Dem Amendment to Open Florida Legislature to Concealed Carry Voted Down by GOP Majority



[ED: The permitless carry bill passed the Florida House yesterday. It’s expected to get a vote of the full Senate next week.]

Among the amendments rejected by the GOP included one from Orlando Democrat Anna Eskamani, which would have repealed the prohibition of carrying weapons into meetings of the Legislature – a proposal dubbed by St. Petersburg Rep. Michele Rayner-Goolsby as the “good for the goose, good for the gander” amendment.

The Republicans rejected it, which infuriated gun rights activist Luis Valdes, the state director of Gun Owners of America.

“I find Eskamani’s amendment to be a tremendous political tool because it showed the hypocrisy of Republican lawmakers towards the Second Amendment rights of Floridians,” Valdes told the Phoenix. “Her amendment would have simply repealed the ban on carrying in any committee chamber during a meeting, which other states allow. And her amendment would have repealed that ban, and Republicans shot it down.”

— Mitch Perry in FL House poised to vote on ‘permitless’ carry bill; Dems, gun safety advocates raise concerns


  1. What’s the average age of the Florida Republican? Something tells me they’re mostly made up of leftover Boomer neocon trash stuck 30 years in the past. Don’t they know they’re the Democrats now? Such an easy fucking win and they couldn’t take it.

    • Drink some coffee and wake up, then read it again. The permit-less carry bill passed the House, the amendment tacked on didn’t.

      But yeah, Fla’s full to the brim of (D)light, and nearly all are hypocrites.

      • That’s what I’m talking about.
        It’s like they bought a new Mercedes and the dealership wanted to toss a free gold-plated Deagle in the glovebox for them and they said “no” and handed it back.


        • “It’s like they bought a new Mercedes and the dealership wanted to toss a free gold-plated Deagle in the glovebox for them and they said “no” and handed it back.”

          Makes *zero* sense to me as well.

          Should have passed it, and thanked them for it, and laughed while they signed it into law… 🙁

        • The amendment, presented by a democrat, no less, was likely put forward as a poison pill amendment intended to derail the entire bill.

          I’m not from Florida and don’t claim to know all that’s going on there, but it’s clear to me that the democrats in any state would take delight in “pro gun activists” like Valdez having the entire bill thrown out because the attempt at improvement doesn’t go far enough for him.

          The incremental route, by which the 2A was chipped away at since the 1920s, is the plan we chose in Iowa. Shall issue carry first, then concealed carry in our Statehouse, which wasn’t enough for characters like Aaron Dorr. However, we then passed permitless carry/handgun purchase and added 2A language to our state constitution that demands firearms laws/regulations pass strict scrutiny from our judicial system.

          This will really stick in some of TTAG’s craws, but the process has been described by Marion Hammer as the only way one can eat an elephant: one bite at a time.

          Florida should take what it can at this time and add to it as the Armageddon the Left alway assures will happen doesn’t materialize and the general population becomes used to the improvements. FWIW.

        • “The amendment, presented by a democrat, no less, was likely put forward as a poison pill amendment intended to derail the entire bill.”

          It’s a no-lose for her. She either reveals hypocrisy as she did, inserts a poison pill to reveal other hypocrisy or they accept her amendment and she goes apeshit about how crazy they are and uses the word “safety” a lot.

          She either gets a talking point on how crazy and irresponsible the GOP is or she inserts more divide and conquer.

          Personally, I’d give her the talking point and be dismissive by thanking her for rectifying an oversight in the legislation as it was. That’s 80% positive for the GOP at that point.

          Sure, do that and she gets a treat for her base but that base was never going to vote GOP anyway, so where’s the loss? It’s not like your average “middle of the road” voter would care.

    • I’ll worry about the Detour to Additional security for lawmakers after DeSantis signs some Constitutional Security into law for the Citizens of FL.

    • It would have killed the whole thing in the (“No open carry”) Senate… Just be happy that FL will put “no permit” concealed carry in the majority of the states, which will hopefully bring even more states into the fold. I am disappointed that open carry won’t be included in this bill but “baby steps”, the right fight at the right time, we can (and will) get there… I really don’t care if the FL legislators carry in the State House, it’s their business if they want to be unprotected but THAT amendment assured a long delay while the Senate debated the amended version and eventually failed it which would put it back in the House for changes and another vote which could keep it on the table for another session… They did the right thing to get this much of the bill through just like the open carry amendment which had so much dumbshit about holsters and felonies for having the wrong one that it needed to die unceremoniously… Doesn’t mean we’re giving up, just taking what we can get in the moment…

      • They haven’t been able to get even licensed open carry through the Senate since the first attempt in 2011.

        • The trick to “open carry”, ALWAYS carry a fishing pole and a tackle box in your vehicle (I have a collapsible rig in the trunk on my Harley) and have a destination ready in mind if you’re stopped. I don’t “open carry” but I do carry OWB in a Galco High Ride holster covered by a T-shirt or my vest (also use a Galco Jackass shoulder rig) but at times the holster can become “inadvertently” exposed… Inadvertent “brandishing” was a problem just a few years ago, now it’s not… Open carry will happen, just need the right people in there and we are getting closer… #Baby Steps…

    • I understand why you thought what you thought while watching that video. I couldn’t tell who was who based on the way they spoke. Too bad they didn’t show the name plaques wit their partyy affiliations I had to wait until the end to see that the amednment was NOT in favor of the bill and glad it passed without the amendment!!!

  2. “which infuriated gun rights activist Luis Valdes, the state director of Gun Owners of America.”

    To be realistic, the dem amendment wasn’t made in good faith to begin with and would have been withdrawn anyway. She was doing it to be critical of the recent changes and for political grandstanding.

    • So what? You don’t know if it would have been withdrawn. It would have been a win no matter her motives.

      • Pretty sure it was going to be withdrawn, she’s the snowflake drama queen that spun the tale of how she came “This Close” to blowing her brains out due to frustration at some previous hearings. She now has her wife keep that gun safely locked away out of her access.
        It was NEVER going to a vote separately.

        • You don’t know that. But now Fla GOP have shit on their faces. It’s like the party is just begging for voters to walk away and form a new one.

        • so SHE has herself a WIFE? Seems an impossibility to me.

          Now her fickle ways make more sense.
          Probably best it has vapourised.

        • so SHE has herself a WIFE?

          Yeah, not a shock, she’s from Orlando aka San Francisco East, gay capitol of America…

        • Another error… (my bad)… After futher revue it was St. Petersburg Rep. Michele Rayner-Goolsby who admitted to the suicide attempt and is married to another woman… Eskimani is apparently not married and her sexual preferences are not disclosed…

      • you seriously think an avowed anti-gun democrat would have actually let this come to a vote to be passed by the same Republicans in the legislature that just passed permitless carry?

        ya its so what is even if it had made it that far it would have been asking for concessions from republicans to not follow up with open carry.

        no. it would not be a win. there is nothing an anti-gun democrat will submit that does not come at a cost of opening the door for further exploitation by them in the future. beware when your enemys come bearing gifts, its going to cost you something and they always have a hidden agenda.

        she would have withdrawn it before that became a possibility of being passed.

        • Her withdrawing it more a win than RINO’s refusing it. People would expect her to be a grandstanding nut. There was no risk to the RINO’s calling her bluff. If it’s withdrawn she looks like the hysterical idiot she is. If it got included it’s a 2A win. By refusing it they all just look like sad, pansy ass RINO’s with no convictions.

          Now the dems and antis can all go around saying what we already know, Florida Republicans don’t believe in their own policies.

        • “you seriously think an avowed anti-gun democrat would have actually let this come to a vote to be passed by the same Republicans in the legislature that just passed permitless carry?”

          I don’t think you understand something –

          We have a super-majority. Even if she did yank it later, we could have re-introduced it using the exact same wording and passed it into law. Hell, even call it the “Anna Eskamani Freedom Amendment” or something. They would have been totally powerless to stop it.

          Luis is right, it was a major blown opportunity. Other states have the exact same thing. We could have thrown it right back in their faces and be the ones laughing at them for making Florida ever freer.

          But, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! 🙁

        • .40 cal,

          Do YOU seriously think that calling her bluff, MAKING her withdraw it or have it come up for a vote, would have been worse for Republicans than proving what hypocrites they are by voting it down??? Sorry, not buyin’ it. I suspect you are correct about Eskamani’s motives and likely actions, so . . . CALL HER EFFIN’ BLUFF. “OK, you stupid bitch, let’s vote on it!!” “Oh, no, I didn’t REALLY mean it!” “Yeah, we KNEW that, you lying tw*t. Now piss off.”

        • seriously, this legislature has gone as far as its going to go towards constitutional carry or any other type of carry for right now. even with a super-majority they could not overcome one middle aged politician saying “no” to open carry, so there is more at play here than meets the eye.

        • Luis’ appraisal is correct.

          “I find Eskamani’s amendment to be a tremendous political tool because it showed the hypocrisy of Republican lawmakers towards the Second Amendment rights of Floridians,” Valdes told the Phoenix. “Her amendment would have simply repealed the ban on carrying in any committee chamber during a meeting, which other states allow. And her amendment would have repealed that ban, and Republicans shot it down.”

          So the Democrats introduced an amendment to expand gun rights for Florida citizens and the Republican politicians shot it down?

          “We have a super-majority. Even if she did yank it later, we could have re-introduced it using the exact same wording and passed it into law“

          Everyone who actually paid attention in civics class understands the meaning of ‘legislative super majority’.

          “there is more at play here than meets the eye“

          OK 40oz, share your secret inside knowledge, please enlighten us as to the hidden agenda.

          Otherwise some folks will think you’re just covering for a passel of hypocritical Republican politicians.

      • It would have been withdrawn – it’s a typical tactic to toss an amendment into the works that the person proposing it has no intention of pushing forward. I do wish that the Florida GOP had called Eskamani’s bluff and up voted the amendment – that would have been a dagger in the heart of anti-gun pols on both sides of the aisle!

        • “It would have been withdrawn –”

          Super majority. We have a super majority. Even if she did yank it, we could have re-introduced it… 🙁

        • When Dems get a majority they run full speed ahead passing all sorts of nonsense nobody asked for or isn’t even physically possible and when Reps have a majority they sit on their hands like deer in headlights shocked by their position and afraid to move.

        • “When Dems get a majority they run full speed ahead passing all sorts of nonsense… “

          Yes, when democrats had the majority in both houses and held the presidency, they made the most sweeping expansion to American citizens’ gun rights since the bill of rights:

          “Amendment on guns in national parks

          Gun rights advocates in the Senate, led by Tom Coburn (R-Okla) added an unrelated rider to the bill to prevent the Secretary of the Interior from enforcing any regulation that would prohibit an individual from possessing a firearm in any unit of the National Park System or the National Wildlife Refuge System.[5][6] The Senate passed the amendment 67–29.

          This amendment overturns a Reagan-era policy prohibiting firearms from being carried in national parks.“

          That’s correct, the CARD Act of 2009 repealed Republican Reagan-era gun control rules.

      • This amendment was put forth by a woman who stood before the entire House and admitted that she was a suicidal nutcase that had attempted to kill herself with a gun, would YOU want to be in a room with her where she might be carrying a concealed handgun?

        • such an admission SHOULD have led to her being taken n for a psych evaluation to determine her level of instability and risk to her own self and those around her.

        • Actually it was Rep. Michele Rayner-Goolsby, D-St. Petersburg that admitted to the suicide attempt not Eskimani (my mistake)… Eskimani is an Iranian-American,

      • “You don’t know if it would have been withdrawn.”

        “It”? The amendment or the entire bill. Fighting over this in most states would delay it enough to kill the entire bill. You really think this democrat legischick wasnt trying to kill the entire prospect of permitless carry in Florida?

        If so, you need to start hanging around your legislators a while. Poison pill amendments are an old trick- in this case it kills the bill for the democrats and gives shelter to the Republicans because they wouldn’t have to be held accountable for the bill’s demise, either.

      • ^this right here. You call her bluff, make her (and others of her party) vote in favor of her amendment. The Dems have bestowed “most-favored” status upon Eskamani due to her “minority” status (female muslim Iranian), they’re grooming her for higher office, Repubs supporting and passing her amendment will have torpedoed her future chances at higher office particularly with her own Demmycrat voters.

    • I’m no fan of her whatsoever. However, she made a very good point. Mind you, these are the same republican legislators who wouldn’t put up a serious open carry amendment for consideration and then went blackout when it was withdrawn. No explanation for any of it. I don’t need to agree with a FL dem so much as use her amateur move to rub it in the face of weak-kneed FL republicans.

      DeSantis said he’d sign Open Carry. Send him a serious bill.

    • Let her withdraw it then. Flipping the script isn’t hard, the GOP is just full of idiots.

      “I would like to thank my esteemed colleague for her amendment and also for pointing out an oversight in our current security procedures, namely that the best security is layered security which is a system in which we can all play an active role.

      No one in this chamber doubts the bravery and dedication of those we have selected to protect us, however at the same time no one here is foolish enough to believe that our security services are omniscient. It is therefore clear that a determined and intelligent attacker could find ways to get past our current security layer and into this very chamber in which I now speak. Therefore, an additional layer of security contained within this chamber simply makes sense to any and all thinking persons who have considered the matter.

      This being the case, I second my colleagues proposal, and indeed I would suggest that it does not go far enough!. For it is plain to see that this issue is not one only affecting the chamber in which this body conducts its business but also other locations within our great state. It therefore is incumbent upon the members of this body, as representatives of the people of this great state, to ensure that every Floridian is afforded the same level of protection as this body to whatever extent we are capable of providing it.

      Some will argue that this requires more police. Indeed, that may be true but it is something for experts in POLICING to determine and recommend to the legislature as they may. But the woman in fear of her abuser or the businessman facing a street criminal does not have the luxury of time as we await a professional review of the current policies involving police funding in the State of Florida!

      Therefore I move, that in light of the oversight elucidated by my esteemed colleague, Representative Eskamani, that we keep this amendment and pass it into law but that we do not stop there! This body should move immediately to remove the restrictions on law abiding Floridians to have access to the best security which to which they can avail themselves in the mostly timely manner possible! This is something that we can do right now! Therefore, I propose that in the same spirit that has clearly motivated Representative Eskamani, that being the spirit of the best security possible for all Floridians… [insert actual pro-gun proposal or proposals here]”

      Now, at worst, she withdraws the amendment and looks like a fool.

      The GOP is useless because sophists who suck at sophistry are of no use at all.

  3. And they call Florida the “Gunshine State.” I think Oklahoma is more gun friendly than Florida. Not only do we have Constitutional Carry, we have the first in the nation Anti-red flag law, prohibiting any jurisdiction, from the state on down to the smallest town, from enacting red flag laws.

    • We are way more gun friendly than Florida without a doubt. We lack the mass amount of transplants that are failing to integrate and are trying to change it to what they left.

    • It seems y’all ain’t quite that free:

      “The following is a partial list of items visitors and state employees are not allowed to carry into the State Capitol Building. Patrol personnel shall be authorized to use their discretion in disallowing items not on the list. If you have questions, contact the Oklahoma Highway Patrol at 405-521-6040”

      “Firearms and ammunition”

      It looks like y’all need some brave Democratic state legislators like they have in Florida who are willing to introduce amendments to expand citizens rights to carry firearms in the State Capitol.

      • no. apparently you don’t understand what the dem did in Florida was most likely a poison pill tactic to derail the whole process, if not withdrawn which is likely too as political grandstanding tactics.

        there no such thing as a brave Democrat when it comes to giving gun rights. They have proven that time and time again, they are not going to go against the party line of they are still democrats and the party line is “ban”.

      • “…brave Democratic state legislators like they have in Florida who are willing to introduce amendments to expand citizens rights to carry firearms in the State Capitol.”

        Except that isn’t at all what happened here. You’re either being disingenuous (AKA a liar) or you’re living in a fantasy. She literally said her preference was to have no guns in the chamber. This was playing politics to expose the R’s hypocrisy.

      • Come to Iowa. The Statehouse guards running the magnetometers don’t ask for a permit or to see your handgun when checking in. You beep as you pass through after disclosing that you’re packing and that’s the end of it. Interestingly enough, your bag/laptop, etc will still pass through the X Ray.

        • My home state used to allow anyone lawfully able to carry concealed (including that one has the Mother May I Card) to carry concealed within the Capitol buidling, on the fllor durong legislative sessions, even one time I caarried whilst in the group watching the govenrnor sign a bill nto law. I was fifteen feet away from him, no one knew but me, and it was fully legal. I’ve also carried in public hearing settings.. legally.

          Not sure current status. Might have changed since, I’ve not had cause to be asking. No Xrays, no bag checks, no nuthin. Walk on in. Never an incident.

        • “…one time I caarried whilst in the group watching the govenrnor sign a bill nto law. I was fifteen feet away from him…”

          Happens all the time in Iowa. Sitting with our Senior US Senator at a dinner, or with our Sec of State sitting with us at our gun show booth, or hanging with our US Rep guys and chicks, etc.

          i often get greeted with a hug from Governor Kim and now she always “notices” the hard stuff over my right kidney. She asked the first time, doesn’t even concern her now.

          We are truly blessed in IA to have trusting politicians. At a Legislative breakfast years ago, then Gov. Branstad made a comment about the security of the venue to a group of us visiting with him afterwards. The wife of a former NRA Prez just let him know that he, Branstad, at the time, was probably the best protected person in the state being with us. He likely was, too.

      • Why yes every state has restrictions that rightfully shouldn’t exist and should be challenged and/or voted out thanks for noticing.

      • Freer than you miner. We are also more likely to get upgrades as we go than Florida or yours

      • MinorLiar,

        And apparently y’all ain’t that free”.

        So, . . . . we should turn to the “gun ban” Dimocrats to make us free??


        And stop, already, with the silly bullshit about “allowing carry in national parks”, FFS. I need protection, EVERYONE needs protection, in cities, not national parks. I agree, carry should be allowed in national parks. Should be allowed in Chicago, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, and Boulder, CO, too, you drooling moron.

        What’s the crime rate in national parks, MinorLiar??? This was a “nothing” action – to the extent people couldn’t carry in national parks, their “danger”, such as it was, was from bears. What’s the crime rate in Chicago, MinorLiar? How about Memphis? St. Louis?? Newark??? Baltimore???

        Just f*** right off with your lame-@$$ Leftist/fascist propaganda, you lying liar who lies.

      • I doubt it was serious, however, I might have called her bluff and put it up for vote. Because; why not?

    • Florida is getting a lot better though. 10 years ago none of this pro gun progress could even be dreamed of. The GOP here has gotten exponentially better with Desantis at the helm. Even Disney took a shellacking. 10 years ago it was just common knowledge Florida would be the next California. Now the state is trending red so much the democrats have been pulling campaign money to devote to other states because Florida is seen as a lost cause to the left.

    • “More free than Florida” is a terrible metric if we’re honest. “Gunshine State” is just marketing bullshit.

      There are blue states with better gun laws than Florida. I live in one.

      Last time I was in Florida my thought standing in a gun store was “Oh, yeah, that’s right… Florida sucks for gun laws”.

  4. She’s obviously playing smart politics. That doesn’t mean the Republicans are any better. I’m not surprised by any of this.

    She said, “my preference is that we don’t have guns in the chamber.”

    • Which doesn’t change the fact that, in an effort to reveal rank hypocrisy, she was willing to take the risk that R’s would call her bluff. Which, in theory, they could have. Instead, she succeeded.

      Now, granted, that was a fairly safe bet. However, that being fairly safe doesn’t change the fact that this lady just showed that she quite obviously has more balls then the entire GOP delegation in that chamber.

      • “…she was willing to take the risk…”

        I doubt there was any risk at all on her part. She new the score and was dangling bait in an effort to torpedo the entire package. Heck, Valdez’s bunch nearly did the same a week ago over the same issue.

        • Of course there was risk. Every political maneuver has an upside and a downside. The question is which outweighs the other.

          She calculated that the upside outweighed the downside and that this was because her opposition is not very bright. Her calculation was correct. That’s what drives Valdes nuts.

          I posted, above this, exactly how to flip the script on this woman. You won’t turn it into a net loss for her in terms of her base but you will turn it into a net gain for you. Instead, the GOP handed her the win and took an L with their own side at the same time.

          For her that’s a political win money can’t buy. And it was paid for, in full, by the GOP members of Florida.

          Because they are not impressive people or because they are liars. The reality is probably a mix. Pick your poison. Either way, the vast majority of them are useless and need to go.

  5. How many of the Democrat representatives there are women? Listen to the “I” and “No” votes at the end of the video. The I’s sound like women. The No’s sound like men.

      • I’m sure everyone in the world reading that comment knew what I meant except you. That says more about you than me.

      • MinorLiar,

        I agree – people should use proper spelling, grammar, etc. I don’t throw stones, because I live in a glass house – I make spelling, grammar, word usage mistakes, too. BFD. If the message is discernible, it is a . . . spelling, grammar, word usage, or other error in deployment of the English language. I’m sure St. Peter is going to send them straight to hell for that . . . you pretentious, arrogant, s***weasel.

        I will grant you that your proofreading is above average. Again, BFD. Means you obsess over form, not substance (because your grasp of logic, rhetoric, debate, and analysis is so far below pathetic, it can’t be seen in a telescope).

        Now, try addressing THE SUBSTANCE of the comment, you menstruating tw*t. Or, just f*** off and expire, you mewling tw*twaffle.

  6. From .40 cal Booger:
    “no. it would not be a win. there is nothing an anti-gun democrat will submit that does not come at a cost of opening the door for further exploitation by them in the future. beware when your enemys come bearing gifts, its going to cost you something and they always have a hidden agenda.”

    This says it best.

  7. Yes Eskamani is a genuine nutjob, but Republicans do have the votes to basically abrogate ALL gun control laws in Florida, which they should. Eskamani’s sincerity is, however, extremely questionable. See some of her greatest hits below:

    • “Republicans do have the votes to basically abrogate ALL gun control laws in Florida, which they should“

      Folks are free to hold their breath until that happens.

      As Dickens said: “ …they’d better do it, and decrease the surplus population!”

  8. RINOs gotta RINO clear thru to the end.
    RINOs are what we used to call Centerist Democrats. And CDs went extinct a couple of decades ago. Meanwhile RINOs have followed traditional Peter Principle theory by rising to their highest level of incompetence.
    Trump, McConnell, et al, could have taken this country to greater places than MAGA got us. But those peeps either fail to lead, or bow to MSM, or vote “present” when a singular “aye” would have changed a course of growth or increase in civil rights (talking about OUR 2nd amendment).
    “Drain the Swamp”?!? HA! As if.
    Too much money, too much power, too much ego.*
    We need term limits for every level of government federal and state.
    But it will never happen (see above*).
    The caste system in my beloved country can’t perpetuate itself.

    “Feed me Seymour!”- almost every politician

    • Term limits seem like a reasonable solution, but they aren’t the answer to our problems. The most dangerous politicians are the ones on their last term. The real term limits are supposed to be decided by voting for reelection. We can find the best solutions by first examining why we can’t seem to replace bad politicians through voting. Also ask why politicians aren’t concerned about pleasing voters. Which voters (D or R) asked for the massive IRS expansion? It’s almost like they don’t work for the voters because they don’t have to.

      • “We can find the best solutions by first examining why we can’t seem to replace bad politicians through voting.”

        This, right hear, is the Achilles Heel of “term limits”; the notion that the replacement will be different, better, as a representative.

        The same people who installed the term-limited politician will only vote to install a replicant. “Term limits” do not change the majority vote.

      • “Term limits are part of the solution and we’re here to help!”

        -Consolidated Cordage Corporation, maybe.

        (Yes, that’s a real company, in Florida. Founded in 1993.)

    • Term limits will never happen as long as it is dependent upon those most affected by it to pass it… No one is going to vote themselves out of a cushy job like that… Only a national vote can get that done…

    • So, Just Sayin (OG): which, or whose party do you support? You can’t make a cognizant choice in this matter, or see that the 2A situation is an improvement in Florida if they can hammer out permitless concealed carry, even without open carry tacked on?

      Really? Or is it just an excuse to complain because you aren’t either some sort of wheel, or active in any political party? Or might it be that it’d make you feel tough or important to be out in public with a hog leg on your belt for everyone else to see?

      • Craig,
        I am fiercely independent. I vote for the best individual based on record and achievements. I have been active in the past (decades ago) in tge GOP.
        I live in Sw Fla. And i really like Desantis; he talks the talk & walks the walk. Something Trump could/should learn to do.
        I am also an NRA Instructor & RSO and i friggin hate current admin for what they have down to the NRA and directly to the members for all the graft and embezzlement, and crappy politics they use the name for. I am also a 2A activist and put my money to good use w/ 2A groups that actually work on issues. (TY Guns Saves Lives, 2nd Amen Foundation, GOA, et al, and have been enjoined in group lawsuits against the commiecrats anti-2A laws.)

        BTW- I don’t b!tch & moan w/o offering well thought out solutions to problems and my time as a volunteer to facilitate change.

        And son, I don’t need a firearm to make me feel tough.

        So now you know…
        Have a blessed day.

        • Dang it all.
          Bring back edit feature to correct all the blasted autocorrect errors!!!

        • “learn to reread before you poke the POST button.”

          There’s no point in casting pearls before swine, which isn’t a dig at TTAGers, but rather a general statement about internet comments.

          When I’m paid to write something, I’ll edit it. When I care about presentation quality for some other reason, I’ll edit it.

          However, an internet comment is like ensuring talking at at a rando dive bar. There’s no point in bothering to “speak the King’s” because no one cares that much anyway. If your point is reasonably clear, good enough.

          In a world where, in most cases, half the comments will be replies to straight up trolls, there’s no reason to give a shit. Make serious points and people will take them “the wrong way on purpose” just because they can.

          Even if a comment section includes a reasonable number of serious people it’s not a particularly serious conversation to begin with.

        • “So, Just Sayin (OG): which, or whose party do you support?” (Or whose bill that is in any position of even being debated, if you need more clarification?) You did everything but answer my question…

  9. Considering some of the easily triggered nut cases in both the state houses and in DC perhaps allowing firearms in legislative chambers isn’t such a good idea.

    • At first I thought what is the worst that could happen. But the wack jobs are democrats so no harm would come to them. There are unfortunately quite a few legislators that I wouldn’t or couldn’t care less about if they met their untimely demise.

      • Unfortunately, when the nut cracks stuff sprays uncontrollably no guarantee who gets hit…

    • That sounds like a problem that would rapidly solve itself and benefit everyone within the state.

      I’m not seeing the problem.

  10. I also remind everyone Marion Hammer is a senior NRA head in charge of Florida operations and openly opposed the second amendment.

  11. As noted earlier, beware enemies bearing gifts.

    Simple screen for truth: whatever Leftists (Dims) want, vote against it.

    • A simple screen for truth would indicate a lack of ability to think critically because such a simple heuristic is easily and obviously gameable to the detriment of the person employing it, which will rapidly happen.

  12. Simple fact: She burned them pretty fuckin’ good with a very basic troll.

    It’s almost as though most GOP elected reps at all levels are… what’s the term I’m looking for…

    Ah, yes, “dumb as dog shit”. Which, really, is an insult to dog shit.

  13. Personally I can see why the amendment was voted down. What place, really, do guns have on the floor of the legislature? Seems like a big fat SECURITY ISSUE waiting to blow, if you ask me.
    Me? I’m a conservative, collector and shooting, Republican gun-toting voter.
    As usual, YMMV!

  14. I understand why you thought what you thought while watching that video. I couldn’t tell who was who based on the way they spoke. Too bad they didn’t show the name plaques wit their partyy affiliations I had to wait until the end to see that the amednment was NOT in favor of the bill and glad it passed without the amendment!!!

  15. What I took away from the video was what I already knew. Our representatives on both sides of the aisle are money grubbing elitist`s that think it`s funny that they have so much power and do so little to improve our state and Country. Most of them are either former Attorneys that really couldn’t do the job Or just wanna be`s that see the opportunities to make easy money through their contacts, not to mention the perks they enjoy. Yes, I am a Boomer watching my rights as an American disappear daily. Just know though I/We will never give up, never quit. I was born free and I will die free, no matter what the elitist dictate. This crap has been going on for Millions of years, I don`t expect to see it correct itself any time soon! I`m not from “up North”, but “Wolverines”!

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