was in my early 20’s and I have never carried a rifle with me in everyday situations , even though I have carried either a revolver or pistol since I was 27 , every day . I did purchase my farm when I was 29 and have on many occasions thrown ( placed ) my mini-14 behind the seat when I drive up on the hill , with out a doubt , my Ruger has been my rough and tumbler . I always keep one magazine with 5 rounds just in case I run into the conservation guy , who I know quite well but wouldn’t want to have to call up our friendship . I tend to use my Ruger rifles a lot but I would also be quite comfortable with one of my 30.06 rifles or even my MVP . I like that little Mossberg gun a lot . Point is , I guess I would have go with the Ruger .

    • I (think) I (almost) agree (but not quite). I’ve considered once or twice making my Walther H&K 416 replica in .22lr my go to home defense gun due to the noise from my AR-15 and 9mm pistols, and the fact that I can easily get off many shots in a split second without having to re-aim the .22 (not that I can’t do that with my AR-15). Recoil is not existent in that 7 pound .22lr gun and I have 1600+ rounds through without a single failure or misfire. I keep the mag loaded with 20 rounds of CCI Velocitors, which have almost as much energy as a .380 (not that that is great). I’m pretty sure if I fired my AR-15 in my house I would go deaf from the noise. The 22, while somewhat loud in an enclosed space compared to say, a knock on the door, is as quiet as a silenced AR-15 and I don’t think it would make me deaf (at least I would hope not). I know, I know, some people are going to say, better to lose your hearing than be dead…

      …Which is why I haven’t gotten there with the .22, so I keep my AR-15 ready for HD.

      Anyway, I don’t have a truck, but I carry all the time, so whichever Springfield I am carrying that day (XDs-9 or 4″ XD Mod.2 9mm ) are my “truck” guns.

  8. I’m not real convinced the trunk gun is a good idea. If you can get to your car, and you have your edc on you, then it’s time to un ass the area. Not fumble open your trunk, uncase a long gun and then return to the problem area.

    IMHO the trunk gun is more along the lines of a boat or plane gun. Something to use if you find yourself stranded in the boonies with no immediate rescue on hand. In which case a scoped .22 makes perfect sense. Meat for the pot.

    • We have a winner folks. I could see the use if you were concerned about putting down some injured wildlife hit by a car or something as well.

      Most of the other guys posting seem more worried about playing the action hero in some video game or Hollywood fantasy. If you can get to your car in most situations simply leaving is the best idea.

      • I don’t recall seeing any evidence of this fantasy motivation you suspect in the posts here. Perhaps you could point out the posts you are referring to?

        • “John Smith says:
          March 29, 2016 at 12:48

          I was thinking the same thing. Personally I would have gone with a well tuned 10/22 with a red dot though.
          Head shots all day long with ease inside of 70 or 80 yards, and if your shooting past 25 you’d have a really hard time justifying any defensive shooting claim anyway.”

          That one seems to fill the bill…

        • A 10/22 seems like pretty tame fantasy armament to me. Even if we accept the notion that John just revealed his fantasizing, can you make the case that the subset “John” comprises most of the posters here?

        • No, he doesn’t strike me as dangerous, nor are ‘all the commenters’ making such claims.

          It was, however, an example…

      • If I can unass the AO, I’m going to. But then again if I need a long gun, I’m going to have it. I dont have any fantasy of playing action hero (you actually sounds like the anti-gun trolls now).

        instead, just like my blowout kit, extra ammo, emergency blankets and some canned food… Its all just in case. Do I want to eat pork-n-beans, cold on the side of the road? no. but if I’m hungry they’ll do good. Do I want to have a shoot out with someone? no. But the little handgun I’m carrying and a shotgun just in case… I’d rather have the option and not need it.

        With that said I am am 20 miles from the border in Texas. (moved from Illinois, you should to). And while I have had no problems, I also have a spare tire and a fire extinguisher.

        • I can tell you right now, all that stuff will make a thief very happy. It has nothing to do with dishing out “hero” insults. It’s simply common sense. Vehicles are easy to break into and it’s an extremely common crime.

        • ” Vehicles are easy to break into and it’s an extremely common crime.”

          ATTN -TTAG Management –

          A vehicle gun safe ‘shootout’ article would be really nice…

    • I’m with you. I’ve always kind of liked the idea of a “Truck Gun”, but I have my pistol on me at most (when legal) times, then in the car when I can’t. Like you said, most worst case scenarios, if you can make it to your car, why not leave?

      My main reason for anti-truck gun is theft. Sure, one can lock the car, keep the gun out of sight, and then further lock that up; but then that defeats the purpose of a truck gun. Not exactly quickly deploy-able if you need it, why not drive away or use your pistol? Plus the actual need to use your EDC is extremely slim, the potential need to use a truck gun is probably even slimmer.

      Now, this is pretty much my case for me as a suburban dweller and city worker, I know there are others that this doesn’t apply to. Just because it doesn’t work for me and I’m not going to do it, doesn’t mean that others shouldn’t nor am I saying others should never.

      • Exactly. If I lived close to the mexican border or in a very remote part of the country I would rethink a trunk gun.

    • Agreed. A takedown 10/22 and some Bx-25 mags with velocitors and subsonics is perfect for most encounter short of a bear or mob.

      However, I travel to some places where I can’t carry into the building, so I know holstering a pistol is of limited value as I’ll just have to store it when I arrive. A small pistol tucked away in the truck means I always have the option to carry if I then travel to a location where it’s legal. I don’t carry an AR or shotgun, as they’re useless for concealed carry. But a truck pistol I find very useful.

    • Agree with this guy. An extra pistol
      I am in NC, so we cannot keep long gun in the car.
      I cannot see of an occasion where I would be walking down the street with a rifle (zombie type invasion possibly) But I could walk down the road with a large pistol
      Now if I lived a very rural area it maybe different.
      I do keep extra mags for my carry gun in the car

  9. Ruger SR9 with 3 mags. Backup for the LCP in my pocket.

    Don’t have a trunk though.

    Thinking about a Ruger 10/22 with the American Stock.

  10. Don’t usually carry a truck gun but when I do it’s been my folding Mini-14 (with a small well equipped chest rig). I just broke in a 300 BLK AR pistol with the shockwave brace that’ll also work well in tight quarters… I’m with JWM though… If I can get to my vehicle I’m getting the hell-outa-there if at all possible…

    • Well of course an operable vehicle is a better survival tool than a firearm. I have been under the assumption that the concept of a trunk gun is having a long gun available if a situation so warrants and your vehicle is either inoperable or blocked from exiting the area.

      • Of course and I agree…I try to stay away form that whole assumption thing… This is fun but no plan survives the first contact intact as they say. You just don’t know until you’re in the Suck… Thanks, God Bless…

  11. I have a 1st gen Honda Insight – no trunk, my SBR broken in to lower and upper, might fit in that little well thing, but I am not comfortable leaving a gun in my car. My SBR upper won’t fit in my everyday bag. Guess I need another gun.

    • I’m having a bit of trouble visualizing ‘Action Physical Man’ driving a ‘Honda Insight’…

      *chuckle* 🙂

      • Vin Diesel, Jason Statham and the like will all be driving them soon, and then we’ll see who is laughing.

        • Good luck and keep on keeping on APM , while you save the planet I’ll stretch out a little .
          Just poking fun bro , to each his own .

        • I ain’t no green, I just like tiny little aluminum cars that save me money on my medical courier driving job. Having 3 cylinders (a whole two more than you need) churning out a staggering 67hp is a blast to have too. Oh, and there can never be a murderer hiding in back seat either.

  12. I’ve struggled with this for awhile and I still haven’t made a final decision on the issue. On the one hand; a cheap AR is the most economical choice but not particularly compact unless you opt for a pistol (maybe with a brace) but I am hesitant to have a barrel length shorter that 12″ so it still won’t be particularly compact.

    A pistol caliber carbine is another option but overall price makes it an unattractive one. If I went with a CZ Scorpion with a folding brace the total cost could be as high as $1200 and I am not prepared to spend that kind of money on something I would toss in my truck. Other PCUs can be equally expensive unless I purchase a Kel Tec.

    Perhaps the best option would be an AK pistol with or without the brace. But it would be another caliber and more magazines. So I just haven’t made that jump yet.

    • A pistol caliber carbine is another option but overall price makes it an unattractive one.

      High-Point carbine says hello.

      If I was going to have a trunk gun (which I’m not), that would be it.

  13. I carry my 9 millimeter with guardian gold hollow points up front with me. Easy aooccess that way

  14. Maverick 88, 7 rounds 00, 5 rounds rifled slugs in a stock saddle for select slug drills if necessay. Individual location has everything to do with truck gun necessity. If you pass 10 different Starbucks throughout your day, you may not need a truck gun……I don’t think anyone posting has delusions of super heroism, but I bet they can envision a normal scenario where a long gun, or a second full size handgun could be helpful in their specific locale.

  15. For a trunk gun, my main consideration is low cost since you could lose that firearm to theft or collision.

    The only two firearms that fit that bill and provide better range and/or firepower over a handgun are a semi-automatic rifle in .22 LR or a cheap pump-action shotgun — preferably in 20 gauge to reduce the weight of the shotgun and recoil.

    If you are stranded somewhere and need to shoot game for food, the .22 caliber rifle will take small game and even large game if you can place a head shot. And it goes without saying that a 20 gauge shotgun is perfect for taking small game and birds in flight, as well as large game with slugs.

    Of course both provide better range, accuracy, and firepower* over a typical everyday carry handgun.

    * While a single .22 LR bullet is less lethal than a 9 mm bullet at close range, a semi-auto rifle that enables you to shoot 15+ rounds of .22 LR with far greater accuracy, especially at ranges of 25 to 75 yards, is a general advantage with respect to the nebulous concept of “firepower”.

  16. If you are not concerned about monetary loss of your trunk gun due to theft or a collision, I really like a lever-action rifle in .357 Magnum, .44 Magnum, or .30-30 Winchester for a trunk gun. They are simple and highly reliable. Their tube magazines hold anywhere from 6 to 10 cartridges. They are accurate enough and easy to carry and shoot. And they all carry a respectable wallop well out to 100 yards against human attackers and even medium sized game with proper bullet selection.

  17. “most of us consider a trunk gun something we’d use against two-legged critters posing an imminent threat of death or grievous bodily harm.”

    In some parts of the country, the odds of being attacked by a herd of rogue groundhogs are higher than the odds of becoming a victim of human predation. That, and the fact that 99% of common thugs will turn tail and run from the sight of a .22 bolt gun.

  18. I’m sure it can be done effectively, but having to go from my driver’s seat to my trunk to get to a trunk gun seems like a lot of seconds where things can go really wrong. I guess in that case my “trunk gun” would be the VP9 on my hip. Plus the 1.5 ton German bullet that is my car. Some instructors have told me that in a vehicle confrontation, that the vehicle itself can often be your most effective weapon.

    • .45 ACP = roughly 444 foot pounds of energy, decelerating after contact with the bad guy.
      4000 pound car going 30mph = 120,387 foot pounds of energy and can accelerate after contact with the bad guy.

      Depending on the immediate situation and the margins for survival, your car is both your most effective defensive weapon and your means for escaping the immediate danger area at the same time.

      • Good analysis.

        I love my car, but if I have to slam it into something or someone to effect an escape, I’m going to floor it and whisper a prayer of thanks to whichever Teutonic god overlooks the factory where it was born if I am successful.

        Unless I’m OCing (not valid here in Florida) or damn lucky, I can’t see my gun being the go-to weapon choice in most situations where a vehicle is involved. The gun is blocked by clothing and a seatbelt. Nothing but air between my foot and the accelerator. As you note, there’s a lot more force in that car, and also if I had to get to my gun (on my hip or in my trunk) escaping buys precious time.

  19. When I lived out in the country my trunk gun changed depending on the current hunting season. Living in the city I don’t have the opportunity to pull over and knock down a few ducks or fill my tag on the way home so that practical use is gone. These days in the city I am rarely more than a short walk from help. In this environment I figure the XDM on my hip and spare mag in my pocket should be adequate in the off chance I should need to defend myself. In a situation where a long gun is the difference between life and death I’m probably fucked anyway if I don’t already have the gun either on me, or close by and ready to rock. It would be neither if it was in my vehicle. When I get back out of this damn urban environment I can see that changing again but in this environment my rifles can stay at home next to my bug out bag. YMMV.

  20. Boomstick! SXS Coach w/ Slugs. (3/4 oz, they shoot better) Have grab pouch w/ OO and #8 for snakes. Figure, I’ve spun thru 12 rounds of .357 if it’s so bad I gotta head to the truck it must be a Velociraptor and have to whip out the “.729 Redneck” double rifle. 🙂

  21. The more I think about it, the “ideal” trunk gun depends on what situation you are anticipating where you would want a trunk gun.

    If you want something to procure food when stranded for days in the boonies, then you want a shotgun or a rifle in .22 LR.

    If you want something that offers superior self-defense during a large scale terrorist attack or societal collapse, then a lever-action rifle, AK-47, or AR-15 would be an excellent choice.

    If you want something for self defense in a Deliverance or University of Texas Clock Tower scenario, then you want a scoped rifle chambered in the popular deer-hunting calibers like .243 Winchester and larger … with the optimum caliber being something like 6.5 mm or .270 Winchester if you plan on reaching out past 400 yards.

    • >> If you want something to procure food when stranded for days in the boonies, then you want a shotgun or a rifle in .22 LR.

      Better yet, an O/U that has both – like Savage 24 in .22 LR over 20ga.

      Or even better yet, an O/U in .223 over 12 ga, which is another Savage 24 model. The benefit there is that you get that extra oomph/range for .223 when you need it (and with the right bullets, it can be a very potent round even for medium sized game – in Europe there are quite a few countries that let you hunt deer with it, and it works as well if not better than .30-30, from what I’ve heard). And you can still shoot .22 LR out of it for small game with a chamber adapter like MCA.

  22. I have always ever known the “truck gun” as just another tool. Usually being a break barrel .410 / 20ga or a lever .22. If you’re working out in brush or pasture you’re likely to stumble upon pests; most of which are much easier to dispatch from a distance. We used the .410 to knock a melon sized wasp nest down from a tree where a side cattle gate was. Much easier than a can of poison. That being the case, if you have an EDC you’ve already got a “truck gun” for personal defense, right?

  23. I have my old Mossberg 500 in my truck along with a .50 cal cans worth of ammo.
    I put a pistol grip on the shotgun to save some space.

  24. Yeah, 22 bullets never kilted anyone. Genius. As for trunk guns, thieves love em. And you’ll never get to it fast enough.

  25. Barret 50 call semi with 1000 rounds of incendiary armor piercing ammo. You know, in case I hit a squirrel and have to finish him off.

  26. A gun left unattended in your car is more likely to get stolen than save your life, in my opinion. As someone else said, my carry gun is my trunk gun. If I think I need a rifle or shotgun, I’m using the car attached to my trunk to get the heck out of there.

  27. I have Mossberg 20 GA behind seat of my old beater truck, and I keep Hi-Point under seat of car for the times I leave house in gym shorts and tee shirt to go get milk or when at work where I can’t carry. They stay in vehicles all the time so if ever stolen no big loss. Both are in good working order and dependable or I wouldn’t stash them.

  28. This is generally a bad idea. I used to do the truck gun thing, and that was before I realized how often entering autos occur. It is one of the most common crimes and is the way the vast majority of firearms are stolen. If you live in a place like Alaska, Wyoming or Idaho, and have serious concerns about large wildlife, that’s different. But for the most part, a truck gun is a bad idea, and your just helping arm a gang banger.

  29. If I’m headed out of town, I’ll toss in my Mav 88 and extra shells. For daily driving, nothing but extra mags and ammo for my EDC pistols. There’s really no place to hide a long gun while parked, as I don’t have a separate trunk.

  30. A 12 gauge pump works, though thinking about replacing with a lever rifle. Living near the NY border, it’s very easy for me to start a round of errands intending to stay in CT, but end up detouring into NY State. I can’t CC in those circumstances, and everything semi-auto that I own would an issue in NY State.

    • Once you reach NY put your car in I-95 and don’t stop until you reach Virginia. Oh and bring all your guns.

  31. In my vehicle is my EDC, then there is a Glock 19, plus my KelTec Sub2000 with “matching” mags, including a couple 33 rounders. Plus a full size 38/357 beater, an old Taurus 66. Plus a Browning Buckmark. If I lived in a large metropolis I wouldn’t have these “extra” guns I’m sure. In my case it sure is as much about stumbling into an impromptu shooting session as it is about extra self-defense options (about 50/50 I’d estimate).

  32. Lots of good posts here

    I am old (69 this year!) and i have seen times change over the years. When i was a cop, i always carried an Ithaca Model 37 deerslayer in the trunk. After retiring from being a cop and going back on active duty in the late eighties, I carried an M1 carbine in the trunk and later, when the AWB kicked in, I quickly changed that for a Colt A2 heavy barreled Sporter. That was problematic when I went on post every day but I never let anybody catch sight of it. Later, I went the KelTec 2000 in 9mm with Glock mags route and now, in the Jeep I carried both an M4gery and an 870 and it looks similar to this:

    On my tractor or my ATV around the property, I most usually carry a Henry .22LR that I won here on the most recent writing contest. Loaded with CCI mini mags, it’s pretty good for everything I come across from copperheads to armadillos and even a coyote on one occasion.

    Times have changed though. I can’t think of a reason that I would have needed a semi automatic 30 round magazine fed rifle driving around back in the eighties or nineties. Now, I have a special app on my phone that will alert me to an active shooter in my vicinity

    and the possibility of that happening is……..?

    Beats me. But I carry a concealed handgun everyday, even around the house because I really don’t know what may happen. Now, being notified or coming across an active shooter, or worse yet, a team of radicalized Hadjis taking down a school, a mall or an airport.

    Just staying in the Jeep and driving out of danger? Sorry, not my style. If there is something that I can do to stop a murder spree, count me in

  33. Also. I like the way that .22 mag rifle is set up. If I didn’t already have a couple of decent .22 rifles…..

  34. Whats behind my seat? A fifth of Jim Beam, a thrity pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon and a ballbat

  35. Nobody is going to mention a Mosin ?
    Cheap, powerful, effective, able to roast hotdogs with the bayonet,
    whats not to like about the Mosin ?

  36. I have 5 guns in my truck most of the time. If I had to pick one, it would be the Mossberg 500.

  37. Just a little Mossberg 500 410, and it’s primary use is taking rabbit during the season down my long drive way.

  38. This video struck a still-sore nerve with me. Last year I purchased a Ruger ARC in .22 WMR with much the same ” rimfire scout rifle” idea in mind, without all the exotic and expensive modifications? I’m 65, acquired my first Ruger at age 14 (a Bearcat) and today own many firearms, including numerous Ruger’s ranging from the No. 1 rifle to the Ar-556. The little ARC was my sixth .22 magnum rifle (including a Ruger 96) and imagine my shock when commencing a zero with the iron sights I had a case head rupture on only the fourth round fired out of the rifle, which blew the magazine out the bottom, cracked the stock from the magazine well to the pistol grip and provided me with a face-full of gas and fine brass debris. Ruger was very cooperative initially in arranging a return to North Carolina of my damaged rifle, and I was (I thought?) very thorough in shipping with it a lengthy description of what had transpired, along with fired cases, including the failed one? Well, long story short and even after appealing to the Ruger CEO(!), I was offered the option to purchase a “discounted” replacement for my non-repairable rifle, along with footing the FFL transfer fee. I declined the “generous” offer to throw good money after bad, which resulted in their scrapping my rifle at the Mayoden facility. Heck, I didn’t even get the magazine back to use in my Model 96! I often lauded Ruger back in the glory days of legendary founder Bill, but no more. Just another large corporation with far bigger concerns than a lone customer with a low-end product from their bloated line of goods…..

  39. Whether intentional or unintentional, this video and post are confusing two very different concepts.

    A “Truck Gun”, as in the video, is carried by farmers and ranch hands, usually while on their own property, to deal with varmints, pests, and the occasional rabid animal. All threats to farms, crops, and livestock that can be dealt with using a varmint cartridge, such as 22WMR in the video.

    A “Trunk Gun” is carried by police in their cruiser, in case they run into a situation that renders pistols inadequate. Usually this is in the form of a shotgun, AR, or similar autoloader.

    If you are not a farmer or LEO, it is unlikely either one will be of much use.

    Might want to pay a little more attention to the actual topic being discussed next time, Mr. Farago. It’ll make you sound a little less like a myopic city slicker 🙂

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