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[h/t everydaynodaysoff]

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  1. Allow me to say to cokeman: fuck you, you fucking fuck.

    There. By not using an expletive in 40% of my words, I’ve just elevated the dialog. No, really, I have.

  2. My buffer filled up after he dropped the f-bomb 200 times. If he was never an enlisted man, he should have been.

  3. I can kinda see what hes saying, especially about some specific people (weaponseducation). Gun videos that lack shooting are lame, at least cokeman shoots the shit outta the dirt:)

  4. I have always found TTAG interesting. It has seriously lowered itself with this content. I will be less likely to return in the future. Truly pathetic.

  5. This was gross, I got through 10 seconds and clicked it off. If he has any point at all, I’ll never know it. That this guy is armed is scary.

  6. I also quit after ten seconds. Cannot imagine anything of substance would follow. Speaks like he just made parole from a Supermax. This was a waste of your bandwidth and an insult to me.

    • You’re right that it was an insult to anyone viewing the site. But I think someone from Supermax would cuss more authentically. It all had a “put on” feel, like he was straining to sound bad but couldn’t pull it off.

  7. Uh, wow. There was some truth in there but I don’t think I’ve ever heard somebody swear like that – for that long, at least – in my (relatively short) life… and I’ve been on XBOX Live since ’04.

    • Forgot to put this in my initial post but anybody who’s got experience with multiplayer on XBL will understand what I mean… not exactly a place known for niceness/politeness.

      • There are exactly two places this guy would fit into:

        Counter Strike gameplay conversations in its heyday (F bombs every third word)

        Samuel L. Jackson’s Formula 51 (F bombs every two words).

  8. Things that will cause me to click “Back” on your youtube gun video.

    1) Lack of obvious vocabulary.
    2)Calling yourself the leader of anything on the Internet.
    3)Wearing BDUs /ACUs/ABUs , unless you took The Oath and know what it means.
    4)Disparaging a gun’s accuracy -clue, unless its defective you’re not gonna outshoot it. Low and left at 7 yards ain’t Glocks/SA/Beretta/Ruger’s fault.
    5) Unilaterally saying an entire brand, model, caliber, etc. is junk. We all know its your video that’s junk, not the hardware.
    6) Shooting your gun on tape and not revealing the target. If you can’t work the gun you’re reviewing enough to have confidence in what you hit, why should I listen to anything else you have to say.

  9. For some people “fuck” is used like “um” or “like.” This guy is one of them.

    I did listen to the whole video, but a number of his “points” make no sense – you’re not part of the YouTube “gun community” if you post reviews of guns you don’t own, even if you’ve had extensive experience with the firearm? I guess….

    In his other videos, he informs us that AK variants in 223 are for “faggots” and that his two AK rifles that are mid grade “totally rape.”

    I’ll give this guy a pass….

  10. Okay, I’m back. And I guess on reflection I won’t stop coming to TTAG, because generally it’s worthwhile. But do we have to stoop to this?

    All I ask is that after viewing this site I not feel the need to rinse my brain under a faucet to get rid of the memory. Is that too much to ask?

  11. I’ll give it a thumbs up just because I found out there’s some one out there going by the name “Slicky Beans”. LOL!!!

  12. Sorry, I don’t need any doses of negativity like that. Nor does the online shooting community. I only persevered through it because I hoped that it was coming to some sort of interesting conclusion.
    Look, now that I know the stripe of Cokeman’s YouTube videos, I simply won’t watch them. No one is forcing me to watch his stuff, and certainly no one is forcing him to watch the supposedly inferior material out there.

  13. Well, that was certainly ….. something. The republic is probably doomed.

    I got through about the first minute and a half. I regret having spent that much time there.

  14. I like how he considers himself and the few people he really make’s videos with on youtube to be leaders of the community; for no other reason than they make videos shooting and that they’ve made a lot of videos.
    It’s kind of like saying you’re the leader in some internet forum because you posted more than anyone else.
    It’s also convenient that he left out a ton of reputable youtube channels that put out a lot of great info…..*Cough Sturgewhere/MAC Cough*.
    Labeling the entire preper community as idiots is more than foolish as well; look at people like HossUSMC (One of the coolest guys I’ve spoken to on youtube); he’s a prepper who puts out a lot of great videos and information.
    As far as the not showing yourself shooting; until recently the only recording device I owned was a web-cam, which I’d assume make’s me a “youtube fake”.
    What it boils down to is that cokeman is one of the youtube fellows who call themselves the “Hyenas”; which was an “anti-nutnfancy” group that really just made a bunch of immature videos that showed how pretentious they are.

  15. What a waste of my f-ing time.

    RF, why give this guy publicity and our opponents ammunition? Let people like this rot in obscurity. Don’t give them the view boost from “the most popular gun blog on the internet.”

  16. if there is such a thing as a “youtube gun community” I believe hickok45 gets my vote for any leadership position in this imaginary organization.

    • I’d vote Sturmgewehr personally. He does a very good job of making a well structured and thought out point.

      • +1 MAC is one of the best out there along with hickok45. nutnfancy is hit or miss, his outdoors stuff is actually pretty cool, and i though the series he did on his USAF career was pretty cool too. but he can stray off into the abyss at times and there is way too much multicam and acu going on, and imo he does WAY too many knife reviews. btw the music on his most recent video red skies or something, is horrible.

  17. Wait, cokeman actually takes himself seriously? I thought it was an act. An annoying act that overshadows any info he might be imparting.

  18. I hate to admit I actually did sit through his entire rant. And, I could not help but thinking, “Is somebody holding him hostage and making him watch the YouTube channels he hates so much?”

    That’s about the best explanation I could come up with for his video.

    What a pathetic loser.

  19. Foul mouthed punk who doesn’t show his face in this video. He seemed upset about what others do or do not do. In my opinion he needs to mature a little bit more. If he is the future leader of the gun rights community, with his current attitude, we will all loose the ground we have gained. Also I think he needs to learn a better word the fu**.

  20. Oh, and just because I love the Boondock Saints:

    “Well, it certainly illustrates the diversity of the word.”


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