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DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Isn't Assuming That The Cop Who Shot Philando Castile Was a Racist, Racist?">Next Post

(courtesy Facebook)

“The [shooter] was identified by our colleagues at KXAS-TV (NBC5) as Micah Johnson, 25, of Mesquite, Texas” reports. “A law enforcement official told CNN that Johnson had no criminal record or known ties to terrorism. Three people were taken into custody for questioning but are not cooperating with authorities.

Micah Xavier Johnson (courtesy

“At a news conference at 7:30 a.m., city officials declined to discuss details about the suspects in custody. ‘Now is not the right time,’ Mayor Mike Rawlings said.”

“A black SUV found at the scene of the shootings [seen with its hazards flashing in one of the videos of the incident] was listed as registered to Delphene Johnson, also of Mesquite,” reports. “There is no word yet on the connection between Micah and Delphene Johnson.”

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DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Isn't Assuming That The Cop Who Shot Philando Castile Was a Racist, Racist?">Next Post


  1. Huh. I really wanted to learn more about this “conspiracy” but the only details are to be inferred or presumed by the reader.

  2. I think we will find that this was a single shooter acting alone. The three in custody are most likely not related to this

  3. Three people were taken into custody for questioning but are not cooperating with authorities.

    This just means they are exercising their rights.

  4. He was a vet of the Army, in some reports it was the Reserve. Picture of him in his dress uniform shows a rank of PFC.

    One Dallas news outlet is saying that the “suspects” in the Mercedes were questioned and released. The driver was supposedly picking up his brother from the bus station. Other reports seem to be including these two in the count of suspects in custody.

    • If you send 6 years in the Reserves and you only obtain the rank of PFC, your a problem.

  5. TTAG – what the hell is wrong with you? Your headlines are click bait and misleading. What here discusses conspiracy? Stop it, you keep doing this!

  6. From the linked CNN article,

    “All I know is that this must stop — this divisiveness between our police and our citizens.” — Dallas police chief

    Then do the following:
    (1) Stop being blind agents of the ruling class
    (2) Stop enforcing victimless malum prohibitum laws
    (3) Stop abusing good people
    (4) Prosecute all the cops that are bad apples.

  7. Within days of attacking an Asian store owner, attacking a police officer and getting killed in the process, the Obama administration sends three officials to Micheal Brown’s funeral.

    Question to the Obama administration: Any plans to send regime officials to Micah Johnson’s funeral???

    You know, for solidarity?

    • Don’t tell me you are a light skinded brother. I wasn’t talking about you. I was talking about:
      Louis Farrakhan
      Jeremiah Wright
      Jeh Johnson
      Ben Jealous
      Barack Obama
      Harry Belafonte
      Bill Clinton
      Rachel Dolezal
      Eric Holder

      You know what I mean

    • Taking bets now on whether the ‘body armor’ is just a load-bearing vest. It usually is.

      • I did see a video of a black guy being arrested, he was wearing camo pants and what looked like a pistol grade vest. It was fairly form hugging and didn’t have pockets on it.

    • *robot penalty

      Also, things in Cleveland are going to be really fun over the next 2-3 weeks.

  8. I can tell the media is going to have field day… this guy is obviously a white african american.


  9. Don’t tell me you are a light skinded brother. I wasn’t talking about you. I was talking about:
    Louis Farrakhan
    Jeremiah Wright
    Jeh Johnson
    Ben Jealous
    Barack Obama
    Harry Belafonte
    Bill Clinton
    Rachel Dolezal
    Eric Holder

    You know what I mean

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