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Chicago's Black Women Begin To Leave Gun Control Plantation Behind

With Chicago nudging 500 homicides for the year, locals have plenty of reasons to tool up. Increasingly, the law-abiding there are choosing to wander off Mayor Rahm’s gun control plantation. Instead of blaming guns for the city’s violence, these people are buying guns to protect themselves and their loved ones. What’s more, the numbers of African-American women applying for carry licenses has exploded.

It should come as no surprise. Five years ago, less than one-third of African-American families took a positive view of gun ownership. Today, nearly 60% not only recognize the benefits of gun ownership, but consider it a “necessity” according to the New York Times report of a Pew study. Nationally, the numbers of African-American women seeking concealed carry licenses nationwide has grown sharply.

For generations, Chicago’s strict gun control served to disarm most of the good guys who live there. Today, the nation watches the violence increase on a daily basis on Rahm’s streets. Chicago Justice was a sick joke. Cook County’s catch and release criminal justice system fails to keep (or never puts) bad guys behind bars. At the same time, gang violence permeates far too much of the city. Locals know gangs run the streets with impunity.

Meanwhile, the city’s cops identify suspects in less than 13% of homicides, so people know that plenty of killers still prowl the streets. In response to the failure of the mayor’s anti-gun policies, more and more of Chicago’s residents — black women in particular — have chosen to empower themselves with concealed carry.

These ladies enjoy the security that concealed carry provides. They understand how the only thing that stops a bad person with evil in their hearts is a good guy with a gun.

Chicago's Black Women Begin To Leave Gun Control Plantation Behind

I’ve met them personally in our Guns Save Life’s Windy City meetings. In fact, our Chicagoland Regional Director Alfreda Keith Keller (above, right) stands as a shining example. She’s lived life well and come to embrace gun ownership to help keep her safe in a city that is less so.

Today, she exemplifies empowerment and self-determination for all. The Chicago Sun-Times even published a feature on her work, calling her, shockingly, “A delightful advocate for legal, responsibly owned guns.

Make no mistake, Alfreda is not alone. Carry licenses issued to African-American women have exploded. More significantly, the mainstream media have actually reported on this trend.

The Chicago Tribune has the story:

Safety concerns spur more black women in Chicago to receive concealed-carry gun permits

At first glance, nothing differentiates Vernetta Robinzine from passers-by in the Beverly neighborhood on Chicago’s Far South Side. On a recent evening, like most people on a workday, she donned business casual attire with a loose, bright blouse. But her daily wardrobe includes something unseen that gives her confidence.

Robinzine, 51, is a gun owner with a concealed carry license. Since she received her permit in late spring, she carries her firearm wherever she goes.

“It’s like a part of me now,” Robinzine said with the smile.

Data show Robinzine is part of a burgeoning group in Cook County: black women obtaining concealed carry permits. Since Illinois began issuing licenses in 2014, the number of African-American women receiving a permit in Cook County has grown every year.

About 800 black women got a license in 2014, according to Illinois State Police. So far in 2017, nearly 1,400 black women have received a concealed carry permit — already more than all of 2016. In all, more than 4,000 black women have received a concealed carry license in Cook County.

The People of the Gun welcome African-American men, women and everyone else to the ranks of gun ownership. The good people of Chicago don’t deserve to suffer under the effects of generations of bad government and a failed gun control agenda.

While, thanks to favorable court decisions, much of Chicago’s gun control laws are no longer in force, it takes time to overcome learned biases against gun ownership. Everyone from the NRA at the national level to Guns Save Life at the local level work together every day to help show Chicagoans of all stripes that there’s a path off the gun control plantation.

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  1. 1st in huh…yeah things are evolving in Chiraq. It was reported today a CCL shot a robber. Ho hum…unthinkable 5 years ago. If blackfolks TRULY get off the massa’s plantation and vote the scum out it will mean something. Not holding my breath…on a lighter note Garry “streetlight” McCarthy is supposedly running for mayor!😋😋😋😋😋

    • So, the CCL “license” Jumped out of the wallet and shot the bad guy?

      Why do we object when people say the gun shot them… but then do the same thing when talking about the “license?”

      Oh, and if they don’t have a “license” for one reason or another, I guess it’s ok if the bad guy kills them?

      Let’s all stop giving credit to the inanimate objects and give it to the people who take personal responsibility fore themselves.

  2. I imagine a lot of the interest in gun rights is due to the overreach by hoplophobes. Their schtick has been nothing but negative, it has drifted from honest (Handgun Control, Inc) to dishonest (gun violence) to obfuscating (gun safety), and people pick up on such waffling dishonesty; it’s the hallmark of politicians. Meanwhile, their predictions of blood in the streets has failed to come true every single time gun control is loosened. The declining average crime rate has hurt them more, even though no one can actually explain the crime rate change.

    But all this is a natural pendulum swing. At some point, gun folks are going to crow a little too much, and if that coincides with a mysterious uptick in crime, the pendulum may start reversing its swing.

  3. Maybe if enough black women, single mothers with children, want and get guns, they might force the democrats to become pro gun civil rights. At least in one district. It would be a start, if it happens. I hope.

    • “Maybe if enough black women, single mothers with children, want and get guns, they might force the democrats to become pro gun civil rights.”

      I don’t see that happening. The Left is firmly welded to gun control as a key plank of their party’s platform. If all of a sudden they started talking about *actual* gun rights, it is nothing but lip service.

      I’ll believe it when I see it recorded in their votes in the state and national Houses.

      After their total collapse in the ’16 election, they were told a *large* part of that loss was the contempt they hold for the people of ‘flyover’ country. Harry Reid, et. all, made some weak noises as to how they respected those people, and then promptly shut up.

      This article is a *fascinating* read on the state of the Democrat party today –

      TL, DR, it is *great* news for us:

  4. Welcome to the fraternity of gun owners. I don’t care about your sex, age, race, sexual orientation, political affiliation. If you are a legal gun owner who cares about defending yourself and family and are committed to the safe ownership of fire arms, I welcome you!

  5. It’s amazing how when someone SHOOTS BACK the number of shootings drop. Good for them. Run the thugs and the Mayor out of town and things will begin to get better.

  6. I think the People of The Gun need to be very selective about who we align ourselves with; just because they tote a shootin iron doesn’t mean they share our political and or social values. There are liberal groups out there that advocate for the legal ownership of firearms, but they do so because they think they need those firearms to defend themselves against conservative and republican gun owners. There are certain black organizations that advocate for legal gun ownership because they think blacks need those firearms to defend themselves against whites. The Pink Pistols think gays need to arm themselves against straight people.
    We tend to get excited when other groups advocate for legal gun ownership, but I think we need to be very selective and take a hard look at their ideology and reasons for advocating for legal fire arms ownership before we embrace them.

      • I support the rights of those who are not out to kill you because of your skin color, sexual preference, politics, or social beliefs.

    • Tony,

      “… we need to be very selective and take a hard look at their ideology and reasons for advocating for legal fire arms ownership before we embrace them.”

      All of the groups of which you are concerned have stated that self-defense is their reason for exercising their right to keep and bear arms. Since self-defense is THE CORE REASON that we advocate our RIGHT to keep and bear arms, by definition those groups are kindred spirits and we should embrace them.

      Rather than being critical of like minded people because they do not share the EXACT same values, we should be engaging them in a constructive manner.

    • Tony,
      Because someone has a reason that I find good, or not, to own a gun, has no relation to having a valid and legal reason to USE that gun. If a black man decides to carry a gun to defend himself against whites, that does not mean he won’t pull the trigger when attacked by a wolf. We need everybody to carry, unless mentally unstable, and perhaps some of them as well. When a bad actor appears, all good people will assist in eliminating the threat regardless of his color or theirs, despite gender differences or preferred perversions. All that is unimportant compared to getting people to be ready and willing to take care of themselves.

    • Interesting. Would all of you support Antifa if they suddenly started advocating for gun rights? Would they then be kindred spirits?

      • In a word, yes. So long as AntiFA doesn’t go about shooting people that don’t need to be shot, then it’s none of my business — or yours. Even if they do, we focus on those individuals responsible first and foremost, and then get into whether or not it’s an institutional policy of theirs to actively encourage their adherents to murder people. So far, the best we have are street punks beating on people, one of which was shot for his trouble in Washington State.

        • “……….. and then get into whether or not it’s an institutional policy of theirs to actively encourage their adherents to murder people. So far, the best we have are street punks beating on people……..”

          Unbelievable. The next step is for them to start shooting people they disagree with, and yes, it will be an institutional policy. It is the logical next step in their evolution. They aren’t going to be satisfied to just continue to be “street punks beating on people”
          This is the 2017 version of the Brown Shirts, they’re just waiting for that central figure to lead them, and you’d be in favor of them being armed?

          How short-sighted can you be?


          Just for the record; the liberals/progressives/democrats will never condemn them, even when they do start shooting people (just as they would not condemn James Hodgkinson) because Antifa will be working on behalf of the progressive agenda.
          People of The Gun need to be smarter than this

  7. First and foremost thank you, People of the Gun for welcoming me into ranks of gun ownership.

    This article is poorly written. The title is inappropriate not because its offensive but from a writing perspective it doesn’t fit.
    However, I do understand you need controversial wording to attract readers to an otherwise boring and once again, poorly written article.

    The summary of your article is actually the excerpt from the Chicago Tribune.

    “About 800 black women got a license in 2014, according to Illinois State Police. So far in 2017, nearly 1,400 black women have received a concealed carry permit — already more than all of 2016. In all, more than 4,000 black women have received a concealed carry license in Cook County.”

    Be more like Desertdug08 who says:

    Welcome to the fraternity of gun owners. I don’t care about your sex, age, race, sexual orientation, political affiliation. If you are a legal gun owner who cares about defending yourself and family and are committed to the safe ownership of fire arms, I welcome you!

    and less like Tony who says:
    I think the People of The Gun need to be very selective about who we align ourselves with; just because they tote a shootin iron doesn’t mean they share our political and or social values.

    All in all, I just wanted to say bad article.

    • Welcome, welcome, welcome! I also do not care about your race, etc. I only care that people do not aggress against others – initiate force against anyone.

      I teach armed self defense, and have developed special classes to teach women and elderly/handicapped. I do hope you will find good training, and – most importantly – practice what you have learned regularly. Owning a gun is not enough. You must hone the other important tools: your body and mind.

      Best of everything to you and all who will accept personal responsibility for themselves and their families.

    • Thanks CD. And welcome aboard.

      Offensive? Why? Because it hits a little too close to home? Is it poorly written because it doesn’t stick with the company line from gun hating plantation owners?

      4000 black women now have concealed carry. That’s 4,000 more than had them four years ago. Or forty years ago. Or four score years ago.

      Tens of thousands of blacks in Chicago are tooling up. They have had themselves a red pill moment. They figured out that the Democrat machine politicians couldn’t give a damn about them except when it’s time to vote. Or pay AFCSME or SEIU union dues.

      The only thing that will save these families from some of the violent predatory criminals in their midst is a good guy with a gun. Rahm ain’t gonna be there. Neither is Barack. Or Toni Preckwinkle. Or Michael Madigan or John Cullerton.

      Welcome aboard CD. I’ll take your criticism of my work as poorly written as a badge of honor.


  8. “Today, nearly 60% not only recognize the benefits of gun ownership, but consider it a “necessity” according to the New York Times report of a Pew study.”

    And *that* is when the Leftists lost the culture war on gun rights, and the people became ‘woke’ for the first time in modern America on the issue of self-defense in the Black community…

  9. The history of gun control in North America is the history of violent White supremacism and the efforts of its proponents to create for themselves a “safe working environment”. Those perceived as inferior or a threat by those in power (Indians, Blacks, Jews, Southern Europeans, etc.) were disarmed so that they were helpless against armed violence.

    Regarding Chicago, you only need to know that the recent leader in in advocacy of invidiously racist gun controls was the son of a mayor, who as a young man, was involved in the race riot of 1919.

  10. Well it is about time!

    Keep up the good work ladies! And I mean all women: black, white, yellow, brown, red, pink, purple, blue, green, orange, gray, or however else someone arbitrarily defines your “color”.

  11. Black wimminz in Chicago always carried handguns, mostly as walking holsters for their convict boyfriends. It’s just that they can get a CCW now and carry for their own use (since the boyfriend is doing 20 to life).

  12. Good for them! The 2A tent is open and welcoming for everyone who values their civil rights and self defense.

  13. “What’s more, the numbers of African-American women applying for carry licenses has exploded”

    You GO, girls! Stay safe out there.

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