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An alarming story is developing north of the border – all schools in the Canadian Province of Prince Edward Island have just been evacuated due to an unspecified threat. Over 19,000 students are affected.

The CBC reports:

All schools in P.E.I. are under an evacuation order due to a potential threat, say police.

A police news release Wednesday says school staff are taking students to safe locations in the community, and buses will meet the children there.

Child-care centres in schools will follow the schools’ evacuation procedures. Other child-care centres will operate as usual.

Parents and guardians can now pick up their children from the safe locations, which are identified in each school’s evacuation plan. Parents can go to the school, where staff will direct them to the safe locations, said the province’s Department of Education.

RCMP say there are no reports of injuries.

The University of Prince Edward Island and Holland College are also closed for the day.

Prince Edward Island, the smallest province in Canada, is an island with a population of 140,000 located just north of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick (which borders the American state of Maine.)

Perhaps coincidentally, perhaps not, three post-secondary schools in nearby Nova Scotia are also under evacuation orders this morning as police say they are investigating bomb threats.

Coming on the heels of the bombing and knife attacks in New Jersey, New York, and Minnesota this weekend, it isn’t surprising that these threats are being taken seriously. Officials plan to have a press conference concerning the evacuation at 11:00AM Eastern/12:00PM Atlantic Time.

Canada is often pointed to by American opinion writers as a nation with gun control laws that American should emulate. It’s de rigeur for those writers to express surprise and shock when violence, or the threat of it, rears its head in our northern neighbor, protesting that “this isn’t supposed to happen in Canada.”

In contrast, David Kopel wrote an article some years ago about the ineffectiveness of Canada’s gun laws (as well as historical and cultural differences between the two nations,) titled “The Failure of Canada’s Gun Laws“. A 2016 article in the Globe and Mail actually bemoans the nation’s number of suicides with a firearm, claiming that Canada just does’t have enough gun control, in case you thought that letting the camel’s nose in the tent wouldn’t eventually result in the camel taking over the tent.

One thing is clear: when an attack is underway, Canada’s people will not be as ready to resist it because of their nation’s disarmament laws. So much the worse for them.

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  1. It’s funny that the progressive types always point to places like Canada and Australia as their Utopia’s. If you look a little closer, it’s not all roses and unicorns in those places and they have some very important immigration policies that are often overlooked. A list of points (in no particular order!):-

    1- They have strict immigration policies. They do let in some properly vetted genuine refugees from war torn areas etc. I don’t think many people object too much to that policy.

    2- They have a clearly defined set of requirements for other immigrants, such as skills that the country needs. Australia has a points based system for example, based upon age, qualifications, skills etc. If the country doesn’t need doctors, you aren’t getting in even if you are some sort of medical super god!

    3- Immigrants are definitely encouraged or required to fit in with society, this can be done even while keeping your identity

    4- They don’t have porous land borders with poor/dangerous countries

    5- They do have a long history of mistreating the indigenous populations, just look at how the Aborigines & Canadian First Nations have been treated over the years

    6- They by and large have more ethnically homogeneous populations

    7- Little or no gang culture

    Not sure if there is any point to the above, but when our lefty friends keep harping on about places like Australia, Canada etc, it’s nice to be able to have a couple of discussion points to help them out!!!

    • As an Exiled Canuck living in CT, I envy my Canadian friends for the plethora of modern sporting rifles that they can buy and I cannot. But I can own a handgun with a barrel of less than 4 inches, and I can carry that handgun out of the house for personal defense, which Canadians cannot (and that includes off-duty cops).

      1- They have strict immigration policies. They do let in some properly vetted genuine refugees from war torn areas etc. I don’t think many people object too much to that policy.
      *There is a problem with visa over-stayers and other who fly in on forged docs and then disappear. But it’s not nearly on the scale of US illegal immigration. And frankly a lot of the folks who sneak into Canada are just using it as a stopover on their way to sneaking into the US.

      3- Immigrants are definitely encouraged or required to fit in with society, this can be done even while keeping your identity
      *Mmmm, not really. Go to Surrey or Richmond in BC sometime – that’s colonization, not integration.

      4- They don’t have porous land borders with poor/dangerous countries
      *True, so far. Though once the US becomes Mexico . . .

      5- They do have a long history of mistreating the indigenous populations, just look at how the Aborigines & Canadian First Nations have been treated over the years
      *Too true.

      6- They by and large have more ethnically homogeneous populations
      *Maybe in the past. Canada’s been letting in non-white immigrants at a very rapid clip. Happily many have been from Asia (South and East both), and even if they don’t always assimilate culturally, they tend to work hard and stay off the welfare rolls.

      7- Little or no gang culture
      *Maybe not historically, but these days you have the Italian mob, biker gangs, ethnic gangs (Russian and Vietnamese are particularly vicious), and Jamaican street gangs in Toronto trying to emulate US big city gangs. Oh, and the Somalis in Ottawa (because apparently Somalis are always required to move to the coldest areas possible).

      • Thanks for the info, it’s always interesting to hear what’s really going on! I was also referring to Australia, so sorry if it seemed I was ‘picking’ on Canada!

      • I didn’t know that massive money transfers, treaty rights to hunt,log and fish without restriction, control over important national infrastructure projects and complete self-governance counted as atrocious.

        • Government can always spend a sh*t-ton of money and still do a terrible job, including:

          1) Residential schools, complete with widespread s@xual abuse.

          2) Letting band councils run reservations like little dictatorships.

        • I won’t deny that the Canadian government often does a bad job even with the best intentions (that applies to non-aboriginal citizens as well). But as for band leadership, the Conservative government tried to ensure proper oversight and auditing, and were called every insulting name in the book for doing it. Now the kinder, gentler Liberals are in, and oversight is out.

          If sanity ever returns to Canadian government, hard questions will have to be asked about just what the nature of the relationship between it and the aboriginal peoples should be.

  2. As we are seeing in Australia and Canada, gun controls/firearm confiscations/registration/et al only invites the criminals/terrorists/scum bags/drug addicts/ et al to have a field day–who is going to stop them.

  3. “A police news release Wednesday says school staff are taking students to safe locations in the community, and buses will meet the children there.”

    Exactly how safe are those locations if there is ZERO access control and they are utterly and totally undefended?

    This entire notion of “safe locations” with zero access control and no defense reminds me of the British Isles when Vikings would row a boat up a river and then decimate a village somewhere … which went unabated for, what, decades?

    Spree killers and Muslim terrorists are today’s Vikings. We damn well better be prepared for them, whether we are talking about Prince Edward Island; San Bernardino, California; Charleston, South Carolina; or Podunk, Nevada.

    • Couldn’t a bad guy call in a bomb threat, then sit outside the school with a rifle and pick off students and teachers as they left? It’s not like that’s never been done before.

      They are walking students to secure locations. Wow.

      • The tactic is to flush out people and then hit the crowd with a car bomb.

        IED tactics were developed by the IRA who then trained the PLO. In turn, the PLO spread these tactics throughout the Middle East and South Asia.

  4. So the Jihad Johnnies do these hoaxes a few more times, until everyone is desensitized, and then . . .

    It’s just too easy to do.

  5. When is the last time someone called in a bomb threat and there was actually a bomb?

    Was there an advanced warning fax in Boston? New York? Does London get faxed threats that are real? Are any of these ‘threats’ ever real? There is always an abundance of caution any time somebody sneezes “ah boom!”

    • Growing up in the 80s, we had bomb threats so often they were about equal in occurrence with required fire drills and tornado drills (it was West TX, after all). They were especially common when foreign delegates were visiting to see how American schools operated. The last I remember was a Chinese delegation that sparked a bomb threat and 1500 students were evacuated to the stadium parking lot next door.

      Then caller ID came along and that was the end of all that.

    • RCMP are more concerned with tightening the screws on law-abiding licensed gun owners. Lot safer that way, and looks good on the news.

  6. There seems to be a rather large hole in their evacuation plan….

    “Parents can go to the school, where staff will direct them to the safe locations,”

    So there is a threat and we need to get everyone out of the schools.

    Parents, come to the school and then we’ll tell you where to go to get your kids.

    So isn’t that simply exchanging the kids at risk for the parents being at risk? Am I missing something somewhere?

  7. I’m not really sure what those nice Canadians are worried about. As long as they have “Gun Free Zone” signs up, there can’t be any shootings in their schools. Guns aren’t allowed and it would be illegal.

    • Why would you need signs in a place where nobody except on-duty police officers is permitted to carry a firearm in any sort of urban setting? Do you see “Dragon Fee Zones” in the US?

      Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever seen signs like that in Canada, except maybe at the doors to a mess (drinking, not eating, kind) on a military base. Although the suburb where I grew up did once declare itself a “nuclear weapons free zone”. Which was pretty much true, although sometimes the US Navy would park a carrier offshore – but technically it wasn’t actually in the suburb, since in Canada all navigable water belongs to the Feds, not the cities or Provinces.

  8. Breaking (sorta’) news-bomb explodes on top of Chicago school(or it could be a boiler)! No schools shut down…as mentioned bombers rarely announce their intentions. These Canadians are pathetic ehhh?

  9. There are a lot of muzzies in Canada these days, not many in PEI, but Toronto is 8.2 percent muzzies out of 2.6 million people.

    I guess that makes me an alt-right islamophobe in Billary’s basket of deplorables.

    • I have to admit, as a fellow deplorable, I’ve become quite endeared to the title, along with ammosexual. Really anything that any liberal/progressive says about me that is meant to be derogatory I find that I love.

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