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“On Monday morning, authorities say [Brian Thomas] Cruz first went into a woman’s home and forced her at knifepoint to drive him in her car, which she intentionally crashed to get away,” reports. “He then allegedly carjacked a teacher’s vehicle near Palisades High School, after which he struck several other vehicles, authorities said. After leaving the second car, Cruz entered another residence and allegedly forced a woman inside to give him her car keys. He took that car and crashed it against several other vehicles before running a red light and colliding with yet another car near Webb Way in Malibu, according to the district attorney’s office. After that crash, [armed] officers caught up with and arrested Cruz.” TTAG reader JY draws the obvious (to us) lesson . . .

A homeless man in California went on a Grand Theft Auto-style crime spree, carjacking multiple people at knife point and then crashing their cars. He did this repeatedly, unabated until police finally caught him. Just think if one of the half dozen people he encountered had access to a gun. But of course…California.

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  1. Of course-the press and Police will state something along the lines of-fortunately no firearms were involved. as this would have exacerbated the situation or the likelihood of innocent bystanders being injured.

    • …or, heaven forbid, the grossly reckless violent offender could have been injured or killed. He should never have to suffer the injustice of being stopped by a good guy – or gal – with a gun, unless of course, he is appropriately cop shot.

      After all, he was just starting to turn his life around.

      • And of course, depending solely on the color of his skin, there might have been riots and looting and burning in the demand that the shooter be hanged without trial and the crowds given free stuff.

  2. “On Monday morning, authorities say [Brian Thomas] Cruz first went into a woman’s home and forced her at knifepoint to drive him in her car,” The Woman took out her Concelled Carry 1911 45ACP and shot the Perp. End Of Story … at least in Arizona the neighbor State ,,,,

  3. Let’s not be too hard on Cruz. He was just trying to build up his driving experience before his learner’s permit expired.

  4. I would hope if that ever happened that my wife would be able to grab the AR and stop the knife wielding psycho like this. I need to take her out for training soon to make sure she knows what to do.

    Doubly so because it sounded like someone tried to open my garage door last night. This was while I was out there working. There was no wind and the door jerked, but was locked. I was doing some gunsmithing in the garage so I wasn’t too worried. I had a loaded mag in my cargo pocket and while not fully assembled, the rifle would have been operational.

    • No need to grab the AR if you have your home carry pistol on your belt. Home carry; never be at home without it.

  5. We all know to keep away from stupid people doing stupid things in stupid places. We also know that lifestyle contributes heavily to one’s risk of violent crime victimhood. Cases like this, however, remind us that sometimes the Universe throws us a curve ball and we need to be prepared. Nothing’s for certain, of course, but that’s all the more reason to take control of what elements you can, which includes being armed for self-defense.

    • Especially in metropolitan areas like LA where wackos infest the whole geographical vicinity, like fleas.

  6. I saw this qoute earlier in the day “the peoples republic of Californistan”. In the 1960’s when Ronald Reagan was governor he signed a bill into law banning open carry. He said “guns carried by civilians has no place on public streets.”

  7. I can see it now, as he opens my car door two rounds leave my pistol and enter his soul/body, end of story. Another perk is dead. Guys and gals always protect your flank.

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