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As a young lad, I was completely captivated by Bullfinch’s Mythology. (Click here to view or download.). So I fully appreciate and understand the deep not-to-say timeless appeal of comic book superheroes/villains/mutants. Not to start a civil war, the current crop of Marvel/DC movies doesn’t flick my BIC. I only enjoy the characters when they aren’t engaging in endless CGI battles. Anyway, Jerry “Get Some” Miculek sets out to test a real world (titanium) Captain America shield. You want to talk about real world heroes? Ladies and gentlemen: Jerry Miculek.

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  1. <pocket_protector>
    Cap’s shield is made out of vibranium, not titanium. Vibranium has a special property that allows it to absorb nearly unlimited amounts of kinetic energy.

  2. And where prey tell may I purchase this shield? I don’t want but need this to satisfy a new level of awesomeness.

  3. I watched the slow mo. Those rounds powdered when they impacted. I suspect skullduggery.

      • These looked like they powdered. Isn’t there range ammo designed to do that of it strikes anything thats hard? Like target holders, etc?

        • Sure, frangibles are often used for safety. I had assumed that’s what these are.

  4. great, im sure this will help people take us more seriously now.

    this is just stupid.

    • I thought part of the gun culture image problem was that we take ourselves too seriously? A little levity isn’t going to hurt, either way.

    • This is jerry freaking Michele we’re talking about. his record speaks for itself. if he wants to run a lane in a pink tutu and 8 inch pumps, I think he’s earned the right.

    • I didn’t get a “harumph” out of that guy!

      Also, I’m loving the idea of a guy calling himself “playaplaya” who’s upset that he’s not being taken seriously enough.

  5. CGI has ruined most movies for me. Even movies that I think I’ll like, I’ll generally avoid because it’s just a cartoon.

    • I felt the same way about The Lion King. I was supposed to be made with real lions, but then they ate the director, the focus puller and the key grip.

      It was sad.

    • These cartoons and comics are science-fiction. (Which Jerry Miculek is not.)

      It is important to understand that in these stories the action adventure component, and in the movies the heavy CGI battles, are intended as the “hook” to attract and retain attention while they tell the deeper story. The important message in any good sci-fi is in the underlying story, not the action sequences. That assumes they are not written by lefty twits.

  6. What a waste of time and effort. We all know Jerry would just shoot the incoming bullets out of the air.

  7. A new Superhero: Electric Finger. His superpowers are casting lead (HA!) and reloads so fast the Flash can’t see them.

  8. I wonder if the shield would have survived a mag dump of 10mm???

    Caliber wars… Assemble!

      • Yeah, I’m pretty sure .44 Mag 180 grain JSP or JHP at 1600+ FPS would have that shield lookin’ like swiss cheese. I’m not at all sure it would even survive hits from full-power 9mm or .357 SIG FMJ loads. Those are pretty deep dents from a slow-a$$ cartridge…

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