Franklin Armory Reformation
Courtesy Franklin Armory
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Section 40 of California Assembly Bill 88 is expanding the definition of what constitutes an “assault weapon” to include more firearms. Because of course they are.

The notable additions are:

(9) A semiautomatic centerfire firearm that is not a rifle, pistol, or shotgun, that does not have a fixed magazine, but that has any one of the following:

(A) A pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon.
(B) A thumbhole stock.
(C) A folding or telescoping stock.
(D) A grenade launcher or flare launcher.
(E) A flash suppressor.
(F) A forward pistol grip.
(G) A threaded barrel, capable of accepting a flash suppressor, forward handgrip, or silencer.
(H) A second handgrip.
(I) A shroud that is attached to, or partially or completely encircles, the barrel that allows the bearer to fire the weapon without burning the bearer’s hand, except a slide that encloses the barrel.
(J) The capacity to accept a detachable magazine at some location outside of the pistol grip.

(10) A semiautomatic centerfire firearm that is not a rifle, pistol, or shotgun, that has a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds.

(11) A semiautomatic centerfire firearm that is not a rifle, pistol, or shotgun, that has an overall length of less than 30 inches.

That “not a rifle, pistol, or shotgun” part is interesting. I suspect they have such things as the U.S. Ordnance M1919 Semi Auto and the Franklin Armory Reformation in mind; items that aren’t what people usually think of as handguns or rifles, or which blur GCA/NFA definitions.

This also proactively addresses other attempts at complying with California’s current bans, while still trying to provide Golden State gun buyers with a useful or fun product.

But we can’t have that in the People’s Republic.

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  1. there is a cold wind blowing in this country and it is war. Soon there will be a bigger flood of liberal Californians leaving the state because their liberal concepts don’t work but like all liberals, their insanity will drive them to other nearby states only to try te same crap all over again. We see it in New Mexico, Arizona, Oregon, Washington and spoon more. Idaho will see a huge influx of these adle brained idiots and soon their stat too will be a cesspool of dumb idiot stuff along with gun control

    • KRP,

      “there is a cold wind blowing in this country and it is war.”

      Great opening line. Grabs interest.

      Dickens was the master of the opening line, but yours, above, is pretty darn good.

    • Tell me about it, similar issue here in Florida with liberals from the east coast and Illinois, Michigan, etc. Just a matter of time until we become a blue nightmare of a state.

      • We’re hanging on the edge… Only 500 votes saved us from an idiotic, full-blown Socialist Governor in 18, Trump and Desantis better get to work or this bitch could go full blue in Nov.

  2. “California Wants to Add More ‘Assault Weapons’ to List of Banned Firearms”
    Of course it does. Some lists are made to grow. Some, like the list of “not unsafe handguns” are meant to shrink.
    Step by step, ever closer to public disarmament.

    • At some point, California will go the whole hog and just ban all semi-autos outright, with the mind to eventually abolish private gun ownership.

      Of course, when the Democrats manage to cheat/assault/murder their way back into power Federally, expect these same things to occur nationwide.

      Who’s going to stop them, the Supreme Court?

      • Yup, Ban Bats, butter knives, sticks & Stones, etc…Any weapon that can be used by a citizen to protect themselves…Then Ban or restrict the very concept of individual self-defense…Grant to Government or Gov. Agencies Only–restricted /LEOs only…Places like, NJ., NY. MD., MA., etc…Where the constitutional right of the 2nd Amendment are infringed upon daily…

      • I have been saying comments like this for years. I live in CA and there is no stopping them from taking it all away. But somehow the criminals seem to get them. We have so many laws here, it is hard to keep up.

        A current bill that is sure to be signed by Gov. will remove 3 handguns for every handgun that puts microstamping on the firing pin. What is to stop Bloomberg from manufacturing these firearms or even better just microstamp the firing pin and them require manufacturers to install them.

        They are also passing a precursor parts bill. Every firearm part goes thru a dealer with background check. This what it does

        “The bill also mandates a new statewide electronic system for the sale of firearm precursor parts that is similar to both the Dealer Record of Sales and the ammunition purchase approval systems. That means the DOJ has the authority to define what constitutes a firearm precursor part. The bill also limits the purchases of precursor parts to one every 30 days and accelerates the date of implementation from 2024 to July 1, 2022.”

        All of California laws will tried by governments in other State across the U.S. unless someone stops them.

        • That precursor part bill looks squarely aimed at home builders. The bill would ultimately make an AR-15 7+ years or so to build? How is that not infringement? Stock up on parts kits while you can…

  3. Krap-a-fornia! Why not?!? When your whole state is sh!tting the bed at once, why not smoke ALL the crack?

  4. Defund the police!!!!
    No seriously. They let property burn and arrest people defending themselves. They carry out red flag laws and shoot people through walls without knowing whats behind the barrier.

    • Actually, San Francisco PD does a great job in not doing anything deem a misdemeanor. So they are a head of the curve.

    • Progressive policing happens elsewhere. Downunder, in Sydney’s affluent northern beaches some boys decided to break into cars to steal. They didn’t need the money. They were doing it for kicks. They were cornered by the local residents and one of the boys tried to jump a fence but fell and cut his head.

      The police were called. The police asked the mother of one of the boys if she wanted to press charges (note the boys were found in possession of stolen wallets and phones from the cars, plus damage to the cars) against the residents.

      The mother refused to press charges saying she was ashamed of her son and he will get a hiding when he’s home.

      • So…. One case where they didn’t turn around and sue people for chasing them? That doesn’t work. That’s just a small campfire story. How many times have criminals turned around and sued people here in America, and won? A lot more than you apparently think.

      • In the UK they would have been arrested and jailed whether Mom said yes or no. They prosecute the little people to keep them in line.

        The UK is a great place to be a criminal. Even heinous crimes are treated with a slap on the wrist. Rapists are out in 2 to 4 years. Terrorists serve half their sentence at best.

  5. Placid Republicans have allowed the democRat Party to rewrite history and hang the racist banner around the neck of the Party of Lincoln. Of course in liberal strongholds citizens owning guns is considered to be a racist attribute so concocting laws and kicking around subhuman gun owners is considered, “honorable.”

    Since Gun Control is rooted deep in racism and genocide the racist banner clearly belongs around the neck of the democRat Party. After all the democRat Party is the party that owns the legacy of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, the KKK, lynching, Eugenics, Gun Control and other despicable race based atrocities.

    Instead of the usual rolling over and playing dead the Republican Party and every American should lead and see to it that, “PAST Black Lives Matter.” America should turn the table on the sleazy democRat Party and hold the democRat Party accountable and liable for Monetary Reparations payable to the victims or descendants of the victims of democRat Party race based atrocities.

    What happened to George Floyd is a drop in the bucket when compared to the race based atrocities of the democRat Party. Only a politically inept history illiterate would think otherwise.

    • Lincoln was a big war, big government progressive who got admiring letters from Karl Marx. You can keep him and the worthless Republicans. At least the Democrats stood for Americans until around 1900 when they joined the Republicans as big war, big government progressives. Now we have two parties of big war, big government progressives just different sides of the same corrupt coin.

      • chris…Your gibberish was not an answer…It was and is a piss poor attempt at spin. Being a spoon fed democRat lintlicker you stooped to make a sleazy connection between marx and Lincoln. Instead of showing respect for taking a bullet and dying for this country you talked out your behind. Based on your finger pointing reply you could never and I mean never man up and pen a speech like the Gettysburg Address.

        So called admiring letters from marx? At least letters were not to marx. If you want a rock solid relationship with the teachings of marx look no further than b. h. obama and his mentor the lily white communist/terrorist “kill your parents” bill ayers. Ever read Prairie Fire? I wonder if the US received admiring letters from Stalin following WWII? Why I think so.

        So democRats Stood for America until the 1900s? That would be White America.

        The history of democRat Party race based atrocities is something a twerp like you just cannot handle anymore than you can address my post. In fact democRat Party history is so despicable I can easily say a Black American belonging to the democRat Party makes as much sense as a Jew belonging to the Nazi Party. The only thing you can do to help undo democRat Party race based atrocities is open your wallet, apologize and PAY UP.

        • “I wonder if the US received admiring letters from Stalin”

          I don’t know about Stalin, but Trump is receiving love letters from Kim Jong Un, a really spiffy dictator.

          “President Donald Trump has said he had received a “very beautiful letter” from the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, and added that he could have another meeting with him.”

          It is a really beautiful romance, bone spurs Donnie has declared that he and Kim are in love.

          “President Donald Trump said he and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un “fell in love” because of Kim’s “beautiful letters,” but another top Pyongyang official warned that denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula won’t happen unless the U.S. backs up its warm words with action.”

          Unfortunately for bone spurs Donnie, I think Kim is seeing someone else because he hasn’t denuclearized the Korean Peninsula yet.

          Debbie, do you think Kim is just playing Donnie for a fool?

        • “I wonder if the US received admiring letters from Stalin”

          I don’t know about Stalin, but Trump is receiving love letters from Kim Jong Un, a really spiffy dictator.

          “President Donald Trump has said he had received a “very beautiful letter” from the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, and added that he could have another meeting with him.”

          It is a really beautiful romance, bone spurs Donnie has declared that he and Kim are in love.

          “President Donald Trump said he and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un “fell in love” because of Kim’s “beautiful letters,” but another top Pyongyang official warned that denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula won’t happen unless the U.S. backs up its warm words with action.”

  6. And we are about to lose a good chunk of our gun rights at the national level because of the village idiot that the Repubs have running for president. A while back he said “You may not like me, but you will have to vote for me.” NO THEY DON’T! An awful lot of voters vote on who they like, not policy. There was a poll of Biden voters. Only 31% were voting for him because of his policies. The other 69% were voting for him because they hated Trump. Those constant, stupid tweets are going to cost us our gun rights. Pence should be the candidate.

    • That’s right you stay fixated on tweets while you ignore the mountains of democRat warts, dung and Gun Control that would have you buying one bullet a year and celebrating marx’s birthday instead of the 4th of July. Turn off cnn, wipe the crybaby snot off your face and cease being a turd in a punch bowl.

      • You completely missed his (or her) point there Debbie. flew right over the top of your head and you didn’t even notice the breeze.

        Trump is actively pushing votes away. If not to Biden then to third party and write-in candidates. There’s still time for it to turn around, but that shrinks every day and all Trump keeps doing is helping Biden gain voters, or at least the advantage of conservatives going in some other direction that weakens Trump.

        Such as Trump’s ATF is now trying to sneak in a ban on pistol braces. Or did you miss that latest gift to the Hoplophobes?

        Told you you should not have supported excrement for the Republican nomination in 2016!

        • You’re either a shareblue shill or an ignorant boomer. Stop falling for provable lies. And isn’t it obvious how much internal opposition Trump has been facing. So much shit is going down I’m not surprised the swamp creatures in the ATF are making such a petulant move. I knew their was a reason I stopped visiting this site. All Gun News sites have cancerous comments pages, no exceptions.

  7. Keep what you got. You’ll need it. SOON! Especially if S L O W Joe becomes PINO(president in name only-feel free to steal this moniker).My plan in ILLinoyed…

    • Absolutely. The “gray area” items that might grab the eye of an ill-informed LEO stay in the gun safe and only come out to play for the play dates in the high desert. The “normal” stuff gets taken to the local range.

      If the balloon ever goes up and we find ourselves in need of anything that keeps the rabid mouth-foaming Marxists and their Molotovs at bay, the cops won’t be responding, anyhow.

  8. this basically bans every semiautomatic rifle, as I bet this will be interpreted to include a wood stock that runs the length, or the partial length, of the barrel

  9. I hope actual voters in the REAL world are paying attention… THIS is America under a Biden/(insert name here??) regime with Beto as the gun confiscation Czar…

  10. It’s at moments like this when hearing the latest out of California that I recall a movement in Arizona about 35 years ago. There was a big noise from CA about more gun control, longer waiting periods, other insane ideas. In Arizona, a counter movement was making the news. People wanting to form a State Militia, even a State Border Guard.

    Not to patrol along the line with Mexico, but along the western frontier with California.

    Talk of roadblocks, not allowing anyone to enter the state from the west if they carried California citizenship.

    Interesting idea that.

    • Hmm. I’ve been in CA since the ’70s, and have traveled back and forth between CA and AZ countless times due to relatives who live there. I’ve never heard of such a militia movement.

  11. It’s all saying “centerfire” in the bills, so clearly the work around is for .32 and .38 rimfire to make a dramatic comeback.

    • This may be a useful loophole. Ammo manufacturers can start to develop high powered rimfire rounds. .44 Henry was a fine round in the 1860’s but the all new .44 Henry Magnum should be a hoot. Intermediate caliber rimfire rounds (think upscaled .17HMR) should be able to be California compliant replacements for .223/5.56 and .300BLK. There are opportunities here for someone who wants to pee in the California establishment’s wheaties.

  12. And all you guys will meekly comply with your Democrat Party masters and then go home and explosively shit your pants.

    Like always.

  13. I hear the weather and countryside is wonderful in california. Too bad it’s infested with crazy people. I feel sorry for the normal people who watched it taken over, they should consider leaving since it’s obvious the fight is over. The rest of us have to worry about the incubator creating problems for other states. If you see a moving van and California plates in your neighborhood cross your fingers it’s not a liberal spreading the word rather an American seeking a new start.

  14. I live in CA and there is no stopping them from taking it all away. But somehow the criminals seem to get them. We have so many laws here, it is hard to keep up.

    A current bill that is sure to be signed by Gov. will remove 3 handguns for every handgun that puts microstamping on the firing pin. What is to stop Bloomberg from manufacturing these firearms or even better just microstamp the firing pin and them require manufacturers to install them.

    They are also passing a precursor parts bill. Every firearm part goes thru a dealer with background check. This what it does

    “The bill also mandates a new statewide electronic system for the sale of firearm precursor parts that is similar to both the Dealer Record of Sales and the ammunition purchase approval systems. That means the DOJ has the authority to define what constitutes a firearm precursor part. The bill also limits the purchases of precursor parts to one every 30 days and accelerates the date of implementation from 2024 to July 1, 2022.”

    All of California laws will tried by governments in other State across the U.S. unless someone stops them.

  15. alternate headline:
    california wants to add more names to the list of hundreds of businesses and tens of thousands of people that left california

  16. I see they took some effort to define a barrel shroud. At least one of them did some research into the shoulder thing that goes up.

  17. This will help resolve gun owners problems in California….
    RED BLUFF, Calif (AP) ” A man drove into a Northern California distribution center and started shooting at people Saturday afternoon, killing an employee and wounding four others before he was killed by police, authorities said.

    The shooting by a 31-year-old man with a semi-automatic rifle started about 3:30 p.m. at the Walmart distribution center south of Red Bluff, a city of about 14,000 people about 131 miles (210 kilometers) north of Sacramento, California.
    Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston said at a news conference that the shooter circled the parking lot four times before crashing into the building and opening fire with the rifle. Red Bluff Police officers shot and killed the suspect.. Good thing he only had 10 rounds…

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