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UPDATE: Well, that escalated quickly:

CBS Exec Fired for ‘Deeply Unacceptable’ Post About ‘Republican Gun Toters’ After Vegas Shooting – CBS has fired the network’s legal executive who wrote in a social media that she is “not even sympathetic” to victims of Sunday’s Las Vegas shooting, referring to country music fans as “Republican gun toters.


“A top legal executive at CBS, Hayley Geftman-Gold, said she ‘is not even sympathetic’ for the victims of the shooting at a country music festival at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas Sunday night,” reports. Ms. Geftman-Gold’s post — since deleted — below.


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  1. Every once in a while, a Leftist opens the curtains a bit and one can see clearly through the window labeled “Peace and Tolerance”.. Strictly a learning opportunity.

    • True, but the vitriol isn’t confined to leftists. Conservatives may be a little more tame in public, but the same longings are there and it leaks out plenty in private.

      Heck, take a look at basic religion. Strip away the bibs and tuckers and the holy hocus pocus and what are you left with? Just a lot of lip service about peace on Earth and goodwill toward Man, and a secret desire to see one’s enemies burn in Hell.

      • Do you hang out with a lot of conservatives to hear what they say in private? How many? And how many religious people have told you they want people to burn in Hell? Or are you just guessing?

        • Peace to all men of good will, or FU.

          POS Liberals/progressives/socialists/communists/global warming MFs are all 100% FU 100% of the time. They can’t wait to think of somw way of FING with you and screwing with all that is good and right and just and their day is ruined if they ain’t working you iver or trying to take every advantage of you with impunity while simultaneously attempting to claim victim staus.

      • I agree that there is vitriol on both side HOWEVER, from my experience, it’s definitely stronger and more wide spread on the left but the leftist media only highlights the vitriolic minority view on the right (look at their Tea Party coverage…like the *black* guy who had the AR that media cropped so that you couldn’t see the guy’s skin color…meanwhile, playing up the “white people are threatening to kill Obama” rhetoric). The leftist are simply, VERY hypocritical. Their “message” does not ring true with their true inner beliefs. The right has its own share of hypocrites but the VAST majority of liberals I know (and I work in a VERY liberal environment) are like this lady. On the other end of the spectrum, the VAST majority of the conservatives I know speak and act in a manner that aligns much more with their true belief. Anecdotal? Sure but other than my personal experience, I don’t know of way to scientifically quantify this.

  2. Probably what the shooter thought too. Wouldn’t be surprised if this guy leaned to the dem said, if you know what I mean.

    • He was an accountant who shot up a country music concert. Of course he’s a liberal and we all know that liberalism is the mental disorder.

        • KPMG and EY too. I’ve worked for both.

          PC culture is strong in those. United Way is pushed with “suggested” giving, women and minorities are often hired even when they lack the technical skill set, mandatory training about diversity while the partners take the clients out to strip clubs. My old senior manager traded in his SUV for a Prius to make the world a better place. Wimps.

  3. How sick do you have to be to withhold sympathy for loss of life, contingent on belonging to the correct political ideology?

    Thats rhetorical. We all know.

  4. before 2010 i was democratic in lala land los angles cal, i had evil colt sporters python 1911 ect . still live in lala land but now a gun toting republican listening to evil music lol

  5. She’ll be on the dem candidate’s team in a month. That or demanding mommies for backdoor action will pick her up.

  6. “VP business affairs at Take-2 interactive”

    The same Take-2 Interactive that makes the Grand Theft Auto and Mafia series of video games?

    Way to take a stand sister! (sarc)…… Hypocrite

    • “What a B. !”

      I was thinking a word that begins with ‘C’, and rhymes with ‘Runt’ is a far more accurate description of ‘her’.

      Enjoy your unemployment, Hayley. And have fun looking for a new job with that tweet chained around your neck for all time.

      Because if you do find a new job, we are going to make sure your new employer knows *exactly* what they hired.

      You will be getting a direct lesson as to what a real bitch Karma really is, Hayley…

      • Unfortunately, she’ll be hired because of that tweet. Some Liberal Terrorist™ organization will be happy to have her. Maybe even the ACLU.

  7. It is exactly this sort of hate and vitriolic rhetoric from the radical left that leads certain people to commit exactly the sort of atrocities as this shooting.

  8. I’m sure CBS will issue a “stern” statement noting that her view don’t reflect with CBS views. I’m sure she will issue an apology so carefully worded that it will not actually be an apology. Note the difference between Liberals and Conservatives. Conservatives can disagree with liberals on policy issues and not believe they are bad people, Liberals believe conservatives are bad people BECAUSE they disagree with them.

    • Doug, I must respectfully disagree with you. While most conservatives (I put myself in this camp) see leftism as misguided and see the cultural battles fought with the left as little more than the result of what happens when academia and politicians come up with a sales pitch that says “here’s free stuff and whatever’s wrong with your life is always someone else’s fault,” there are indeed many conservatives who view Democrats as literally evil and/or agents of Satan. Wade through the comments section on this site long enough and you’ll see such rhetoric.

        • “I believe that leftists/liberals/democrats are evil.”

          No argument from me on that one. Fuck ’em. And the metaphoric horse they rode in on.

          These are the divisions that will fracture this country and-or lead to Civil War 2.0.

          And I’m having a less and less problem with that happening…

      • I’m one of them. It’s not all leftists, but a significant portion, and they are indeed very evil.

      • I think you missed his point. You can find Conservatives who don’t consider those whom they disagree with politically to be bad people. You can also find Conservatives who do. What you can’t find is Liberals who don’t consider those whom they disagree with politically to be bad people.

        The fact is the only civil political discourse today is coming from a subset of Conservatives, and actual liberals such as libertarians (which may include, but is certainly not limited to, Libertarians. Political branding sure makes this hard to talk about clearly….)

        • That is true. I use to try to have reasonable, friendly discussions with my own sister about politics but no more. Anybody right of her views is just a full blown fascist to her. And her views are just about even on the scale with Pelosi’s.

  9. What a loser. Seriously she has no idea who these innocent victims are.

    This country is going down the toilet so fast now.

    • Their server must be overloaded. Been trying to send my E-Mail for 20 minutes and it still won’t go through. Ain’t looking good for the Communism Broadcast Network.

  10. She looks about 20 and has the impulse control to match. How is she a “top legal executive”? Is the DC sure that she in not a junior nobody?

  11. She’s a big-time lawyer in the entertainment industry in New York City. ‘Nuff said. She cannot be converted. She obviously looks down her long nose at the “little people”, and the “little people” don’t give a rat’s ass what she thinks in her ivory tower.


    The insane blood and carnage on mass shootings must be brought under control and failure to adopt any new laws only guarantees the mass murder will go on and on.

    Here are some Common sense gun laws that would help prevent mass shootings. Most have been adopted by civilized Industrial Countries many decades ago and they have for the most part worked a majority of the time. Although there is no panacea for foreign government sponsored terrorism.

    1. Mandatory Psychological testing of all gun purchasers. Issue of a gun owners permit to buy.

    2. Mandatory vetting of all gun purchases even between individuals and transfers only through licensed dealers.

    3. Mandatory use of safes for secure storage of firearms which would prevent not only thefts but child accidental shootings.

    4. Mandatory security alarm systems

    5. Severe restrictions on magazine capacity for assault rifles.. These weapons are far more deadly than pistols and their extreme deadly long range make it mandatory that high capacity magazines should be outlawed all together. The recent mass murder by a man on the 34th floor has shown the extreme deadliness of the rifle as compared to the pistol.

    The U.S. is no longer a Colonial Country of only 3 million people but one of over 300 million people and the old outdated idea that the Second Amendment was written for unrestricted use of firearms shows how outdated our Constitutional System often is by making it almost impossible to adopt laws that are in dire need of 21st Century America. It has been shown that over population not only creates more mentally ill people but it increases all out of proportion to the actual numerical increase in numbers of people. In other words a 50 per cent increase in population does not increase the mentally ill by 50 per cent but often at a far higher percentage rate. Studies done as long as 5 decades ago proved this point.

    Failure to provide affordable mental health care has also increased mass murder in the U.S. as well. The U.S. has spent and continues to spend over 53 per cent of its tax revenue on senseless wars of rape, pillage and conquest to enhance the wealth of the filthy rich rather than spend the tax dollars on social programs that provide free education, health care and prescription drug coverage. The U.S. has become less and less a desirable place to live in the current 21st Century Industrialized World as compared to much more Socially Advanced Industrialized Nations. It is not surprising to note that Immigrants and Refugees often prefer other countries to immigrate to instead of the U.S. that in past years was quite the opposite. Even foreign people have now come to view the U.S. as a lawless, and Cruel Capilalvanian country. When even some poor African Countries have lower infant mortality rates than the U.S. does it is a wake up call to anyone contemplating coming here to work or live and to the Americans that must go trying to survive in a country that seems to be coming apart at the seems.

    I think too the new insane proposal of cancelling the old severe vetting of silencer purchases is now dead on arrival as it certainly should be. Even with the loud noise of the current mass killing it took awhile before people realized they were hearing gun shots and if the nut case had had a silencer it would have taken them even longer and the direction of the gun fire would have been more difficult to detect by the police as well. As one can see taking off severe vetting of silencers is so insane it defies all common sense.

    • You know that Anders Behring Breivik went through mental testing, vetting, licensing and then killed 77, and injured dozens more? I heard CBS has job opening. You sound like you’re qualified, at least at copy/paste.



      If Ms. Cisco Kid is at all successful pushing her crap it shouldn’t be too long.

    • Explain to me how your proposals would have prevented what happened in Vegas. I’ll be waiting here….with popcorn. No amount of perceived security, new laws or bans (which is what you have suggested as a fix) is worth any amount of my personal liberty and freedom. Thanks for playing.

    • Cisco take your socialist/ liberal anti American stupidity and shove it up your ass next to your head.
      None of your spewing nonsense will fix anything until we dismantle the communist demonrat party and put all their political leaders in prison where they and you belong for crimes against the constitution.

    • “It has been shown that over population not only creates more mentally ill people……”
      Well, you’ve convinced of one of your points!

    • Yup, and we should apply all those concepts to the 1st Amendment as well I guess. After all hitler and stalin didn’t personally kill tens of millions they convinced other people to do it for them. Unregulated speech is too dangerous, after all all those “Socially Advanced Industrialized Nation” have nothing like the 1st Amendment which after all is just a remnant of an underpopulated colony. /end sarc

      BTW anybody ever heard of those groups of third world immigrants who are just passing US to get to that wonderland of Canada that they so prefer now?

      “Capilalvanian” wow, seriously now your just making up words?

    • Yes in fact we should apply all to the principles to 1st Amendment as well. After all hitler and stalin didn’t personally kill tens of millions of people the talked others into doing it for them. Unregulated speech is far to dangerous better to clip it like all those “Socially Advanced Industrialized Nations”. After all it’s a relic of our time as an underpopulated colony. In fact now that i think about that so is the whole Bill of Rights, we need to do something about outmoded thinking for the children. /end sarc

      BTW has anyone ever seen or heard those third world immigrants just passing through the US on their way to their now preferred destination of Canada, or maybe its Belgium I hear its nice this time of year.

      Capilalvanian? Ok now your just making words up.

    • As comedian Ron White once said, [About being drunk] :

      “I had the right to remain silent. …but not the ability.”

    • In cisco kid’s case, and using the kid’s approach to things, that would have to be mandatory education.

    • In cisco kid’s case, and using the kid’s approach to things, that would have to be *mandatory* education.

    • If you’re serious you’re just as big a piece of shit as she is.

      You’re on the side of Satan not God with that kind of thinking.

      • Hundreds of people lying in pools of blood and a guy like you saying we should not end such carnage puts you in the red suit from hell not me that’s for sure.

        • Hundreds of people lying in pools of blood and a guy like you saying we should not end such carnage puts you in the red suit from hell not me that’s for sure.

          Hundreds of people lying in pools of blood and a guy like you suggesting things that you do for a fact damn-well know won’t end the carnage does put you in the red suit from Hell. That’s for sure.

  13. I have no sympathy for CBS. I stopped watching anything on their network years ago. Not only do they have this twinkie but look at Colbert used the word “c*** holster” on the air.

    • It’s not just the network(s) it’s all the personnel. I can see a lot of just out of college Kool-Aid drinkers hoping to get a job but there’s a sh_t-ton of Jews working for the network (who are currently supporting those interested in the next holocaust) while those self-same Jews are kicking ever nut on all of the only people who would support them in that scenario.

      Somebody ‘splain it to me plain, please.

      Any of these people ever see the movie “The Pianist”? I think it even ‘won awards’.

  14. It might be the opposite of what you hoped to see, but it’s quite edifying when an opponent tips her hand.

    One suspects Comrade Geftman-Gold’s opinions aren’t unique to her.

  15. The shooter was using a machine gun. Owning a machine gun in the US requires a federal license which is not easily obtained.

  16. John Rich, on Sean Hannity’s radio show, just said the crowd was singing “GOD Bless America” a short time before the shooting started. I think someone was triggered.

  17. 5 bucks says that her attitude is widespread at CBS. Her colleagues are merely savvy enough to not write such things following tragedies.

  18. The problem is not guns, it is hate and lack or regard for fellow human beings. If you take away all the guns the problem won’t stop since it is rooted in hate. Those prone to mass violence will just switch their ammunition. The words from one of the oldie songs said it best “What the world needs now is love, sweet love not just for some, but for everyone.” That in a nutshell is what we should all be praying for because a world with escalating hate is doomed.

  19. Yes in fact we should apply all to the principles to 1st Amendment as well. After all hitler and stalin didn’t personally kill tens of millions of people the talked others into doing it for them. Unregulated speech is far to dangerous better to clip it like all those “Socially Advanced Industrialized Nations”. After all it’s a relic of our time as an underpopulated colony. In fact now that i think about that so is the whole Bill of Rights, we need to do something about outmoded thinking for the children. /end sarc

    BTW has anyone ever seen or heard those third world immigrants just passing through the US on their way to their now preferred destination of Canada, or maybe its Belgium I hear its nice this time of year.

    Capilalvanian? Ok now your just making words up.

  20. Does she realize that she just showed herself to have the same lack of compassion and humanity that the shooter had????

  21. Until both sides of the divide can, at least, see one another as human, things are going to get worse.

    • The problem is that 1.) civil rights advocates (READ: the ones NOT stumping for long-defunct gun control laws) generally DO see the other side as Human and regularly call out those who think otherwise on both sides, and 2.) gun-grabbers (READ: the only right and proper label for gun control advocates) generally do NOT see the other side as Human and regularly make explicit declarations to that effect — and NO ONE on their side calls them out for this, ever.

      The problem rests, primarily at least, with THEM. NO ONE ELSE.

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