California Senate Bill Would Require Parents of Public School Students to Disclose Firearm Ownership

California Senator Anthony Portantino
California Senator Anthony Portantino (courtesy Twitter)

TTAG reader Jonathan Jenkins writes . . .

California Senator Anthony Portantino is back at it with a new “campus safety” bill that he says is aimed at preventing school shootings.

“With common sense proactive measures, we can prepare educators and parents to identify red flags and ultimately prevent tragedies,” Portantino said. “In many cases of a school shootings there were warning signs. Recent events in Michigan show that there sometimes is hesitancy in acting on them, which could lead to tragic results. It is my hope to take the politics and hesitancy out of the equation and give school districts the mandate they need to investigate and act on discernable threats. Knowing and understanding the signs of potential gun violence can help prevent it.  Making information available to schools will help them assess threats and educating parents on the importance of safe storage will make homes safer, too.”

While billed as allowing schools to search student backpacks, buried in SB-906’s text is a requirement that parents enrolling their children in school submit an annual form that includes . . .

  • A check box on a form used to enroll or register a pupil that indicates whether any firearms are located at the home of the pupil.
  • Questions about the ownership, storage, and accessibility by the pupil of any firearms located at the home of the pupil.

(emphasis added)

Will school administrators also ask about the presence and storage of prescription drugs, kitchen knives, chainsaws, or throwing axes in the home? Of course not, because Senator Portantino sings only one tune with his single-track mind and legislative history.

No word yet on whether the required enrollment form will have to be signed under penalty of perjury, or can be safely ignored…because of course it will pass here in the People’s Republic.

The Firearms Policy Coalition released the following statement regarding Portantino’s bill, calling it an “outrageous proposal to intrude into the private lives of law-abiding citizens, another California-style authoritarian act to hurt people and undermine centuries of constitutional law and traditions” . . .

The right to privacy, especially in our homes, is deeply rooted in our tradition and the constitutions of California and the United States. Anyone with a basic understanding of civil rights can see that California Senate Bill 906 is unconstitutional and bad policy. Senator Portantino, an anti-rights extremist, simply doesn’t care about your rights or privacy. This insane proposal was engineered by Senator Portantino to weaken the very constitutional limits We the People placed on our governments and requires that parents provide the government with information about their personal self-defense choices. 

While we hope that California’s Legislature and Governor Newsom would see this bill for the awful policy it is and put it in the garbage can, Firearms Policy Coalition is ready and willing to immediately challenge this bill in court should it be passed and signed into law. The government should get out of our bedrooms and out of our gun safes.


  1. There will come a day when there will be federal and state medical forms with similar questions required, with similar risks for refusing to truthfully answer the questions. With the laws mandating the questions/forms, access to your medical records by government will be an exception to doctor-patient confidentiality.

    • Politicians are far more dangerous than guns and they do far more damage to society.

      CA should require notification if there are any politicians in the homes of public school students

      • “CA should require notification if there are any politicians in the homes of public school students”

        A commendable thought, but politicians would be the ones creating the notification requirement.

    • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

      Since right-wing radicalization often happens over the internet, a law should be passed that sends a list of all web sites a household internet account accesses to the local police, so it can be searched for signs of danger… (sarc)

    • Sam,

      Access to your medical records already is an exception to doctor-patient confidentiality.

      HIPPA specifically exempts that.

      • Access to your medical records already is an exception to doctor-patient confidentiality. HIPPA specifically exempts that.

        Thanx. That was my remembry, but too lazy to confirm. So, I put it into terms of future history.

        • Doctor / patient confidentiality is not ironclad. Lawyer / client is.
          Doctor may be required to notify authorities if a patient exhibits violence or discusses violence or pedo activities. Doctor can be be put on the stand to testify about a patient. Lawyers cannnot.

  2. I guess the kids that have parents with guns will wear an identifier at school.

    Like a yellow star.

    People keep correcting me when I call the left, fascists. I think their track record proves me right.

    • It doesn’t matter if it is fascist or communist, it amounts to the same for the people that live under totalitarian governments. What difference was the Gestapo or the Stasi? They paid, blackmailed, or supplied people with contraband to spy on their neighbors. I am sure at some time some of these people thought it was for the greater good, but after a while, they just worked the system.
      Maybe it is time to buy an extra safe or 5 and store your firearms with someone you trust that does not have children. I would hope that there are no federal laws against this. Other than that, maybe someone could build storage lockers that you rent in a storage yard, or we could go in and buy into LLC that owns the property for purposes of storage.
      Owning a second property opens up it own can of worms, so owning shares in a corporation might get you around some of those problems.

      • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

        “Maybe it is time to buy an extra safe or 5 and store your firearms with someone you trust that does not have children. I would hope that there are no federal laws against this.”

        You can’t with NFA-registered ‘toys’ like silencers, machine guns, short-barrel shotguns, etc. Those MUST stay under your direct control…

        • Not 100% certain about Calidornia, but I know in my wretched state if I were to bring one of mY guns over to YOUR house and leave it there, I have “transferred” it to you and therefore we must go find an FFL and have the BGC run at Fed level. Then whenever I wnt to come get it to go USE it, we’ve got to go find the FFL again and trafer it BACK t me so I can take it to sight iti in at the range.. letehr rinse repeat every time I want to use it. This is how STUPID summadese here pawl a TISH uns ‘can be.

          The anser is simple.. DO NOT under any circumstances let yuor chidlren attend any gummit supported skewl. That will get rund this law, for now. Maybe by the time they mandate your kids attend da gummit skelw you will have figured out two things: Thing One: that uuo need to LEAVE that commie hole Califonia in yuor wake, and thing Two, that you need to figure out HOW then DO it.

        • Unless they are on the trust, but remember, it’s California. They can’t have the good stuff anyway.

    • As much as I want to disagree, I am afraid you are correct. Left’s behavior and actions are 100% induced by fascist ideology. Total control, total domination…

    • It’s California. So long as the bill in question demonizes firearms, their owners, and implements another level of bureaucracy to impose more restrictions on what’s supposed to be a natural human right and demands that fees be used to “pay for the bill’s implementation and common sense gun violence safety”, it will pass, whether the legislature is intact or shows a roll of legislators whose resident addresses line up with cemeteries but can somehow still magically vote from their graves.

      • To tell you the truth, I really don’t see why Ca is so anti gun. The people I know(for the most part), are not. I can understand 1st generation naturalized citizens, but even they come around when they see that it is not like the movies, that people have guns for defensive purposes.

  3. Hey, Californicators, while you’re at it, ask the students if either of their parents are pederasts. It will help you recruit more teachers.

    • According to a concurring opinion in a three judge panel opinion, the Ninth has yet to see a law that DOES NOT pass constitutional muster, no matter how convoluted their logic must be to find that it does not infringe 2A rights. Remember, it was the Ninth that recently concluded that there is NO right to bear arms off of one’s property, openly or concealed, except when allowed by the government.

  4. I don’t really see the point. There is already a law on the books imposing criminal penalties, including jail, and civil liability for parents of minors who get their hands on firearms and cause harm to others–basically a “keep them locked up” law. This law, if enforced, would provide all the evidence needed to establish probable cause for a search of the home if a kid started “acting out,” like chewing his sandwich into a handgun, or drawing war scenes with his crayons. I am not exaggerating either; the California Teachers Association is majorly anti-gun.

    But as has been pointed out many times, making people criminals so that their guns can be seized is the name of the game.

    • But this will fuel the extreme risk red flag pipeline. California GVPO laws give teachers/school administrators the ability to ask for your guns to be “temporarily confiscated”, now that they will have a handy threat file, if the kids or parents say or do anything outside the accepted speech or behavior, wham, red flag, take the guns. For the children, for pubic safety!

        • “Of course, the mere possession of firearms is a red flag, doncha know.”

          Naturally. Anyone who wants to own a gun should be denied one, for that reason alone. Nip the spread of the gun ownership disease in the bud. Nip it. Nip it. Nip it.

      • GET your kids out of gummit skewlz in that state (or any other staate) That way you have no gummit hirelings to do their dirty work, to use yuor kids as weapons of war agaisnt you, and to pervert their natural sense of things.

  5. Hear ye hear ye…I want to bring to the floor a bill mandating Anthony Portantino wear a propeller cap with a hazmat warning that reads, “Don’t Slap Poop Splatters.”

    • “How bad does the tyranny have to get before people revolt?”

      We first must suffer “a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object”

      “long train” has, as yet, no defined scale or standard.

      But, one day……surely.

      • Those guys KNEW fifteen years before it erupted that war with Britain was certain. In fact, Paul REvere had been working with and for “the resistance” starting when he was sixteen. He was forty when he and Bily Dawes went out from Noston that night to alert the patriots that the British Regulars were out. That’s twenty four years he had been secretly working for “the resistance”. He had also, for some ten or twelve years, operated a group of what he called “mechainics” who were basicelly snoops and spies, who would report any activity of any sort that even gave a whiff of any untoward action by the English. It was those “mechaincs” whose reports he began getting about ten days prior to the raid on Lexington/Concord that provided the many small pieces of “life in and around Boston” that, when taken as a whole, assured Paul that the time was near, VERY near, for a raid to confiscate arms. In fact he had ridden out to both Lexington and Concord a week before the action of the Regulssrs to “set up” things like signals, a horse for him if by sea, warning the townsfolk to stash any “military stores”, remove any caches of pwder/arms from the two towns etc. AND be on high alert, because it was “coming soon”. He was right in his discernment. And when it was all over the next day. the Brits had taken a massive whupping. HOW did they know? Simple… pay attentio. Paul had been doing that for years. The militia were ready.. all FOURTEEN THOUSAND of them whomustered out overnight and marched by land to those two towns to push back against the mightiest, best equiped, highest trained, most experienced, most feared military force then on the planet. HOW Meh who cared paid attentioin.

        • “Those guys KNEW fifteen years before it erupted that war with Britain was certain.”

          How is all that relevant today? Where is the standard for determining when the “long train of usurpations” has reach critical mass? Where, precisely, is the read line in the “long train” that triggers a revolution by an uncoordinated, undisciplined, inexperienced armed mob calling itself militia?

          Please define the exact moment when “we the people” put an end to the “long train”? If the answer is different for everyone, if the answer is “it depends”, if the answer is not precise, then “we the people” got nothing.

    • “How bad does the tyranny have to get before people revolt?”

      Well the country was locked down. Cities were burned to the ground. Innocent people were murdered and private property was destroyed.

      I don’t see any revolt. Except in Canada with thousands of truck drivers.

  6. “This is soooo unconstitutional…”

    How so?

    Government has a compelling interest in controlling disease. (see Covid restrictions)

    SCOTUS already ruled, numerous times, a compelling interest of the government supersedes the constitution.

    “Gun violence” is a disease, of epidemic proportion; a public health risk. One day, it may even be possible to declare gun ownership a public health risk, disease (see “compelling interest”).

      • Legal ownership of personal property is not a disease.

        Legal worship of property is not gun violence. Gun violence is a result of a criminal act. Legal self defense. Hone defense, with legally owned property is not a criminal act or a disease.

        There is no compelling interest, period. The “Compelling interest” in terms of personal property excuse is and always has been a hall mark of a totalitarian or monarchy or dictatorship government prelude to confiscation of that personal property.

      • “Is that like “Industrial Disease”?”

        I think that line of reasoning would be useful to eliminating climate change; a “compelling government interest” for public health.

    • It’s been a few years. But I do recall here on TTAG we had a discussion about Sacramento California. And the fact that many parents in the school district there refused to have their children vaccinated. Which was a requirement to attend the public school system there. And as I recall on TTAG, many blamed those Christian parents, for refusing to follow government demands.

      Christian homeschoolers or Christian Public School parents really have never gotten strong support from the so-called “Liberty people”. But those liberty or “free speech People” sure do support the Klu Klux Klan and the American National Socialist Party. When their free speech is attacked by the government.

      About 100 years ago the ACLU defended Christian school children. I believe in the state of Oregon. Not anymore!!!

    • More prevalent than “gun violence” is drug abuse and addiction. If the concern is safety, they should start with the biggest poblem. So would you support parents being required to list all the drugs they use (including recreationally) and any addictions they have?

        • “How many guns would a person have to own to be considered addicted?”

          Thinking that more than “any” should be the standard.
          (To look more sophisticated: “more than zero”)

      • “So would you support parents being required to list all the drugs they use (including recreationally) and any addictions they have?”

        You would not?

        When a disease (addiction) becomes a public health threat, severe measures are necessary. It is well settled that one means of disease treatment is immediate intervention, followed by therapy that alters the thinking of individuals spreading the disease.

        Separating the individual from the implement of their disease is critical to safeguarding public safety. Kinda like the science-based Covid protocols separating individuals from each other.

        • There is only ONE situation where FedGov can, indeed MUST, act to protect the saety of the citizens. That is to repel forigh invasion,s the one thing they adamantly refuse to do. Oh, I forgot.. to quell riot or insurrection. Other than those two areas, FedGov had=ve NO authority whatever to “protect” us. Other than to PROTECT OUR RIGHTS, and that includes (4th ARt of Ammdt) my right to be SECURE in my PERSON. house papers, effects. PERON means my BODY, that means FodGov canot manage MY personal safety/security.

    • That court are not God in a blac nightie. Rulings can be reversed and overturned and sperseded. The CONSTITUION still binds. And the RIGHT to arms is clarly detailed in that document. What they fail to take into account is that the potential USE of those arms canreverse, overturn, and supersede their silly rulings.

  7. I do recall very well the negative comments that Christian homeschoolers used to get back in the 1970s. The Socialist Progressive atheists we’re always the primary ones attacking Christian homeschoolers.

    The Christians also said if you let Dr. Renee Richards play in the women’s tennis circuit. It would end up destroying women’s and girl’s Sports in the future. And the atheists laughed at the Christians back then as well.

    Now in California it is effectively legal to steal from the lower economic classes. But don’t steal from rich people. Or else 50 police officers will show up to arrest you at the rich person’s place of business. And you can effectively have legal public marijuana intoxication. As well as walking around in public displaying your favorite “marital aids”.

    Rich white people, criminal or law-abiding, and the politically connected, we’ll always have guns in the state of California.

  8. “Legal ownership of personal property is not a compelling interest”

    Think it through.

    Abandoned real property that spreads disease is subject to confiscation and destruction by government. The “compelling interest” is public health and safety. Removing hazardous material from a location, as a means to protect public safety, is a long-standing power of government. If “gun violence” is an epidemic disease and risk to public health, the government has “a compelling interest” in containing or removing the source (property; guns) of the disease. Government also has a “compelling interest” in preventing disease epidemic from ever starting; gun ownership.

    Illegal drugs cause addiction. Drug addiction is a disease. In order to contain the spread of addiction disease (and accompanying individual and societal damage), government makes possession of illegally acquired drugs a crime; subject to confiscation and removal to a quarantine facility (prison). SCOTUS already ruled that government regulations regarding illegal drugs do not violate the constitution.

    • Wrong. Abandoned property is no longer personally owned property.

      No no no… there no compelling interest in requiring people to reveal ownership of legally owned property so their kids can go to school, period.

      • And next irs going to be that their kids are suddenly at risk so the parents would be required to surrender the guns or they would be confiscated or the kids taken away.

        You think this type of scheme has not been tried before? You seriously can not think that setting this precedent can possibly be a good idea especially with the straw grasping you are using.

        • “And next irs going to be that their kids are suddenly at risk so the parents would be required to surrender the guns or they would be confiscated or the kids taken away. ”

          So glad to see people here starting to understand the importance of privately owned guns as a public health hazard. The journey to enlightenment starts with a single step.

      • There is a compelling interest in illegal drugs because they are illegal, not because they are legally owned private property.

        • “There is a compelling interest in illegal drugs because they are illegal, not because they are legally owned private property.”

          Both. Drugs in the hands of the public are property of the individuals (whether legal property, or not).

          The issue is not property, but objects facilitating the spread of disease. Any object or human action that creates or spreads disease may generate a public health hazard/risk. To rid society of a disease, stopping the disease at the root is a proper response. If the disease cannot be fully stopped, measures must be taken to shut off pathways as a means to contain the disease to the lowest possible incidence.

        • @Sam I Am

          Guns are not facilitating the spread of a disease.

          If a person decides to ram their car into a crowd of people, is that car a disease? Has the possession of cars by others who do not ram their cars into crowds facilitating the spread of a disease?

          Please provide a link to one report of an in progress crime or in progress act of violence against a victim that caused harm to the victim or took something from the victim that a gun control law or revealing if you own a gun ever stopped.

          Please provide a link to anything that proves an inanimate physical object ever did anything other than be an inanimate physical object. Guns do not generate anything, the people with them do.

          Please provide a link that shows that people are not the cause of your “gun violence disease”. What? Can’t find one? Why is that? It should tell you something.

          Illegal drugs are illegally possessed if they are illegal, they are not legally owned.

          There is no such thing as “gun violence epidemic” or a “gun violence disease”. There are people who do violent things using various things to do them with.

          Legal ownership of a gun does not cause violence or any disease.

          Legal self-defense by gun is not an act of gun violence even though it is a violent act, legal ownership of a gun is not gun violence even though some people use them violently, and it is not a disease. It is, at its basics, having the means for defense required by the human nature of survival, and an act of survival required by nature and human evolution and instinct and natural in the absence of a protective environment to deter the threat prompting such survival instinct action, it is the human nature “immune system” being prepared for and eradicating or suppressing a disease for the purpose of survival. It is not a sin.

          “gun violence” is caused by people who do violent things, it is not caused by guns or the legal ownership of guns.

          ~400,000 people are killed every year from tobacco use and medical science has proven that a child being in a home with a smoker places that child at risk if smoking happens in the home. Is California going to require parents to reveal if they smoke tobacco or not so their kids can go to school?

          ~40,000 people were killed last year in car accidents, and its a proven fact that children in cars are at greater risk in an accident. Surely in relation to car use that car must be a disease. Is California going to require parents to reveal if they own a car or not so their kids can go to school?

          Over 70% of fatal falls are falls from ladders, ~300 deaths annually. There are over 2,000 ladder-related injuries every day. – Surely in relation to ladder use that ladder must be a disease. Is California going to require parents to reveal if they own a ladder or not so their kids can go to school?

          Tobacco, ladders, cars, examples above are representative of the extremes of fallacy you keep bringing up.

          Oh, but now you are going to say “but but but … if a gun did not exist then it could not have been used for the violence therefore the gun is the root cause of the gun violence disease.” (which is what you are essentially saying) – or maybe you will chant “but but but … suicides would be prevented if a gun was not in the home.” – yeah, well, lets get down to what you are really chanting, apparently without realizing it, you are chanting the now favorite of gun-control ‘False Cause Fallacy’.

          Now you are going to say “but but but …stats say…” – its BS. First, there has never been any actual proof that a gun being present in a home increased the chances of suicide or “gun violence”. That’s right, zero actual proof. There has been a lot of stats for “correlation” that a suicide or violence can happen with a gun in the home, and the wailing of “if there would not have been a gun in the home they would not have killed their self (or committed violence).” – that’s BS too. Every study ever presented by gun-control advocates has been based on the premise that correlation equals causation. Every wailing cry of “if there would not have been a gun in the home they would not have killed their self (or committed violence).” is based on the emotional because they don’t know the person would not have chosen some other method had there not been a gun – this too is based on the premise that correlation equals causation.

          The False Cause Fallacy: Correlation Does Not Equal Causation – is a real thing. Its impossible for correlation to equal causation. I work in a science discipline, physics. All science disciplines, including medical science, use the same basics of research, in all science disciplines there is a basic and fundamental empirical fact and that fact is ‘Correlation Does Not Equal Causation’. There has never been one shred of proof in any scientific discipline, or in any society environment, or for any object, or for any medication, or for any person or thing that correlation equals causation. Even in the bible there is not one instance where correlation equaled causation. There has never been one instance proven in law that correlation equaled causation.

          Yet here you are claiming that guns cause “gun-violence disease” and are a “disease epidemic” because they exist. You epitomize the ‘False Cause Fallacy’.

          The ‘False Cause Fallacy’ is a duping method of tyrants, it is pablum for the weak minded masses who want to believe, it is the emotional feeding of those who live by emotion, it is the domain and driving force of idiots, it is the chant of deceivers, its is the means of misdirection away from true cause.

          What causes violence to people in any form is people. This cause is already known, it has been known for centuries, it has been proven by social and medical science. Your “disease” your “gun violence epidemic’ is not gun existence, its people.

          The claims that “gun-violence disease’ ‘gun-violence epidemic’ exist because guns exist is a ‘False Cause Fallacy’

  9. Public Health and Safety would have a hard time to say that firearms were a dangerous addiction and then have police and the military train with them would set a bad precedent.

    • “Public Health and Safety would have a hard time to say that firearms were a dangerous addiction and then have police and the military train with them would set a bad precedent.”

      Not really even a wrinkle in the concept: it is guns in the hands of the general population that create a public health hazard; instant carve out for cops and military.

      • @Sam I Am

        false. Your ‘false cause fallacy’ chant once again. Do you work for Shannon Watts?

        • “false. Your ‘false cause fallacy’ chant once again. Do you work for Shannon Watts?”

          Kinda disappointed you do not recognize what you are reading.

  10. Just look at this guy with that ridiculous suit, stupid store bought haircut and disgusting pedo-smile. He looks like a pluperfect cross between Lamp the wife beater and Geoff the (fully vaxxed and boosted) Florida Pervert.

    • I’ve never seen Lamp or Geoff or you sorry one but my money says that picture is of you or your significant other.

    • Pathetic, brainless, nameless troll,

      Glad to see Geoff and I are so adept at occupying the empty space at the top of your alleged spine. And we don’t even pay rent!

      You have yet to write anything even coherent, let alone cogent, on this blog. Please hie thyself off to environs more receptive to your brainless, pathetic attempts at humor – you are not mentally equipped for such. Besides, the adults are having a conversation here; brainless children such as yourself are an annoying distraction with your failed attempts at wit.

      The cable awaits. Oh, and you are too stupid to insult.

      • Lol. Lamp has arisen and is typing words. You’re not exactly making your several imaginary alma maters proud with all this incoherent claptrap. But, trying is half the battle I suppose.

        • Well, you keep trying, but you never get less pathetic, witless, uneducated and banal. Try harder, I think your serial onanism is warping that tiny speck of brain you may have once possessed. You aren’t clever, you aren’t witty, you aren’t original, and you aren’t smart.

          Go back to onanism or the cable; those seem to be all you are capable of. You are too stupid to insult.

          Never did figure out that Balaam’s off ass reference, did ya, brainless troll?? That’s because you’re stupid and uneducated.

  11. now do the 14th amendment
    because every parent who has a child at a school should be able to find out if theres a child that attends that school that has a parent at home that has killed a baby

  12. “…every parent who has a child at a school should be able to find out if theres a child that attends that school that has a parent at home that has killed a baby.”

    You are such a mean ol’ meany.

  13. Take your children out of “public”(really government indoctrination centers) schools and you avoid this unpleasantness. Easy peasy! On a side note, I consider “public” school to be child abuse these days.

  14. Do not answer this. It is a great way for a school tool to throw a red flag order at you.

    Also a clear violation of protection against self incrimination.

    • Well, Andrew, I suspect KKKalifornia will have a “compliance rate” comparable to the “compliance rate” for the KKKalifornia AWB – barely into double digits. Even the sheep still remaining in that failing state seem to possess SOME semblance of spine.

  15. Does it surprise anyone in a free state that these libtards in california would come up with an anti gun scheme like this.These are the same politicians that go back to their safe spaces every night while the peons that can’t afford security protection or don’t live in gated communities have to fend for themselves.

  16. It’ll never fly. SCOTUS ruled years ago that criminals are exempt from gun registration because of the 5th Amendment protections against self-incrimination.

  17. “It’ll never fly. SCOTUS ruled years ago that criminals are exempt from gun registration because of the 5th Amendment protections against self-incrimination.”

    I read that SCOTUS decision applied only to accused criminals, not to persons with no criminal record. Otherwise any and all forms of questions/records demonstrating a connection between a person and a firearm would be unconstitutional in the execution of law government inquiry.

    In short, if you are not accused of any crime, you have no 5th Amendment protection from government inquiry.

    (Note: I’ve been mistaken about things only three times in 9yrs as a TTAG subscriber. Maybe four. Possibly 5.)

  18. “I thought I was wrong once. Turns out I was mistaken.”

    Yeah, it’s a crappy feeling when that happens.

  19. and yet another piece of legislation that, if passed and signed, will be universally ignored by everyone.

    Will the California state government ever figure out that the gun owners in this state are now in basically 2 camps.

    Those that ignore the law, and those that are active felons (the word felon as used say 50 years ago and later, before the left just decided that that meant everyone who owns a gun)q

  20. If the Californians do not like the requirements being passed the Californians need to vote someone in who Does Not Infringe on their constitution.
    I doubt that will happen.
    We the People have reached a point where the government no longer works for us but we for them. And now that the government has that power the government will abuse it.
    How do we take the power back? I do not think that is possible.
    Ideally a president, congressman, senator, governor, or your local mayor would be paid no more then that states minimum hourly wage.
    It’s the, If it is good enough for us then its good enough for them, philosophy.
    So much wrong, and it started with politicians who were more interested in their financial gains then in what they can do to benefit Our country.
    Civil war, revolution, insurrection? No that’s not an answer, as each and everyone of us with very few exceptions have become dependent on our government.
    A non violent solution and wake up call to the powers that be could be achieved if the American people would join together as a nation and all call in sick for three days.
    ha ha ha
    I can see it now, the first Facebook, Twitter, cell phone calls ,whatever, would have the internet or other means of getting out the message shut down immediately.

  21. the government cannot compel speech from you..the cant make you respond to anything that could possibly incriminate you at any/some point..they can pound sand..

  22. @Tionico
    “Other than those two areas, FedGov had=ve NO authority whatever to “protect” us.”

    SCOTUS ruled different, creating the judicial concept of “compelling government interest”. The central committee cannot direct SCOTUS on its internal operations, thus whatever SCOTUS decides their jurisprudence is, it is what it is, with no realistic recourse (maybe, just maybe, Congress can pass legislation that puts certain classes of dispute beyond the reach of the court system) .

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