Law enforcement officers walk near the entrance to an apartment complex where a shooting wounded several FBI agents while serving an arrest warrant, Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2021, in Sunrise, Fla. (AP Photo/Marta Lavandier)

Bringing back memories of the 1986 Miami Shootout, a suspect has killed two FBI agents and wounded three others this morning in a shootout in Sunrise, Florida. As a result of the gun battle, the subject of the search warrant in what’s described as a “violent crimes against children case” has died of his injuries.

Apparently the suspect made a stand in his apartment and gunfire ensued starting at about 6am Tuesday morning.

Details remain pretty thin this morning. NPR did the reporting.

Two FBI agents are dead and at least three others are wounded after a raid on a home in Sunrise, Fla., turned violent early Tuesday. The suspect reportedly barricaded himself in his home, where agents were serving a search warrant as part of a “violent crimes against children case,” the FBI said in a statement. The suspect is also dead.

The violence erupted around 6 a.m. ET, in an apartment complex in the Water Terrace community in Sunrise, a city west of Fort Lauderdale in Broward County.

“Two wounded Agents were transported to hospital and are in stable condition,” the FBI field office in Miami said. It added, “The names of the deceased will not be released at this time.”

Police in Sunrise warned of a “heavy police presence in the area” Tuesday morning, urging residents to stay indoors. The massive law enforcement response included an FBI mobile command center and dozens of police patrol and tactical vehicles. The department later said that the area was safe, but that an investigation was continuing.

According to the Miami Herald, the suspect apparently committed suicide.


    • Republicans pre January 6th insurrection caused and fomented by former President Trump: ‘bAcK tHe BluE’!

      Republicans after the January 6th insurrection caused and fomented by former President Trump and which left 5 people dead and hundreds injured: ‘fUcK tHOse rEd FlaG cOmMiEs’!!!

      • The above traitorous mealy mouth democRat pervert sounds upset over what was said to be a now deceased child abuser. Poor poor democRat.

        • Debbie, I don’t think he’s a commie, a lefty, or a Dem of any sort. That comment isn’t meant to change minds, it’s made to harden them. He’s not trying to change people, he’s trying to drive them together. That smells like satire to me.

        • “upset over what was said to be a now deceased child abuser”

          I have no idea if the guy was a child abuser or not. We must note that if the gubbermint wants you, they’re going to make vacuous charges that appeal to the public.

          Some dude who was ready and able to take out five FBI agents is probably something more than just a kiddy diddler.

        • +1 Paul

          I have to take everything with a grain of salt these days. 2 grains if it involves Feds and Big Media.

      • That was no insurrection. You’d shut your pants if you saw a real one.

        It was a mostly peaceful protest.

        • You’re right, it wasn’t an insurrection. It was a failed insurrection. Because former President Trump has failed at everything he’s ever tried, including his attempted management of an illegal coup.

      • hardly an insurrection, just another riot. Much milder than the vast majority that happened this summer.

      • This was sent to me last week, how quickly they forget.

        Remember the last “insurrection”, that was in 2018 when thousands of liberal protesters, fired up by Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, marched up Capitol Hill. Hundreds of Democrat protesters stormed the into the Capital, interrupted the Kavanaugh hearings, were pounding walls and doors with their signs and wood shafts, yelling, screaming and threating lawmakers in the halls of congress. Cornering our congressmen and women in elevators, and even in their offices after barging their way in. Remember Nancy Pelosi defended the protesters because she said it was…. “THE PEOPLES HOUSE”! Chuck Schumer also took a defiant similar stance backing their protest and disruption. Many legislators and their staff were threatened, frightened and intimidated by the accosting mob, fearing bodily injury or worse. Capitol Police began began trying to control the hundreds of protesters inside the Hart Senate Office Building who raised their fists and loudly started chanting “Kavanaugh has got to go.” The protesters began sitting down in the building’s atrium, refusing to cooperate with law enforcement. After several hours Capital Police gained some control and the angry mobs of protesters then marched through the National Mall to the Supreme Court, where they shut down the street in front of the court and rallied some more. Speakers called out Republican senators Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Jeff Flake of Arizona and Susan Collins of Maine. Some protesters may have been encouraged to attend the rally after the Party Majority PAC, a sponsor of the protest, listed the names of numerous supportive celebrities, including Alicia Keys, Eva Longoria, Whoopi Goldberg and Lena Dunham along with some news organizations fueling and pushing stories ahead of the event……I don’t remember a media outrage or meltdown of the protesters after, do you? How many were arrested and charged? …….nada!

      • It wasn’t an insurrection It was a “mostly peaceful protest”.

        If BLM and Antifa can cause $2 Billion worth of property damage and still be called peaceful protesters then surely a bunch of unarmed people walking into the capitol are even more so.

      • You don’t know what is really going on. S/A Alfin and Schwartzenberger weren’t even on the Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Force, they were just brought in as extra manpower for the warrant service. They were assigned to investigate political corruption in south Florida and had uncovered information that would have rocked the political establishment all the way to Washington. The whole raid today was a sham to get rid of Alfin and Schwartzenberger — they were given the “Serpico” treatment. It would have been too obvious if they both had a heart attack while sleeping, or each died in a car crash. This is a “clean kill.”
        Of course, this is all nonsense that I just made up, just as you made up that nonsense about Trump “causing” an “insurrection.”

      • Democrats. If it wasn’t for double standards they wouldn’t have any.

        They openly tolerated 4 months of rioting, looting, arson, robbery, and assaults as “mostly peaceful protests” by their running dog lackey media. But then get their knickers in a twist when a protest gets a bit too close to home.

        Dems, please note ANTIFA and BLM have detected weakness from you and will exploit this further if they are not placated.

  1. Yep and now because of a criminal, regular law abiding citizens will have to pay. These politicians really now how to stick it criminals. They commit crimes and others have to pay…I guess that’s how communism works. Others enjoy what working people produce.

    • This is exactly why we have a 2nd Amendment. “Shall not be abridged” means exactly what it says.

        • Well, if Mr. Editor would kindly re-enable the edit function—which has gone walkabout for quite awhile now—the posts on TTAG might magically become a bit easier to read. Just sayin’ . . .

        • re-enable the edit function—which has gone walkabout

          The edit function works just fine… (EDIT/EDIT/EDIT) added post posting (after it was posted……………………………………..

    • In Marxian dialecticism criminals are considered “ideologically close” and citizens are considered “ideologically apart”. It why the system is preferential to criminals.

  2. The whole thing reeks….

    I don’t believe the lying FBI for a second. This was gun confiscation, pure and simple.

    The first shot of Dementia Joe in the new war against gun owners. I bet we’ll start hearing a LOT of these kinds of stories soon.

    • The FBI has about 35,000 employees total.

      If we start hearing about this on the regular we’ll rapidly stop hearing about it at all. They’ll run out of field agents.

      • Interesting point: if they lose 2 agents per raid on average, they can only conduct about 1,600 raids before they are out of agents.

        Yes, I realize that strych9 quoted 35,000 agents and 2 lost agents per raid x (times) 1,600 raids is only 32,000 lost agents — which is 3,00 agents short of completely running out of agents. Now ask yourself a simple question, “If you were an FBI agent and 32,000 of your 35,000 member force died on raids, would you continue to work for the FBI and continue to conduct raids?” The obvious answer is, “no,” especially when the assignment is violating the U.S. Constitution to enforce an unconstitutional law.

        • I think they’d be out well before 1600 simply because they don’t actually have that many of this type of agent.

          Lots of the people they employ are not field agents. They’re not gonna send Bob, the computer wiz from the cyber crimes division out to kick doors. Nor do I believe they possess a “Tactical Forensic Accounting Unit” skilled in spreadsheets and CQB.

        • Seriously, are you retarded, or just particularly bad with zeros and commas?

          I say, yer maths are, I say, yer maths are failing’ ya, boy.

        • 1,600×2=3,200 not 32,000. Anyways I agree with you on the agents not wanting to do raids to gather guns if each raid nets lost agents. Im sure the higher ups won’t give a damn and keep ordering the raids. I’m also sure agents would then just start coming back empty handing saying the homeowner was out on a boat trip and should just come back later.

        • You guys are harsh. I basically figured that he made a basic arithmetic error with the zero and carried it through.

          Regardless, I think his point stands.

          1000 dead or wounded and the rest sent into the field suddenly either won’t go or will find a way to “fail to make contact”. No way they’re gonna play that kind of game. Especially if you consider that 1600 is, what, like 1/62500 of the gun owners in this country and it would have already cost them nearly 10% of all the agents they have.

          This is one of the reasons some of the “civil war” and “insurrectionist” talk from the hard, hard Left is so stupid. 1% of gun owners decide to fight back and each one takes one government person with them and all LE nationwide is wiped out along with 1/3rd of the National Guard. Just 1% and all federal, state and local sworn LE are gone plus over 100K guardsmen.

          That kinda shit gets really, really nasty really, really fast.

        • Doh! I definitely committed a basic Arithmetic error.

          The correct answer is that FBI would be limited to something like 16,000 raids (rather than 1,600 raids) at most. That is still a PUNY number with respect to the total number of firearm owners (about 100 million) and illustrates that fedzilla lacks the manpower to forcefully confiscate any significant percentage of firearms in civilian hands.

      • The FBI has about 35,000 employees total.

        Of the 35000 there are only somewhere between 13/14000 “Special (field) Agents”… The rest are intelligence analysts, language specialists, scientists, and information technology specialists…

        • Oh they won’t stop with the Feds, the Military will be called in. Illegal? Like they care?

          Hopefully, our military has more sense than some PDs and Feds and actually refuse unlawful orders.

          • Military will be called in. Illegal? Like they care?

            THAT would be the line…. Once that is crossed there is no turning back.. Those that I have communication with have determined that the current situation is tenable with lawyers and money, should any attempt at intermittent confiscation begin then localized resistance will be necessary and any attempt at large scale nationwide confiscation will be treated as a act of war on the people of the United States and the Constitution which most of use took an oath to protect and defend against ALL enemies foreign AND domestic… Many are current active duty NG and active Reserves…..

      • That’s what he is calling the lie.
        Nobody cares if you kill a kiddy diddler.
        But red flag confiscations are a whole different story.

      • Big difference between porn and violence. If it really was a “violent crimes against children” case as the news suggests (but who believes the news anymore?), maybe they should’ve been better prepared to encounter a violent suspect.

        • Suspect was alone at 6 AM, raid was an attempt to confiscate his computer, within which were apparently violent crimes against children, what pitiful bullshit. He had pictures on his computer, so 5 people came to kill him and he kicked their asses. Possession of pictures is protected by 1A, obviously when possessed by LE, of course not when possessed by everyone else.
          How one man overcame 5 FBI agents is a story I don’t think we are going to hear.

        • Funny how the Feds have time and manpower to go after this guy for what they claim was kiddy porn, but after having Hunter Biden’s computer with all his kiddy porn for over a year, haven’t quite managed to find time to go after him.
          The Two Tiered Justice System at work again.

        • What evidence can you offer that it was Hunter Biden‘s laptop and it had child porn on it?

          Source or citation?

      • That is what they say, but the FBI has been known to lie. Can we believe the official story?

        Probably true but not 100% sure anymore

        • “Trust is a fragile thing. Once earned, it affords us tremendous freedom but once trust is lost it can be impossible to recover. Of course the truth is, we never know who we can trust. Those we’re closest to can betray us. “

          • “Trust is a fragile thing. Once earned, it affords us tremendous freedom but once trust is lost it can be impossible to recover. Of course the truth is, we never know who we can trust. Those we’re closest to can betray us. “

            Probably why Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili said, “I trust no one, not even myself.”

      • It may be genuine, but the “kiddie pron” is an easy PR out. Same with planting some needles and H on a target of interest after the fact. The public story deflects scrutiny and criticism of the masses. It’s tough to take these situations at face value given there is generally more to the story than the one side, which also creates the public narrative, is willing to share.

        • I can believe the stated purpose of the raid. It would have been documented, through the actual warrant and the evidence offered in support of it, prior to the whole thing going pear-shaped. The feds tend to be very thorough in their warrant applications, and the charge is one that lends itself to a digital paper trail.

          Now, whether I believe their eventual explanation of what actually went down, that’s another matter. With two agents lying dead, there’s going to be enough arse-covering to turn the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show into a convent, and enough spin to run the turbines at Niagara Falls.

        • The feds tend to be very thorough in their warrant applications,

          Yeah VERY thorough, to the point of ALTERING evidence and omitting facts to get at a President THEY don’t like.. FBI pissed away it’s credibility when they participated in the “soft” coup of a dully elected President.. I don’t care what level it occurred on, it reflects on ALL and until proven otherwise none of them can be trusted..

        • Their working on “violence against children” crap when talking about pictures on a computer and a man alone in his home at 6 AM, is not working for me. Unless those pictures depict that man committing violence against children, which I doubt.

      • This is why it is so important for public servants to operate in truth and integrity. When they lie to the public, they do immense harm to the very fabric of our society.

        People are rapidly losing respect for government agents at all levels. There are a lot of good people in government, but the evil few taint the reputation of the honorable ones. Also, the evil people seem to almost always rise to the top.

        • People are rapidly losing respect for government agents at all levels.

          For good reason.

          There are a lot of good people in government, but the evil few taint the reputation of the honorable ones.

          Those in government who don’t do evil themselves but who don’t blow the whistle on those who do, or don’t resign and find work with honest people, are not “good people”. That doesn’t leave very many on the good side of the fence.

          • “Those in government who don’t do evil themselves but who don’t blow the whistle on those who do, or don’t resign and find work with honest people, are not “good people”.”

            Yeah, but. Yeah, but. Muh pension, an’ muh job. An’ I gots bills.

            Yes, all of us are guilty of looking the other way on some important issue for which we were unwilling to sacrifice. We are humans. Doesn’t excuse it, just explains it.

    • Is there anything in your conspiracy world that would NOT immediately point to “gun confiscation”?

      Just because the FBI says it doesn’t make it true. But just because the FBI says it doesn’t make it false, either. I find it amusing that some of the people who scream the loudest about protecting the children from predators immediately think it’s some massive nefarious plot if federal agents try to do just that.

      • Yes,
        Sometimes they are trying to deprive us of our first Amendment freedom of speech and religion.

        Other times, they are trying to steal/or tax away our property.

    • FBI only has jurisdiction for Federal laws. There isn’t a Federal red flag law, yet. Florida state or local agencies would be enforcing Florida’s red flag law. If there were Federal gun laws being violated, BATFE would be in on the action, such as Ruby Ridge or Waco.

        • Indeed. It probably is what the FBI said it was.

          It’s just that it is getting hard to believe them these days.

      • Every time recently that there has been a big ruckus of some sort, we discover the ATF is present within minutes no matter where it occurs, and no matter whether any federal crime is even suggested. I agree your description is how it is *supposed* to work, but I don’t believe that’s what is happening any more.

    • Oh my gosh, the conspiracy theories in this comment section are unreal. Get a grip, people. The FBI hasn’t exactly covered itself in glory on the political stage lately, but the vast majority of rank and file in field offices are good people doing difficult jobs (made even more difficult by some of the idiots at the top in Washington).

      This isn’t some “false flag” setup, it’s just an evil dude violently lashing out at the people who were charged with stopping his twisted, degenerate behavior. That happens sometimes, you know: evil people do evil things, and when they’re confronted about it, they do even more evil in an attempt to escape. We should be glad that there are good people in the world who are willing to stop them, and mourn when a tragedy like this takes those good people from us.

      • Probably,
        …but they also told us that Epstein killed himself, that there wasn’t any election fraud, and that Benghazi was all about some stupid youtube video.

      • the vast majority of rank and file in field offices are good people doing difficult jobs

        UmmmHmmmm.. like the 29 FBI Agents in full body armor, armed to the teeth AND with CNN in tow showed up to arrest that dangerous and highly volatile Roger Stone (who has NEVER even owned a gun) for allegedly lying to them…. Now that must have been one “difficult” job, having to get up in the middle of the night and putting on all that gear to go out at six AM to arrest some old man living with his deaf wife and a couple of little dogs…

        • “…like the 29 FBI Agents in full body armor, armed to the teeth AND with CNN in tow showed up to arrest that dangerous and highly volatile Roger Stone (who has NEVER even owned a gun) for allegedly lying to them.”

          And just how, pray tell, would you have ensured all your agents went home safe that night? Take no chances; prisoners optional.

          • And just how, pray tell, would you have ensured all your agents went home safe that night?

            There are two (2) possible scenarios…
            (1) I probably would have called his fucking Lawyer and asked him to bring Mr. Stone to me… Cost a lot less, no one endangered, no “PERP WALK” for CNN… Or (B) they could have banged on the door yelled “FBI, open up” and then had someone else yell “gun in he window” at which point they go all “Scarface” on him.. shoot up the house, kill Stone, his wife AND the two dogs (ooops not BATFE) and burn the joint to the ground.. Then later they could brag that NO agents were injured in the “exchange” of gunfire but Special Agent Jones DID slightly burn his hand when he spilled some of his coffee… No matter, a dangerous criminal is off the street and the community of Ft. Lauderdale is once again a safe place to live…

            • Yes, all that was possible, but once you decide to send 29 agents on a raid, you need all sorts of firepower and armor and equipment to protect your agents from a old man who was never violent, never harmed or threatened law enforcement, was to be captured in darkness, and, the most heinous act of all was lying to authorities. Such people are a danger to the public, to the republic, to democracy*. You gotta make sure you approach targets like that with overwhelming surprise and force.

              No matter what else, do whatever it takes to make sure your people survive, even if you have to burn the village to save it.

              And don’t forget, worst of all, he had a dog, too.

              • No matter what else, do whatever it takes to make sure your people survive, even if you have to burn the village to save it.
                worst of all, he had a dog,

                Absolutely.. AND he actually had two dogs (little yappy ankle biters, but dogs all the same (good thing there was no ATF presence)…

              • “AND he actually had two dogs (little yappy ankle biters, …)

                Yep, the absolute most dangerous breed.

        • the vast majority of rank and file in field offices are good people doing difficult jobs

          Only a moron still holds that opinion after the last 4 years.

          • the vast majority of rank and file in field offices are good people doing difficult jobs
            Only a moron still holds that opinion after the last 4 years.

            I think we are in agreement

        • Didn’t Paul Manafort get the 3 AM SWAT team treatment as well? Machine guns in the faces of his wife and children, screaming armored men in the dark and the whole shitaree? Sure makes me respect them. NOT.

          • Didn’t Paul Manafort get the 3 AM SWAT team treatment as well

            Nahhhh, Manafort didn’t lie to the FBI he just didn’t pay some taxes and filed a misleading document with a bank… Only a dozen agents, no SWAT… Entered the home (no knock?) while everyone was sleeping at 3 AM…

  3. Breaking news from the lying commies at NPR (National Public Radio)

    Definitely a false flag….

    • Sounds like an old timer is ready for the Alzheimer’s ward at the local nursing home…You know that there are real cops and real FBI agents out in the field executing warrants every day, right? And a slew of criminal cases clogging up all the courts in the land? Or are all of those “false flags” also? On top of which, it isn’t just NPR that is reporting the story.

      • Mark N. said:
        “Or are all of those “false flags” also?”

        Majority of them, yes. The FBI’s claim to fame is their system of urging aspiring criminals to commit their crimes with the help of the FBI who supplies whatever they need, then make of big show of arresting the culprit at just the right time and looking good in the process.
        I have seen countless cases like this.

  4. Most Feds don’t wear body cams…it would be interesting to see where “The Battle Plan” went wrong.

    As far as the 1986 Miami Dade Shootout…I had the opportunity to view two distinctly different reconstructions of the events there. Dade County did an excellent timeline-reconstruction video which, excruciatingly, pointed out the FBI’s errors. A year later, I watched the FBI’s slick production on the shootout. The FBI version was like viewing a glossy magazine…lots of fluff and short on substance. Excuses and posturing were the main themes. The only good result (for the Bureau) was that they changed their hiring criteria to include a wider variety of applicant experience…fewer accountants and lawyers and more street-practical people.

    G_d bless the deceased Agents and their survivor families.

  5. Another reason why Federal officers should not be handling cases like this . Local law enforcement should have handled this from the get-go . And stop the subject when he was entering his car from a shopping trip or outside the home . This would have prevented this entire standoff with multiple officers being shot and the subject being killed . Who in the hell in their right mind raids a known child abuser at 6 a.m. when everyone is still home hasn’t left for work yet in their apartment complex ???? I’ll tell you who stupid ass federal agents . They must not have learned anything from Waco Texas . Local law enforcement could have picked this guy up when he was getting into his car in the parking lot or in to Or out of his vehicle When going shopping without Endangering an entire apartment complex Of people . They would rather get into a armed battle around a bunch of pesky citizens . They’re protecting and serving the hell out of their Community here in Florida . Whoever planned this Fiasco should be fired and let go . Echo

    • Except for the fact that the local P.D. don’t have a very good rep… I realize Scott Isreal was fired by Gov. DeSantis, but if you were in charge of the warrant, who would you be likely to hand it off to?

    • Echo,

      Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!!! We have a winner!

      And stop the subject when he was entering his car from a shopping trip or outside the home . This would have prevented this entire standoff with multiple officers being shot and the subject being killed . Who in the hell in their right mind raids a known child abuser at 6 a.m. when everyone is still home hasn’t left for work yet in their apartment complex ????

      That is absolute, solid, pure, 0.999, refined gold truth.

    • Local law enforcement should have handled this…

      Sunrise FL is in BROWARD county where cops would rather hide behind their vehicles when children are in danger… But the dead rise up every two years to vote for their favorite Democrats…

      • The FBI agents were probably victims of friendly fire. Or the Broward County Cowards were in a overwatch position (hiding behind the Bearcat using their trousers as a field latrine).

        • a overwatch position (hiding behind the Bearcat using their trousers as a field latrine).

          The more likely scenario… Or both…

    • I get your point. However think of this, that takedown at his car turns into a high speed pursuit. That takedown at a store or work turns to a shootout with possibly way more people around or a hostage situation. Sometimes the evil you know, (hitting the house or apartment at 6am where hopefully he is confined) than the evil you don’t know.

      • I’ve seen officers waiting for a suspect to come outside and get into his car and the officers cut all four tires on the car earlier in the morning. That’s the best way to stop a potential high speed chase before it even begins.

    • Wow. Somehow I missed that concept. Federal officers involved in porn? WTF is up with that, shouldn’t that be a state prosecution?

  6. I’m going to take a wild guess they weren’t following up on the Epstein case or Hunter’s laptop.

  7. I would be interested to know if the barricaded suspect was alone. If he was, the agents’ tactics were horrible. If he was not, kudos for them for for making the hard choice of moving forward.

    • One more possible scenario- the guy is disseminating CP of a current victim, even if not one he’s directly abusing, and they feel the need to get him and his hardware immediately to try and trace it down or flip him to get the location or suspect doing it.

      But yes, if there was no immediate threat, this seems like another needless use of dangerous tactics.

  8. Of all the places, Broward County?

    5 wounded agents?

    Thought 6am no knocks were gonna be done away with after so many bad things happened before?

    • Why? So they could first shoot his dog, then blow off a 13 year-old’s arm first before running off and then calling in the Feeb to then come in and shoot his nursing wife in the head? Is that before or after the ATF show up and shoot each other with stupidly exotic “cyclone” ring-razer bullets?

      None of them, not one federal agency has had what you’d call a professional history of arrest warrants/raids.

      No. 1 hidden rule of the FBI is “Don’t embarrass the Bureau.” Well, then, maybe think about mitigating risks after performing at least a cursory hazard analysis. Maybe, just maybe, they should go back to being an “Investigative Bureau” instead of trying to kick in doors. I’d say leave that to the Staties to deal with; they usually typify quiet professionalism without the ego.

      • They are not all the same. Would you call a Broward County deputy over, say, an Arizona cop from the department featured in a recent video taking out a guy who was holding a gun on a toddler? I would rather be able to choose the latter.

        The FBI, with the exception of the HRT, is lowly regarded on the list of feds in terms of training, ability, etc when it comes to stuff like physical arrests, raids, shootings, etc. Most are paper pushers who are issued a gun. The Marshals are quite well-regarded as capturing dangerous bad guys is what they do, rather than a side-gig, and they tend to actually be clever about it. The USSS is generally known to be similarly professional and trained, though they seem to like the drink too much. I don’t know if the ATF has gotten its act together any but no one will ever forget how they botched Waco.

        • While the USMS, and pretty much every other alphabet agency, involved in Ruby Ridge royally dicked up, but they do have a pretty long history of being highly successful in recovering fugitives and wanted men. That success is largely owed due to their focus in this area and their good integration of local assets and agencies in helping serve their arrest warrants. They’re the only federal law enforcement agency created by Congress and, arguably, the only one authorized by the Constitution given their nature as essentially the enforcement arm of the federal court system.

        • Botched? The whole point of the Waco siege was to make an example of the Branch Davidians for living in a compound and refusing to comply with unconstitutional federal laws. The plan was to kill a bunch of them in spectacular fashion and that’s exactly what they did.

        • “The FBI, with the exception of the HRT, is lowly regarded on the list of feds in terms of training, ability, etc“

          Y’all have no idea what you are talking about.

          It was actually the FBI HRT that killed Vicky Weaver.

  9. Somebody really screwed the pooch here. This was a Scott Israel-sized fustercluck. The difference is that Israel was fired; the Feeb-in-charge will be promoted.

    • I can hear the faint sound of Shannon T. Watts moaning in the background.
      Why the hell don’t they go after these bastards while they are out in the open? What a cluster$%^&!

  10. U.S. Marshalls seem to just be better at this sort of thing. They’ve been nabbing human traffickers for months now – no incidents. Same thing for high-risk fugitives. FBI are just not very good at policing.

  11. I do have a problem with making possession of digital, printed or any other representational form of sexual or any other content illegal.

    Why couldn’t the government criminalize reloading manuals, firearms blueprints, cnc files or even this internet site, if they follow the “child pornography” concept?

    Sure, committing, attempting or conspiring to commit murder is illegal. But possessing, distributing or even selling actual images, no matter how graphic, of actual victims of murder, including mass murder, is perfectly legal.

    No, I’m not arguing in favor of kiddie porn. What I do object to is the government, or anyone else, telling me that I cannot possess anything that is not capable of causing harm without wilful human intervention.

    • Creating kiddie porn inherently victimizes children. Supporting the market is supporting the abuse.

      • The existence of firearms inherently victimizes and endangers children. Supporting firearms businesses, shops, ranges, ammo manufacturing, and on and on, must obviously be persecuted and murdered, can’t wait for a trial, hang ’em all NOW!!

        Are you serious? Have you kids ever heard of Traci Lords? Porno star who reigned supreme as one of the nastiest ever, retired from the business after 3 full years, on her 18th birthday, making all the millions of movie reels of her “work” kiddie porn, should everybody involved (hundreds of thousands) go to prison immediately? Poor abused kid was seriously rich.

        • “The existence of firearms inherently victimizes and endangers children. Supporting firearms businesses, shops, ranges, ammo manufacturing, and on and on, must obviously be persecuted and murdered, can’t wait for a trial, hang ’em all NOW!!

          Are you serious?”

          If he isn’t, I am. Spending money on firearms and related equipment directly supports the gun industry’s supplying of guns for criminals. Such expenditures inherently victimizes everyone, especially those who want all guns removed from the public (except from criminals, who themselves are victims of the gun industry).

          Think that is flawed logic? Well….it is based on the settled science that driving vehicles that use internal combustion engines supports terrorism that is paid for by oil rich middle east nations, who depend upon Americans burning prodigious amounts of fossil fuels. Ergo, spending money on the gun industry results in guns.

        • Larry, I feel like you probably didn’t mean to sound like you’re in favor of child pornography, but your comment is just… wow. Do you genuinely not see a difference between criminalizing child abuse (and likewise criminalizing the aiding and abetting of the child abuse industry) vs. denying people their 2A rights? I can’t imagine a point of view that better satirizes modern libertarianism…

    • Given the amount of child abuse and kiddie porn out there when it is illegal I shudder to imagine what it would be like if it wasn’t.

      I can understand the philosophical argument but cannot accept it here. Sometimes exceptions need to be made for reality and to account for the dark nature of humanity.

    • Pure drivel. You are absolutely defending child pornography. There are some concrete things in this world that ARE right or wrong, full stop.

      • “You are absolutely defending child pornography. There are some concrete things in this world that ARE right or wrong, full stop.”

        Not actually. The “defense” is regarding whether the First Amendment is absolute, and if some “…things in this world ARE right or wrong:”, who decides, and why can that same justification be used to make it a federal crime to share on line anything related to civilian possession of firearms and accessories.

        The claim has already been made that guns in the hands of the public represent a severe public health danger. The matter at hand is that if holding or sharing child porn is a crime, what prevents the government (Feds) from declaring that possessing/sharing files for creating 3D guns is a crime?

        • things in this world ARE right or wrong:”, who decides

          A grown man inserts his penis into a child and I find out about it, I’LL fucking “DECIDE”

          • “A grown man inserts his penis into a child and I find out about it, I’LL fucking “DECIDE”…”

            That’s nice for you, but then I would get to decide that refusing to acknowledge and support and encourage transgender demands makes you an enemy of the people, too dangerous to be left alive.

            Besides, the conversation is not about sexual abuse of a child (already a crime), but what is permitted to be seen/read. Why are we free to see/read all sorts of results of criminal activity, except child porn? Is the First Amendment absolute, or not? If not, why not? The next question is whether the Second Amendment is absolute. If not, why are some infringements permissible, but others (especially the ones we don’t like) are not?

            “Some things are just wrong!” is dependent upon the general consensus of a society. When a society decides that what was wrong yesterday is right today, and “Some things are just wrong!” shifts with it. And with that, also shifts the meaning of the constitution.

            In the end, everything is about power (yes, might makes right). If you have the power to prevent exploitation of child porn, you can do so. If you do not have the power, you cannot prevent the exploitation. Your moral compass, and mine, can rule over us as individual but not over other people….unless we have the power.

            So, is the First Amendment absolute, or not? If not, why not? And who decides?

        • Boko Haram kidnaps 12-year-old girls by the hundreds to be held captive and gang-raped for years, didja go take care of that for us? And is a video a crime, or evidence against the perpetrators?

          • “Boko Haram kidnaps 12-year-old girls by the hundreds to be held captive and gang-raped for years, didja go take care of that for us?”

            Irrelevant. The discussion is about shared depictions, not the actual crime. You know that.

            “And is a video a crime, or evidence against the perpetrators?”

            The taking of a video might, in some circumstances (classified material or activities, invasion of privacy), be a crime. Viewing a video has yet to be designated a crime. Yes, a video can certainly be used as evidence of a crime, yet viewing the evidence is not criminal. (kinda settled by the SC regarding the Pentagon Papers).

            So, if holding and viewing child porn can be criminalized, how does viewing and holding files for 3D printing of guns not be a crime? (in places where such has been designated a crime)? We aren’t talking about an actual “ghost gun”, but just pictures and text.

            So the analogy would be that a person commits a crime, and possesses a video of the crime. Then the perp posts online the video of the crime. Are people who viewed the crime video guilty of a crime of some sort? In both cases people are victimized (maybe even killed). Whether child porn, or videos of an actual crime, what justifies criminalization of seeing/reading one, but not the other? And where does the criminalization stop?

        • “The discussion is about shared depictions, not the actual crime.“


          By sharing the image, one is participating in the crime.

          Unlike adult porn, it is impossible to create child pornography without committing a crime against a minor.

          Indefensible to create, possess, share or sell child pornography.

  12. The FBI likes making a showy arrest, something that looks good on camera, and that is usually when things like this happen. If they wait for a moment of opportunity like catch him getting in his car then they don’t know when and where to tell the media to be there. Unless there was reason to believe someone in that house was in immanent and immediate danger why risk making the arrest this way, if the person is armed they are on home ground and have access to whatever weapons they possess.

  13. Not to sound too much like a conspiracy nut, but it’s possible the current people in power just label whoever they want to raid/silence/kill a pedo so there is no pushback from the population…

    • How dare you use logic after the msm has already made their conviction in the court of social media…. Such thought clearly makes you an enemy to our “democracy…”
      Disclaimer; Sarcasm

  14. I’ll wait for details before commenting further on this specific situation.

    I will note that the fact that he popped five feds, with at least two KIA doesn’t bode well for forcible gun confiscation though. With a 5-1 average the government would be out of enforcement agents and military personnel after ~680K attempts, and that’s assuming everyone they could muster was willing to go get shot trying to enforce confiscation.

    • Oh I agree S9…pathetic really. I see massive non-compliance on any nationwide confiscation/raids. I dunno whut to believe. Certainly not the FBI!

  15. What caused the matter to escalate, or bypass, beyond the local LE? The feds used the same excuse to attack the compound at Waco. It was never clear why concern over child safety became a federal matter.

    Also note, for some reason the FBI seems to keep taking on people who are better shots.

    • They’re claiming kiddie porn.

      If someone makes kiddie porn, distributes it on the net and someone in another state downloads it then you have an interstate (federal) crime.

      • “If someone makes kiddie porn, distributes it on the net and someone in another state downloads it then you have an interstate (federal) crime.”

        Understand. Thanx for that.

      • This is actually how Fed LEO’s and the Fed Courts get in on a lot of things. Send anything over the internet and bam, you’re engaged in or using a medium of interstate and international commerce. Commerce clause kicks in and Feds get jurisdiction.

        • He’s referring to Art 1. Sec. 8 of the US Constitution which states, in part,

          “To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;”

          Since 1942, due to Wickard v. Filburn the feds have considered virtually everything interstate commerce but particularly if it takes place in multiple states and even if it’s a crime.

          This has been interpreted to mean a variety of things but what EOD is referring to here is that the Feds have taken the liberty of declaring that state crimes which cross state lines into another state are Federal jurisdiction. If someone is kidnapped and taken to another part of the state that’s an intrastate matter. It’s up to locals or the state to prosecute it. But if the victim is taken to another state the feds get involved.

          In this instance if the guy they were trying to arrest created kiddie porn and that porn was distributed to a person in another state, or the method by which the porn was distributed involved interstate commerce then the case is arguably federal jurisdiction under Wickard. Due to the decision in Wickard if any single atom of any part of the hardware that transmitted the porn was involved in interstate commerce then it’s federal. And, because of that case the hardware that makes up the internet was interstate commerce because everything, including non-activity, is interstate commerce.

    • Always my first thought when there’s FBI carnage.
      Had my annual Christmas watching a few weeks ago so its fresh too.

  16. Don’t care much about the FBI (Full Bureaucratic Infringement) agents. When it comes to doing real law enforcement and locking up the Washington criminals, like those involved in the “Russian” collusion hoax for spying on a sitting president, the biden crime syndicate shady dealings with the CCP, the 2020 election fraud, the big-tech CEO criminals, the democ-rats that incited violence all over the US this past year of 2020…they never seem to have “enough evidence” to arrest and prosecute…so no, I feel no pain for the loss of an agency that only seems to go after people based on their political affiliations.

    • Interesting to see that you don’t have a problem with child diddlers unless it politically benefits you and your cult leader.

      • What’s truly interesting is that some people believe an accusation means that the accused is guilty.

        Given the modern reality of the internet and society and the level of actual information presented at this point in time one could make a perfectly valid argument that this could be a case of federal SWATting foisted on an innocent person by someone else due to an online grudge.

        And such a theory isn’t that far fetched considering that people have been killed in SWAT raids that started because the deceased was too good at a video game and/or talking trash online.

    • The FBI is now totally corrupt, as is the rest of the federal government (deep state).

      I used to believe they were honest, until Waco and Ruby Ridge.
      Now I hold them in contempt, and view them as the American Gestapo or the SS.

      The FBI and the ATF will be in the forefront of any gun confiscation scheme by Dementia Joe, or Cameltoe HariSS. How will we respond, I wonder?

    • FBI Lawyer Who Forged Email In Carter Page FISA Process Sentenced To 12 Months Of Probation;

      Americans Learn Those Involved In The Russia Collusion Coup Will Walk Confirming The Evolution Of The Deep State;

    • The FBI prosecutes no one. They don’t have the authority. Like other cops, the FBI investigates crimes and collects evidence. The authority to prosecute, or not, lies with the US attorney for the area.

      • The FBI doesn’t prosecute anyone but they sure do persecute a lot of people. This story what’s the best thing I’ve read all day.

  17. There’s a lot of facts now yet known here. For example, was this a ‘no-knock’ search warrant or a regular one that turned into a barricade situation?

    Especially in the case of the former, if it was important\dangerous enough to bust down a door, might it not have been important enough to watch and grab the guy while he’s walking to his car, instead? Yes, more manpower intensive. But I bet you’d have two agents not dead. Does the guy literally never leave his apartment? I’ll hedge here because it might have been a case where it was CP related but with a possible current victim- i.e. that he, or someone he knows, was known to be currently abusing a child (and spreading video or photos of that). In that case… yeah, you might not be able to wait days or weeks for an opportunity to present itself, and you might just have to go in knowing someone might die.

    But we’ve seen plenty of times when that wasn’t the case but there was a raid, anyway.

    I hate when people talk about ‘militarized police’ in the context of having a bearcat or wearing camo (dumb as that usually is). But I think there’s a conversation to be had as to whether it’s some type of ‘militarization’ that leads to these raids instead of someone figuring out a better, lower-intensity way. Although I think it might not be so much a military influence as just institutional inertia.

    • This. It irritates me when people get stuck on the militarization of the police in terms of gear, equipment, weapons. That stuff really doesn’t matter. The TTPs and general practices for arrests and stuff make a massive difference. The equipment might be necessary on occasions, hyper-aggressive raids and no-knocks when simply arresting them on their way to or from a grocery run needs to go.

  18. It’s a mystery after everything that’s going on you blindly believe these front end stories.

    Maybe one day a tac team will come to your place and the msm will label you a “chomo” afterwards….

    That being said… Even if this story is true. The feds have the means and time to snatch someone up at the opportune time with out incident and they decide to go guns blazing into a bottle neck.



      I wish YOU could find the CAPS LOCK button on your keyboard AND maybe take a writing class or download a spellcheck program OR since you have yet to contribute anything to any subject maybe you could just go away…

  20. The man that killed the agents is probably some Decorated Navy SEAL who had information That would make the Democrats look bad. I say this because I no longer believe the charges of child pronography Which is what they said they were after this guy for. I base this on the CIA admitting in court recently that they plant child porn on people’s computers to use it as a tool To manipulate the people that they supposedly find with it on their computer. There’s a guy in court right now It was accused of hacking the cia’s computers and lo and behold they found child pronography on the computer when they arrested him for hacking them.

    • Back in the early 2000’s when Windows had the default option for sharing to allow access to other people’s shared folder it was a common prank to stick embarassing porn on someone’s computer and then “bust” them for it.

      CIA be so creative lol.

  21. It’s sad to hear of the two agents that died. It’s also sad to hear the moronic butt holes here that are applauding their death. You people are a disgrace. Please go hide in your basements and allow the adults to handle conversations of substance.

      • Basements are almost exclusively a Yankee thing.

        Not EVERYTHING north of Texas is YANKEE country… I’ve lived in 7 Southern States and every home I’ve had (including my current log home in Southern Virginia) had a basement except one old farm house which had a “cellar” with block walls and a dirt floor and my Florida home where the water table and ground level are one and the same… A basement is a common part of homes around the country, Yankee and otherwise….

    • Disclaimer. People who hurt children should be thrown into a dumpster fire. That being said, I don’t go convicting people before their day in court.

      These federal agencies have the funds, time and tactics in place to serve a high risk warrant without incident.

      In this case it appears that the suspect was held up in an apartment. The suspect would have likely left the apartment complex and could have be snatched up at an opportune time without endangering innocent bystanders or themselves at a populated apartment complex.

      Instead they decide to go charging into a choke point “Waco Style” and putting everyone around there in jeopardy.

      I also don’t find it a coincidence that the new media trend is federal Leo’s and capital police are hero’s while local Leo’s are being vilified.

  22. Reading these comments – I realize how stupid half the people are.
    Save for Neal thank you maybe I missed one
    The other half are stupider than that.

    I was an officer for 23 years. Stabbed three times, shot once, etc
    Took me twenty years to work my way from Lt to Sgt- the hard way.
    Figure that out

    Every FBI agent I ever met was a solid professoinal.
    Every perve I met needed to be in a cell with Studs McDick.

    Any who thinks agents dying isnt a tragedy must be setting in his moms basement with no one who cares about them. I sure dont give a damn about you.

    • If I read what you wrote correctly it seems that you appear to support people being raped as punishment for their crimes. Are you shocked that people don’t exactly like the police?

      • From reading your comments you seem to support FBI agents being murdered for not committing a crime. The more you write, the dumber you sound. You are entertaining though. Keep it up.

        • I fully support FBI agents being murdered because I’ve seen the FBI in operation more times than I can count. Every single one of them will lie on the stand and every single one of them is corrupt to the bone. The FBI, the Stasi, the KGB, and the Gestapo are all cut from the same cloth. Over the years I have even gone to church with some FBI agents and I tell them this to their face. Don’t even get me started about what I’ve seen the DEA do.

    • “I sure dont give a damn about you.”

      I think you just made the case for many here.

      BTW, agents dying LOD is only a tragedy, beyond the personal, if they didn’t die doing something stupid, illegal or unconstitutional.

      Also note, “I was an officer for 23 years. Stabbed three times, shot once, etc” indicates only that you endured multiple injuries. The injuries say nothing of the character of the injured, or of the quality of service.

    • That’s hilarious VC, because two very good friends of mine are active duty LEO. And both of them say that most of the FBI agents they have worked with are sketchy as hell, one of them even leaving a building because the agents were planting evidence. So… anecdotal stories. And I am gonna believe them one hell of a lot more than I’m gonna believe you.

  23. VC says:
    “I was an officer for 23 years. Stabbed three times, shot once, etc
    Took me twenty years to work my way from Lt to Sgt- the hard way.”

    So VC, I’m sure you took the oath the protect the US Constitution, which is the HIGHEST law in the land, and higher than any federal, local and state law/ordinance.

    How many times in those 23 years have you ever gone after anyone who specifically violated the Constitution?
    How many times have you refused an order that was in conflict with the Constitution, or Bill of Rights?

    • Violate the constitution?

      Never came up- not once. No one I worked with imagined crossing that line.
      Of course- that is very personal experience but not uncommon. The fact is- if
      anyone does break the law there are some people they will not do it around.
      I am one of these. So- of course it may happen. But when the right man leads from the top it does NOT happen.

      We did have a Chief once that groaned on TV that we could not make drug cases until the Constitution was changed- He was generally regarded as a fool for that statement. The next chief put the right men on the job and did it the right way and got his people to work.

      • “Violate the constitution? Never came up- not once.”

        THAT would certainly not be hard to believe.

        “Conspituiption? Above my pay grade. Everyone goes home, keep shootin”

    • The comments here are an embarrassment. I’m astounded at the number of people who have invented completely fact-free “explanations” of this event just to distort it into supporting their sick and overly-politicized worldview. They know nothing about it, have no real insight, and are simply writing fiction. Half of them (at least) are probably here to troll and get a rise out of people; the other half are delusional and need help. Thank goodness for the internet in 2021; without it we would still be civilized, and that would be no fun at all.

      • If only the internet had achieved it’s purpose in taking mankind’s intelligence to a higher level. Unusually, it appears to have dragged us into new lows.

    • You have to admit. Their tactics are genius. They have everyone hating each other. Divide and conquer…..

      I just had a fellow pro gun, pro constitution American call me a “chomo” for questioning the msm reporting and fbi tactics. (TTAG removed our exchange)

      Oddly enough he didn’t post his identity and address after his statement. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

      • “I just had a fellow pro gun, pro constitution American call me a “chomo” for questioning the msm reporting and fbi tactics. (TTAG removed our exchange)”

        What did you expect? If you don’t believe what I believe, exactly as I believe it, when I believe it, you are “other”, deserving of a trashing on the forum. And I reserve the natural, civil and human right to change my beliefs without prior notice.

        It’s a hard world, ain’t it?

        (Note: just to make it easy on everyone, I try real hard not to believe anything)

        • I think there would be a lot less thrashings if we all met up with name tags on somewhere like Ocala National Forest. It’s amazing how much more civil folks are in person……

          • “It’s amazing how much more civil folks are in person……”

            If I wanted to be civil, I would simply sit on my assets, light up a Camel, and enjoy a Budweiser, breakfast of champions.

            Besides, the Ocala forest is full of bugs and creepy crawlies. I ate enough of that crap in jungle survival school.

        • Sam. All the lark motorized scooter wheels would just spin in the pine needles and the mosquitos would do the rest. 😉

          • “Sam. All the lark motorized scooter wheels would just spin in the pine needles and the mosquitos would do the rest. ”

            Just the same, Motel 6 is roughing it for me.

        • Besides, the Ocala forest is full of bugs and creepy crawlies.

          But there is a really nice little gun range in there, easy access and most importantly “FREE”..

          • “But there is a really nice little gun range in there, easy access and most importantly “FREE”..”

            My Baretta .22 probably qualifies as a little gun, but still….bugs and creepy crawlies that don’t come from too much Carling’s Black Label?

            • My Baretta .22 probably qualifies as a little gun, but

              You can take your big gun there too, 100 yd range 14/15 stations… I’m sure YOU know I meant “little” as in NOT a huge commercial “by the hour” or paid membership type.. Bugs never seem to be an issue, open daylight til dark 7 days a week except closed 1/2 day Wed for clean up and repairs… Haven’t heard Black Label referenced in decades… Carling, Weideman, Burger, Schoenling Cincinnati’s finest…

              • I only have the .22 Beretta, and two bricks of ammo. Even though it is a new year, and I have $500 to spend on gun things, stuff is scarce and expensive. Conserving ammo like so many others. Thinking about buying one of those electronic target systems. I could stay in the house, avoid the bugs, and always be within arms reach of beer in the fridge.

  24. Crimes against children are the most abhorrent. Unfortunately, credibility from the FBI and feds in general is low and if the government wants to drag your name through the mud so there is no support then that is what you will be accused of.

  25. We are compelled to speculate fact free. So far we haven’t even been told the name of the suspect. I continue to speculate that if POTUS Kameltoe Harris had a bastard brother, he’d look just like the suspect.

    It has not been revealed what type of weapons the suspect had. The description of four loud “booms” in context of two dead and several others wounded would be consistant with a politically correct shotgun. Four rounds of #4 buckshot from a 12 gauge puts over a hundred projectiles in the air. Slugs can easily overpenatrate to kill multiple people. Given the fact that the internet was meticulously scrubbed of video of the new Zealand mosque shooting which documented that the suspect’s primary weapon was a 12 gauge shotgun rather than an evil, assault rifle, we will never know.

    It would be interesting and amusing if the child pornography investigation was initiated as a result of discoveries on Hunter Biden’s laptop. It would be even more amusing if Hunter had shared the child pornography with his pervert daddy. Prepaid this all part of Kameltoe Harris’ scheme to eliminate her Senile Sock Puppet Biden?

    Like a lot of conservatives, I’m ambivalent. Yes, I was offended by half a year of incessant rioting by BLM ANTIFA. I also was willing to acknowledge that while they specific incidents that they were rioting about were reasonably justified (Jacob Blake was armed with a nasty raptor knife when he hijacked a car full of children from the estranged wife that he had sexually assaulted. I can just read the headlines if the cops hadn’t shot him. “RACIST POLICE ALLOW SUSPECT TO ABDUCT AND MURDER BLACK CHILDREN”), there are way to many people killed by the police. Many cops are paranoid because of all of the assault weapon propaganda. I’m also cognizant of the reality that the police are being weaponised against the regime’s political opponents.

    • In the vein of weapons, news earlier had hugely knowledgeable (not) newscaster stating that the door was full of huge holes, clearly indicating that assault weapons were used. I thought that the size of holes indicated something about projectiles more than weapons, but I hadn’t put together “shotgun”. I bet you’re correct!

      • One thing that has historically been proven to be correct… IF the guy had used an AR/AK platform weapon it would be the TOP story on every “lamestream media” newscast 24/7 for days on end with experts being paraded on camera one after the other non stop… Just like the shooting on Muskogee Oklahoma, 5 children 1 adult murdered yesterday, a man “with a GUN” is in custody.. I can’t find any reference to a gun TYPE there either… IF it doesn’t fit the “scary black rifle” tripe then it’s just not news…

  26. A hell of a lot of good it does to shoot the guy looking at or sending pictures. They need to shoot the guy making them.
    Well I’ll be damned, just heard on my local news they got another guy for child porn stuff, local cops arrested him, no shots fired. Now how’d they do that?

    • , local cops arrested him, no shots fired. Now how’d they do that?

      Maybe your guy didn’t barricade himself in his apartment and start shooting at cops… Just sayin’

      • They didn’t even ID the suspect yet. For all we know they went to the wrong house or took friendly fire. Let the dust settle.

        Not saying my statement is gospel, but the media doesn’t have a good track record for factual reporting….

  27. My heartfelt condolences to the friends and family of the two deceased agents. May they RIP.

    The FBI’s problems aren’t the rank and file. The Leadership and mid level supervisors are the real problem. The bureau’s reputation is trash until those responsible for turning it into a Party Policd Force are held accountable.

  28. I find it very curious federal agents were the first wave for a state crime. Especially FBI agents (R.I.P.)… That being said, it’s a sad state of affairs that we have to question everything associated with the feds…. This does not bode well….

  29. Federal law prohibits the production, distribution, reception, and possession of an image of child pornography using or affecting any means or facility of interstate or foreign commerce (See 18 U.S.C. § 2251; 18 U.S.C. § 2252; 18 U.S.C. § 2252A).

  30. The feds have completely destroyed their own credibility by becoming the enforcement arm for the democrat party. Absolutely nothing they have to say can be taken at face value. If I was on a jury I would be less inclined to believe an FBI agents testimony than that of a TV preacher or a used car salesman. I dont know what really happened here. None of us ever will, but its a safe bet it isn’t whatever the feds said.

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