Texas School-Shooting
Police walk near Robb Elementary School following a shooting, Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in Uvalde, Texas. (AP Photo/Dario Lopez-Mills)
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By Eugene Garcia and Dario Lopez-Mills

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott says 15 people were killed in a shooting Tuesday at an elementary school.

Abbott says the suspected shooter, an 18-year-old man, also died and was believed to be killed by responding officers. He says 14 children and one teacher were killed at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, about 85 miles west of San Antonio.

Abbott says the shooter had a handgun and possibly a rifle.

Thirteen children were taken by ambulance or bus to Uvalde Memorial Hospital after an active shooter was reported at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, about 85 miles (135 kilometers) west of San Antonio, officials with the hospital said. The nature and severity of the people’s injuries wasn’t immediately known, as is whether the dead are included in that count.

Another hospital, University Hospital in San Antonio, said a 66-year-old woman was in critical condition.

The Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District had said an active shooter was reported at the school, which has an enrollment of just under 600 students. Earlier, the district had said that all schools in the district were locked down because of gunshots in the area.

A heavy police presence surrounded the school Tuesday afternoon, with officers in heavy vests diverting traffic and FBI agents coming and going from the building. School and city officials did not immediately return messages seeking comment.

The district said that the city’s civic center was being used as a reunification center.

Uvalde is home to about 16,000 people and is the seat of government for Uvalde County. The town is about 75 miles from the border with Mexico. Robb Elementary is in a mostly residential neighborhood of modest homes.

UPDATE: The reported suspect, who was killed by responding police, has been identified as 18-year-old Salvador Ramos. He reportedly shot his grandmother before opening fire at the school.

UPDATE from the AP:

The gunman entered Robb Elementary School in Uvalde with a handgun and possibly a rifle, Gov. Greg Abbott said. Officials did not immediately reveal a motive, but the governor identified the assailant as Salvador Ramos and said he was a resident of the heavily Latino community about 85 miles (135 kilometers) west of San Antonio.

A Border Patrol agent who was nearby when the shooting began rushed into the school without waiting for backup and shot and killed the gunman, who was behind a barricade, according to a law enforcement official speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk about it.

The agent was wounded but able to walk out of the school, the law enforcement source said.

Abbott said the shooter was likely killed by police officers but that the events were still being investigated. The school district’s police chief, Pete Arredondo, said that the attacker acted alone.


ED: Keep in mind that in breaking stories such as this one, initial reports are frequently mistaken, incorrect, or simply false. We will update this post as more more information becomes available. 

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      • His pictured all over twitter “Salvador Ramos” will definitely not fit the narrative.

        • Unlike anal-retentive you, my brain was able to discern the point he was trying to make…

      • “This story will disappear in 3, 2, 1.”

        Man, you’re really smart, you figured that one out quick!

        Yes, it disappeared so fast.

        The president of United States worked so hard to make this disappear, giving a national public address in prime time last night to make sure it disappears even quicker and ordering the flags at the White House and other federal buildings being flown at half staff to help it disappear even faster.

        • The subway shooter disappeared faster than any mass shooting I ever saw. And that was because he was a black supremacist that hated white people and littered his social media with anti-white people talk. So that was immediately hushed.

          In this case, If he was an illegal immigrant and non-citizen, they would have hushed it immediately like the subway shooter. But it looks to be he is not, but a US citizen. This is great news, for the left. Now he is Hispanic. If he were white, there would be talking of whiteness, and white privilege, and white violence. But since he is Hispanic, that will be hushed, and the media will focus on gun control, which is precisely what Brandon is doing. He’s going to endlessly bloviate about gun control, and you are going to get down on your knees, open your mouth, and ask for gun control to be inserted.

      • He’s Hispanic, so they will not focus on the shooter, but on the gun. If he was white, they would call him a white supremacist and focus on how racist he was.

    • Leftists will blame guns. They won’t talk about his upbringing, culture, or US spiritual decay. They never address the root cause – always focus on the method.

      Ramos had a horrible life, and that wasn’t fair. So he shot up a bunch of kids so he could get your attention that he had a horrible life, and also to punish you and give you a horrible life too. #Equality.

      • “US spiritual decay“

        Are you speaking of the institutionalized and organized child sex abusers in the leadership of the Catholic Church and the Southern Baptist?

        When is QAnon going to begin rooting out the child sex abusers in the priesthood and the clergy?

        • Sounds like a red herring miner? Are you taking us on another of your distractions into the realm of non-topic?

          Would you say that Christians support child sex abusers? Y/N?
          Would you say that these abusers in the church would openly and publicly say they support child sex abuse? No they wouldn’t, because even they know it’s wrong. Everybody knows its wrong. But it looks like you want to take an extreme minority of cases and slam all of religion for it, when even all the religious people know it’s wrong. Then you are going to bring up Qanon as if that has anything, whatsoever, to do with this topic. Etc. etc. moving on back to the topic:

          When I say US spiritual decay I am talking about existentialism. I’m also talking about nihilism. It’s an attempt into an investigation into the reasons that these people want to exact as much suffering as possible on the rest of us, and then off themselves with suicide. And obviously, if they truly believed in a transcendent morality (such as a heaven and hell, or the punishments with reincarnation, or other religions, etc), they would not be doing this. These are religion-less people, that think that nothing matters except their own selfish endeavors. This is why they slaughter other people’s children when they think their life sucks. Or at least, my opinion of why they are doing it.

          Why do you think they are doing it miner? Put down that piece of coal, the banjo, and your mail from all the unions you joined because you didn’t want to learn to code as your fellow leftists suggested to you, and you tell us. Is it because they got a hold of a firearm, and their eyes widened as the firearm seized control of their psyche like the one ring in lord of the rings? Did they stroke the firearm and mutter “my precious” as the firearm whispered suggestions telepathically or… you tell us Miner.

        • “Would you say that Christians support child sex abusers? Y/N?”

          He doesn’t care. Progressives like Miner engage in Christian bashing every chance they get because they hate rival religions. As most normal people know, including Miner, Christians are appalled by any sort of child abuse.

          Sexual abuse in the school system is much more common than abuse in the church. That does not in any way excuse abuse in the church or anywhere else. The problem is, the narrative diverts scrutiny away from a massive problem (sexual abuse in schools) that deserves scrutiny. There’s a reason for the imbalance in the reporting. It’s called pushing the narrative.


          “[T]hink the Catholic Church has a problem?” she said. “The physical sexual abuse of students in schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests.”

        • How about rooting out the child abusers in most school systems across the country who probably outnumber those in churches by a million to one.

          Schools abuse most all children by indoctrinating them with CRT, BLM, socialist lies, LGBTqXYZ… ad infinitum.

        • “But it looks like you want to take an extreme minority of cases and slam all of religion for it“

          that’s a nice phrase, “extreme minority of cases… “

          “Report details widespread cover-up of sexual abuse among Southern Baptist leaders
          Health May 23, 2022 06:25 PM EDT


          And dude, you post an opinion piece from 2006 by “Tom Hoopes is executive editor of the National Catholic Register and, with his wife, April, is editorial director of Faith & Family magazine.“

          The linked article contains no actual hard statistics, just rhetoric regarding, of all things, one of those accused of killing JonBenet Ramsey.

          I was responding to a poster who claimed that the “spiritual decay in America” was the problem, and it’s clear the spiritual decay begins in the church, not schools.

          When we have serving congressman like Coach ‘Gym’ Jordan working to cover up sexual abuse in our schools, it’s easy to see why the problem goes uncorrected.

          “Ohio representative and former Ohio State University wrestling coach Jim Jordan aided and abetted in the university’s cover-up of sexual abuse within the program, a former team captain said in front of Ohio state legislators on Wednesday.

          “Jim Jordan called me crying, groveling, begging me to go against my brother, begging me, crying for a half-hour,” DiSabato said Wednesday. “That’s the kind of cover-up that’s going on there.”
          Adam DiSabato, captain of the team during the early 1990s, told members of the Ohio House Civil Justice Committee that Jordan and other officials ignored former Ohio State doctor Richard Strauss’s sexual abuse of wrestlers from 1979 to 1997. DiSabato said that Jordan and other team officials knew about open-shower facilities that facilitated sexual harassment and abuse of team wrestlers. Jordan has previously denied the allegation.”

        • Dude, your linked article from the department of Ed is also interesting.

          From the preface you linked to:

          “It is important to note some of the Department’s reservations about the findings in the literature review. Specifically, the author focuses in large measure on a broad set of inappropriate behaviors designated as “sexual misconduct,” rather than “sexual abuse,” which is the term used in the statute. Specifically, section 5414(a)(3) of the ESEA requires the Secretary of Education to conduct “[a] study regarding the prevalence of sexual abuse in schools. . . .” (emphasis added) The distinction between “sexual misconduct” and “sexual abuse” is significant in legal and other terms. However, both are of concern to parents and the Department.“

          They go on to cite the fact the author uses the terms interchangeably as a problem, clearly the author had an agenda and use these broad categories and ambiguous terminology in order to push his agenda.

        • An “opinion piece” full of facts, Miner?

          “As the National Catholic Register’s reporter Wayne Laugesen points out, the federal report said 422,000 California public-school students would be victims before graduation — a number that dwarfs the state’s entire Catholic-school enrollment of 143,000.”

          Are you refuting that?

          “The distinction between “sexual misconduct” and “sexual abuse” is significant in legal and other terms.”

          Are saying “sexual misconduct” between teachers/staff and students isn’t bad?? Does it have to be rape before it gets your attention?

          How about being honest for a change. It’s all bad. Wherever it is. It’s bad. The reason the media highlights the church when the abuse is basically in line with men outside of the church is because… they hate the church! It’s the same reason you highlight it. I’ve never seen more consistent Christian bashing, coming from one person, in my life.

      • Good point sounds like that had little or no security plans but I guess we have to get the whole story as he may have gotten them on a playground or something like that.

      • I have some very bad news for you. An AR-15 in NYS is now illegal unless you owned it prior to the ban.

        • Don’t worry Walt, he can just get his sister’s boyfriend to do a strawman purchase in another state and then illegally transfer possession of the weapon to him. It worked out just fine for Kyle Rittenhouse in Wisconsin and Illinois so there’s that.

        • I know what you are thinking Walt…. That Miner49er is pure awesomeness.

          That I am a cut above the rest and the way I propagandize is legendary.

          Maybe one day you can be a great as the Miner49er.

        • Minor MINER49er It did not happen that way. Isn’t a “straw buy” illegal? How would you have stopped such a “straw buy”? Kyle Rittenhouse was never prosecuted for your allegation that it was a “straw buy”, was he?

  1. Impossible. It’s a gun free zone. Murderers will kill anyone they can, but will absolutely follow that one.

    • That’s right. Guns are not allowed on school property or even a certain distance from schools per state law. Don’t know how this could have happened with that law in place.

    • Why pray? Does it bring anyone back to life? According to your own mythology only two people in history have come back to life. So far I’ve made it a really long way in life without saying a prayer yet. Even that old joke about there being no atheist in foxholes doesn’t ring true because I’ve been in plenty and a few times thought that they were going to be my grave.

      • Why make that comment? Does it make you feel better to shit on other people’s religion? It sure doesn’t make anyone like you more.

        • Well you all have to remember that NTEXAS is only one strand of DNA away from being a turnip. Look at his previous posts favoring all manner of gun control.
          At first I thought his all cap stutter talking nonsense was the result of a stroke or something but after about year of his posts it seems very clear he’s just an idiot fud.

        • Which is better, waste time on praying to the sky daddy who has failed to answer every prayer…

          Or actually take constructive action to solve the problem?

        • Minor MINER49er First when you pray to God you don’t always get the answer you want. Second, Your “constructive” action? To pass another law that you won’t enforce? How about enforcing the laws already on the books? How about actually sentencing criminals to prison and keeping them there until their sentence has expired? How about quitting codling criminals ? How about putting mentally ill people in places that are secure so they can’t hurt themselves and others?

        • I will let you in on a little secret Walt.. I pray too.

          Except Miner prays not to the sky, but to a fella with fire and brimstone down below.

          He has many names, care to take a guess?

      • “Why pray?”

        If you need to ask, you’re incapable of understanding.

        It’s a bit like how Leftist Scum ™ like you cry when a tree gets cut down.

        “Even that old joke about there being no atheist in foxholes doesn’t ring true because I’ve been in plenty…”

        Yeah, right. Prove it. Put up, or shut up… 🙂

        • Leftist scum? I’m old. So old in fact that when I got drafted Uncle Sam sent me overseas to kill commies which I did gladly. I can’t say that I’ve ever cried when a tree has gotten cut down but I have cried when I’ve had to put my dog’s down over the years. Just because I don’t believe in your fanciful mythology doesn’t make me a communist or leftist. I voted for Barry Goldwater and was a member of the John Birch Society when they were around.

        • “Just because I don’t believe in your fanciful mythology…”

          Hard-core Agnostic here.

          It’s called being considerate for those dealing with a tragedy. I mean, really. You’re the despicable scum that so piously proclaim how tolerant and accepting of others not like yourself. But, no. You mock.

          A sincere thank you for so eloquently proving my point… 🙂

        • Oh, and before I forget –

          Get an aggressive cancer and die without pain meds… 😉

      • K- so you’ve never uttered a prayer in your life. What else haven’t you done that might go towards ending this type of absolutely senseless violence and attention seeking by a less and less civilized society? Any thoughts at all to those grieving loved ones and family members?

        Maybe it’s only me, but mocking someone’s comment, merely because you can see no benefit, especially if you’ve never tried it, seems to be at least as worthless as the prayer suggestion. Your solution?

        • “Your solution?”

          He has none. He’s yanking chains for the lols. Simple internet masturbation.

          Just blow it off, Craig.

          Scum like that show up around here when things like that happen…

        • Solution? There is no solution unless you can pray evil intent out of people’s hearts. Wishful thinking doesn’t bring people back from the dead. You can only prevent deaths but you can’t undo them.

        • “Solution? There is no solution unless you can pray evil intent out of people’s hearts.”


          There are concrete things that could be done to stop a lot of it, but your ilk gleefully got the public insane asylums shut down putting them out on the street.

          Because it was a kindness, you said. It was cruelty. You’re the ones that celebrated when they were finally shut down.

          And now, we reap the rewards of those twisted policies…

        • Well my 28 years with the Bexar County Sheriff’s Department probably stopped more mass shootings than praying ever did but I really wouldn’t know since mass shootings didn’t really happen when I was in law enforcement. We just occasionally had a kook climb up a clock tower and start shooting or some clown drive his car into a cafeteria and start shooting. There never was any Rhyme or Reason to it. I’ve just learned that there is murder in some people’s hearts and nothing’s going to stop them. Take away the guns and they’ll make a bomb, take away the materials to make bombs and they’ll just use a can of gasoline. But don’t worry, all that death and destruction rape, murder, sickness, famine, War, all of that is God’s plan but we’re simply too stupid to understand the grand plan that God has laid out before us. Killer shoots up a bunch of little kids in a school, will of God plain and simple.

        • Redneck Libertarian,

          Is this you?:

          “According to your own mythology only two people in history have come back to life.”


          “Killer shoots up a bunch of little kids in a school, will of God plain and simple.”

          That schizophrenia makes you sound like a candidate to be a mass murderer. How about you just mind your own business, let people believe what they choose to believe, don’t mock the beliefs of others, and stop being a tendentious @$$hole?? Or, just keep doing you, and everyone can (correctly) think you’re an @$$hole.

        • Redneck libertarian in Texas,
          I personally experienced a supernatural intervention that changed my life. I didn’t pray for it to happen, and neither did anyone else because they didn’t know about it. I can’t explain why it happened, but it was something that helped me. I’m not sure that prayers can make a difference in some sort of intervention in someone’s life, but I don’t think it can hurt. I personally believe prayer is more about giving thanks and asking for forgiveness than anything else. There is chaos, death, and destruction because we aren’t living in paradise. We’re all free to make our own decisions. We aren’t slaves to a plan.

          Losing a child is the worst thing that could ever happen to someone. I hope the parents receive some sort of intervention, or something, so they aren’t miserable for the rest of their lives.

        • No, Redneck, no. If this is “will of God plain and simple”, then your “God” is a serious d***.

      • For those of us who believe, we pray for God to intervene and help the injured. We pray for God to forgive the sins of the deceased and welcome them into heaven, because it is too late for them to ask for their own forgiveness. We pray for God to comfort and console those who lost someone they loved. We pray that God guides people and opens their eyes so that they see things like this developing before it happens and intervene before it’s too late. We pray that restrictions on carrying guns in schools are removed so that someone has a chance to respond and end such mass murders as soon as possible. I’m sure there are many more things people pray for in these situations, but those would be the “greatest hits”.

      • Why pick this fight? Dude says to pray, what harm came to you via the suggestion?

        Unreal, don’t have to do it, just scroll through.

      • You don’t know the Bible. More than two people have been raised from the dead.

        Soon enough, all the dead will be raised, and every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

        Bow the knee to Jesus Christ now, and receive mercy. There is no guarantee of tomorrow. The day of His mercy will soon end.

        After the last two years, the evil in the world is obvious and undeniable. The dark is rising, but the dawn is coming.

        • “Bow the knee to Jesus Christ now, and receive mercy“

          Why do I need mercy?

          “Worship me and I’ll save you.”

          “Save me from what?”

          “From what I will do to you if you don’t worship me.”

        • Minor MINER49er If you can’t figure that out, there is no hope for you.

        • “Minor MINER49er If you can’t figure that out, there is no hope for you.”

          Art, you’ve just figured that out??? MajorStupidity has a religion – Leftist/fascism – but he tries to pretend it isn’t a religion. Religion is, at its core, belief in a philosophy or system without objective proof. Leftist/fascism is CLEARLY a philosophy or belief system, and there is not only NO proof that such system works, there is ample proof that it doesn’t. He’s a “true believer”. But he is of the simple-minded sort that cannot accept others not believing as he does in his fantastical, non-existent, “utopian” government that will make his pathetic life better, so he attacks their beliefs. He is a near-illiterate, ahistorical ignoranus.

      • To RedLibiTex: there are some of us who don’t believe it’s part of God’s plan. Rather this is a perversion of God’s intent for creation and completely out of his will. Yes that means that God limits himself for the sake of free will and allows humanity to choose hate or love so that love is real and not forced. Understand there are those of us who do not believe it’s part of God’s plan and believe that our role of obedience brings glory to God and order into a broken world while we await the hope of restoration that one day no man can escape.

        • “Rather this is a perversion of God’s intent for creation and completely out of his will“

          So that whole omnipotent, maximally powerful god thing is just out the window now.

        • MajorStupidity,

          Tell us you know NOTHING about Christianity or the Bible, without saying you know nothing about Christianity or the Bible. Pro tip: study up on “free will”. New concept; only been around about 5,000 years.

          F***ing moron.

      • no but it may well give some help and comfort to those who are hurting from this jerk’s tempertantrum. You probaably do plenty of things others do not understand. And that’s OK.

        My qyestion to YOU is this: WHY rag on those to DO pray, as if they are doing something wrong or stupid. Just because YOU do not understand why some would do a thing does not make it invalid.

      • Redheck dumbass – When did the Air Farce dig/sit in a FIGHTING POSITION (I guess that is perhaps an AF “foxhole”). Faker

      • Wow, slap that @$$hole card RIGHT down there, why don’t you???

        Whether you choose to believe, or not, is of zero concern to me (or probably anyone else here), but only a raving @$$hole mocks or ridicules the religion of another. I would suggest you try to be better, but I suspect that is beyond your abilities.

    • Yes, the shooter was definitely known to authorities. He had just murdered his grandmother and was being chased by the police when he crashed his car and then ran into the school and started shooting.

      • You sure? You have a history of spouting off false information. Did you bother to read the article this time? According to the article he was shot by a Border Patrol agent and not the police. Funny if they were chasing him You think they would not of had the Border Patrol do the job for the.

  2. Abbott says the suspected shooter, an 18-year-old man, also died and was believed to be killed by responding officers.

    Well, it is hard to make heads-or-tails out of this article because it seems to contradict itself, saying that 2 victims died versus 15 victims died and the attacker was in custody versus the attacker was killed.

    Whatever the outcome, the casualty count would have been lower if multiple armed defenders were onsite.

    • Death toll now at 21 according to my local sources.

      Other articles indicate it was premeditated.

      Evil is evil. There are those who will commit evil acts just because. Make the perp’s grave an outdoor public toilet.

  3. Reportedly the murderer is(was) 18 year old Alejandro Rojas. But was he a “white Hispanic”? Look for this to get buried unlike Sandy Hook or last week in Buffalo. Like that evil pos who ran over little kids & grannies in Wisconsin…

    • You mean like the actual terrorist attack at the U.S. Capitol last year in which a Capitol Police officer was actually murdered?

      MSNBC “accidentally” reported that it was a white guy, then just dropped the story like it didn’t happen.

      “The question now is, what’s the condition of the Capitol Police officers who were injured when the man — we’re told it was a White male that was driving the car — when the man got out of the car and attacked the police officers with a knife,” Williams told MSNBC anchor Katy Tur.

      Green’s Facebook page, which has since been taken down, included photos and videos of Nation of Islam rallies, and the bio identified Green as a “Follower of Farrakhan.”

      The story didn’t fit the Puppet’s narrative, so it was swept under the rug.

      • “You mean like the actual terrorist attack at the U.S. Capitol last year in which a Capitol Police officer was actually murdered?”

        I’ll let others provide the direct counter-point. Hint: there were zero fatalities among police during the mass trespass on Jan 06.

  4. idk about the blue state part. it was texas. still, salvador ramos is not likely to be a right wing extemist

  5. The Libertarians Liberals and the Left refuse to force the mentally ill into treatment. Adam Lanza stated he wanted to shoot school children weeks before he shot those kids.

    Now was this shooter being “watched” by the FBI??? Like so many others.

    • Libertarians would remove the restrictions on armed people in schools. Honestly i was starting tot hink you were making progress, or at least had moved on. I had not seen you bash libertarians in a while. I am disappointed that you are back at it. You usually have good and insightful things to say and then you ruin it with unnecessary libertarian bashing.

      • As I have said before. Previously the family who observed their mentally ill family member could have them committed for treatment. They did not need the government’s permission to do so. But that was changed.

        Because the Three L’s did not like having the family using their doctor’s advice forcing someone into mental health care. They believed that was “too much power” in the hands of the family.

        Now a family needs the permission of the government to have their mentally ill family member treated. Which is exactly what happened with Elliot Rodgers in California.

        And now we have a second problem. The Soros District Attorneys who refused to prosecute people and release them back to prey on the neighborhood.

        Because they say America has too many people locked up. But who else says that???
        The Libertarians Liberals and the Left.

    • I’m a Libertarian in that I believe in Liberty. I’m not a member of the libertarian party. Back when the Democrats were hardcore conservatives in the South I was a Democrat. When the Democrats started drifting left in the 70s I became a Republican and have been ever since. Just because I’m an atheist doesn’t mean that I’m not a hardcore conservative. I just don’t share the beliefs in certain mythologies that many other people do. It was tough for me growing up in the Bible Belt as an atheist and I have nothing but contempt for Christianity because of the hell Christians and their intolerance made my life for many years. You ever get run out of your job because you happen to tell a co-worker that you’re an atheist? I have, multiple times. Couldn’t even get a day in court over it despite their actions being completely against the law.

      • I sympathize with guy but at some point you just have to stop telling people your business.

        • “you just have to stop telling people your business”

          Tell that to the religionists who force you to endure their own particular religious ceremonies before every ball game, before every city Council meeting, before every event.

          No religion has any place in the governance of the constitution, that’s why the constitution does not mention Jesus, Allah, Jehovah, Zeus, Shiva, Buddha, Oden, Thor, etc.

        • Minor MINER49er, Just because you do not believe in God does not mean that the rest of us have to adhere to your delusion.

        • “𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓱𝓾𝓶𝓪𝓷 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓼, 𝓲𝓽 𝓫𝓮𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓼 𝓷𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓻𝔂 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓹𝓮𝓸𝓹𝓵𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓸𝓵𝓿𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓹𝓸𝓵𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵 𝓫𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓼 𝔀𝓱𝓲𝓬𝓱 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓶 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻, 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓾𝓶𝓮 𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓹𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓱, 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓮𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓪𝓵 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝓸 𝔀𝓱𝓲𝓬𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓮
          >>>>>>>> 𝓛𝓪𝔀𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓝𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓸𝓯 𝓝𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮’𝓼 𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓶” <<<<<<<<

          There it is in the Declaration…. Well either I am getting dumber or I am just a a grievously blighted ignoramus and a repugnant unutterably reprehensible filcher of the truth.

          The founding fathers of the Constitution not only mention God, they even mention that Jesus is God. They do this in the ratification clause. This was done "in the Year of Our Lord" 1787.


          "Nature's God" was clearly the God of deism in all important ways. That Jefferson included God in the "Declaration of Independence" is very significant because it helped lay the foundation for a civil religion in America.

      • You remain a liar and an @$$hole. In Texas, it is REMOTELY possible that, many years ago, you were fired for being an atheist, but in the late 20th or early 21st century??? No effin’ way. Perhaps you were fired, NOT because you were an atheist, but because you were (and are) an @$$hole, like you’ve been on this thread. Work on it.

        • 1967, A coworker asked why I never went to church and I told him I didn’t believe in god. I just said the one sentence and did not even go into detail. The next morning my boss fired me and told me that I was not welcome working at his company or living in his town (Dalhart TX) and he made sure that no one local would hire me. Until the day before I was the companies golden child.

          Several years later my children were harassed by their teachers in a public school (Overton TX) for being devil worshipers and the teaches tried to force them to pray to be saved. Same thing happened again in Longview TX. Not a single attorney in the entire state that I could find a phone number for would even consider touching the cases.

          It wasn’t until I got on at the Bexar county SD that I could keep a job more then a few days after someone asked me about going to church. I can tell you this though; I took great pleasure issuing citations to people leaving Baptist churches on Sundays for the few years I ran traffic and I LOVED catching the children of local church leaders when they were up to no good and can proudly say that I sent more then a few of them to prison. I even got to arrest a Baptist minister when I caught him with a 12 year old girl (she was quite mature for 12 but 12 none the less) bent over the hood of his car on a back road. Unfortunately because of his standing in the community, a judge that went to his church, and a generous donation from the church of a new truck to the girls father the case never made it into a courtroom.

          It was ever worse for me growing up in rural TX and never going to church but it did teach me to fight at a very young age. I have been all over the world and the most hateful and most intolerant people that I have ever met were christians. Now I can’t stand them at all and if a new Not Z party sprung up and wanted to gas them all there would be no protest from me.

        • Redneck L, sounds like you wear your atheism on your sleeve. If you out yourself or broadcast hatred of Christians what would you expect to happen?

          Try being a Jew in the south. I learned to be the gray man but at times would still be outed. My Grandfather modified our name to a more German less Jewish sounding version when he emigrated. But to most where I grew up it still sounded like a Jewish name. If asked I would not deny it as I was told to be proud of who i was. But I did not go about broadcasting what I was.

          I became very good at fighting. I suspect many had similar experiences. Maybe that’s why there were so many Jewish boxers.

          While I do not follow the faith my daughter does and that is fine with me. I have friends who are very religious both Christian and Jewish as well as a family who are Hindus and all are good people. To me how you are raised is what makes a person what they are not the faith they practice.

        • Redneck Libertarian,

          Since my family comes from Texas (my mother and father were both born there), and I’ve spent much time there (in a VERY conservative part of rural Texas), I call bullshit. I highly doubt that the “events” you describe happened as you describe them. Given your OBVIOUSLY tolerant and accepting personality, and your admitted retributionist tendencies, I renew my assertion that you/your family got fired/harrassed for being @$$holes. Work on it. Try not to be an @$$hole.

      • Most people around here are happy when they find someone that will just routinely show up and do their job. If they go the extra mile every now and then, they’re in the 98th percentile of the available workforce. Do that, and your private life is your business. I’m in the bible belt as well. No one around here minds working with other religions either. Anyone that says otherwise is either FOS or talking about the exception rather than the rule.

        • You must be right since 1960s rural TX was the model of tolerance.

        • @Redneck lib in Tx

          So you’re admitting that what you experienced over 50 years ago is not widespread and not currently what people are experiencing. I didn’t grow up in Texas in the 60s, but I’m willing to bet it wasn’t widespread there at that time either. Yet, you exacted your revenge on other people that resembled a few people that were mean to you when you were younger. Guess what? The world ain’t fair. Sometimes people aren’t nice. Take you for instance. You don’t like an entire group of “others” because a few people supposedly weren’t nice to you over fifty years ago. Actually, you admit to hoping for some “Not Z” like group to spring up and take all of the people out that supposedly share the same belief as your meanies.

          You don’t want the world to be a better place. That begins with you. That part is too hard for some people to deal with. It’s much easier to place the blame on some other group of people. The only difference between you and the sociopaths we’ve been reading about is you’re too much of a coward to do it yourself.

      • “I have nothing but contempt for Christianity because of the hell Christians and their intolerance”

        Even worse is the organized child sex abuse in cover-up by the leader ship of the Catholic Church and the Southern Baptist convention.

        Say what you will about atheists, but there is no organized atheist religion spending millions of dollars to conceal child abuse.

        • Miner,
          This is an example of how propaganda works. Sex abuse in schools is more common than sex abuse in the church. One is reported on, and talked about more than the other because of the narrative that is pushed.

          “Say what you will about atheists, but there is no organized atheist religion spending millions of dollars to conceal child abuse.”

          This isn’t exactly true. The organized secular religion of Progressivism has been very busy concealing their child abuse of very young children. They shake down corporations just like BLM, and use donations to insert pornography and agenda-driven textbooks into school systems. They’re admitting to wanting to discuss sex with K – 3rd grade (and up) kids. I saw a recent video of a teacher bragging that most of her class identified as LGBT∞ because she taught them to. A Disney executive recently admitted to inserting her gay agenda into programming marketed to children. That is called grooming. People are slowly becoming aware of this insanity.

        • I said “conceal” child abuse.

          Everything you mentioned Dude, is out in the open for all to see, well documented in the media.

          When we Marxist “groom” children, we do not “conceal” our Leftist/Marxist sexual exploitation of them.

          We PROUDLY display our indoctrination of children into the queer and trans lifestyle with a rainbow of colors.

          The LGBTQ+ lifestyle is part of our Marxist subjugation of America.

          We are PROUD… We are GROOMERS!

    • You need to have your head up your ass to reach that conclusion. You spew more BS than Officer Bill.

  6. For the umpteenth time, the people who disarmed the potential defenders (whether due to peer pressure or law) are directly responsible for a much higher than necessary casualty count.

    And before anyone starts screaming that we can stop these horrific events if we disarm the populace, I have a newsflash for you: there are multiple ways, which do not require firearms, to quickly and efficiently murder a large number of children in a school.

    The most effective way to minimize the casualty count of ANY spree killer is having armed defenders. Period.

    • We should get the facts first. Texas has armed teachers. There was a Glock armed guard last week in Buffalo.

      • No, it doesn’t. Texas state law allows the districts to allow teachers to be armed but that’s a very local decision. I can guarantee the big, blue, inner city, districts don’t allow armed teachers.

        Yes, the guard in Buffalo had a gun. What’s your point? Maybe if more people in the store had been able to respond with their own firearms, maybe they could have brought the scumbag down and saved us the misery of what’s sure to be a show trial.

        • This is a good point.

          One security guard with a pistol is no match (as was proven) against a determined shooter with an AR-15 and wearing body armor. All that person does is advertise himself as the PRIME obstacle and therefore the PRIME target.

          Multiple armed responses from random directions, on the other hand, could easily overwhelm the shooter’s defenses, body armor or not. Casualties among the defenders MAY occur, but many innocents could in the meantime escape.

        • the FASTER SAves Lives programme, origniating out of Ohio, has an excelent track record, costs government/schools NOTHING =and is easy to implement. Does not appear that programme was in place at this school. Multiple unidentified armed, skilled, trained ordinary folks simply going about their business daily, but secretly armed, can be a VERY effective end to such insane rampages.

    • “For the umpteenth time, the people who disarmed the potential defenders…”

      Oh, I don’t know- I believe the real and primary problem began when the ever-progressive society builders began to demand that people intentionally committing wrong or unlawful acts as a way of life we’re entitled to some sort of excuse because of their economomic, racial, etc background.

  7. George Bush signed the Gun Free Zone Act that Joe Biden got passed, thank the red/blue parties who only erode our rights.

    • George W. Bush let the clintoon/biden 1994 Assault Weapon Ban/Scheme Sunset. Do you think biden the author of the 1994 bill would have ever done that?

  8. Call me a conspiracy nut, but this is AWFULLY convenient. Should be interesting to see if the perp was known to law enforcement/Feds. My bet is he was. How many more psychos will be let loose before the midterms? Will the Republican squishes in Congress capitulate?

    Interesting times ahead.

        • freddy,
          The conspiracy theory is that our FBI has something to do with giving these killers a “nudge.” Who knows in these particular cases, but we know for a fact that they’ve done it in the past. The usual practice is to give them the nudge, then apprehend them before they kill. They got caught doing this during the “war on terror.” It helps to justify certain measures.

          Remember when our intel agencies experimented on people, spread propaganda, toppled foreign governments, tried to take out a sitting president, and put together the governor abduction team? That’s all in the past, right? They’re all good guys now, right? Anyway, that’s how the conspiracy theory goes… As Sensei Harrell says, you be the judge.

  9. There is a very good chance that many of the now dead would still be alive if teachers were allowed to carry.

    This is a perfect example of why ‘gun free zones’ are very dangerous places.

      • Only if their local school district allows it and they are properly trained.

        Texas is now, in theory, a Constitutional Carry State, but schools are STILL Gun Free Zones for the average citizen.

      • How many were and did shoot? Elementary school indicates 95% female = no on body carry, PERHAPS a few purse/car carry.

    • Uvalde,Texas is reportedly about 80% Mexican. Look for this boy & his murders to be quickly covered up. Don’t wanna have potential Dim voters get pizzed off…

        • It’s all about the variation of skin tone. It’s apparently very important to the libs. My thighs probably oppress my neck. My neck and arms are already darker than Que Mala, and it isn’t even summer yet.

    • “This is a perfect example of why ‘gun free zones’ are very dangerous places.“

      “Teachers are allowed to carry in TX”

      Well, I guess that doesn’t work too well at preventing the school shootings either…

      • Although many ISD’s in Texas allow teachers and/or staff to be armed, unfortunately this particular school/district prohibited them (or anyone) from carrying on or near the school.
        Yet another “mass shooting” in a “gun free zone”… where they ALWAYS happen.
        When will these libtards learn.

      • But teachers were not allowed to arm themselves at this school.

        “While 40+% of school districts in Texas have armed teachers and staff, unfortunately, the Robb Elementary School in the Uvalde, Texas CISD doesn’t appear to be one of them. Their firearm regulations are detailed (link). There are no provisions in their regulations for teachers or staff to carry.”


      • MajorStupidity,

        Looks like your knowledge of Texas law in re: armed teachers is of the same level of accuracy as your parsing of the Constitution and the 2A. Arming teachers is left to the discretion of the individual school districts, and Uvalde doesn’t allow it. Once again, you are as full of s*** as a Christmas goose. Tell us again how Article I, Section 8 authorizes universal federal gun control, MajorStupidity.

      • Minor MINER49er.
        Typical Anti-Gun rhetoric. Keep guessing. It seems that the teachers in that school weren’t armed. If they had been, the perp would have been dead long before he got his third round off. But then you would not be able to “reform him”.

      • Stop spreading your lies whiner49er.

        The teachers in that school district are NOT allowed to carry.

        Another shining example of why everyone laughs at your comment.

  10. I could name the TTAG writer who said they were against arming school teachers. Perhaps that person can now come forward, to explain why it’s a bad idea to arm and train teachers???

    It’s been a while since they have written a column here.

      • I remember the anti-SRO comments in posts. God forbid you have cops protecting your kids. Happy they were there when my sons were in school!

        • Way back in the 1970s we had a city cop everyday at my HS in Sacramento CA. We did have lots of fights there. We even had a home made explosive go off at school. Fun times.

          But the city was a safe place until the East Area Rapist attacks started.

        • SRO = chick or other incompetent can’t cut it cop. (See Parkand Florida deputy/buffoon).

        • ‘SRO = chick or other incompetent can’t cut it cop. (See Parkand Florida deputy/buffoon).’

          Fox4 news Dallas ran a story about the ‘vigorous training’ local school district SROs were getting.
          The vid showed SROs ‘slicing the pie’ around doorframes, their guns coming around the corner and sticking into the room being cleared before any visual assessment of the area.
          Also showed an SRO (right eye dom, with their left eye closed) slowly coming around a rt side door frame, gun first. Nearly their entire face exposed to any threat in the room before their open eye could see it. 🤪
          Also showed a short overweight woman walking down the middle of a school hallway (slowly while crouching) with her Glock in the ready position. Her thumbs were crossed and up behind the slide. 🤪

          I was amazed our local news network ran that video with their story.
          Showed nothing but total incompetence of the SROs.

      • I will go through my TTAG archives to find them. Give me two days. I have to work tonight.

        I can tell you that it was a back-and-forth in the comment section between myself and this particular individual TTAG writer. And others were involved that discussion.

    • I actually don’t recall that. But that doesn’t mean much. I can’t recall a lot of things. Say who – I’m curious.

    • Well there was one article that featured an author who was a “libertarian” that supported mandatory background checks

  11. What the heck is wrong with someone to make him want to hurt children? I’m truly sickened by this.

    • “What the heck is wrong with someone to make him want to hurt children?”

      It’s abhorrent for normal people, and celebrated by evil people.

      Watch how the Leftists report on the story. Notice how breathless they sound. They get hard or wet just thinking about it…

      • I think lil’d is fapping away so hard he’ll get friction burns unless he uses astroglide.

  12. I’ll go ahead and ask the question plenty are thinking: Was he one of Biden’s dreamers?

      • President Trump was correct about about alot of things. Including building a big beautiful tall wall. But he was undercut by the Russia hoax. A complete lie.

        Also he would never legalized drugs. Because he saw his brother destroyed by them. And that is why the legalization crowd would never support his re-election.

        • Remember back when we had a booming economy without looming stagflation, and the Democrats, like Pelosi, said with a straight face that we couldn’t afford to spend 4 billion to secure our border?

  13. Killed his grandmother first and then helpless children. Only resistence encountered was the police who arrived to return fire after the fact. And like always there is another perp out there somewhere who unfortunately has to act before they can be shot, etc.
    Expect to hear “Gun Violence” “Gun Control” and the usual knee jerk idiocy that creates the victim pool. God be with the victims and their families.

  14. I’ll save us all a bunch of reading utter BS. Dacian: Guns are bad and are only for hillbillies.

    There. Now you don’t have to read the drivel he’s going to post.
    Dacian: Save your time. We don’t care what your opinion is. It’s nothing to us like lint, an ant, or a an old receipt in the grocery store parking lot. Have an ice cream cone or read a book.

      • “Ants actually serve useful purposes.”

        Actually quite efficient cleaning up stinky roadkill…

      • The left have anti-gun placards in their closets ready, anytime one of these events occurs.

        You have tortured, twisted, monsters, crafted by monstrosity who would shoot their own grandmother then shoot up a school full of very small children, just for the sake of making everyone else suffer as much as possible. Making everyone else suffer as much as possible is their goal. Horror and monstrosity is their goal, but somehow, the guns are the problem. It’s the guns. The reality is, the problem is the garbage society that is America. Communities have broken down. People are taught to rely on the government for everything, not tend to their church or community, to their neighbors or to make friends. And instead, without a moral upbringing, or moral community intervention, monsters emerge, and then exact their revenge, because they were made monsters.

  15. ED: Keep in mind that in breaking stories such as this one, initial reports are frequently mistaken, incorrect, or simply false. We will update this post as more more information becomes available.

    I’m happy to see that editor’s note. Most media won’t admit that although we’ve all seen this over and over since the birth of the 24×7 news cycle. This will get political really fast.

    Uvalde is frequently seen as a border town overrun by illegal immigrants. I wonder when the story will go that way.

  16. The citizen-disarmament ghouls will be dancing in the victims’ blood before sunset, with President Gun-grabber-in-chief leading the hoe-down. Lord help them, because no one else can.

  17. Now, for you brainwash watchers out there, this guy (so far at least) is a likely example of a headjob or programmed killer. “Lone actor.” Aside from the grandmother (who probably tried to stop him), the victims are random, unrelated to the shooter and not subject to the usual grudges for murder. Add to that the fact that the shooter died at the end, this one fits the profile.

  18. Everyone has a natural, civil and human right to not be frustrated, for any reason. Once frustrated, everyone has a natural, civil and human right to wreak vengeance on anyone in sight, by whatever means necessary.

    This is the world children have been cloaked with for at least two generations. Cloaked by adult children who were themselves raised to remain children.

  19. JOhn Lott has weighed in on his site:

    “While 40+% of school districts in Texas have armed teachers and staff, unfortunately, the Robb Elementary School in the Uvalde, Texas CISD doesn’t appear to be one of them. Their firearm regulations are detailed here (link in original article). There are no provisions in their regulations for teachers or staff to carry.”


  20. Seriously, you gun people – how many children must die before you support protecting them and your children’s lives? Connecticut did the right thing right after Sandy Hook – emergency overnight legislation to ban semi automatic Assault Weapons and High Capacity Magazines act. Those ‘good guys with guns’ registered them with the police like good people should. Now they just have to follow up and arrest the 250,000 gun felons roaming the state still uncaught. Texas needs a similar emergency overnight legislative session and start banning ALL SEMI-AUTOMATIC RIFLES and limit handgun and all magazine and clip capacity to ten or seven, a commonsense amount that’s still good for home defense but doesn’t let you kill a whole classroom of kids within seconds. Let’s see what President Biden can do with executive action. Enough is enough.

    • Can we get a blue check mark on this person? The comment seems like something the Hogg would want to say (ignorant), but seems also rather more organized, grammatical and less obscene than his usual output.

      But does it need to be pointed out once again that Lanza also had a shotgun and a pistol in his car when he arrived at Sandy Hook. He chose the Bushmaster because it was the best tool for the job, not the only tool he had available. Had he entered that school with the shotgun and a bag full of shells he would have still been unopposed so long as he wanted to keep on reloading.

      And the shooter at Virginia tech used two handguns and multiple magazines, once again in a gun free zone where he had no fear of opposition.

      • I believe at Columbine the primary weapon used was a pistol with a bag full of Hogg-approved ten round magazines. So much for that theory.

        • And if Salvador Ramos was, or his parents who brought him here, are illegally present in the U.S will you then ‘David Hogg’ call for the border to be secured?

          This commonsense approach (if they are or were illegal aliens) would have been 100% effective at stopping today’s shooting. Because how many children must die before you support protecting them and your children’s lives and secure the border?

          100% effective ‘David Hogg’. Enough is enough.

    • “Those ‘good guys with guns’ registered them with the police like good people should. Now they just have to follow up and arrest the 250,000 gun felons roaming the state still uncaught.”

      Felons who were law-abiding citizens before the law was changed ex post facto?

      How many guns have YOU confiscated?

      • “Felons who were law-abiding citizens before the law was changed ex post facto?”

        Nope. The change in law did not make people non-law abiding prior to effective date of the enacted law. Think of the meaning of “ex post facto” as being, “If you ever….this or that”.


    • Wait, CT did the right thing to ban semi-auto so-called “assault weapons” but you want to ban the much broader category of ALL semi-auto rifles? So CT did not do the right thing, then? Which is it?

      Semi-auto has existed as a firearm available to American civilians for over a century (the AR-15 pattern rifle has been commercially available since the 1960s); crimes like this and their frequency are a MUCH more recent thing. Clearly something else has changed in society. Go find what that is, fix it, and then get back to us on what to do about common, constitutionally-protected firearms. Off you go.

    • And if Salvador Ramos was, or his parents who brought him here, are illegally present in the U.S will you then ‘David Hogg’ call for the border to be secured?

      This commonsense approach (if they are or were illegal aliens) would have been 100% effective at stopping today’s shooting. Because how many children must die before you support protecting them and your children’s lives and secure the border?

      100% effective ‘David Hogg’. Enough is enough.

    • Not going to read all that but I am happy for you, or sorry for your loss. Pick whatever fits.

    • “Seriously, you gun people – how many children must die before you support protecting them and your children’s lives?”

      You could literally change guns to Alcohol. Can you give an answer for how many children must die before you ban alcohol?

      • actually you’d save far more lives by banning alcohol. or cars. or prescription drugs

        • rt66paul, They alcoholics already live in pain and die early with their low quality of life.

    • Hogg,

      Coke bottle. Gasoline. Shop rag. Lighter. Some assembly required.

      The highest casualties from a school mass murder in the US involved arson.

      You are too stupid to insult.

    • Because the perp is dead the only action now is to punish the innocent?

      You Progressives had better take a look at why people are rejecting your view.

      • Shuusssh SC.

        Remember what Sun Tsu wrote……Never interrupt your enemy when they’re making a fatal mistake. 🤔

        The curb stompings coming up this November (AND in 2024) are gonna be sweet. 😄

    • You dim witted evil little Commie Hog. Too dumb to understand how useless those lawless laws are. Wise up. A high capacity magazine (actually standard) is nothing more than a fifty cent box with a spring…now go BAN IT. Hahahaha

  21. the murderer didnt follow orders… he was supposed to do it the day before the election…

  22. With gas prices being as high as they are and the fact he was driving a gas hog pickup truck, I am totally shocked that he decided to drive right past the much closer police station on his way to his final destination… gee, I wonder why?

  23. Fifty or sixty years ago high schools all across the United States had shooting teams. Handgun and rifle. And there were no school shootings.
    The kids also read the Bible in school and sang religious songs as part of school music education and school music programs.

    The mother and father raised the kids together. And with a Father’s Love and discipline he educated the kids about firearms and taught them what and what not to do.

    But the atheist disagreed with the Christians when they said a father is necessary in the home. And they disagreed with the Christians when the Christian said there’s nothing wrong with singing religious songs in the schools.

    So the same people who took the second amendment education out of the schools, are also the same ones who told children to stop singing religious songs.

  24. Really hope this isn’t some sort of retaliation for the Buffalo incident. It would get really ugly if we start having a cycle of racially motivated terrorism and reprisals.

  25. 14 students killed. If he only had access to 7 round magazines, half the people would have been killed and the rest could rush him and take him down. High capacity magazines cause mass deaths. The Vegas shooter couldn’t just keep spraying down into the crowd with the bump stock converted automatic assault weapon without reloading every seven shots. Parkland shooter also would have to stop to reload every seven shots. Critical time for heroes nearby to rush the gunman and save lives. High capacity magazines and clips need to be destroyed en mass. Biden can easily do this with Executive Action even if he has trouble to ban all semi automatic guns.

    • First your not really Hogg, second TX was elementary students 6-12 years old, third all the best getting compliance on a ban of all semi autos.

    • just try it… you will have a much bigger problem…people arent going to allow it or give them up..this is not the soviet union….Biden can not make law, idiot..crawl in a hole and die..this is coming from a guy that lied to the entire nation about Parkland..

    • Hogg,

      Tell us you know f*** all about firearms, without saying you know f*** all about firearms.

      I can swap out a mag in WAY less than one second. TRY “rushing me” while I’m dropping my mag. That’ll be fun.

      You are an idiot, and ignorant. Your ignorance could (theoretically) be cured; your idiocy is, unfortunately, a life sentence.

    • Come on Hogg, At Stoneman Douglas High School the shooter there only had 10 round mags and 17 were killed. The Virginia Tech shooter killed 37, yes 37, and he only had a Glock 19 pistol. Mag bans aren’t the problem.

      You have tortured, twisted, monsters, crafted by monstrosity who would shoot their own grandmother then shoot up a school full of very small children, just for the sake of making everyone else suffer as much as possible. Making everyone else suffer as much as possible is their goal. Horror and monstrosity is their goal, but somehow, the guns are the problem. It’s the guns. The reality is, the problem is the garbage broken society that is America. Communities have broken down. People are taught to rely on the government for everything, not tend to their church or community, to their neighbors or to make friends. And instead, without a moral upbringing, or moral community intervention, monsters emerge, and then exact their revenge, because they were made monsters.

    • David Hogg, if an armed man or woman had been there, the death toll would have been a lot lower.

  26. If this school was secure, how did the gunman get in? Sounds like someone screwed up.

    • The school my children attend began locking up years ago. There are ways through that, but it might take some time, and they’d know you’re coming. There’s still some outdoor activity though.

  27. In the past I figured out how much it would cost Illinois taxpayers to secure the 852 State K-12 schools. Organized as the State Militia, paid by a special tax, it turns out to cost the individual taxpayer approximately $30.00 a year. This figure did include those who make less than 35K a year and usually have no tax liability. That would be tax base of about 3 million people, there are about 12.5 Million people in Illinois.

    I figured a force of 6,392 personnel with paygrades of E5, E6, E7,E9, O3,O6. This will have a minimum of 7 trained personnel in each and every school in Illinois. It would be equitable and regardless of the schools community resources, they will be equally protected.

    One side says allow teachers to be armed, another side teachers can’t be trusted to be armed, but trust them with children. This allows both sides to have their way, we arm the Militia, drawn from military veterans, police and others who pass a moral and psychological background check. The uniform would be appropriate civilian attire to blend in.

    Along with the primary mission of school protection, these people will have varied backgrounds, and likely will be from the same neighborhoods as the students, giving them insight to the culture around the schools. Most will be veterans and will give these children positive role models.

    If $30 is too much to secure our schools, then pull the money from politicians security details as children are more important they are.

    • FormerParatrooper, you make too much sense for our “leaders” to adopt your plan. My solution is to disband all public indoctrination centers and allow everyone to home school or send to private school their children with attendant changes to taxes. Tax money follows the child. There can’t be a public school shooting if there are no public schools. Additionally, all staff in your family’s home school can be armed as well as some of the students. All home school gatherings would also be heavily armed. Problem solved and it doesn’t cost any extra. Plus, the children get a better education. I wouldn’t let a child go to public school if I could prevent it these days.

  28. Does anyone know the manufacturer names and models of the handgun and rifle used, along with the mag capacity? The governor just said it was a rifle and handgun. I was wondering if it was a big, black scary rifle that some people don’t like. Also, are there any specifics on the kind of ammunition used?

    • It looks like two AR-15 Assault Weapons with 30 or 40 round high capacity magazines.

      • Looks like? You’ve seen a photo of the weapons?

        No, you haven’t. There are some photos floating around on social media that aren’t confirmed as being the shooter’s.

        Also — “assault weapon” and “high capacity magazines” aren’t accurate.

        Try “modern sporting rifle” and “standard capacity magazine.”

  29. There are reports and photos circulating that the shooter was a tranny, and I don’t mean “transmission.”

  30. Cowards shoot at people who they know can’t shoot back. Time to end “gun free zones”.

  31. I think the “gun community” needs to reevaluate the position of just having teachers volunteer to be trained and armed.

    Our society has chosen that it’s okay for police officers to stand down and do nothing. As rioters burn a city to the ground.

    I do not believe we can allow the same to happen to the public schools.

    No school should be left unarmed. If the school staff refused they should be terminated and replaced. If the principal won’t allow them but there is a teacher who wants to be armed than that principle should be terminated.

    And it doesn’t have to be an armed teacher. It can be an arm janitor. Or any member of the school staff. But somebody on that campus needs to be carrying a gun and trained to use it.

  32. The Political Climate in Uvalde Metro Area is Moderately conservative.

    In Uvalde Metro Area 39.4% of the people voted Democrat in the last presidential election, 59.7% voted for the Republican Party, and the remaining 0.9% voted Independent.

    The Uvalde metro area voted Republican in every Presidential election since 2000

    • And your point in bringing up Presidential elections?

      They voted for a local school board that disarmed their teachers.🤪

  33. Don’t even know what to say anymore. I’m going to have an extra scoop of ice cream with the kids tonight.

  34. When those black people were killed before where was the Outrage from rich celebrities, did that White Conneticut senator jump out of his seat? No. Why isn’t there talk about the Reason behind the shootings in the first place? why is society failed to address the root cause of these issues? all the want to do is restrict and grabs guns while failing to enforce the laws they already have. HE was 18, the supreme court said he had the right to own a gun at that age. People have used cars to kill people and why don’t they bring up why they did that? yes killing kids is bad obviously. But society want to put blame on things that are irrelevant, people are hypocritical while pointing fingers.

  35. The Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 and its later iterations have been abject failures at protecting our children and need to be repealed. We see just as many shootings at schools as happened before the act, with higher body counts since no one is able to defend themselves.

    Those who think the US just needs to ban weapons possession need to be reminded of the deadliest school massacre in US history, the Bath School Bombings in 1927. Their perpetrator only used a gun to detonate one of his bombs.

  36. Brandon will be on the airwaves shortly demanding more “sensible” gun control. Nothing he says will have stopped this guy. No “sensible” gun control left to legislate. Plenty of laws, little to no enforcement. Kind of like the terrorist allowed into the country illegally at the open southern border. Only took the feds two weeks to figure it out. Like the “red flag” law in New York that failed the Buffalo shooter. But, lots of power greedy “progressives” hoping to get elected/reelected will be using this. When will criminals actually pay their debt to society?

  37. I guess the shooting in New York didn’t divert enough attention from the cascading failures of the left, so now here we are

    • Well RiC, they needed another shooting to shift the focus.
      All the restrictive NY gun and red flag laws didn’t keep the Buffalo shooter (who had been in a mental institution and known by everyone) from purchasing weapons.
      The info NEVER got into the system for a 4473 check denial too.
      I heard an argument that the parents should have done more.🙄
      If the parents had gotten a lawyer ($$$s) and went before a judge to have their 18yr old sons rights restricted, the judge would have told them to pound sand. The system didn’t show anything that would restrict the rights of their adult son.

      The systems/laws that the NY progtards claimed would work ACTUALLY FAILED MISERABLY.

      Hey progtards! Make the laws you have in place ACTUALLY work before attempting to enact NEW laws. 🤪

      They’re like little children standing in a playroom full of toys while throwing a tantrum and screaming that they have NO toys to play with. 😭

      Their ‘time out’ is coming in November, and again in 2024. 😄

  38. Democrats wail and moan and demand more gun control.

    Smart people buy guns and ammo and get their kids out of public schools.

  39. At 9 pm this evening MSNBC reported that a security guard opened fire on Ramos as he tried to enter the school but Ramos had on body armor and got in. Two cops were also shot but are expected to survive. 18 total dead so far.

    And the Far Right Nut cases with the wave of a hand say “Who cares, it was not my kid and losses can never be too high” and we refuse to pass common sense Universal Background Checks and Safe Storage Laws because we are too cheap, indolent and stingy to go through a background check before buying a weapon. We also do not support raising the age to buy deadly weapons.

    As one news commentator said, In Texas you cannot buy and drink hard liquor at 18 but you can at 18 walk into a gun store and buy an assault weapon and all the heavy firepower you want to commit a mass murder. Its that easy and that insane. It therefore is illegal to drink hard liquor but not illegal to buy massive firepower for an immature 18 year old.

    News is sketchy about how he got the weapons and body armor he used but his posts on his computer show a deranged person.

    Did he have a mental health record or criminal record? If Ramos did buy the weapons legally why did not the background check flag his prior records? Was it because the check did not have this information in its files? Or did Ramos buy a used gun or build himself a ghost gun?

    Coming on the heals of the grocery store shooting just a couple of days ago the mass murder was obviously a copy cat mass murder intended to be more horrifying than the shooting of adults so little children were his primary targets.

    Columbine, Sandy Hook, Stoneman Douglas shooting, and now the Texas school shooting were not the only ones just some of the more horrific because of the amount of deaths.


    Republicans will say ‘Thoughts and prayers and send more money to the NRA because losses can never be too high”.

    In conclusion how can the Texas Governor Abbott look his people in the face and say “We will stand by the NRA and as usual do nothing because losses can never be too high”. Surely Abbott must have a copy of Mein Kampf on his night stand.

    Living in Capitalvania is to live in a lunatic asylum and the cheer leaders of mayhem and mass murder are the Republicans. Thoughts and prayers and pass the ammo say the Republicans. They should be putting Republicans in straight Jackets and then toss them all in a lunatic asylum.

    • “And the Far Right Nut cases with the wave of a hand say “Who cares, it was not my kid and losses can never be too high””

      Uhhh.. nope! That’s not what they say. If you can’t accurately state the arguments of the other side, then you are not here to argue anything, you are simply here to troll.

      “…and we refuse to pass common sense Universal Background Checks and Safe Storage Laws because we are too cheap, indolent and stingy to go through a background check before buying a weapon.”

      Well, if you waited, just a day or two, for the facts to get out, a better discussion can ensue. We don’t know how he got his firearms. He may have passed a background check. He may have been storing his firearms properly. You don’t know anything yet, let’s not presume.

      “We also do not support raising the age to buy deadly weapons.”

      That’s because the draft is at 18. If you can be drafted to go to war and be handed a machine gun to fight for your country, it’s hard to then claim, you are too young to responsibly own a firearm. Further, 18, is the legal age a minor becomes an adult.

      “As one news commentator said, In Texas you cannot buy and drink hard liquor at 18 but you can at 18 walk into a gun store and buy an assault weapon and all the heavy firepower you want to commit a mass murder.”

      Actually no, because committing mass murder is illegal. You make a list of legal claims of what you “can” do, but then end it with something you legally cannot do. And the drinking age might need to be lowered in the US. In many other countries, the drinking age is much lower than 21.

      “Its that easy and that insane. It therefore is illegal to drink hard liquor but not illegal to buy massive firepower for an immature 18 year old.”

      I don’t know what to tell you, 18 is the age at which, legally speaking, a minor becomes an adult. An 18 year old can be drafted to go to war. Maybe dropping legislative bans and policy isn’t the problem. Maybe parents need to step up and make better children. Further, we don’t know anything about this shooting yet, “immaturity” might not be the issue. Again you are making presumptions.

      “News is sketchy about how he got the weapons and body armor he used but his posts on his computer show a deranged person.”

      Then perhaps you should wait for more news.

      “Did he have a mental health record or criminal record? If Ramos did buy the weapons legally why did not the background check flag his prior records? Was it because the check did not have this information in its files? Or did Ramos buy a used gun or build himself a ghost gun.”

      I don’t know what to tell you, maybe you should wait for the facts. But I will tell you this: If you want total security, go to prison. There you’re fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking… is freedom.
      Dwight D. Eisenhower

      Living in a free society, entails some… risk. Now you can’t ban everything, or every method by which someone can commit mass murder, because there are too many methods. “Banning” things probably isn’t the answer. No matter what you do, what policies you put in place, if someone wants to commit mass murder, they will seek a way. Maybe you should try to address the root cause (the desire to commit mass murder) instead.

      “Coming on the heals of the grocery store shooting just a couple of days ago the mass murder was obviously a copy cat mass murder intended to be more horrifying than the shooting of adults so little children were his primary targets.”

      Yeah, and when are you guys going to question why, instead of trying to ban things.

      “Columbine, Sandy Hook, Stoneman Douglas shooting, and now the Texas school shooting were not the only ones just some of the more horrific because of the amount of deaths.”

      Yeah, and when are you guys going to question why, instead of trying to ban things.


      I see you are going back into the mischaracterizing, straw man rhetoric. You will make no progress (ever) doing this. This is a two minute of hate-fest. It’s not an accurate description of anything.

      “Republicans will say ‘Thoughts and prayers and send more money to the NRA because losses can never be too high”.

      No. If they send money to the NRA, it is because they don’t think guns are the problem. And honestly, guns are not the root cause of the problem here. That’s obvious, everyone knows it.

      “In conclusion how can the Texas Governor Abbott look his people in the face and say “We will stand by the NRA and as usual do nothing because losses can never be too high”. Surely Abbott must have a copy of Mein Kampf on his night stand.”

      More nonsense.

      “Living in Capitalvania is to live in a lunatic asylum and the cheer leaders of mayhem and mass murder are the Republicans. Thoughts and prayers and pass the ammo say the Republicans. They should be putting Republicans in straight Jackets and then toss them all in a lunatic asylum.”

      Here watch me do the same thing you are doing, except I think mine is a little more accurate:

      Living in commieville in a lunatics’ system where democrats have no problem endlessly claiming “life is cheap” while proposing policy that demonstrates there is no such thing as too little freedom, while they ban everything left and right, incapable of accepting even a modicum of responsibility for parents as they hand every responsibility they could possibly and voluntarily embrace over to the government to be solved for them. Drop the ban hammer on personal freedoms, while communities raise monsters and the leftist media with wide grins report on their monstrosities and watch their ratings go up, while the future monsters are provided great examples from the leftist media, and nobody anywhere is addressing the monsters, and instead smashing the freedom of everyone in society. They should be putting Democrats in straight jackets and then toss them all in a lunatic asylum.

      • To Anonymouse


        No try and lie your way out of this one. Britain stopped it because they were civilized enough to do something about it and stop it. Ditto for Japan and other countries to numerous to mention.

    • ‘At 9 pm this evening MSNBC reported that a security guard opened fire on Ramos as he tried to enter the school but Ramos had on body armor and got in…..’

      Well leave it to lil’dtard and MSDNC to get it MASSIVELY WRONG! Some things NEVER change, huh lil’pedo.

      Fact is ……..
      NO body armor was worn by the shooter.

      • I think, in his drug-and-Leftism induced mental haze, dacian the stupid has conflated the two recent shootings. The Brooklyn store shooter did, indeed, have body armor on. At least per current reports, the Uvalde shooter appears not to have had body armor.

        dacian the stupid has his same, unhinged, fact-free rant that he trots out, and expects us to be impressed. That poor imbecile hasn’t had an original thought in his life, and his claims to “education” and “extensive” gun knowledge both utterly lack credibility. He is an uneducated, near-illiterate, moron, who’s probably never even owned a gun. His “knowledge” of guns is on a par with his “knowledge” of U.S. history – that is, non-existent.

  40. So we can send $40 billion to Ukraine with zero accountability but we can’t spend squat to harden our public schools or protect our southern border. That is really messed up priorities.

    • Forty Billion is just the latest authorized payment to support our latest proxy war. How many untold additional billions, maybe Trillions, will end up there on a wink and a nod. And you thought the pullout from the sandbox was a fluster-cuck? Here, says Brandon, Hold my Beer!! The benevolent US will pick up the tab to rebuild, no question, since Russia will be ” bankrupt “by the end of this a couple of years down the road!. Dont worry about the federal debt, we’ll print more money and crash out Everyone’s retirement savings – Mission Accomplished.

      • The choice is on Putin alone. However, Europe (and the rest of NATO) must pay more (which is what Trump rightly demanded). This is a clear cut case of good vs evil, and Putin did all this (or so he says) to “de-Nazify” Ukraine.

    • We can, and should, do all three. America blew around a third of a TRILLION dollars of (so called) COVID relief into the pockets of fraudsters. Forty Billion is chump change used to stop the Hitler/Stalin of the 21st century. Invading a European country the way Putin did, and using the reason he did (hunting Nazis) is impossible to ignore.

    • Just watch for the flow on effects. Downunder gasoline is now $2-3 per liter ($8-12 per gallon), food prices are rising sharply, and electricity prices are about to rise by up to 130%.

      In the supermarket Kangaroo meat is now cheaper than beef and disappears fast when available.

      Will someone give Putin a 9mm brain hemorrhage?

  41. @Dude

    You are correct. I have so many news feeds open at once, that I completely misunderstood the reference in the comment.


    As the self-proclaimed expert on whatever it is I am thinking, I am correct about police fatalities on Jan 6.

  42. If you love your children or grandchildren get them out of public school. My solution is to disband all public indoctrination centers and allow everyone to home school or send to private school their children with attendant changes to taxes. Tax money follows the child. There can’t be a public school shooting if there are no public schools. Additionally, all staff in your family’s home school can be armed as well as some of the students. All home school gatherings would also be heavily armed. Problem solved and it doesn’t cost any extra. Plus, the children get a better education. I wouldn’t let a child go to public school if I could prevent it these days. Anyone who wants to can do it!

    • Only correction I would make to that is that they are not public schools, but government schools. And as with most things the government does, they fail at that as well.

  43. I just feel sad. All these children (and some adults) dead, and all these shootings makes it harder and harder to defend much of gun rights, but then I also believe very much in the right to arms to check the power of the State and also for self-defense, and the Gun Control Lobby lies and distorts so much and is hell bent on just banning any and all guns (aka NYC, Washington D.C., etc…) and am all the more reluctant to give up gun rights after seeing the power mad governors and governments of the other “liberal democracies” during the pandemic, and then the lawlessness/rioting that was allowed. Want to stop the evil but feel powerless.

    • “All these children (and some adults) dead,…”

      “Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget
      falls drop by drop upon the heart.”
      – Aeschylus, Greece 525-426BC

      For all those left behind, those who will grieve…

      “Part of misery is, so to speak, the misery’s shadow or reflection, the fact that you don’t merely suffer but have to keep on thinking about the fact that you suffer.”

      “From the frustration of so many impulses that had become habitual…Thought after thought, feeling after feeling, action after action, had…(lost ones) for their object. Now their target is gone.”
      – C.S. Lewis, “A Grief Observed”, 1961.

      “There is no pain so great as the memory of joy in present grief.”
      – Aeschylus, Greece 525-426 BC

    • I am as upset about the senseless deaths of these kids as you are. But their deaths were not caused by “gun rights”. They were caused by a demented individual. The two AR-s he is alleged to have had did not kill. The demented individual did. We do not have a gun problem. We do have a violent people problem. And no one seems to want to do anything about that.

  44. We seldom hear of attacks like this from Europe or China. Of course it doesn’t fit the narrative so it isn’t reported here. However, such incidents do occur. A quick search will show this. Russia has very strict regulation of firearms. Not long ago some kid shot up the school he had attended only a year or so earlier. With his legally owned and permitted shot gun. Don’t forget about the summer camp shot to shit in Norway with an illegally AK-47.
    Next thing, bombs and incendiary devices are not hard to manufacture from readily available materials. A bottle of hi test alcohol and a rag works well.
    Not 1 of the proposed so called common sense gun controls being promoted will do a damn thing to stop the next little punk with an imagined grievance from being the next mass murderer. Nor will the next set of restrictions, or the next, etc.
    We do not have a gun problem. we don’t have a legislative problem. it isn’t even social or economics. We have a cultural problem and lack of morals and accountability. When crime and a lack of being held accountable for anything comes from the top down, what else do you think will happen? If you have money enough to pay off the right people, hire the right lawyers, or have the political power or are a favorite of the Party elites, you can get away with anything. If you are committing arson, murder, or looting and rioting for the right “cause” you will not be held accountable.If your actions can be used for political or financial gain by either party in power, it will be downplayed or promoted in the media and the current narrative.
    Sorry people. Punishing the law abiding, banning whatever, some idiotic license scheme, will do no more to stop anything than banning the sale manufacture, or distribution of alcohol stopped people from drinking.
    What is the answer? Hell, I have no idea. Nor, it seems does anyone else. But the current culture of permissiveness, lack of moral grounding, and no sense of honor is not helping.

    • You are talking about SINGLE and exceedingly rare incidents of mass shootings not those that seemingly occur as in the USA on an almost DAILY BASIS . As for the other supposed incidents have YOU any evidence that such ‘bombings ‘ with alcohol etc. etc have been carried out in a school in the UK in the last half century?? Easy enough to check. I was taught how to make GUNPOWDER AT SCHOOL in our Chemistry Classes at Grammar School and believe me a pound or two of Gunpowder will make a very considerable BANG -plus all the components are available from your local BUTCHERS SUPPLIS Gardening CENTRE or can be made in you own covered Barbecue set -and thios was rthe ;’stuff’ that sunk battleships and beat of the RedCoats . Other explosive substances, including as I remember rather pretty, and seriously unstable, Ammonium Tri-iodide are not that hard either.
      I really hated that bloody scholl but I did not think about blowing the place up’ In deed I joimned for a brief period the School Combined Cadet Forces [ a sort of Junior precessor of supposedly Potential Officer Material] and we were actually shown how to use PE2 Plastic Explosive, Rifles [Lee Enfield .303 and BREN Machine Guns]. I still didn’t blow the place up or shoot anybody.
      In later life I was an RAF ARMOURER [ in the 50’s that covered anything connected with BOMBS, GUNS and Explosive demolition and disposal as well as Ejection Seats of all types and required no less than THREE YEARS full time training] and Smallarms Instructor and a member of UK Army Infantry Reserves

      • Your reference to being an RAF ARMOURER in the 50’s is pretty cool. Adding in earlier time for school and the three years of training you mentioned, how old are you?

        • Youngest I can come up with is 84, assuming your three years of training began the moment you turned 18 and allowing that 1959 would still count as being in the 50’s.

          Lots of experience on board if that’s the case. Kudos

      • Is it possible??? Can Albert the Subject be BEGINNING to get an actual clue?????

        “I still didn’t blow the place up or shoot anybody.”

        No shit, Sherlock. Neither did any of us. I was making “home brew” napalm and explosives when I was in primary school, and the only thing I ever blew up was an anthill. Perhaps the problem lies, Albert the subject, in the PERSON committing the crime, not in the tool used???? As I’ve repeatedly mentioned on this forum, I can take a few hours, a Benjie, visit my local Home Depot and garden store, and make a functional firearm, an improvised explosive (ammonium iodide??? REALLY? Child you do have a death wish, don’t you? I MIGHT consider using that s*** for a detonator, if I was planning to use it right away. Other than that? That’s a recipe for blowing your freakin’ hand off.) My “home brew” napalm is pretty damn effective.

        So, perhaps your idiot rants about guns are, shall we say, total codswallop??? Go back to being a subject and quit trying to tell free people what to do, subject. And go tell your “Clown Prince” to grow a pair of testicles, if he’s able.

    • “Don’t forget about the summer camp shot to shit in Norway with an illegally AK-47.”

      No, it was a legal Ruger Mini-14…

  45. 18 USC 922 says all schools are gun free zones
    46 Texas penal code says schools are gun free zones
    Gun free zones do not work. They create easy targets. That’s why nobody could shoot back.
    Gun free zones violate the 2nd amendment and your right to live, as you can no longer protect your life.

  46. A number of school districts permit concealed carry, at least by trained school staff, on school grounds. How many of them have suffered mass shootings? As far as I know, it’s none.

  47. I think it’s wrong, you need to develop different skills in students. Now it is especially difficult to focus on students after the pandemic, so many use the personal statement writing service https://edubirdie.com/personal-statement-writing-service in order to get more free time for the activities they love and develop their chosen skills, including shooting.

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