Cori Bush
Rep. Cori Bush (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson, File)

In truth, [Missouri Rep. Cori] Bush isn’t paying for personal security; her campaign donors are paying for her personal security. Her police protection accounted for more than a third of her campaign expenditures during the second quarter. So, the very individuals and organizations that were so excited by her calls to defund the police that they contributed to her campaign are actually funding police to protect Cori Bush.

The problem is her constituents don’t have rich supporters willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars to protect them. They have the police. And the city of St. Louis, which Bush represents in Congress, recently cut $4 million from its police budget and eliminated 98 officer positions. Where is the money going? About $1.5 million will go for affordable housing, another million will go to assist the homeless population, and another million will be diverted to crime-victim support services — including funeral expenses for crime victims.

Maybe if St. Louis had a hundred more cops on the streets, there would be fewer funerals. Last year, the city had 262 homicides, the most per 100,000 people since 1970. Yet despite the explosion of murders in her city, Bush praised the decision to take almost 100 police officers off the streets of St. Louis as “historic.”


  1. Bush is a clown sans red rubber nose; an embarrassment to St. Louis. However, the color only voters that put the likes of her in political office are an even greater embarrassment. Therein is the real problem….the Government Plantation Dwellers. “You can’t fix stupid.”

    • I’ve often thought the same about urban voters, but after the 2020 election I’m not so sure it’s their fault.

      • The urban voters form the core of the Government Plantation voting base. The November 2020 election highlighted how Libturds “top off” the needed count. Lyndon Johnson, during his first Senate election, went back to the same West Texas precinct three times finding his “top off” needed votes until he had enough. Their “top off” process is much more refined and emboldened now.

        • Emboldened, certainly, but I don’t know about refined. They found an extra 800,000 ‘top off’ votes in Philly. That’s pretty bold.

          Just one man’s opinion but voter fraud should be treated as treason and the guilty should be shot without a blindfold at dawn. Now I bet that would straighten out our cities!

        • Voter ID AND thumbprints should be required to vote. We could easily implement secure elections, but “we” don’t want them.

        • Gov. WJLP,

          “…voter fraud should be treated as treason and the guilty should be shot without a blindfold at dawn.”


        • It all hinges on the accuracy of the information, not the source. Do you dispute the voter totals indicated in the story? If the answer is yes, what are the voter totals you believe are accurate and what sources do you cite to support your alternative numbers?

        • @Dude.
          Thumbprints?, are you kidding. Volunteering to have your fingerprints taken is not a good idea if you ask me.

        • + 1,000,000 possum!

          The last thing anyone should want is their fingerprints floating around on the internet waiting to be purloined.

        • So you guys have gone through life without ever having your thumbprint taken? Do you think someone will leave your prints at the scene of a crime?

        • Dude, the only place I have been required to “provide” a fingerprint was to enter Walt Disney World- and the only reason I went along with it was because of the looks I got from my wife and daughter when my initial reaction was “Hell No!”

          What I ended up doing was touching the edge of my right pinky fingernail on the device and slowly press the tip of my finger down against the glass until the light turned green. I’d estimate that it only took about 1/4 of an inch of the very tip of my pinky to make the machine happy. And I was fine with that- they only got 2-3 parallel lines of dermal ridges- it’d be pretty damn hard to match that to anything. My “method” has worked every time since.

          The only “authority” I have ever voluntarily provided my full fingerprints to is law enforcement for licensing purposes. I wouldn’t ever consider voluntarily giving my finger prints to any “company”- especially when everyone brainlessly uploads all information to the internet without a second thought about security or privacy.

          The issue with the internet is that one’s fingerprints simply become a data packet on the internet, and as we’re reminded daily- data on the internet is not secure. When your fingerprint data is available on the internet- anyone can do anything they want with it. I won’t willingly go along with allowing that to happen

          But, to each their own.

        • “The only “authority” I have ever voluntarily provided my full fingerprints to is law enforcement for licensing purposes.”

          Congratulations. You’re already in the system. So am I. So are most adults that haven’t been living in a cave. I get it. It feels a little weird, like a privacy violation. The thing is, criminals can’t steal my identity with a print. They need my social security number. Guess what? Our SS #’s are floating around all over the place. You have to give it out all of the time.

          Election integrity is a major issue right now. Democrats have created another crisis, just like they’re currently doing with the border, inflation, debt, and poisoning young minds. It’s time to think outside the box. Racist Democrats think people with a particular skin tone are too dumb to figure out how to get a government issued ID. Guess what? Almost everyone has a digit. Anyone can give a print. How are they going to argue against that?

        • “The thing is, criminals can’t steal my identity with a print.”

          But they can steal your print, which, in a digital world, means your fingerprint (data code) is no longer unique to you- and therefore useless for identification.

          As they say about computers- garbage in, garbage out. When fingerprint data is made vulnerable via the internet, the ability of someone else to utilize your fingerprint data in any way they wish makes your ID data untrustworthy. The more places one allows their fingerprints to be “accessed” the more chances one has of having your data pilfered.

          Of course I’m in the “system”- I was given no choice. But I only authorized the use of my data to one local law enforcement agency, one federal law enforcement agency, and one state licensing agency. Sure, I didn’t like it- but it’s what was “required” for me to “exercise” my constitutional rights (and it was relatively early in the history of the “modern” internet- 1992).

          So, yes- if someone gained access to one of those three agencies who have my (ink/analog) fingerprints then I guess I’m SOL. But guess what- I didn’t authorize them to make my personal data vulnerable by copying/digitizing/uploading/sharing via a known insecure transmission method (the internet). That’s on them.

          I have actively sought to keep my fingerprint data as secure as possible by not volunteering it to every Tom, Dick and Harry simply for the sake of “convenience”. The more people who do, the more data is vulnerable, the more data is vulnerable the more it’s stolen, and the more it’s stolen the more the data become useless.

          Election integrity is indeed a major issue right now. Do I want to add another layer of dubitable complexity to an already disputed election system? No- I most certainly do not. My photo ID is determinately enough (and should be required for everyone wishing to vote).

          Yes, I’m a firm believer in analog over digital- it’s easier to manipulate digital data than it is to forge a human with a photo and voter ID, handwritten check lists, all retained hand ballots, thousands of human election process witnesses, etc., etc.

          Digital just makes it easier to cheat.

        • “But they can steal your print, which, in a digital world, means your fingerprint (data code) is no longer unique to you- and therefore useless for identification.”

          Maybe I’m missing something here. If more than one person is using the same print, that automatically prompts an audit of those ballots. Whoever is using the fraudulent print will be found out when they can’t replicate the print under scrutiny and arrested. At a minimum their fraudulent ballot will be thrown out if the person can’t be located. Discarding the fraudulent ballots is the entire point, so I don’t understand why this couldn’t work.

          By the way, the poll worker should get a picture of what you’re supposed to look like since your print will be tied to your photo. Do you think these potential fraudulent voters will be able to also look just like you?

        • I’m thinking about the specific digital data code that comprises “your” print. When that data becomes available to others for manipulation as they see fit- you may not want to be associated with “your” data anymore. Would you want to own it if you don’t “own” it? Savvy?

          I am reminded of grocery shopping with my mother as a child- when mom wrote a check at checkout the cashier always grabbed a stack of stapled papers and visually scanned it. After years of watching this happen I finally figured out that the cashier was comparing the check account number to a list of “bad” check account numbers. I thought that was really smart (and that I was so smart for figuring it out). Well, checking an individual’s fingerprint code is similar to comparing it to a list of checking account numbers- if it’s listed on the “bad” list, it ain’t no good. You don’t want your fingerprint data code to end up on a “bad” list.

          I envision an ever-growing list of “compromised” fingerprint data making fingerprint verification rather useless at best, and intimating criminal liability at worst. By simply proving that you are the only person capable of legitimately “reproducing” your “unique” fingerprint code isn’t helpful if the code you present is deemed untrustworthy.

          Or I could be completely off-base and totally wrong. It’s food for thought, though… regardless.

        • “It’s food for thought, though… regardless.”

          What you’re saying makes perfect sense. It’s definitely something to consider. There would need to be safeguards in place to make sure people don’t end up on the “bad” list. Inevitably some people still would, just like sometimes identities are stolen. Everything is a delicate balance of the pros and cons. Regarding election integrity, I think we can do much better.

      • “They found an extra 800,000 ‘top off’ votes in Philly.“

        That is quite the claim, have you any actual evidence with which to back up your assertion?

        “CLAIM: Pennsylvania election officials mailed out 1.8 million ballots but counted votes from more than 2.5 mailed ballots.

        AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The statistic combines data from Pennsylvania’s June primary election, in which 1.8 million voters requested vote-by-mail ballots, and data from the general election, in which voters mailed back more than 2.6 million ballots that were counted.

        THE FACTS: In the weeks before the November 2020 election, more than 3 million Pennsylvania voters requested vote-by-mail ballots.

        Data from Pennsylvania’s Department of State analyzed by the U.S. Election Project, an election data site maintained by University of Florida political scientist Michael McDonald, show 3,087,524 mail ballots requested and 2,629,672 mail ballots returned and counted.

        But those figures were distorted at a legislative hearing in Gettysburg last week as President Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani tried to argue there was fraud in Pennsylvania’s election.

        Among Giuliani’s claims was that only 1,823,148 vote-by-mail ballots were sent to voters, and the fact that a much larger number of mailed ballots were counted in the election results suggested widespread irregularities.

        “Now this is the part that is a mystery,” Giuliani said during the hearing. “Mailed ballots sent out, 1,823,148. But when you go to the count of the final count of the vote, there were 2,589,242 mail-in-ballots. What happened? How do you account for the 700,000 mail in ballots that appeared from nowhere?”

        But there is no mystery. There were not 700,000 mail-in-ballots that appeared from nowhere.

        Giuliani mixed two different statistics in his claim. State data show the 1,823,148 figure is actually the number of voters who requested a vote-by-mail ballot in the state’s June primary– not in the general election.”

        • Minor, first, I didn’t bother reading your comment past the first sentence as it is irrelevant. Second, I recall an election official testifying to congress that out of those ~800,000 mail in ballots in question about 1200 went to Trump. Not likely. Third, it comes down to the smell test. What isn’t in dispute is that during the count (in Philly and elsewhere) election workers illegally blocked partisan observers from witnessing the count. I’ve been working on this for 9 months now and I can’t come up with a plausible reason to do that unless you were committing mass voter fraud. If you can enlighten me as to a possible legitimate reason to illegally block partisan observers from witnessing the count I’ll reconsider my determination that the entire election was a fraud. Otherwise, pound sand.

        • “I recall an election official testifying to congress that out of those ~800,000 mail in ballots in question about 1200 went to Trump. Not likely.”

          That is not at all correct, Rudy was lying about the 800,000 ballots, that’s why he is being suspended in many jurisdictions.

          Rudy intentionally mixed the numbers from the primary and the general election in order to mislead the “poorly educated” because they weren’t swift enough to catch his slight of hand.

          “Giuliani mixed two different statistics in his claim. State data show the 1,823,148 figure is actually the number of voters who requested a vote-by-mail ballot in the state’s June primary– not in the general election.”

          Seriously, please share whatever numbers you think are accurate and the source you rely for their veracity.

        • 🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

        • Almost ZERO ballots rejected in Georgia this election. In years past, over 6%. Not possible. Must have signature check on envelopes now. Very easy to do. Dems fighting because they got caught. Far more votes than needed for flip.

        • Lifeslaver, it all hinges on the accuracy of the information, not the source. Do you dispute the voter totals indicated in the story? If the answer is yes, what are the voter totals you believe are accurate and what sources do you cite to support your alternative numbers?

        • It is very easy to tell the Fake Miner’s posts because they are always incorrect.

          “Almost ZERO ballots rejected in Georgia this election. In years past, over 6%”

          Here’s the facts regarding that lie:

          “Georgia Secretary of State (SoS) shared in a Facebook post and on its website the numbers for rejected absentee ballots in 2016, 2018 and 2020, visible here and here .

          The Facebook post by the Georgia SoS says that in the 2016 Presidential election, 580 out of 246,621 absentee by mail ballots were rejected for “missing or inaccurate oath information” with a rejection rate of 0.24% (here).

          In the 2018 general election, 454 out of 284,393 absentee by mail ballots were rejected for missing or non-matching signatures with a rejection rate of 0.15% (here).

          In 2020, 2,011 out of 1,322,529 absentee by mail ballots were rejected for missing or non-matching signatures with a rejection rate of 0.15%. Both 2018 and 2020 has the same rejection rate of 0.15% for signature issues, the Georgia Secretary of State said. (here)“

        • The Georgia vote was likely mostly manipulated through the adjudication process.

          “Biden’s margin of victory in several key states could have been provided by shifting write-in and minor party ballots through ballot adjudication.”

          Check out this article for even more statistical anomalies in the 2020 election.

          I previously mentioned requiring prints to vote. The adjudicators also need to affix their prints to the adjudicated ballots. We also need to keep a copy of the original ballot for audit purposes. They currently just destroy the original ballot which makes no sense unless you want to cover for cheaters. Every election with statistical anomalies should trigger a real audit, not a recount of potentially fraudulent ballots. If you have certain statistical anomalies on your tax return, guess what? You’re about to be audited.

        • “could have been provided by… “

          That doesn’t offer evidence to prove any claims about fraudulent votes, it merely speaks to possibilities.

          And the fact is, Donald Trump and his allies are lying about the 800,000 fraudulent votes in Georgia, as the Republican Secretary of State’s posts show.

          And your idea of allowing the government to collect everyone’s thumbprint is out of hand, I’m surprise you with champion such an authoritarian control strategy, bravo to your handlers for their chutzpah!

        • “That doesn’t offer evidence to prove any claims about fraudulent votes, it merely speaks to possibilities.”

          Exactly Miner. That’s why I’m talking about audits.

          “And the fact is, Donald Trump and his allies are lying about the 800,000 fraudulent votes in Georgia, as the Republican Secretary of State’s posts show.”

          Straw man Miner. I never mentioned 800,000 fraudulent votes in GA.

          “And your idea of allowing the government to collect everyone’s thumbprint is out of hand…”

          I’m willing to have a conversation about this. I think there are pros and cons to everything. I listed my pros and cons. Now list yours.

        • I understand it is easy to lose track on these long threads, my entry into this thread was because of the governors post:

          “avatarGov. William J Le Petomane
          July 31, 2021 At 09:11
          Emboldened, certainly, but I don’t know about refined. They found an extra 800,000 ‘top off’ votes in Philly. That’s pretty bold.“

          A little research shows that Donald Trump made that claim publicly, no surprise that his personal attorney Rudy is also making that claim.
          In both cases, Trump and Rudy are intentionally conflating the numbers from the primary and the general election, they could not be more dishonest.

          And amazingly enough, I believe the official results of the primary and general election as posted by the Republican secretary state of Georgia, are relatively accurate.

          Why don’t you trust the People’s elected representative, the Republican secretary of state of Georgia’s accounting? Do you have actual evidence that proves it is inaccurate?
          Or just questionable third-party analysis showing “statistical anomalies”?

        • Fingerprint identification technology is not reliable:

          “Courtroom testimony and reports stating or even those implying that fingerprints collected from a crime scene belong to a single person are indefensible and lack scientific foundation, a new AAAS working group report on the quality of latent fingerprint analysis says.

          “We have concluded that latent print examiners should avoid claiming that they can associate a latent print with a single source and should particularly avoid claiming or implying that they can do so infallibly, with 100% accuracy,” states the report.“

        • “New findings published Monday by researchers at New York University and Michigan State University suggest that smartphones can easily be fooled by fake fingerprints digitally composed of many common features found in human prints. In computer simulations, the researchers from the universities were able to develop a set of artificial “MasterPrints” that could match real prints similar to those used by phones as much as 65 percent of the time.

          The researchers did not test their approach with real phones, and other security experts said the match rate would be significantly lower in real-life conditions. Still, the findings raise troubling questions about the effectiveness of fingerprint security on smartphones.“

        • “Fingerprint identification technology is not reliable…”

          But you said something about using prints was an authoritarian control strategy. Now you’ve completely flopped, and you’re only concerned with the reliability of it. Have you considered taking your findings to every law enforcement agency in the country? I never said it was a fail-safe solution. It’s another check. Are you aware that technology is currently evolving at a rapid pace? Do you honestly think we are incapable of incorporating this, along with photo ID, as another check? My guess is you’re naturally opposed to any extra election integrity measure, just like most Dems, and you searched for a con after you already made your snarky remark about it being an authoritarian control measure. Sometimes I think I could have a more honest, adult conversation with a fence post.

          Are you aware that people make fake IDs? Should we stop requiring people to present IDs?

        • Dude,

          Stop arguing with me, Miner49er. I am disingenuous, completely fake, and a proven liar.

          The Rueters article above is 100% incorrect. However, since I have been saying I am a moron, that knows nothing, I will use disinformation, like I did here.

          The Rueter article I so proudly used is from NOVEMBER 23 and UPDATED 8 MONTHS AGO! You need to read the entire article, because it is only the last 2 paragraphs where some truth lies.

          “…According to the nonprofit, nonpartisan organization Ballotpedia, Georgia rejected 6.42% of mail-in ballots in total in the 2016 general election and 3.10% in total in the 2018 midterm…𝙄𝙩 𝙢𝙖𝙮 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙏𝙧𝙪𝙢𝙥 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤…(KEY!)…The higher percentage he mentions for past years is likely based off the total rejected ballots which can not be compared with 2020, as this information is not available.”


          That Ballotpedia article is dated April 20, 2021, and contains the factual numbers fake new Reuters will not update.

          Absentee/mail-in ballot rejection rates;

          2016 Georgia received 213,033 rejected 6.4%

          2020 Georgia received 1,327,126 rejected 0.4%!!!!
          Donald Trump was correct! (again)

          Listen to me again…I am a p’ucking moron!!!

          Miner disappearing in 3..2..1…(again) (as always).

        • “Do you have actual evidence that proves it is inaccurate?
          Or just questionable third-party analysis showing “statistical anomalies”?”

          I didn’t notice this comment earlier. Maybe it was being moderated? Anyway, Miner, why don’t you tell that to the IRS when they come to audit you. They don’t just immediately prosecute you. They audit you first. They audit you when something looks fishy. Don’t pretend that this is a difficult concept. The next question is, why is the Republican GA SOS fighting an audit?

          To answer your question about trusting an elected official: Hell no I don’t trust them. I don’t care what their political party affiliation is. Trust is something that is earned. People would trust him and his office if he made everything transparent instead of being so shady. Why do you trust him?

        • Dude sez:

          “But you said something about using prints was an authoritarian control strategy. Now you’ve completely flopped, and you’re only concerned with the reliability of it.“

          How do you get that?
          The unreliability of fingerprint data is only one of many issues regarding this subject that give a prudent person pause regarding implementing this sort of ID practice.

          Under the constitution, we have a court system to adjudicate controversies under law. This court system has considered, examined and rejected these vote fraud allegations as without merit.
          Including many Republican appointed judges and justices, many appointed by Donald Trump himself.

          And regarding these so-called audit, I remember on election night many Trump supporters were upset because all the votes were not immediately counted and a winner announced that night, as if it was an indication of fraud.

          Yet the Arizona so called audit has dragged on for months without any identification of a single vote as fraudulent, just misunderstandings about the election process regarding absentee and mail in voting.

          If the votes should’ve all been counted on election night, why are you OK with the so-called audit taking months to count the votes and still not identifying a single fraudulent vote by name?

          “They audit you first. They audit you when something looks fishy.“

          Yes, and Republican election officials have audited the vote in both Maricopa county and Fulton county, and found no significant issues, much less fraud.

        • Did I, Miner49er, forget to mention that election experts estimate there was (at least) over 8,100,000 (8.1 million) excess votes for Biden.

          That Trump won the states of PA, MI, WI, NV, AZ, GA, MN.

          Likely and possible Trump, if cyber flipping occurring, also won NM, VA, CO, NJ, NH.

          And it was closer than you thought in WA, OR, RI, CT, HI.

          The Election Process has been fraudulent for years, Donald Trump exposed the Democrats biggest secret.

          Read more here;

        • I want to answer my own question.

          “..If the votes should’ve all been counted on election night, why are you OK with the so-called audit taking months to count the votes…”

          Answer; Dominion will not release the routers, passwords, Splunk logs, ballot envelopes, voter data breach records, and other evidence from the 2020 election.

          The Associated Press reported that “The auditors have fought for months to get a hold of security tokens needed to access internal configurations of precinct-based tabulators.”

          In other words Dominion has no intention of complying with the Arizona Senate’s legal and lawful subpoenas and it will likely take criminal action to enforce them.

          Read about it here;

        • “Yes, and Republican election officials have audited the vote in both Maricopa county and Fulton county, and found no significant issues, much less fraud.”

          This is completely false. Maricopa County isn’t finished because the people in charge there have been fighting it tooth and nail. No other county in the country has received a full audit, including Fulton County. I’ve already made lists for you of everything that was off in this election that should prompt an audit, so I’m not wasting my time repeating myself. The likely truth is that you aren’t interested in any real audit because you’re happy with the result. No, the opposite isn’t true for me. I want to have confidence in the process. When everything is as shady as the 2020 election, no thinking person would be confident in anything related to it.

    • A Black American belonging to the democRat Party makes as much sense as a Jew belonging to the nazi party. That’s chiseled.

      Furthermore…Sensitive man-karens who do nothing but sit on needles and pins and wait for a court to decide the obvious are prone to feel “down” when they see someone saying things that rains on their parade of stupidity. And what are those things being said that you will never and I mean “never” hear coming from the pompous pasty mouths of such sensitive man-karens and their pals? The Truth About Gun Control.

      • Trouble with life, dead end job, bills to pay as troubles with the wife? Well, hold your head up high, because at least you’re not the geezer what lays down with this miserable, hate filled hag 🤪! Ain’t no 🐱 with that!

        • It really burns your ass that she’s getting what you can’t…


          How about doing humanity as a whole a solid and just off yourself?

          Please? 🙂

  2. I always feel like these sorts of politicians are a hop,skip and a jump away from becoming Charles Taylor.

  3. Security for me but not for the. Let them eat cake. Americans have already seen through the facades of these phonies. The politicians just aren’t getting it through their heads by the record numbers in firearm sales We the People have had enough

    • Hey it’s stolen valor jwm. Tell us all about your brave service in (the) ‘Nam (era), POG!

        • Ass wipe has a noble purpose, a demented Incel troll doesn’t… 😉

        • Tired of the bs = Irrelevant 🤡. Your posts make even sentient traffic cone Geoff the Pervert look semi coherent by comparison.

          I’d also like to add the the 2A is inviolate, except when it comes to 🚩 candidates GTP and ‘Tired of the bs’.

        • Oh, I’m very aware you were never brave, jwm, but thanks for reaffirming your cowardice!

          I’d also like to add that guns are great, provided they’re not allowed into the hands of mental midgets.

        • Incel boy. A good thing you don’t own any guns. We’d be hearing about you shooting up a school to get even with all the women that refused you.

          You biden supporters are all alike.

        • Geoff
          Its at least semi amusing.

          T P=A$$wipe
          Your little emogies are so cute. Did mommy show you how to do that? Don’t forget to take the trash out and clean your room.

        • A school shooting?! What the heck are you talking about? That is horrible. Please don’t project your disgusting fantasies on me, stolen valor jwm.

      • Brave? I was never brave. Lucky enough to serve with men that were.

        Good thing you’re a loner Incel that no one will have to count on.

        • He is right about talking about the schools.

          Bad look.

          Think of better insults or you are going to end up like Geoff.

  4. Funny how they want to defund the cops and take or keep guns from law abiding folks…. But they never seem to mention taking guns away from the criminal gang members.
    Always blaming the gun… never the thugs using them.
    Remember when Hillary called out the super predators? Oh how the times have changed.

    • The Democrats have made deals with the criminals. The Justice System is starting to follow the line. The Police and Military are still to get on board with the war against the people.

      • Socialism requires security first
        DEMOCRATS failed,,Communists require supreme loyalty again Democrats fail. Defund police STUPID then Democrats demand this and that without loyal force for implementing, result FAILURE. Try again when you get educated idiots

      • If you want a picture of Democrats’ vision of the future, look south of the Rio Grande.

  5. “…another million will go to assist the homeless population…”

    “Assist” is code for increase, as in not only the homeless population, but the size and budget of the government which is ALWAYS the goal with any issue.

  6. I don’t think it’ll take much more of this, for the inversely proportional relationship between leftist policies and quality of life to begin to dawn on people. Hopefully it won’t be too late. In this case, it’s the relative numbers of cops and undertakers, which oughta be a pretty obvious indicator.

    • These people don’t realize leftist(or any) policies or quality of life – they only listen to CNN and believe the people serving them kool-aid. Politics is the new religion, since the preacher can’t make church donations set people free(except him and some elders), they believe the politician who will force donations by the “rich”(the white middle class), will do so. Funny how “trickle down” never works, it has to far to trickle and gets wiped out before it reaches the bottom of the ladder.
      The minorities who have achieved “middle class” have started to realize this – it is the rich that are just getting richer, the poor never see it. The rich only fund studies that allow their children(that got Master’s and Doctorial degrees in liberal arts/social studies at public universities) to suck at the teat of the public sow. That money never goes any further to a permanent solution.

  7. The problem with democracy is that 50% of the electorate falls on the wrong side of the bell curve.

    • And at least a third of those on the right side of that curve are riddled with self-imposed, manufactured-guilt based complexes and feel it is their duty and not-so-solemn obligation to cater to the whims of those on the wrong side.

      • The good news is, their kids will likely turn conservative on them… 😉

  8. Nothing is or will happen to people like this,
    The electorate is very tribal when it comes to electing candidates.
    You gotta know it’s other blacks that put her in office, so, like I said , nothing said here will change the fact that she’s using her powers as politicians do, by screwing the public.

    • Not just ‘Other Blacks’ but just as any if not more Whites: Who are ‘Down with the Struggle’ out of a need to pay a Penance for past deeds committed before they were born and thus clear their conscience or Openly protesting past deeds to show BLM the devotions to the ‘Cause’. In the end the motivation is on one hand self serving. While on the other it is self defeating. The problem arises when they cannot or refuse to see the destruction that lies in the path of their choices. These are the people that are the biggest danger to Freedom and Liberty. They follow blindly out of the emotion of Guilt and will do so all the way to either Their or Freedoms Demise. The question is as they are self replicating, which will come first? Keep Your Powder Dry.

      • “…out of a need to pay a Penance for past deeds committed before they were born and thus clear their conscience or Openly protesting past deeds to show BLM the devotions to the ‘Cause’”

        History will record this as the biggest mass-delusion of the last 100 years. The only problem is, surviving until the supposedly-woke actually wake the fuck up, and the odds of that happening at this point is dim.

        If the actual liberals, the ones interested in liberty and freedom don’t clean that mess up, they will be aghast when someone else does it, not as nicely as the liberals would have done it…

    • who him? the person featured in the article is female, i think. cant really tell nowadays?

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