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We end the week the same way we started it – talking about Mayor Bloomberg’s MAIG mafia and their campaign against Arkansas Senator Mark Pryor. Pryor has countered Hizzoner’s attack ads with an ad of his own. In it, he states, “The mayor of New York City is running ads against me because I opposed President Obama’s gun control legislation. Nothing in the Obama plan would have prevented tragedies like Newtown, Aurora, Tucson or even Jonesboro. I’m committed to finding real solutions to gun violence while protecting our Second Amendment rights…No one from New York or Washington tells me what to do. I listen to Arkansas.” We’ll see if Arkansas is listening to him rather than Mayor Mike. Also from earlier this week . . .

There’s more on the shooting of two diplomats in a “gun-free zone” strip club in Caracas, Venezuela. The Independent reports an employee there saw them “arguing and hitting each other outside the club” and claims “one of them pulled out a gun and shot the other in the stomach and the leg.” They also state “it still remains unclear how the men were able to enter the club with guns as the venue has metal detectors at its entrance and features ‘gun free zone’ signs outside.” Maybe someone should ask State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell about that so we can see him squirm (about something other than Benghazi).

We’ve all experienced the effects of the ammunition shortage. The Indian Army is having the same problem. According to Indian Army chief, V. K. Singh, the army is short of ammo and if war should break out, they could run out as quickly as a couple of days. I’m no security analyst but it seems to me that’s the kind of thing you don’t want to advertise to your enemies. is upset about Alabama’s (and 21 other states’) “stand your ground” laws. This follows a couple of cases in the Cotton State where “an individual who fatally shot another will escape any criminal liability” for their actions. “Even after the outrage and movement for reform that followed the tragic death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin more than a year ago, not a single state has successfully repealed or scaled back one of these laws.” Maybe there’s a good reason for that. Could it be that lawmakers in those states support victims’ rights over those of criminals?

Moms Demand Action again. It seems they’ve just discovered that Starbucks follows local laws and allowing customers to carry (open or concealed) firearms in stores where it’s legal. In an email they state, “As mothers, we wonder why Starbucks is willing to put our children at risk by allowing customers to openly carry loaded weapons in its stores.” After all, you know how dangerous it is just being in the presence of a holstered weapon.  Starbucks takes a common-sense approach to the issue: “We comply with local laws and statutes in the communities we serve. Our long-standing approach to this issue remains unchanged and we abide by the laws that permit open carry in 43 U.S. states. Where these laws don’t exist, openly carrying weapons in our stores is prohibited.”

Reuters reports that “A unanimous panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit said the Obama administration acted within its authority to adopt the 2011 rule” which “requires stores in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas to notify federal law enforcement when someone buys two or more of a specific type of firearm within five business days.” Soooo…will the ATF have to report all those guns that went across the border in Fast and Furious, too?  (Yeah, I know. Don’t even waste your time answering that.)

Remember Josh Welch, the Maryland kid who was suspended for chewing a Pop-Tart into the shape of a gun? He’s just been given a Junior Life Membership in the NRA.  Nicholaus Kipke, leader of the Republican minority in the lower house of the Maryland legislature, paid the $550 for the membership fee stating “I was embarrassed that my county” would suspend him over such a triviality. Josh’s family doesn’t own any guns (and with Maryland’s new gun laws, that’s likely to stay that way). And Josh has never fired a gun of the non-pastry variety, but his lawyer approved of the membership saying it would teach him proper handling of firearms (and hopefully, Pop-Tarts).

The police department in a Chicago suburb of St. Charles is selling some of the guns they obtained via a buyback program. Police Chief James Lamkin said about 20 firearms from the buyback and court seizures will be sold to gun dealers. “There’s value in these guns. They’re not illegal guns. Quite honestly, it’s a bottom line for us.” Can you say, “conflict of interests?”

The LAPD stormed the offices of game studio Robotoki last night after a “curious designer” pressed a newly-installed panic button.  The building was empty except for studio founder Robert Bowling but the police took no chances and took him into custody. They apparently ended up “in a tense showdown with a life-sized statue of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2‘s Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley, which the police mistook for a gunman.” After 15 minutes, “the officers emerged, laughing [because] they had mistaken Ghost for a real threat and had nearly taken him down.” It ended well enough, though, with no fines for the false alarm and “with a round of video games using the office’s NES controller table.”

Business Insider took a tour of PTR Industries, one of the companies that has decided to leave Connecticut in protest of their new disarmament laws. BI tried to send company CEO Josh Fiorini on a guilt trip by asking “how he felt after learning about the shootings in Newtown.” He responded that he and his employees were devastated, but ultimately decided that gun manufacturers are not the problem. “I probably feel the same way an engineer at GM feels when he drives by a car accident.” Otherwise it’s a surprisingly well-balanced piece and the photos show the day-to-day workings of a gun maker.

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  1. Imagine the flack LAPD would have gotten if they’d lit up a statue because they perceived it to be a threat… it’s bad enough they got into a stand off with it. Haha.

  2. Glad to have the Daily Digest back! I enjoy seeing a compiled list of the day’s gun related articles.

  3. If Bloomberg’s strategy is to sacrifice Pryor in order to get Red State Democrats to vote the right way he is on a fools errand. Democrats get elected in Red States by getting crossover Republicans to vote for them and not by “retaining” the Democratic base. The most likely result of a “successful” Bloomberg strategy is retirement not switching a vote on gun control.

    • All the gun control march this year did was ensure a Republican victory in the 2014 midterm elections.

      Just like in 1994, it placed Democrats between a rock and a hard place. If they toed the line, and voted for the laws, they would be voted out come re-election time. If they did not vote for them, the DNC would not support their re-election, and they’d get voted out.

      Do these people eat paint chips, or crush them up and snort them Scarface style?

  4. Chicago Police selling guns for profit… know they need an FFL for that…

  5. I sold hardware for years and was the one who had to get up and go to the store and warehouse any time the burglar alarms went off, which was often in an old creaky building. One night I had a standoff with a lifesize cardboard Arnold Palmer display for Toro lawnmowers. When I saw the shadow it cast from my flashlight I took cover and hollered at the damned thing for a couple of minutes before I figured out what it was. It came really close to getting some 9mm holes!

  6. New Hampshire passed an SYG law in 2011. Democrat Gov. John Lynch vetoed it, but the Republican-controlled legislature overrode. When Democrats gained seats in the Senate and won a majority in the House, they sought to repeal it. Repeal passed the Democrat House but was tabled in the Senate. The only Senators who voted against tabling the bill were — you guessed it — Democrats.

    WTF is with those Democrat scvmbags?

    • They don’t want you capable of defending yourself against homicidal criminals. This also proves they don’t want laws to protect your use of deadly force against homicidal criminals as well.

      Rainbows and unicorns – that’s all that goes through their minds.

    • next time Rs control NH they should repeal some democrat sponsored laws, since that is how the game is played.

  7. God those people at Think Progress are the least informed people I have seen. I have met Creationists with a better grasp of evolution than these people on this issue.

  8. Watcha’ wanna bet some pseudo Arky Bubba in flannel with a shotgun financed by MAIG shows up in ads in Arkansas talking about “common sense” solutions?

  9. I really like what Starbucks is doing on this. “We make coffee. That’s what we care about.”

    I wish other companies would follow suit, and not bow to public pressure.

    • not even public pressure, POLITICAL pressure more like it, and only by those gun grabbers anyways.

    • Agreed. If Moms Demand Action thinks following the law is too unsafe for their crotch fruit, then they are welcome to stay out. People are trying to buy coffee.

  10. Duty to retreat laws, the opposite of stand your ground, are not just bad policy, they’re immoral. They favor the violent over the peaceful by forcing the latter to cede the public spaces to the former. They equate criminal behavior and lawful behavior.

    We need to not only defend stand your ground laws, but work to repeal duty to retreat laws where they exist.

  11. I think the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) could be used on MAIG.

    The two charges that would apply are Fraud and Racketeering.

    “fraud is intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual” and “A racket is a service that is fraudulently offered to solve a problem, such as for a problem that does not actually exist, will not be affected, or would not otherwise exist.” (from wikipedia)

  12. Hope this isn’t too much off topic. But I need some help about the quoted statistic that you are more likely to shoot a loved one than a criminal. My brother has been pestering me with it and I want to know. Thanks in advance

    • I’m too lazy to find those stats for you, but I usually reply to that particularly brilliant piece of group-think with “Yes, and you’re stastically more likely to be killed in an automobile accident if you own one or more vehicles, as are you most likely to run over your own child with a car if you own one of more cars.” Of course you’re more likely to shoot your own family member if you have a gun than if you don’t- how could you shoot them without a gun? But the stat that you’re more likely to shoot a family member than an intruder/other person in DGU is bunk. Simply compare the FBI stats on accidental shootings/deaths by firearm vs conservative estimates of DGUs, and you have some solid refutation.

  13. … Otherwise it’s a surprisingly well-balanced piece …

    Of course if you haven’t puked recently (and you want to) be sure to read the story’s comments.

    • It amazes me that stand your ground is such a big issue. They misrepresent it, of course (it is not like you are allowed to initiate a fight and then claim self-defense very easily)

      I would note that there are more than 21 states with stand your ground. There isn’t (AFAIK) civil immunity in California, but there is no duty to retreat, whether in the home or outside of it. We never passed a stand your ground law, because there was no need. The self-defense statutes have been basically intact since 1871 and don’t require retreat.

      I am sure there are other states. In fact, it is only a small number of states that uphold a duty to retreat in practice. There are a few, like Arkansas, that have a duty to retreat, but their castle law is worded such that, at least within the home, theren is so much legal presumption that the defender acted legally and necessarily, that to have a successful prosecution is close to insurmountable. I think only a handful of states, like New York, have effective duty to retreat doctrines, at least outside one’s home.

      But I am sure it behooves the liberals to pretend these laws are far more permissive than they are (“make my day laws” they call them) and ignore the similarities with the laws of many states that they do not wish to malign.

  14. High prices aside I dont go to Starbucks because I dont care for hipsters and always assumed they would be plastered with gunbuster signs anyways. Their stance actually kind of surprises me. ETA: I actually dont mind hipsters or judge them. Im all for people being themselves, its just not my thing.

    The LAPD thing is hillarious! At my first full time job in EMS our supply room was in the basement near the training rooms. You had to walk a few feet from the door to the light switch but there was enough light at night that you could do so safely. Anyways, on night shifts we would always send FNGs (F’ing New Guys) down for supplies and they would always be met by a training dummy standing between the door and light switch. Its fun hearing grown men scream like girls.

    By the way, thanks for bringing the daily digest back!

    • And why do people have their kids in a coffee house anyways? Caffeine stunts their growth.

    • I was OC’ing in Starbucks the other night, and whenever I OC I try to dress respectfully so as not to draw undue attention to myself. You know, besides the pistol hanging on my hip.

      So naturally my clothes were snagged not once, but twice on a metal hook hanging off the side of a display rack, making a VERY loud noise when it sprung back into place. The second time saw it skittering across the floor. All eyes on the man with the gun, instantly.

      Way to go.

  15. Lolinski, Google ” Dr. Arthur Kellermann of Emory University” there is many links to information debunking the results of his study where the “47 times more likely to shoot a family member” comes from. Hope this helps.

    • It really comes down to how much of an annoying liberal idiot your family member is that is the deciding factor in whether you are 47x more likely to shoot them 🙂

    • Maybe I’m being (intentionally) obtuse, but if there are zero guns in the home, there are zero chances to shoot a family member. Add a gun and it goes up 47x. 47 x 0 = 0. Still zero chances.

      Yeah, I know it’s not actually zero, but I’m eternally annoyed when things are worded that way. Cite the actual statistic — x shootings per y incidents. 47 per 100 is 47x 1 per 100. So is 47 per 100,000 vs. 1 per 100,000.

  16. I like the response on gun manufacturers responding to Newtown the same way an auto manufacturer would respond to a car crash.

    Its just a damn shame that cars can be used for useful things and guns can only be used to commit crimes and kill people. / sarc

  17. Ahh the Mark Pryor rebuttal. The only reason he voted against this is because Arkansans would boot his butt out of office. This state makes a ton of money on hunting and the outdoors.

    He represents Little Rock and they tend to vote Democrat. But even these Dems love their guns!

  18. I love it! Pryor actually looked pissed off in his commercial. I hope he actually voted for the people but I have a feeling it was for his job, Lincoln and obamacare.

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