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“I felt something going like this pushing on my head and I did not move and all of a sudden he pushed harder, and I opened my eyes and I said ‘what are you doing here?’” Ed Gischer was laying in bed looking up at a burglar pressing the barrel of a gun to his head. The burglar ripped the gold chain from his neck, dropping a gold cross on the floor. When the masked man reached for the the sparkly stuff, that gave the 69-year-old Gischer an opportunity . . .

He leaned over and grabbed a pistol from under his nightstand.

“I stood up and put it to his head.  I said ‘now we have both got a gun.  Now one of us is going to die or you get the hell out’ and he said ‘I’m going’ and took off.”

Nary a shot was fired. We’re not sure we’d have been as patient and offered the guy with the gun pointed our way the option Mr. Gischer did. But we’re happy all ended well.

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  1. I’m glad it ended well, but had it been me, the bad guy would have been shot as quickly as possible.

    • It’s not clear from the article, but if the BG had a gun to the homeowners head and his finger on the trigger shooting the BG might not be the thing to do.

      A reflexive spasm in response to being shot (even in the head) could cause the BG’s gun to fire.

      If that is not a concern, then yeah drop him.

  2. Contrarian view: Have you ever tried to get blood out of a carpet… much less brains?

    • Yeah, you’re right. Much better to let your children worry about cleaning your blood and brains off your bed and wall, then selling everything you owned in an estate sale.

      • …or the next poor person that may end up raped or murdered by the now free perp. Kill the bastard.

  3. Another reason why my wife and I will continue to keep dogs. Our dogs might not be vicious, but the dogs will certainly set up a ruckus if someone gets in the house.

  4. Ho-oh-oh-leeeee crap. The BG has a gun pointed at him, and the homeowner is making like Dirty Harry with the chin music. The guy did everything except ask the BG if he felt lucky. I’m thinking that the homeowner has been watching too many movies.

    Maybe Good Fortune is an Eastwood fan.

    • If I was the bad guy I would be less worried about the gun. I would be worried about getting crushed by the homeowner’s huge brass balls.

      • Obviously, the bad guy ain’t all that smart or perceptive. Lucky for him, Mr. Homeowner is exceedingly ____________(fill in the blank).

    • If it’s movies that made the old guy that way, I want a print out of his Netflix rentals for the last two years. He had the drop on the punk, and could have pulled the trigger if he didn’t like the response. Saved some legal fees. The punk wasn’t much of an armed burglar, though, was he? Even street education’s gone to hell in this country.

    • I’ve been gettin all conflicted lately, a genuine bad, bad guy to can’t be found. Is this what MikeB’s talking about? There ain’t no bad guys, they’re too pussyfied fer shootin? Christ, no clean self defense cause the life threatening criminal is incompetent? Oh, the humanity, we’re in need of a huge solar flare.

    • I’ve been gettin all conflicted lately, a genuine bad, bad guy can’t be found. Is this what MikeB’s talking about? There ain’t no bad guys, they’re too pussyfied fer shootin? Christ, no clean self defense cause the life threatening criminal is incompetent? Oh, the humanity, we’re in need of a huge solar flare.

  5. He didn’t shoot em?, WTF!!!!! now the shit bag can rob and or kill someone else! Thanks A lot, never pull your gun unless you intend to use it, GUN OWNERSHIP 101,,,, JACKASS.

  6. I’d put money on it homeowner knows bg in some fashion. Story seems too benevolent on behalf of both parties.

  7. Bad Guy lives to rob again. Sigh. At least the old man didn’t shoot the guy and end up being second guessed by the media for using excessive force.

  8. Well the punk is lucky…
    I don’t think I would have given him that chance but that is just me.

  9. Yep. I’m calling BS on this story. There may well have been a burglary, but the mexican standoff and cool movie lines are probably pure bovine scatology by the victim.

  10. The option to leave would not have been one uttered from my mouth. I’m not risking giving the BG a reason to come back and get revenge, maybe the next time he gets the drop on me he won’t extend the courtesy I gave him to get away and rob someone else. If my life is threatened and I need to pull the trigger than so be it, but I am also not opposed to holding the BG until police arrive if I feel that option is safe enough. Safe enough likely being I have someone with me so I don’t have to tie him up or w/e while also trying to hold a gun on him.

  11. Good one. That’s one of those 2,998,000 that don’t require any shooting. It’s hard to believe that they happen that often, isn’t it?

  12. My Dad always taught me that if you point a gun at someone, you
    better intend to kill them. Warnings are for traffic violations,
    not assault. I would have dropped the guy, then paid for therapy
    over the next 10 years.

  13. To everyone saying you would shoot the bg, aren’t you maybe worried that could be used against you should something similar ever happen? Not to mention kinda sounds like getting to use your gun would get your rocks off. Just saying…

  14. I don’t think I would have shot the BG unless I had no other choice. But I sure as heck would have made him drop the gun and bury his nose in the rug. Then I would have called the cops and waited for them. These creeps must not be allowed to get away with this crap or they’ll just do it again.

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