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By Brandon via

An Atlanta man held another man at gunpoint after he tried to rob him by getting into his passenger seat as soon as his doors unlocked after he parked. The armed citizen, Hashim Fannin, says that the incident happened as soon as he pulled into the parking lot of a Family Dollar store. The suspect, 61-year-old Edgar Horn, opened the passenger side door and sat down. “He told me, ‘You know what this,’” Fannin said.  Not waiting to see what happens next, that’s when Fannin says he pulled his gun out . . .

“I asked him to get out the car, probably not in those exact words,” Fannin said.

“I told him no, there’s no leaving, leaving was before you hopped into my car … at this point there is not leaving,” Fannin said.

Fannin kept the suspect on the ground and at gunpoint until police arrived.

A bystander was recording the incident. When police arrived, you can see Fannin flag them down to alert them of their location. At that time, he places his firearm on the ground and away from him.


When police get out of their vehicle and approach everyone, one of the officers can be heard saying “Good job, man!” They walk up, and one officer immediately shakes Fannin’s hand.


Very shortly after this, and while the suspect is being handcuffed, the officer tells Fannin that he’s free to retrieve his firearm.

“Honestly, I look at it like this. That is one less guy I got to worry about bothering my mom when she’s out grocery shopping,” Fannin said.

According to a police report, the suspect was arrested for attempted robbery and entering an automobile.

Well done, Sir. Well done. This was a textbook example of how to handle a situation like this one.

This also isn’t the first time that Fannin has been on the news after an incident like this. On July 4th 2011, he was (almost) a victim of an attempted theft of an iPhone during a Craigslist transaction. As you can see from the video below, the suspect didn’t have a good time in this case, either.


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  1. If “Bloomy” and all the anti gunners had their way, just think how many times a day, a scene like this would happen, minus the part about the victim having a gun, and keeping his property of course!

  2. And people ask me why I carry out and about in Atlanta. It least he didn’t have to shoot any of the bad guys.

    • I got a huge smile out of the “good job man” and a hand shake from the cop.

  3. Kudo’s to the responding officers ! Man could we use more like them. Calm, not hostile, and in fact the white officer comes over and shakes the CCW holders hand ! Hot dang ! Give those guys a couple of paid vacation days please !

    • Proof that the whole thing was staged. Everyone knows that all white cops are racist, no way in hell this actually happened. Also the shadows are all wrong

      • If it had been Fannin and not Zimmerman, there would have been no media bullshit. Fannin’s skin color doesn’t fit the story the liberal media and the race hustlers want to sell.

        • And Martin would still be dead. Uh, maybe not, the guy looks like he might have just kicked the punk’s ass for him.

  4. I found it interesting how ABC was all giddy on the news last night about this take down.
    I would be willing to bet money that if the races were reversed, there would have been a different take on the story by ABC. ABC doesn’t just post pro gun stories every day, now do they?

  5. But….but…..I thought the cops were going to unload on him full auto, because that’s what they do all day, mow down the innocent, but also because it’s impossible for arriving officers to discern good guy from bad? That’s why we should oppose open carry in Texas.

    Huh? Curious, that. I guess I have a lot of growing up to do.

    • I was fully expecting the cops to have their guns drawn and screaming unintelligible commands all at the same time so the citizen can’t even understand what they’re saying. SOP for a lot of departments.

      • Perhaps. Maybe if departments didn’t intentionally dumb down the talent pool of cadet applicants and quit rejecting the high achievers, then they could field more officers with the intelligence and wisdom to assess such scenes in terms of the risks they actually pose. Some cops confuse controlling the scene with simply being the loudest and most aggressive element on scene, which tends to backfire and escalate things.

        Like you, if I may assume, I don’t want to hear from anyone any of the typical “Are you a cop? Have responded to the scene of a gun wielding man before? Then you don’t know what it’s like, so shut up!” Yawn.

        No, I am not a cop, but I am a man. Like virtually every man in here, if I may assume again, I’ve been in multiple dangerous situations of various kinds throughout my life, some natural and some man made, but all violent and distanced from death by anywhere from hours to minutes, to seconds, to imminence.

        We’ve all been in our share of hairy encounters of whatever kind that scared the ever loving crap out of us all. What separates one guy from the next is how well he keeps his cool without making things worse. Not all the officers out there make the grade.

  6. Is this really considered an appropriate time to draw? Its not life or death and the crime is so far non-violent. I don’t know the whole story but I know that I personally wouldnt feel justified if I shot the thief while he was driving away. I’m not justifying stealing, but I think that if a cop were in the situation and fired shots he would be front page and there would be riots/protests. I am glad this ended with out shots fired.

    • A complete stranger jumps into your car while you’re still in it, and says “You know what this is.” I would assume this is a murder. Drawing down on somebody who just violated my personal property and is threatening to either rob me or kill me is an appropriate response. Also appropriate was the aftermath of the response. Had the criminal decided to attack, the criminal would have several new holes in his body. Instead he surrendered and is under arrest.
      If criminals do not want to stare down the barrel of an armed citizen’s gun, they shouldn’t try to rob people. Or, they can support “reasonable” gun control laws, and they won’t have to worry about being shot by their victims.

    • To me, jumping into someone’s car uninvited is almost the same as a home invasion. In some ways even worse. Here’s the perp within inches, striking distance for a knife. I think it’s best for the victim to expect the worse. It greatly reduces his chances of getting injured or killed.

    • It was robbery – a violent forcible felony.

      The black guy used defensive display to make a citizens arrest of a perpetrator of a forcible felony against himself.


      Texas allows immediate deadly (or simple) force to stop robbery or aggravated robbery.

      The perp forcibly entered the guys car. Castle Doctrine applies. In Texas the black guy would be deemed reasonable to use deadly force immediately.

      The black guy did a great job. Period. Held the a-hole at gunpoint until police arrived. That whole video including the cops who avoided proning him out and kept their cool. Just fantastic.

      • From any perspective I can even imagine, that was the way it is supposed to work. Well done. And obviously, skin color had absolutely nothing to do with it, although mutual respect sure did.

    • Each person needs to decide where that line is. The days when all criminals would let you escape unharmed after getting your possessions is long gone. Personally, I do not gamble with my life, so in a strong arm robbery, I will most likely draw.

    • To draw? I would probably have said nothing, shot him at a steady pace, say once a second, until he got TF out of my car. What are you thinking? He is either a murderous criminal or seriously crazy, maybe both, and you think the man should not have even drawn his weapon?

  7. Interesting conundrum: You catch someone committing a major crime. You want to “hold him for police.” You draw a gun and order him to freeze.

    He doesn’t freeze. Under the lethal force laws of most states, if he runs away you can’t do a damn thing.

    • True; the gun is there for your protection if they decide to attack. The question there is whether, when they flee, you chase and attempt a citizen’s arrest and risk having to use deadly force. See:

      I wouldn’t! Once they’re fleeing, I think giving a description to the police is better than putting your butt at risk physically and legally. But in many cases the legal argument is there that you could try and arrest them.

    • not really a conundrum but i get where you are going, its the law “protecting” the criminal. clearly they dont have much to lose by trying to escape….whats another few years tacked on that will be plead down for good behaviot etc cause our prisions are so overcrowded keepin all the small time dealers makin money for the “prision industrial complex”. bet they voted against obama, but what does that have to do with anything?!

      • ” bet they voted against Obama”

        “They” who? Have you adjusted your tinfoil hat recently?

    • ” if he runs away you can’t do a damn thing.”

      You can yell after him “Try that shit again and I will kill you!” And then you can go home to your wife and family. Without the gun it is a whole different story, you can do none of that.

  8. That Fannin dude is like Dirty Harry, without the dirty and the harry.

    Horn claimed that it was all mistake, that he thought Fannin was a friend of his. So Fannin asked “so you woke up stupid this morning?”

    Yes, Hashim, he did. And he’s very lucky that you didn’t make him “go to sleep” the same way.

  9. Everyone here did everything perfect! Excepting the carjacker, of course. Armed citizen stopping a criminal. Bystander video recording. Respectful police response. Absolutely spot on all around.

  10. That was about as professional as you can ask for from all parties involved. Congrats on another successful DGU America.

  11. Mr Fannin is clearly very competent, and as a bonus can also deliver a royal ass-chewing. Bravo.

  12. That’s one BAMF with a gun stopping a very dumb bad guy. Keep doing what you are doing sir.

    • i love it, now lets hope some itchy triggered cop doesnt ventilate him in the future, seems he is kinda trouble magnet, or maybe thats just atlanta… i rescind my earlier suggestion of ammo to send him and change it to a plates/carrier. live by the sword…..?

  13. Nice! Nothing warms the heart like armed citizens kicking ass and taking names.

  14. Aren’t we all supposed to be freaking out because he is black? Isn’t that the story? Black people with guns! Oh noes! That’s what I hear the media telling me, gun rights are a “white people thing”.

    Good job, x2 Mr. Fannin. You told that meth addled hillbilly whats what. God bless you and your heater, stay frosty.

    • bet this guy is a riot to share some laughs with, clearly he is on his ‘a game’ im always leery of ye olde parking lot meet ups, i just love that he brought his AR to sell the iPhone! this guy is def not someone to f with.

      there is hope for america yet all you cop hating debbie downer nay sayers!!

    • Listening to Yeager is a dumb idea.

      (Based on my previous experiences doing so; wasted minutes of my life I will never get back. I didn’t bother to verify that this video is true to prior form.)

  15. A+ for the dude, A+ for the officers, A+ for the bystander recording.

    F- for some guy trying to car jack somebody.

    • I took the bystander for granted, but you are right. We would not know how great this ended without him.

  16. I can’t tell what kind of gun that is. It looks like a Taurus PT to me. Can anyone else tell what it is?


  17. This was just beautiful.

    A black man using a gun to defend himself against a white man.

    The responding officers are black and white. The white officer thanks the man and shakes his hand.

    I suspect the race batters in the MSM won’t ever show this.

    Kumbaya my Lord. . . . .

    • haha right? This one will NEVER show up in the media. Doesn’t fit their agenda and completely contradicts their meme. Funny how that works huh

  18. Good. Some states have defense laws that state that one can defend against carjacking with a gun. And I’m glad, because a carjacking, with one’s family, can very easily get your family killed if they are successful and yet crash the vehicle somewhere at high speed. So good riddance: I would’ve done the same as soon as he entered my vehicle (another aspect of the law the carjacker violated: castle doctrine applies to one’s personal conveyance, at least in FL).

    • I don’t think castle is even indicated in TX, he is attempting to steal something worth in excess of $500, when he insists, you step out of the car while drawing, then as he sits shoot him in the head, contact, hopefully before he is in a position to spray blood and brains on my leather. I’m not certain how many carjackings we have in TX compared to slave states, anybody have figures?

  19. Textbook. Exactly the way a responsible citizen and the Police are supposed to conduct themselves. Bravo to all involved (except the perp of course).

  20. It’s good that this turned out the way that it did, but it’s always best to say as little as you have to. Don’t talk to the perp, except for verbal commands for him to remain still until the police arrive. And don’t interrogate the perp about his motives. His motives were criminal, end of story! There’s nothing else for you to know.

  21. I am the drug crazed , meth addled hillbilly who supposedly attempted to car jack Mr Fannin s automobile.
    First of all I did not have a weapon nor have I ever owned a weapon.
    Secondly I was in no way attempting to harm Mr Fannin or car jack his car. if you look in the background that is my nissan murano that you see the gold colored car.
    I merely made a mistake by attempting to get into his car believing it was my friend that I was meeting for lunch. I never actually entered his car and once I realized it was the wrong person apologized profusely inmediately. I’m not a violent person and never have been and and am very saddened by the events that occurred that afternoon. As far as my appearance is concerned I was just recuperating from major surgery and lost about 15 pounds. I have worked for the Boy Scouts of America as a district executive I also worked for the Salvation Army as a resource development director for North Georgia. ₩
    I’m currently semi-retired but when I have the opportunity I travel to the site of natural disasters to help the victims with Samaritan’s Purse a Christ based relief organization headed by Franklin Graham Billy Grahams son. I deeply saddened by the events that occurred that afternoon and have been harmed in ways that can never be fixed but nevertheless am doing the best that I can to move forward with my life. This is not the first time Mr Fannin has been involved in a similar situation. His reaction to the situation and the anticipatory quickness to put a deadly weapon into the equation combined with his attempts to financially profit from such an unfortunate circumstance are very bothersome especially in combination with the way the police reacted to the situation.
    I have and will continue to pray for all parties involved and hope something positive can and will result from this unfortunate situation

    Edgar Horn

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