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We’d been wondering why we hadn’t seen a statement from Cinemark after the news of the Aurora shooting broke last week. Turns out they actually did issue one on Friday. It was just so anodyne that it went virtually unnoticed.

Cinemark is deeply saddened about this tragic incident. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families and loved ones, our employees, and the Aurora community. We are grateful for the quick and professional reaction of all local law enforcement and emergency responders.

Cinemark is working closely with the Aurora Police Department and local law enforcement.

Please keep those affected and the Aurora community in your thoughts.

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  1. It looks like one of those condolence templates you’d find in Microsoft Office.
    “(Insert name here) is deeply saddened…”

  2. When I heard the news during my drive into the office it felt like a punch to the gut. I was shocked, horrified, and angry. Angry that some wack job would do this to innocent kids and mom, teenagers out to enjoy the premier.

    I can only try and empathize as to what sisters, brothers, moms, dads, friends are going through. It is a horrifying thought that they were at the mercy of such a mad man and could do nothing.

  3. One question, if this was supposedly an emergency exit, why was the door not alarmed? You would think this would have at least alerted someone to see what was happening.

    • minimum wage employees at a midnite show. they just weren’t all that motivated. and even thru the computer monitor that condolence statement smells like bullshit.

    • They don’t have to be alamared. Movie theatre use those doors to control over flow. There is no building code that requires movie theatres to alarm theatre doors.

      • They’re required to alarm emergency exits, which is what he used. If you want to temporarily turn off the alarm for 5-10 minutes to let people out at the end of the movie, you turn off the alarm at the end of the movie – you don’t just permanently shut it off.

    • In most theatres they aren’t “emergency exits”, they are alternate exits that you can use instead of filing behind the crowd and exiting through the lobby, most often they lead you to the back of the parking lot…every now and again I’ll use those exits if I’m parked closer to them than the front door..

  4. Cinemark created a victim rich murdering environment. They need to work with the victims.

  5. Cinemark is deeply saddened about this tragic incident. Our thoughts and prayers are with our board of directors, whose bottom line will be affected by these deaths. We are grateful for the quick and knee-jerk hysterics of all mass media and gun haters for directing the blame away from our policies.

    Cinemark is working closely with anti-gun opportunists to further hide our complicity in creating a defenseless environment.

    Please keep listening to what the mass media and your governmental overlords tell you is the real problem, and keep our profit margin in your thoughts and prayers.

  6. They didn’t provide armed security for their defenseless customers? If not sue them into bankruptcy!

    People shouldn’t be able to disarm their customers and then not protect them and get away with it by just saying”sorry”.

    • Exactly what I’ve been saying. This is the perfect time for the NRA and other pro-second amendment organizations to aid in lawsuits to establish a precedent that, while companies have the right to deny concealed or open carry, they must provide adequate security to compensate people.

      I have a feeling we’d see a lot more places be gun friendly if they knew it would cost them hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of dollars a year to pay security and insurance costs for the liability of protecting their customers.

      • “This is the perfect time for the NRA and other pro-second amendment organizations to aid in lawsuits to establish a precedent that, while companies have the right to deny concealed or open carry, they must provide adequate security to compensate people.”

        Be very careful with this. We might just see TSA like security and $25.00 movie tickets.

      • So you want to create more convoluted regulations that require a business owner to spend more money to satisfy the government just to be able to operate said business?

        Comon man. Keep it simple. CCW=carry anywhere, anytime.

        • I think that is Totenglocke’s point exactly – that it SHOULD BE CCW all the time, everywhere.

        • We both want the same end result, but asking for more government control (I.e. lawsuits) is not the way to get there.

        • There is nothing “convoluted” or “expensive” about it.

          If a company doesn’t want to be legally responsible for defending their clients, then they can allow CCW. If they want to be legally responsible, they can ban CCW and pay for security.

          It’s much better than the current system where if they ban CCW they’re still not legally responsible for your safety.

    • “People shouldn’t be able to disarm their customers and then not protect them”

      Nobody was disarmed. It was the personal decision of the patrons to go in unarmed.

      • To your point Have Gun, there is a great scene in the recent movie (maybe a year old) called “The Debt”, a movie about Mossad agents going into East Berlin in the 60’s to capture a Nazi war criminal. In this scene the “Surgeon of Birkenau” explains to one of his Mossad captors why it was so easy to kill so many Jews, he says (my paraphrase) “When I saw that it only took 4 guards to guard a 1000 Jews and they didn’t resist – not even one; when we even took away their children and they didn’t resist – then I knew they didn’t deserve to live!”

        I am already a CCL owner, but this event has convinced me to renew my efforts and resist putting my family, friends or myself in a position of being unable to defend against a lunatic.

        I understand this theater had a “No Guns Allowed” policy and signs posted to that effect. Since the vast majority of Americans are law-abiding and compliant to such requests these moviegoers went along willingly – as have I in the past. I will do no such thing any longer. Neither should you.

        As someone else has posted, I hope the NRA will work to file lawsuits against ANY institution that has a “No Guns Allowed” policy, but refuses to provide armed security to protect the public, its customers or patrons.

        • “Since the vast majority of Americans are law-abiding and compliant to such requests these moviegoers went along willingly – as have I in the past. I will do no such thing any longer. Neither should you”

          Sir, I avoid posted places like the plague. All the same I pick up my mail at the local Post Office. My doctors place is posted as well the hospital I was brought in for a head injury. Everyday we make choices which involve various levels of danger to our safety. This concept that a theatre is responsible for the actions of a whack job really bothers me. After all, allowing guns would not guarantee a better outcome.

  7. What else are they going to say? I am sure they are as horrified as the rest of us. There really isn’t much else to be said.

  8. not much more to say other than “y. We are grateful for the quick and professional reaction of all local law enforcement and emergency responders.” the only reason the cops where there so fast is they where already there so i guess they where not there to protect everyone.

  9. It should have read “just keep paying us money to put you in danger, after all, none of us got hurt”.

    With an attitude like this, they couldn’t get the public back in movie theaters with free hookers and cocaine.

    After watching the latest ABC news program, Brain Ross indicated that maybe NetFlix is behind this whole thing.

  10. Cinemark better have some good lawyers for Cinemark Holdings, Inc. is going to get their asses sued off. If I were a lawyer for the survivors and families of those killed , I would stick that “No Firearms Allowed” sign down their throat (figuratively).

    • “Cinemark better have some good lawyers for Cinemark Holdings, Inc.”

      I am sure they do. Same lawyers who will explain how Cinemark is not responsible for the actions of a nut job with firearms.

  11. It sounds like their Sympathy App 3.1 generated a thoughtful message again. I’ve seen more concern inside of Hallmark Cards.

  12. To everyone saying they should be sued because of their no firearms policy:

    If they had allowed firearms, wouldnt liberals want to sue them all the same because their policy allowed a man with a gun into the theater.

    Arent they damned if they do and damned if they dont?

  13. I don’t know if this is the place to raise this issue, but what are your thoughts on CUI/CWI (Carrying Under the Influence/Carrying While Intoxicated) limit, such as DUI/DWI legislation?

  14. For the legally-inclined…

    You’re licenced to conceal carry.
    You go to a movie house or other public venue where guns are not allowed by the owner.
    You’re attacked and injured while at that site.

    Do you have a case to sue the owner for not protecting you sufficiently since he/she/it stripped you of your means to protect yourself?

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