This should encourage more ‘helpful’ friends . . . Arrest After Cops Classify Weapon as Assault Rifle – “A 68-year-old Westport man was arrested on a warrant on Jan. 31 charging him with Possession of an Assault Weapon after a friend of his brought the weapon to Westport police. A friend of William Stenson brought multiple firearms and ammunition, which belonged to Stenson, to the Westport Police Department on Jan. 20 ‘to turn in for safe keeping,’ according to officials.” The offending gun had a pistol grip and a collapsible stock, now illegal in Connecticut.

How the anti-gun astroturf sausage is made . . . NY’s Everytown hires 11 lobbyists, including NH lobbying firm – Yesterday, New York gun control organization Everytown for Gun Safety, another failed organization run by billionaire gun control addict Michael Bloomberg, ran a full page ad in the Union Leader. The deception in the ad is par for the course for this organization but what’s even more disturbing is that they’ve actually hired 11 lobbyists in the state of New Hampshire to fight against grassroots organizations and the citizens of the state.

HIVIZ Introduces LITEWAVE Front and Rear Sights for Ruger American Pistols – HIVIZ Shooting Systems is now offering their innovative LITEWAVE technology in a front and rear sight design for Ruger American pistols, providing an extremely bright and durable sight picture for these widely popular handguns. The light-gathering LITEWAVE sights fit all full size and compact Ruger American pistols.

A few too many PBRs . . . Police: Mother Shoots At Woman Trying To Break Into Tulsa Home – “A Tulsa mother is urging others to teach their kids to never answer the door if a stranger knocks. That training paid off Friday when police say an intoxicated woman tried breaking into several homes after being shot at by another homeowner. Police said Heather Ward tried to break into a home near 8th and Saint Louis through a kid’s bedroom window; in return, the mother shot at her.”

This one didn’t fare quite so well . . . Police: Lothian homeowner shoots burglar in the head – “A Lothian man shot a burglar twice Thursday morning — once in the head — after he tried to attack him and his wife in their home, Anne Arundel County police said. Officer Marc Limansky, police spokesman, said the shooting happened at a house on Mullen Lane, a stretch of large single-family homes in a rural portion of the county.” Despite the noggin shot, the dude managed to stumble out of the house before collapsing.

Senate, don’t fight Trump and public opinion on guns for mentally ill – “By removing restrictions against acquiring guns, the supporters are enabling persons with mental illness to go from psychotic to gun purchases without hitting any pesky speed bumps. Donald Trump explained the problem with that approach, not only for the mentally ill, but for gun owners. When making the case for fixing our broken mental health system, he rhetorically asked, ‘And why does this matter to law-abiding gun owners? Because they get blamed by anti-gun politicians, gun control groups and the media for the acts of deranged madmen.’ If they let this bill go through, they deserve that blame.”

Yeah, some of them are that old now.


  1. So instead of arresting this “friend” for what seems to clearly be theft; they throw the book at the guy whose rights were violated.

      • “Fascist State”. While probably not our favorite, Communism is an economic system like our Capitalism. Someone controlling us is better described as Fascist or a Dictatorship.

        Hillary was going to do it quietly with the “we know what’s good for you” tact.

    • The fact that the friend took the guns to the police “for safe keeping: suggests that the friend was concerned for the owner’s mental well-being. As to the “assault weapon,” there have been many suggestions that there is a population of gun owners are completely oblivious to changes in the law until someone slaps them up side the head with the “new facts of life.” I can attest that this is happening now in California with the new–but yet to take effect–ammo regulations that have a bunch of gun owners, many of whom may, because of their party affiliation, have even voted for this ridiculous proposition, shocked that soon they will not be able to shop for the best deal on line for ammunition. The same is true of AR owners who pay no attention to the news and will suddenly find themselves unable to register their assault weapons (because it will be too late to do so) and are oblivious to the simple changes they can make so that it is no longer an “assault weapon.”

      • So basically they can still own they’re AR-15 and AK-47 an akm they just have to remove the collapsable stock remove the pistol grip remove this flash suppressor remove the band at lug remove the ability to remove the magazine that sounds like a whole lot of removing of my right to keep and bear arms any arms. Screw that I would move moov now and take the flag the last American out.

      • On the bright side, without those 8 million or so Cali gun owners buying ammo online, prices should go down.

        • Or, maybe, the supply of ammo is reduced because the ammo companies cut back production at the loss of an 8 million person market.

          Which creates shortages and inflated prices.

      • There are also large portions of gun owners who are refusing to comply with such ridiculous new regulations probably not thinking their idiot friend might basically hand the police a felony charge.

        If the moron really cared about him maybe he should have kept the guns at his own house unless he had evidence that this guy was actually about to go on a spree or something.

    • lol yeah good luck with that one

      you’d waste less time making sure your remaining friends are better

      • That’s what I’m talking about. A little behind the Woodshed discipline with like an axe handle LOL.

    • If you had a drug stash, and your friend turned it over to the police for safe keeping, you wouldn’t be able to file charges then either. As soon as one of the weapons was classified as illegal, it became illegal for him to have any of them. This is the result of voting for democrats.

  2. I like it! I have a vintage ar15 sp1 just like that one. Mine is exactly as he describes it. No forward assist. 20 Rd mag (with no bluing left). Triangle style hand guard. Fixed stock. I bet mine is C&R eligible now too.

    • I just completed building to Retro AR-15’s. I used chrome bolt carrier groups by Young Manufacturing in them both and I got 1968 furniture for both rifle 1968 three prong flash suppressors and Crush washers that are actually lock washers like H&K uses. I even got front sight sets that were 1968. Both rifles turned out very well super nice. Plus I was able to find one in 12 twist rate pencil barrels that were brand new chrome-lined so there period correct. I love the M16 A1 stocks they’re shorter than the a twos and they’re quite comfy makes the rifle much easier to handle and I got. Correct receivers from nodak Spud. Very cool rifle but brand new old LOL.

      • Nice!
        A buddy of mine has an original SP-1 from way back. Rumor has it that they went away from the three prong flash hider due to it catching on jungle vines.
        I’m still looking for a very early model at a decent price for my collection.

    • About 2 years ago I was looking for a full size m16 style AR. At one gun store, I was asking about different models, and the guy behind the counter said, “I don’t think they make those anymore man.” He wasn’t rude, Infact very polite, but rather ignorant. So I asked him how much transfers were and figured I’d let him see one. So, I ordered one and did the transfer through him. Both him and another customer who happened to be there both ogled the gun like it was a Luger or some freakin thing, because they apparently hadn’t seen one in so long, and were convinced that only the “m4 style” ARs were in production.

      • They just started within the last couple of years reproducing the M16 A1 upper and lower stripped receivers. Other than that I can remember back in the early 1980s that I could buy an M16 A1 upper complete with bolt carrier group Barrel receiver with the triangle handguards for around $150. Now you’re looking at $150 just for one stripped receiver and probably closer to $200 for a set of 1968 furniture that’s in decent shape. The furniture changed in the early 1980s to the A2 furniture that’s when the military get the lower receivers and got rid of all the upper receivers with the Triangular handguards and just put a two receivers and barrels on to the M16 A1 lower receiver. All those upper receivers were available for purchase from the military through contracted sellers. So that’s why you saw a bunch of them show up in Army surplus stores all over and gun shows. For really cheap price as well. We should start a blog on this topic and have people put in pictures and stuff. What do you guys think?

  3. kapo bloomberg spreads money and minions around the nation. He’s fighting a nation wide war.

    Unfortunately, a lot of the potg fall into the trap of fighting a “states rights” war and thinking only of their local area. This is a good way to lose to a long term strategy like mikey’s.

    And then you have people like demo man trying to smooth the way for kapo bloomberg.

  4. “the ACLU supports because they oppose any bill that singles out anyone, even the seriously mentally ill, from exercising the Second Amendment;”

    The ACLU supports the Senate’s resolution to roll back Obama’s gun control EO because it’s a violation of Due Process.

  5. New Hampshire’s state house passed Constitutional Carry today (Thursday 2/9). It heads to the governor next, who says he will sign it.

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