In case you didn’t know it, Colion Noir’s latest video proves once and for all this ain’t your grandfather’s NRA. I’m not talking about Mr. Noir’s skin color — although yes, that’s a thing. I’m talking about his polemic’s production values. His videos are slicker than owl sh*t on a Teflon pan.

Mr. Noir’s latest magnum opus tackles the nay-sayers saying nay to silencers, and he does so with Orwellian not-to-say Citizen Kaneian aplomb. Perhaps the best bit: when Mr. Noir bitches about having to wear goofy looking ear pro at the range. As a man who knows his Bregeuts from his Pateks, Noir nails it. Style’s the thing!

Seriously. When guns are quieter, they will become exponentially more appealing to newbies. They’ll become more lifestyle, less lethal-ish. And the more newbs become one with the People of the Gun, the safer our gun rights will be.

So kudos to Noir and his team for killing numerous birds with one video stone. Can’t wait for him to do an homage to Blade Runner. Silencer of the Silencers? Something.


  1. Speaking of silencers. Having misplaced my “fit like a glove” custom ear plugs, I had a new set made by E. A. R. today. Ahhh.
    Now my snoring roomie won’t be bothering me tonight.

  2. Preaching to the choir. The real challenge will be convincing the gun-ignorant electorate that silencers are not the tools of criminals and assassins. And given how gullible people have proven themselves to be, the rhetoric against silencer legalization will be easily formed and devastatingly effective.

    • Dave R….your statement is dead on (no pun intended….seriously). I am begining a new tactic with my local area “politicians” that are anti-gunners…..the “The police will protect us” idiots.
      The New York Supreme Court has decimated this ignorant ideology when the deckared that “[the] police have NO CONSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS TO ACTUALLY PROTECT AND SERVE”.
      Will the police protect THEM (the asshats in congress/senate, etc.)? ABSOLUTELY! Bcause if a politician calls *911 they make sure to clearly identify their title (read “importance”).
      But what about the rest of us “common folk”? They dilly-dally so that they arrive AFTER the attack is over.
      As much as we ned to continue the “fight” (ironically we use peaceful legal tactics) for our Rights, I truly believe that we need to clearly identify/inform them that their “regulations” will definitely result in criminal lossv of life (and ironically AGAIN….wasn’t/isn’t all of the violent protests in Chicago calling for the murder of trump supporters… the same constituents that want MORE restrictions?).

      LOBBYIST!!!!!!!! They are our true opponents in this critical topic…..”buying” support via “gifts and donations”!

      Although extreme…. I urge/call upon all of us to push for CRIMMINALIZING lobbyists……bereft the politician of their “motivation” to destroy what is specifically writn as LAW for over 2 centuries, and they will eventually only have us to listen to….
      Basically…we “eliminate” (legally/legitimately) the lobbyists and then our elected official will have no choice but to listen/support our causes….all causes, not just our coveted 2A.R.’!

      Lol…that last statement will definitely be musinterprted as “coveted 2A.R.’s” a black guns and not Rights.
      Join me in my “direction”, PLEASE! It is likely to be the eaist way to change “politicaal misunderstanding”.
      BTW!!!Virginia is trying to remove suppressors via a “hearing safety clause”!…..F’N BRILLIANT….show them upport and demand similar action where you live!

  3. “Seriously. When guns are quieter, they will become exponentially more appealing to newbies. They’ll become more lifestyle, less lethal-ish. And the more newbs become one with the People of the Gun, the safer our gun rights will be.”

    And *that* is what the antis fear, above all else, that firearm ownership for the law-abiding becomes normalized…

    • Actually “firearm ownership for the law-abiding” is fairly normal now, but an increased popularity will obviously cancel any hopes that the “antis” have to demonize those who exercise their 2nd Amendment rights. Case in point, the growing interest in firearms by the fairer sex.

  4. Prior to 1914 there was no federal ban on any substances . . . including explosives. You could buy some “nasty” stuff over the counter – things that could be used for good and for evil (meaning effective). There is a stark contrast between statists and those who love freedom; the latter know history and the former don’t care.

    Suppressors really are the snowflakes the wind kicks off the iceberg. When citizens violently realize that inside 120 years America ascended to be a republic that challenged superpowers and without an ongoing, personal income tax [other nations did not have one either] then we can talk about freedom.

    “shall not be infringed” great idea that great men wrote down but it contains “shall not” and it was written down ergo lesser men were bound to “infringe”. When governments are bound by rules men have “rights”.

  5. The organization that just reauthorized the Undetectable Firearms Act because of a media scare about 3d printed ghost guns talks about complacency eroding our rights.

  6. Propaganda even John Q. Public who never owned a gun will not fall for. This is the last thing American Gun owners need, a new banner the anti-gunners will fly and this time at least they will be 100 per cent right. Its an idiotic idea right from beginning to end.

    The idea of being able to buy a silencer right over the counter is about the most jack ass idea that has come down the pike in a long, long time. In only a matter of days every street punk and nut case around will be using them to rob places and commit murders and in some cases making it way more likely the nut case will be able to kill 10 times as many people in a mass murder scene because the nose will be so much less.

    The current restriction on silencers should stand. By vetting a person thoroughly and requiring that the silencer must always go through paper work and background checks when resold has worked and kept them from being used wholesale by the street punks and nut cases. And yes the old law has already been updated by preventing anti-gun Police Chiefs from preventing people from getting them just because they did not want anyone in their jurisdiction from having one even when they passed the background check. So with that taken care of there is no reason to start selling them over the counter that would let “used” silencers get resold to anyone.

    With modern hearing protection there is no need for silencers. And it encourages Jethro to start shooting in his back yard because of the lower noise level which would result in many stray shots killing innocent people. Shooting should only be done on an approved safe range not ones back yard.

    As you cans see every argument for selling them over the counter is pure baloney put out by the silencer industry so they can make more money fast. Anyway the chance of this idiotic law passing is about as good as a snowball not melting in hell. I think even the Republicans are not dumb enough to want to get blamed for every gang in Chicago now having them if they change the law.

    • You do realize that if the HPA passes, those of us who wish to purchase a silencer will still have to submit to a background check, and fill out a 4473 form. The only thing the HPA will do is remove the 200 dollar tax stamp.
      As far as the Jethro’s are concerned, They are already shooting in their back yards with suppressors they made themselves. Making life hard for law abiding people will not deter the criminal minded folks among us.

      • Reading comprehension my boy. Go back and read the most important point. No vetting on second hand sales. Am I getting through to you yet?

        • Straight up, you’re talking out your ass. Do you really know a thing about that which you speak? Despite your protests to the contrary, I’m guessing not… Ever hear of a threaded barrel? No? Then STFU.

          • Current Federal Vetting has kept silencers out of the hands of the street punk and Jethero Bodine because of his cheapness and lack of intestinal fortitude for decades. If the law changes second hand sales will arm every street punk and irresponsible Jethro in the U.S. in a matter of weeks. Bullets flying down through neighborhoods either from street punks or Jethro who thinks that since the lack of noise will conceal his irresponsible shooting that no stray bullets will harm anyone. Pure Genius (sarcasm intended)

        • Do you realize that silencer is just a lenght of pipe with some washers stacked in it? Criminals and psycho killers can easily and cheaply make them if they want. Or use oil or fuel filter. 200 bucks tax, registration and 9 months of waiting are only for law abiding guys. You know – the kind that does not misuse suppressors for killing and robbing.
          Shoot only at range blessed by the almighty state my left elbow!
          I for one have nothing against silencer manufacturer or any other honest business making lots of money. You don’t like capitalism? I hear North Korea is nice this time of year. Removing stupid restrictions can only drive prices lower.

    • You bet! Just like in all the Euro countries where silencers are routine purchases, and the streets are awash with the sounds of muffled gunfire.

      BTW – even with the HPA, you’d still need to fill out a 4473 to buy a suppressor from a dealer, and undergo a background check. Your objections are completely moot.

    • “Propaganda even John Q. Public who never owned a gun will not fall for. This is the last thing American Gun Owners need, a new banner the anti-gunners will fly and this time at least they will be 100 per cent right. Its an idiotic idea right from beginning to end.

      The idea of being able to buy a military-style assault rifle right over the counter is about the most jackass idea that has come down the pike in a long, long time. In only a matter of days every street punk and nut case around will be using assault rifles to rob places and commit murders and in some cases making it way more likely the nut case will be able to kill 10 times as many people in a mass murder scene because the high-powered gun’s lethality will be so much more.

      The current ban on assault rifles should stand. By vetting a person thoroughly and requiring that military-style assault rifles must always go through paper work registration and background checks when resold has worked and kept them from being used wholesale by the street punks and nut cases. And yes, the old law has already been updated by preventing anti-gun Police Chiefs from preventing people from getting assault rifles just because they did not want anyone in their jurisdiction from having one even when they passed the background check. So with that taken care of there is no reason to start selling them over the counter– that would let “used” assault rifles get resold to anyone.

      With modern handguns there is no need for assault rifles. And, it encourages Jethro to start showing off in his back yard because of his Special Forces fantasy which would result in many accidents killing innocent people. Shooting military rifles should only be done on by approved safely trained people, not wannabes in their back yard.

      As you can see, every argument for selling them over the counter is pure baloney put out by the tacticool military gun industry so they can make more money fast. Anyway the chance of this idiotic law passing is about as good as a snowball not melting in hell. I think even the Republicans are not dumb enough to want to get blamed for every gang in Chicago now having assault rifles if they change the law.”

      Well now, that sounds about right, doesn’t it? Okay, so others have not been so kind in the comments (e.g., “The stupid is strong with this one…”)– generally correct in calling you out, but not very polite or helpful about it. I will try to be a little bit less abrasive (but, forgive me if I fail, thanks).

      See, while you are entitled to your opinion– and I am certain you find it to be “common sense” and “reasonable”– in reality, all of your arguments are literally no different than any antigun proponents’ baseless hysteria, presumed by a lack of imagination. Whether you realize or not, that’s the hard truth. But, let’s just say for one second, hypothetically, that you are right… that all your fears are indeed founded in common sense. Okay, well…

      So what? The thing about freedom is… it’s just dangerous. Free people do all sorts of awful things… terrible, obnoxious, even deadly things. And in a free society, by and large, all the “street punks” and “Jethros” are still going to behave the way they do, regardless of the laws that try to restrict them. And sure, of course, laws are needed to provide stern consequences for selfish, inconsiderate, dangerous people who do stupid things that hurt others, whether by criminal intent or negligence. But when restrictive, preventative laws are built solely on hypotheticals and the irrational fears of apocalyptic what-ifs, then it’s just hysteria and panic without any basis in reality… no matter how much it might seem like “common sense” to you.

      The reason antigun people keep advocating for and trying to pass laws that restrict peoples’ use of firearms is because, by and large, they think the exact same things you just expressed– that everyone with access to a deadly gun enables another “street punk” and a “Jethro,” and by god if they aren’t, well then HAVING A GUN (so easily! dear god, whyyy so easily!) will surely bring out their inner-Jethro and corrupt their innately humane goodness and transform them into bloodthirsty street punks. And who in their right mind wants their children to die like that? For nothing? Can’t we doooo something to stop it? Isn’t it just COMMON SENSE? I mean… c’mon: FOR THE CHILDREN!

      Look, they believe those things because they are ignorant, misinformed, and lacking in participation with regard to the reality of firearms. And antigun people are quite well-meaning (um, generally), sincerely convinced that their hyperbole and emotional hysteria manifests itself within the hard data of “gun violence.” But why do you think what you do? As, supposedly, a gun person? What rational data do you have to convince us that regulating suppressors curbs this coming wave of imminent crime and inevitable mayhem? Upon what proof are your fears founded, that “street punks” and “Jethros” will be murdering and stray-shooting on every corner and in every backyard?

      There is none. It’s all in your mind, and at best, in your limited anecdotal experience. You think it, you know it… but most importantly, you feeeeeel it. It’s just common sense!

      Alas, that is not how freedom or a free society works. You know what the data show (in general)? It actually illustrates that, most likely, the people who are law-abiding will remain goody-two-shoes, and that “street punks” and “Jethros” will indeed cause harm, murder, and general lawlessness. Not a lot, relatively speaking, but enough to prompt us decent folks to “dooooo something….” Because, oh yes, definitely, absolutely somebody is going to use a “silencer” to rob a store, or murder a cop, or even shoot Pabst Blue Ribbon cans in the back of his trailer. You bet they are. That’s a given.

      Again… so? In a country of 330 Million people, with 350 Million guns, will it make any real difference? Not likely, but until we do have hard data that suppressors, specifically, are culpable for this awful senseless criminality (and not just the emotional suppositions evoked by our inner fears), then restricting everyone’s freedom for a “right notion” is not “common sense” at all. Because really, in a free society all those “street punks” and “Jethros” were always going to find some “new” dangerous toy with which to fool around and hurt somebody. Hell, a little brother will probably shoot his little sister “by accident…,” and you can bet you’ll see it on the news. All over… so, will you feel vindicated? Heck, you knew it all along, didn’t you? By god, if it could’ve saved just one life… didn’t anybody ask if the gun had a “silencer” on it?

      But, Cisco Kid– Truth is, we will be okay. We will be fine. I know that I, upon passage of the HPA, and currently unwilling to deal with the intrusions, infringements, hassling regulations, and especially the (IMHO) illegal “tax stamp,” will for the first time in a 25-year shooting hobby/lifestyle be able to enjoy a suppressor (annnnd a nifty new gun for my shiny new suppressor, woohoo). Maybe even a few! And I certainly will feel more free because of it. My life may or may not significantly change.

      “But nobody NEEEEEEEDS that!” True enough. I suppose I don’t neeeeeed an AR-15 either, after all (although I might argue that one; BCM makes a hella argument for need…). Fortunately, neither “need” nor hypothetical hysteria has anything to do with necessarily restricting America’s freedom or the 2nd Amendment. Right?

      Some would see that differently, though. They just “feel it” inside… again, it’s just common sense. Isn’t it? Would you mind anyone making that argument you just posted about any number of things that you privately own? Perhaps… your truck maybe? Hell, I ride motorcycles– I don’t drive cars, and frankly, I am damn near killed by trucks and SUVs every wretched day. Exactly how would it affect me if those unholy obnoxious pickup trucks (that kill a hella lot more people than assault rifles every year, btw…) were just summarily banned? What, I don’t care; it’s not my loss… and my kid drives a Volvo, partly because she has to compete with these garish, overbuilt pickup trucks driven by “road punks” and “Travis.” Nobody neeeeds a huge pickup or SUV– and don’t bother telling me why, because I get by fine without it, so why can’t you? All those rollover accidents, redneck drunk drivers, hell even idiot Mexicans who all pile up in the bed waiting to be transformed into highway salami… by banning or heavily restricting such abominations we would be saving so many people’s lives, so much heartache, wouldn’t we? These poor dupes, they don’t even know how much better their lives would be! Common sense, obviously….

      Anyway, I’ve made my basic point… without getting overly in-depth or technically complicated, laws and ethics-wise. Here is the problem, now: You can say “phooey,” and “trust your gut” (and lemme tell ya man, my biker gut tells me, “get those damn trucks off the road!), and just keep on arguing down that crooked line you started. Or, you can see it through the lens of real freedom… otherwise known as reality. See it through the big picture, from a soaring Eagle’s eye view.

      Somebody’s gonna hurt somebody, before the night is through… nothing we can do. But likely, far more people will be able to experience and enjoy the real practical benefits of suppressed firearms, and those foothill neighbors always irritated by gunfire every weekend morning will appreciate it (and never blaspheme to admit it…). It will be quieter than before, for everybody. The sky won’t fall, the sun will rise, and Jethro might just stumble over his two meals and a cot for being dumb, even before he kills somebody. But if he does kill somebody– the HPA won’t be responsible for it. Neither will us, neither will you.

      Be safe…. …and, you was a friend of mine- are you still?

      PS– Read the article that TTAG put up about the Chicago “gun violence” demographics. It might seem “obvious,” but sometimes it’s valuable reviewing the fundamentals. The same people foolish or malevolent enough to discharge firearms in society and into human beings, are the same people who surely will take advantage of the HPA and abuse “silencers” during nonsensical criminal behavior. The rest of us will be enjoying a long-overdue freedom, without unnecessary, un-American bureaucratic nannyism. As it should be.

    • Laws have very little to do with crime. Morality, or the lack of, drives most people’s decision process.
      Prohibition was a complete failure. And the abortion rate was higher before Roe v Wade than it is today.
      You really think bad people are waiting for legal supressors so they can commit an illegal act with one?
      Your stupidity continues to be on full display Kid.

      • You mean bad people are not waiting for legalization of stuff they might need to hurt others? When something scares you or you disprove of it, you get it banned and it disappears, right? That’s how it works – like illicit drugs and drunk driving and under age pregnancy. …poof – gone! (In Crisco kid’s fantasy world)

    • As far as I know, in most European countries, you can buy suppressors/silencers over the counter. They’re a safety item and also make shooting ranges etc far less anti-social.

      They don’t reduce the sound of a gun shot to a whisper, that’s a fallacy brought about by Hollywood. No gang member is using a single shot, subsonic .22LR to go about their nefarious activities, that’s probably the quietest suppressed firearm possible.

      Originally, when silencers were restricted, the aim was to prevent poaching by poor folk, hence the $200 fee, that was a lot of money back then!

      The only thing that the HPA will do is to remove suppressors from the NFA registry, you will still need to fill in a form 4473 and undergo a BGC, just like when buying a firearm.

      Let’s get these off the NFA registry, and while we’re at it remove SBR’s also!

      • Quote—-They don’t reduce the sound of a gun shot to a whisper, that’s a fallacy brought about by Hollywood. No gang member is using a single shot, subsonic .22LR to go about their nefarious activities, that’s probably the quietest suppressed firearm possible.——Quote

        Wrong. I have shot the M16 (full auto) with a .22 l.r. conversion kit out of a very short barrel with silencer. It was so quite you could have killed a room full of people or a street full of people (background traffic noise too) and they would not even realized what was going on until it was way too late.

        Quote————The only thing that the HPA will do is to remove suppressors from the NFA registry, you will still need to fill in a form 4473 and undergo a BGC, just like when buying a firearm.—————Quote

        No reading comprehension pal, go back and read about second hand sales. That is my point. Once its second hand it can be resold to any street punk or lunatic out there.

        Quote————–As far as I know, in most European countries, you can buy suppressors/silencers over the counter. —————Quote

        And you just proved you know nothing. Every European country is different and they have been tightening their laws as time has gone by. Many prevent you from reselling the silencer without transfer of ownership and paperwork and background checks. Fees vary widely as well.

        Some U.S. States like California outlaw silencers altogether and if the Feds change the law to “over the counter” as I said many States will then simply outlaw them altogether so the average Conservative Moron is now worse off because before with paperwork he could own one in many jurisdictions but now he will not only be unable to own one he may according to the new law have to turn what he owns in for destruction. As I have said before because none of the Morons advocating this jack ass new law thought through the consequences they are going to end up making many States out law them altogether. The Silencer Companies were behind it and in their greed for faster and higher volume sales they are going to destroy their own businesses through blind greed.

    • A Conservative is always his own worst enemy. If the “every street punk should have a silencer law” is passed the resulting backlash from the anti-gun crowd will bring more gun ban laws than even Obama would have dreamed up.

    • Now, I thought so… “troll.” Then I thought, hasn’t this fella participated in the comment boards before? But even so, perhaps he was trolling or fuddy-duddying then, too. Too lazy to go back and scour boards to vet the “troll,” it seemed more fun just to start articulating and stretching out some of these arguments… after all, we know for sure that this HPA-resistance is going to pop up like a nail in a tire, again and again, all year. Might as well roll up the sleeves and start sorting the mess. I read TFB from time to time, too, and they cover so much about suppressors… it sometimes feels like everybody is enjoying suppressors… as if, the whole class of accessories is just a normal, daily thing for shooters. So, I looked into it… the requirements made me queasy, literally nauseous– for a principled person, obtaining a freaking metal tube means lubing up and bending over. It just plain aggravates me that such a practical, sensible device is treated like some Holy Grail of Evil Temptation… no way. Not doing it– SBRs, AOWs, suppressors… especially SBRs… it’s just plain wrong. To entertain and maintain this shit, to validate the BAFTE and these ridiculous laws, it’s wrong. Many good people, solid shooters, tell me, “Hey it’s easy! Just send in the forms, and do the prints, and interview, and hokeypokey… no problem at all! In like 3 months, you should see this awesome SBR I am gonna have!” *Like this is normal and OKAY?!* I wouldn’t send 200 peanuts, much less actual dollars. This must end. I will follow the law… I won’t even fool around with the braces (even though I do admire the subversive middle finger). But it’s wrong and so nothin’ doin’. Just write, advocate, express, and work to change it.

  7. “The idea of being able to buy a silencer right over the counter is about the most jack ass idea that has come down the pike in a long, long time.”

    Except almost every other country in the world where they are treated like every other firearm accessory.

    “In only a matter of days every street punk and nut case around will be using them to rob places and commit murders”

    Yeah the sky will fall. You do know there were unregulated suppressors before the National Firearms Act of 1934? You know that right? And that all the horrors you predicted did not happen. You do know that their are firearm-ammo combos that are “naturally” quieter unsuppressed than many firearms are w/ a suppressor. You know that right?

    Where the hell do statists like you come from?

    • Quote————-Yeah the sky will fall. You do know there were unregulated suppressors before the National Firearms Act of 1934? You know that right? And that all the horrors you predicted did not happen. You do know that their are firearm-ammo combos that are “naturally” quieter unsuppressed than many firearms are w/ a suppressor. You know that right? ——————Quote

      I have used silencers so do not bull shit me. If you are talking cb caps that are anemic rounds and also cannot be used in semi-auto arms then yes they are in the same class but visualize Chicago with 9mm 17 shot autos all equipped with silencers or some nut case with a rifle or semi-auto uzi style pistol in 9mm. No this idea is totally insane from the get go

      • So … Don’t buy one.

        But please leave the rest of us alone in peace. And, hopefully, quiet.

      • Right. Because 9mm handguns with threaded barrels are just everywhere. And they are just whisper quiet when suppressed. You really don’t have a clue. Stop trolling the board.

      • I have my doubts that you have any experience with suppressed firearms whatsoever.
        The real world is not Hollywood, nor is it popular fiction writing. In those places, ‘silencers’ actually ‘silence,’ people are knocked backwards several feet by a single pistol bullet and instantly die, fully-automatic weapons are commonplace (and never require reloading. . . not ever), heroes never miss unless they mean to do so, and villains ALWAYS miss unless they shoot one of their fellow villains.
        In the real world, none of those things are correct.
        To use just one of your examples: A subsonic-load 9mm semiautomatic pistol UNsuppressed emits 162dB; A suppressed version, 126dB. How loud is 126dB? As loud as a large jet aircraft at takeoff power. As loud as a chainsaw. As loud as a heavy truck operating at highway speed from about 25 feet away. 85dB is the threshold for hearing damage from one event, that being quieter than a rock concert.
        You can do better, you know. We expect our trolls to at least be competent.

        • And an M16 full out shooting .22 lr. ammo is so quite you could wipe out a whole street load of people before they even knew what was going on. Your comparison to the suppressed 9mm being as loud as a chain saw made me laugh so hard I almost fell off my chair. That was one of the first calibers I ever shot in silences and even out of a short mac 10 barrel the suppression was not much louder than a cap gun going off. It all depends what type of ammo you are using and every one knows that you can shoot sub sonic ammo that greatly lowers the noise level.

          As I said before even the Republicans are not dumb enough to get themselves into any more trouble than they are already in with their wanting to destroy health care for the greed monger insurance companies. And if by some miracle this law was changed the States themselves would put a total end to silencer ownership as fast as a cat can jump off of a hot tin roof. I cannot believe the level of Conservative stupidity as they cannot see what would happen to silencer ownership quickly being outlawed altogether.

        • “And an M16 full out shooting .22 lr. ammo is so quite you could wipe out a whole street load of people before they even knew what was going on.”

          Bullshit. Worse than that, HILLARYshit.

          Give us a citation, or STFU.

      • …”but visualize Chicago with 9mm 17 shot autos all equipped with silencers…”

        A posting a few days clearly showed that most of the people getting killed in Chicago…..needed to be killed.

      • “If you are talking cb caps that are anemic rounds and also cannot be used in semi-auto”

        Know I was thinking about rifles chambered in .357/.38. If you shoot standard pressure .38 in those things they are quieter than alot of suppressed firearms . . . Or .45 acp caliber semi-auto rifles.

        And chicago already has a serious problem w/ humans killing humans usually with (hand)guns that are NOT SUPPRESSED. How many of those homicides are committed by felons or people too young to own a handgun? Hint: it’s more one.

        Based off your comments I seriously suspect you are BSing me and us. And you have yet to address how most of the rest of the world treats suppressors like any other accessory, or that suppressors used to be unregulated in the U.S. and the sky did not fall.

  8. Here we go with the “blood in the streets” and falling sky BS again. Just like Concealed Carry did. And the sunset of the AWB did. Crimes, violent crimes are all on a decline, but it’s going to be different when the not-so-quiet silencers get more legal. Give me a break.

    You’ve used those silencers, huh? Then you should know how absolutely full of shit you are. You are either completely full of shit, or lying out of your ass. Either way, you’re not changing anyone’s mind.

  9. California outlawed silencers many years ago, and no change in Federal law will change that with the current large Democratic Party majority running the state for the (far) foreseeable future. Good luck to the rest of you.

    • Of course you are right about California. Maybe OSHA or the courts? I wonder if enough means is put into a legal challenge on the grounds of safety… Oh what the hell, you’re right, California…we’re lost…

  10. The best way to convince newbies and even liberals who are on the fence about silencers (and guns in general) is just to take them shooting with one. Most non-gun people’s only experience with silencers prior to actually shooting with one usually comes from movies, TV shows, and video games, where stuffing any simple household object like a hollowed-out baseball bat, motor oil can, or even a potato, onto the muzzle can turn any gun into a whispering death machine (yet antis wonder why and still get uppity when we insist on correct terminology in debates). Once you take them shooting with one and they see just how loud these so called “silenced” guns actually are, suddenly spending tax dollars on banning such items and prosecuting people who own them starts to makes a lot less sense. It’s also worth bringing up in a debate that silencers are completely legal in countries like New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, and Finland, countries not known for having any serious problems with gun violence, silenced or otherwise.

  11. Suspressors are just like mufflers on cars. The more powerful the car/motorcycle/boat, the louder it is and the more important to quiet it up. There definately is a loss of power in quieting the gunfire. It is an engineering feat to tune these properly, and finding the right balance for whatever barrel length, twist, ammo type, etc.
    Firearms will still make noise and we will still have ear protection for most. We should welcome these with open arms. The only problem I see is when the government tries to require them on all guns permantly. That will make carry a little harder.

  12. Mr Noir needs to get on DT jr’s firearms group ASAP! Followed by some sort of political run………

    However, I fear that he is far too sensible to want to get involved in the ‘swamp’ of Washington DC.

    I am waiting for suppressors (& in my dreams, SBR’s) to be removed from the NFA registry. Then, I will build a 10.5″ barrel 300 Blackout suppressed AR for home defense purposes. Not having to worry about going deaf or putting on ear pro should the worst happen is a definite bonus and an important public safety benefit.

  13. Noir’s similes get old after repeated exposure. Everything is ‘like’ something ridiculous, ‘as if’ he reframed half of his prose into a children’s nursery rhyme before taking a meat cleaver to it.

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