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As we all know, the mere presence of a gun usually leads to tragedy. If they’re not pulled in a fit or road rage and used before the thought process can kick in, the dangerous doohickies are almost invariably taken away from people who possess them by those with evil in their hearts, only to be used against them. Why an individual would take that kind of risk and actually arm himself in the face of those kinds of odds is simply baffling. Then again, maybe guys like David Shuten are just the reasons people carry . . .

An unidentified CCW holder was walking through the parking lot of the Holiday Market in Royal Oak, Michigan when he saw Shuten, who was wanted for a parole violation, menacing a couple and baby with a blade. From

“The suspect began approaching the couple with the knife drawn,” Royal Oak Detective Lt. Tom Goad said in a statement. “As the suspect approached, one of the customers in the lot, a CCW license holder, pulled his firearm out and ordered the suspect to drop the knife.”

This, immediately after Shuten had unsuccessfully tried to break through the window of a car with the driver inside.

The customer with the gun yelled at the suspect several times before the suspect dropped the knife and sat on the ground, police said.

Somehow, the gun toting passer-by managed to keep Shuten at bay until police arrived without losing control of the pistol to bad guy. Must’ve been some kind of ninja-trained operator. Or something. Lucky for the couple and their tyke he was there. Who else but a trained professional would have had the finely honed skillz and presence of mind to handle a situation like that?

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  1. I wonder what the victimized couple’s opinion of private firearms ownership was the day before this happened and the day after this happened?

    • Its sad it takes situations like this for people to change their minds about being able to defend themselves.

      Kudos to the “CCW holder” and his help.

    • I’m no cop, but I think I would have been inclined to drop the guy after that, too. I’m not sure how far back he was, but an attacker can close a gap quicker than most folks realize. Then again, I live in Florida where charges in a DGU situation like this are pretty unlikely.

  2. Good thing I wasn’t there. I would have shielded my eyes with my arm and just sprayed bullets. That’s why I’m fiercely anti gun.

    • I guess we’re lucky Johnny wasn’t there because he would have killed the couple and their baby. I vote for Johnny as IGOD because only a fool would ever consider spraying bullets around innocent people.

  3. I think as long as I could’ve gotten an angle on him that wouldn’t have put the mother and child in danger I would’ve shot. No sense in risking him seriously injuring or killing one of them. Or maybe even taking one of them hostage.

  4. Just read the whole article.
    “Shuten was distraught….”
    heh – I’ll just bet he was – looking down the barrel of a pistol probably left a large lump in his drawers!

  5. What a headline we would have seen if the good guy had been forced to fire:

    “Good Samaritan Saves Family by Shootin’ Shuten.”

  6. Somehow, the gun toting passer-by managed to keep Shuten at bay until police arrived without losing control of the pistol to bad guy.

    I am surprised the cops did not shoot the CCW guy or beat and arrest him.

    • Which actually raises a real question of how do the cops know in such a situation that the CCW is the good guy?

      • I grew up in Detroit. This happened in a hipster kind of suburb, but . . . . there is a gun range nearby on 13 mile/Woodward. There are also a lot of open carry rallies at outdoor festivals (Chrysler Arts Beats and Eats). Cops don’t freak out when they see guns.

  7. So a citizen is holding the bad guy at gun point and waiting for the cops to show up.

    And the cops know that the guy with the gun is the good guy … how?

    • Politics aside, if you find yourself holding someone at gunpoint and waiting for police, make sure someone gives them a good description of you including clothing, and tell the dispatcher that you will put your weapon down as soon as officers arrive.

      Description of the bad guy helps too, but I’d rather anyone coming in knows who not to shoot first. The more information cops have on the way in, the less stressed they will be wondering if they’re going to take rounds on arrival.

    • the good guy’s wife called 911 and explained the situation, so when the police arrived they were already aware.

  8. Bad guys don’t hold people at gunpoint waiting for the police. Also, bad guys look bad, don’t they?

  9. BZ to the good Samaritan. I live in the loony-bin state of Massachusetts. Unfortunately, if the same scenario played out here the “cvs permit holder” would be treated like a criminal him/herself and be arrested for brandishing a weapon or whatever other bogus charge the police could dream up.

  10. Any bets on how long it takes ‘ma an pa intended victim’ to discover the joys of CCW for themselves? You’d think that after having thier child threatened by Mr. Shuten it would be a very high priority on both of thier to-do lists.

  11. I actually practice finding my LTCF in my wallet without looking and holding the card over my head. Turn it back and forth like a lighthouse beacon. The hope is that arriving police will wonder if I am an LEO and will carefully approach to find out instead of opening fire. Bad guys don’t wave ID around

    Do any of you guys know what kind of legal problems the CCW holder would face if he had shot the prick? I am just curious

    • If the bad guy had advanced after multiple warnings with knife still in hand and then been shot nothing.

      Too many examples of carjackers getting popped in Michigan and the intended victim not being charged.

      If the bad guy would have disengaged in any fashion then been shot, then charges could be filed against the cpl licensee. In the last several years, an older cpl licensee here in Detroit pursued and fired at the attacker who had disengaged and run away, is being prosecuted himself.

  13. Fat boy without a shave made the first good decision in his life by dropping the blade and taking a seat. The thing about big fat criminals is you get a larger target to utilize.
    I’m assuming he asked to be anonymous for the right reasons, like he doesn’t want publicity, or the bad guys friends to come after him, or worse yet Mikeb203000 to shame him on his blog read by 23 people world wide.

  14. Means: He was armed with a deadly weapon and had said deadly weapon in his hand.
    Motive: He had said deadly weapon in his hand and was approaching an unarmed couple and their baby.
    Opportunity: He was within range of being able to cause serious injury or deadly harm to the unarmed couple.
    So in answer to your question of what trouble the CCW holder would have faced if he had shot the bad guy the answer is none. There was justification of using deadly force to defend the unarmed victims including shooting the bad guy had he not dropped the weapon. I wasn’t there so I’m not going to question the reasoning behind not firing upon drawing. I will point out that within 21 feet a knife can be used against you before you can stop the threat. Not saying that you can’t get a shot or even several off, just saying that one shot stops are not to be expected with a handgun and the bad guy could get in a cut or two before expiring. Train to move to cover while engaging the threat.

    • Thanks for the reply! I know what you mean, a knife at close range is deadly. A couple of years ago a guy in Bolivia murdered 2 policemen and injured 4 more with a machete and all of them were armed, some with assault rifles. They were to close to the threat and also when the time came to shoot they hesitated.

  15. This is one more example to bring up when refuting the hoplophobes’ cries of ” blood on the streets” they so often use as an emotional attack on people who support the right to self defence.
    Of course it won’t make a ha’p’orth of difference to them, because cold hard facts & clear examples have no part in their “thought” process where firearms are concerned.

  16. Phantom, The perp did not make me feel threatened once I had him in my sites, He did not immediatly drop his weapon, I was approx 12 ft away from him. When you find yourself in this kind of situation you realize you don’t want to kill but I was prepared to do so if need be. The police were grateful we were there. Interesting thing not mentioned, a gentleman approached the perp while I had my gun trained on him and was a couple of feet away from him,I told him he was to close and to back away,he of course would not and said “it alright I’m talking to him” what an idiot, I warned him numerous time, after it was over I mentioned to the officers I was afraid for this “saviors” life,,,the police said rightly so,,he had a second weapon.

  17. If the couple in the car would have just had a whistle, this whole thing could have been averted!

    “If you feel someone is going to bring you harm, this is an alert device,” CB 6 District Manager Ivine Galarza said, “ You can just whistle and, definitely, the person will run.”

    That’s it. I am trading in my M&P and my 1911. A whistle is so much lighter!

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