Man who used CNC mill to make untraceable guns sentenced to 41 months – “A Sacramento, California, man was sentenced Thursday to over three years in prison for unlawful manufacture of a firearm and one count of dealing firearms. Last year, Daniel Crowninshield pleaded guilty to those counts in exchange for federal prosecutors dropping other charges. According to investigators, Crowninshield, known online as ‘Dr. Death,’ would sell unfinished AR-15 lower receivers, which customers would then pay for him to transform into fully machined lower receivers using a computer numerically controlled (CNC) mill.” You can’t do that.

Frank Cagle: State senator’s gun bill is irresponsible, dangerous – “Since the Republicans took control of the (Tennessee) Legislature they have passed 15 or 20 gun bills. The expansion of Second Amendment rights, especially in light of the U.S. Supreme Court decision on the right to bear arms, is almost absolute. Any reasonable gun rights legislation has long since been passed. So what can the gun lobby do? Why, propose unreasonable gun rights legislation.”

If you forget your gun before venturing into the woods . . . Frontiersman Bear Spray, Practice Bear Spray, Bear Horn Reduces Risk – “SABRE is the industry’s leader provider of all things personal safety. With a more safety tools than ever, the Frontiersman Bear Spray and Frontiersman Bear Horn add to SABRE’s extensive line of bear safety products. The potent bear spray alongside its powerful horn counterpart is the perfect combination to provide industry leading bear safety. The bear horn unleashes a sound warning bears that humans are present, giving them a warning to clear the area before any potentially dangerous encounters may occur.”

STI Introduces the DVC Tactical for Defensive Handgun Shooters –  “The new DVC Tactical 2011© Pistol features aggressive slide lightening cuts and grip stippling, taking the most functional features of STI competition guns and putting them in a package for the defensive handgun shooter. The DVC Tactical Pistol comes with rugged, fixed tritium sights and a threaded 5.0” barrel . . . low-viz black DLC (Diamond Like) coating and a copper tinted TiAIN (Titanium Aluminum Nitride) coated barrel. The gun comes standard with a tool-less guide rod and full length tactical dust cover for mounting a variety of accessories. The DVC Tactical Pistol also features the STI Tactical Magwell for quick reloads and mag stripping. The pistol is available in 9mm (20 round capacity) or .45 (14 round capacity) and sells for $2,999.” JWT to review.

Scapegoating lawful gun owners for Chicago’s problems . . . Let’s try extreme vetting for gun owners – “What if — and it’s a crazy thought, I know, but stay with me — what if it actually isn’t a good idea to allow nearly everyone to buy all the guns they want with minimal to nonexistent background checks? What if it’s not just poverty, joblessness, illegal drugs, wimpy judges and fractured families causing the sort of mayhem that recently saw three kids die of bullet wounds in just two days in Chicago? What if the glut of guns is a part of it?” The counter to this: constitutional carry in Arizona, Vermont, Alaska, Maine….

Hogue Inc Expands Rifle Stock Line with Additional Flat Dark Earth Models – Henderson, NV – Hogue, Inc., announces the expansion of their OverMolded® Flat Dark Earth rifle stock selections. “For years the Hogue rifle stock has been the number one choice for enthusiasts wanting to dress their rifle with an attractive, performance enhancing after-market stock,” said stock designer Pat Hogue. “With the demand for Flat Dark Earth models increasing, our customers have made it known they want additional choices. So, we listened.”

But we’ve been told that easy access to supressors would mean a new generation of stealthy super-criminals . . . ATF: 1.3 Million Silencers in U.S. Rarely Used in Crimes – “The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) released statistics to the Washington Free Beacon on Wednesday showing that the nearly 1.3 million silencers registered in the United States are rarely used in crimes. As of 02-03-2017, there are 1,297,670 suppressors registered with ATF under the National Firearms Act,’ Justice Department spokesman Dillon McConnell told the Free Beacon.”

Where’s gun culture 2.0 when you need it? . . . Fake rifle used by drill team triggers lockdown at Simi Valley schools – “Two schools in Simi Valley were placed on lockdown for roughly four hours Wednesday after police received reports of a person possibly armed with a rifle on the campus of Royal High School. The lockdown was lifted shortly after noon without incident, when authorities discovered that the suspected rifle was not a firearm at all, but was actually a ceremonial imitation used by a drill team member.”

[h/t ENDO]


    • we should get nerf to make a copy then donate millions of them to CA, NY, DC and other liberal enclaves.

  1. Assault trombone huh, looks like the kid would be better off with the “Bear Horn”. Much easier to run with when chased by bears.

    • You don’t have to outrun the bear, just the people with you.

      Maybe dad doesn’t really like his son?

  2. “A Sacramento, California, man was sentenced Thursday to over three years in prison for unlawful manufacture of a firearm and one count of dealing firearms…”

    Well at least he got less time than Leland Yee. Though I bet Yee will be out first…

    • Considering how deep yee was in triad business it would not surprise me if he took a shank to the kidneys before he made it out.

    • Yeah, wtf is up with that magazine? An afterthought? Probably the ugliest rig I’ve seen this year. And it’s really tough to be uglier than a Glock.

  3. I read the Tribune article and some of the comments. So much ignorance and/or stupidity. Ugh! Eric, when the clue phone rings, please please answer it and come into reality.

  4. The Chicago Tribune author was almost right:
    But he didn’t go far enough.
    He should be vetted before being allowed to write.
    That’s right folks- government vetting for Free Speech.

    I wonder how the reporter puke would react to that?

  5. “What if it’s not just poverty, joblessness, illegal drugs, wimpy judges and fractured families causing the sort of mayhem that recently saw three kids die of bullet wounds in just two days in Chicago? ”

    so the Depression was a blood bath?

    If they would start from “it’s not poverty, joblessness, illegal drugs, wimpy judges and fractured families causing crimes” and proceed from there, progress could be made

  6. If you forget your gun before venturing into the woods . . . Frontiersman Bear Spray, Practice Bear Spray, Bear Horn Reduces Risk – “SABRE is the industry’s leader provider of all things personal safety. With a more safety tools than ever, the Frontiersman Bear Spray and Frontiersman Bear Horn add to SABRE’s extensive line of bear safety products. The potent bear spray alongside its powerful horn counterpart is the perfect combination to provide industry leading bear safety. The bear horn unleashes a sound warning bears that humans are present, giving them a warning to clear the area before any potentially dangerous encounters may occur.”

    Well, I guess you will be able to tell if a grizzly is in the area by looking for bear turds (because after all, they DO doo-doo in the woods!). Black bear scat will be full of twigs and berry seeds and insect shells. A grizzly taking a s**t will sound like a trumpet blast, followed by the lingering smell of cayenne pepper!

    • Don’t kid yourself.
      More humans are mauled and more humans are killed by black bears than grizzly bears.

      How come? There are more black bears where the people are.

      The incidence of black bears eating people’s body parts is higher than brown bears. After a Black bear attacks you, it will most likely eat some now, and save the rest for later

      Here is another interesting bit of info: Black Bear claws are much sharper than Grizzly Bear claws. Brown bears dig with their claws, Black Bears climb trees with theirs. Think of dog claws vs. cat claws.

      • That was meant to be a joke, son. Most people think of grizzlies as being more dangerous due to their size and the tales told by early explorers about how hard grizzlies were to kill (given that the early explorers were mostly armed with single-shot muzzle loaders, this is hardly a surprise). Black bears, on the other hand, give the (false) impression of being cute, cuddly, funny teddy bears, which causes idiot tourists to Darwin themselves every year by trying to get too close to the bears to get their picture taken with the animals, or play with them, or feed them (which they sometimes do in a much more…involved…manner). And, of course the poor bear ends up getting destroyed for acting on its instincts. Really, the world would be a much better place if we all just let natural selection take care of the idiots in our society…

        • Still doesn’t change the fact that more people are injured or killed by black bears than by grizzlies. Recent studies have shown that black bear attacks are far more likely to be predatory in nature than grizzly attacks. The “lay down and play dead” tactic works best with grizzlies, since when they attack it is most likely because they were startled or otherwise felt threatened (or felt that their cubs were in danger). With a black bear, the opposite is true – get loud, and get aggressive, and don’t turn your back on them. Playing dead just makes it easier for them to eat you.

  7. When I was on the ROTC exhibition drill team, we practice drilled in the gym before school, or outdoors in the parking lot with plugged M1s. We also had an airgun range inside the school to learn fundamentals and practice before going to the NG armory to qualify on M16s.
    Guess what, no one cared! I miss those pre-hysteria days.

    • It is overreactions such as these that lead to the open carry ban signed into law a few years ago. And having read the State’s brief filed in the Nichols vs. State appeal last night, I suspect the Ninth Circuit will swallow it hook line and sinker, concluding that carry outside the home is subject to intermediate scrutiny, that regulation of firearms in public is endowed with a huge public interest in safety, and that therefore the state may permissibly “regulate” the open carriage of firearms to include bans in cities and tows except in cases of an immediate threat. Which also means, given that the Ninth has already held that there is no second amendment right to a concealed carry permit, that the SEcond Amendment will cease to exist in all populated areas for the average citizen.

  8. Considering that kid is wearing a British Flag T-shirt if he’s actually in the UK the police are already on the way.

    • We drilled every day at 6 am…My ‘bone is actually stored in the closet next to my security cabinet.

  9. The Chicago Tribune was right on the money with Gun Vetting. The U.S. has had gun registration since the 1968 Gun Control Act and in 50 some years the Feds have not confiscated guns and if they had it would not have made one bit of difference if you would have had an unregistered gun. The gun would have been useless to anyone except a criminal as you would not have been able to take the gun to the range or use it in self defense if it had been outlawed.

    The only problem with the 68 Gun Control Act that it did not go far enough and vet all gun purchases i.e. second hand gun sales. No amount of right wing paranoia or NRA propaganda will contradict the fact that millions of gun sales each year go right into the hands of the street punk, dope pusher and the lunatics. Its easier to buy an unregistered gun these days than to buy heroin. One can buy an unregistered gun in minutes on the street and then kill someone and then simply drop the gun and walk off. Its because once the original owner sells his gun it can be sold to anyone and these guns are a major source of guns being funneled into high crime areas in Cities that have restrictive gun laws. Police tracings of guns used in crimes trace them right back to States that allow second hand sales with no background checks. That’s a proven fact that has been published by more than one study and from information gotten right from police tracings.

    If such vetting became law every gun owner would know in no uncertain terms he had to become a responsible gun owner or the cops would be right at his door if this gun was used in a crime because he had sold it without vetting or been careless enough to let it get stolen i.e. not keeping it locked up at home or leaving it unattended in a car where it is venerable to theft. It would then be his responsibility to report it to police. Many stolen guns are never even reported to police because the owner knows he bought it second hand and since its not registered to him personally he could not care less about reporting the crime.

    Although some Right Wingers hold up a solemn hand with two fingers claiming they only sell guns to people they know that are not criminals, reality proves this just mostly bull shit. They sell to the highest bidder and if he pulls up to their house or walks up to their table at a gun show in a trench coat and sun glasses no questions are asked as long as he pays the outrageous price the owner is asking and he asked it because the gun has no paperwork. Its the first question I hear at any gun show when a gun is being sold, “Will I have to sign for the gun?” I have been at gun shows for too many years to have right winger’s bullshit me on this.

    No extreme vetting for all guns is not a panacea as no law would be but to claim that we should not have it because its not perfect is to claim we should not have laws preventing people from making nuclear bombs in their basement either or that the outrageous flow of blood and carnage on our streets is ok as long as its not in my neighbor hood. Right Wingers are well known of being extreme racists and they will come right out and tell you “who cares if the people (minorities) are killing themselves by the thousands that is until one of their own family it hit by a stray bullet. The law would go a long way towards making people more responsible that do own and sell guns and it would cut down drastically on the huge amount of unregistered weapons that are sold hourly in the U.S. Many Nations have had this for decades and many people in foreign countries still own guns. Germany and France being just a couple of examples.

    Most criminals and psychopaths are not geniuses as the Brady Bill reports every year of thousands of people who try and buy new guns and are rejected. It should be the same for second hand gun sales as well. And Remember it was the NRA that predicted that after the passage of the Brady Bill and the previous 68 Gun Control bill that all gun ownership would end within months. Now the NRA is giving us the same bullshit on a universal background check. History has proven them wrong. Its about time all gun owners do something because in two years the Republicans are no longer going to be in control of Congress, that’s a given, and when the Democrats get in power they will pass anti-gun bills that will make the Universal Background check look anemic and it will come about because we did nothing today under a Republican Congress that could have headed such future draconian legislation off.

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