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Michael Bontaites (Courtesy MPD)

Gun rights advocates often use the quote “God made man, Samuel Colt made them equal.” According to the company’s website, the actual advertising tag line was “Abe Lincoln may have freed all men, but Sam Colt made them equal.” Either way, it seems particularly appropriate for this case out of New Hampshire where . . .

a diminutive woman who is old enough to qualify for Social Insecurity used her handgun to protect herself. Situational awareness and the willingness to act spelled bad news for the attacker, who was less than half her age and nearly twice her size. From . . .

The woman, who is described as 4-foot-11 inches tall and 105 pounds, was in fear for her safety, police said, so she drew her concealed handgun and shot Bontaites in the upper chest.

The woman, who has a valid concealed carry gun permit, fired one round to stop the attack before seeking a safe zone inside of the building. Bontaites, who is 5-foot-11 and 200 pounds, fell to the ground as she ran into the secured building and contacted the Manchester Police Department through the emergency 911 phone line.

Michael Bontaites is in the hospital after being shot in the chest. He’s alleged to have followed the woman from a gas station, then hurriedly approached her before she could enter her apartment. He was attempting to grab her when she shot him. The police have charged him with robbery.

©2016 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.
Gun Watch

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    • Yeah they would have arrested the woman and put her in jail for the rest of her life. Somehow that is morally Superior.

  1. God bless her, and here’s hoping the thug gets some MRSA and sepsis in the hospital. Chalk one up for the good guys (or little old ladies) with a gun!

  2. shannon watts would have preferred the 4 foot 11 woman had been unarmed to face her attacker, And no doubt his shooting will be added to the lists of gun violence stats to wave at demanding mommies.

  3. Have no fear of any man
    No matter what his size.
    When danger threatens call on me
    And I will EQUALIZE.

    Colt Firearms advertisement

  4. It’s good that the mugger will have some time to consider his life choices and turn things around. I’m thinking 3-5 years.

  5. Yeah, he was just trying to ask her for directions to Dartmouth, so he go and check on the status of his application.

  6. It would be fitting if she was carrying an old Colt. Good job to her and thank God she was armed.

  7. I’m sure it was all the training that she had which facilitated her defending herself properly with the gun. She’s really a police officer or military I’m sure.

  8. Clearly, she was carrying a gun because she is a paranoid, racist bigot who is obviously over-compensating for her tiny penis…

    She should have called the police and advocated against violence whilst the two waited for their arrival.

  9. We found somebody who can fill that symbolic empty seat for people killed by killers at BHO’s State of the Union speech.

  10. Excellent, we don’t know from this report if he was armed but If you go grabbing at old ladies you probably should get shot.

    • I was wondering how far this discussion would get before someone disparaged a round size. I wish she would have a 20mm!

  11. Score another one for the righteous people of the gun. I would have loved to see the look on his face when he realized he was facing consequences, possibly for the first time ever in his life.

  12. Nice shooting.
    We’re not the ‘Live Free or Die’* state for nothin’.

    Here’s the rest of the nasty looking gang…
    1 arrested, 2 more wanted in connection with Jan. 4 self-defense shooting

    * Origins:
    A toast written by General John Stark, New Hampshire’s most famous soldier of the American Revolutionary War, on July 31, 1809. Poor health forced Stark to decline an invitation to an anniversary reunion of the Battle of Bennington.
    Instead, he sent his toast by letter:
    “Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils.”

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