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“On rare occasions, there’s an item that might cause concern, and obviously the bobbleheads appeared to be doing that.” That’s Gettysburg Foundation spokeswoman Dru Anne Neil, quoted at, trying to explain the kerfuffle their John Wilkes Booth bobblehead dolls caused by being offered right there on the shelf next to the Great Emancipator. You know, that guy he shot in the head. Who knows, maybe commemorating famous killers will become morbidly popular and prove to be an effective way to spur sales. We could see Ryder featuring a posthumous testimonial in their ads from Timothy McVeigh as to the convenience of their rental trucks. Someone may market a line of Lee Harvey Oswald optics. Or maybe an enterprising company could secure Lon Horiuchi’s endorsement for their precision rifles. Oh. Wait.

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  1. So what is the rest of the story about that HS percision stuff? I see that post was from 2008, did anything become of this?

    • A lot of fumbling, stuttering, backtracking and lost business. Not to mention a little revisionism. Click the second link to see how they handled it when asked about it not long after the incident.

  2. I wonder which was the more popular of the two bobbleheads. Personally, I wouldn’t want a miniature assassin grinning at me from the dashboard, much less the parcel shelf.

  3. I’d like to disagree with the Oswald brand optics. Seems like Oswald brand ammo would spur more sales.

  4. This existed and I didn’t know about it until it was pulled? Goddamnit, now I’m going to look on ebay.

    I’m well aware I’m going to get flamed to hell and back for this, but we have plenty of evidence (if you bother to read books and Lincoln’s own letters instead of just believing what the TV tells you to) that Lincoln was a power hungry bastard who pissed all over the Constitution. Booth rid the world of a traitorous bastard who cared nothing about the Constitution and didn’t care how many innocent people he had to kill to have the empire he thought he “deserved”.

    • Well, so what if Lincoln was a power hungry bastard who pissed all over the Constitution. We don’t settle political disputes with a popularly-elected official by sneaking up on him and busting a cap in his crown. And there is some evidence that Booth wanted to kill Lincoln because the President wanted to give the right to vote to the freed slaves. Oh, the horror.

      Booth wasn’t a hero. He was a bigger pr!ck than the guy he murdered, no matter what anyone thinks of Lincoln.

      • Right, the “appropriate” course of action is to elect another power hungry bastard who pisses on the Constitution that is at least as bad, if not worse, than the one currently sitting there. You know, just like how peacefully petitioning for King George to quite sodomizing the Colonial’s with high taxes and increasingly restrictive laws worked SO well.

        “And there is some evidence that Booth wanted to kill Lincoln because the President wanted to give the right to vote to the freed slaves.”

        First off, you admit it’s not GOOD evidence. Secondly, apparently you’ve never heard the saying that history is written by the victors.

        I’m sorry that you prefer tyranny to someone having the balls to stand up and do what’s right, even if it will cause them to be burned at the stake (literally or metaphorically) for it.

        Oh, FYI, you are aware that Lincoln openly said in one of his letters to Confederate leaders that if the Confederacy surrendered and acknowledged his supreme power, he would allow them to keep slaves – but if they refused, he would destroy them, right? Lincoln didn’t care about blacks or slaves as more than a tool to bribe or harm the “evil” southerners.

        • someone having the balls to stand up and do what’s right

          I’m sorry, but what part of sneaking up on a guy and shooting him in the back of the head AFTER THE WAR WAS OVER constituted having balls?

          The Confederate soldiers had balls. Booth was a sneaking little backshooter who didn’t have the courage to don the Gray. While Johnny Rebs were dying in their thousands, Booth was performing MacBeth. That’s your hero?

          • “I’m sorry, but what part of sneaking up on a guy and shooting him in the back of the head AFTER THE WAR WAS OVER constituted having balls?”

            I’m sorry, what part of having the guts to kill a wannabe dictator knowing that you WILL be hunted down and murdered as a result is cowardly?

            “The Confederate soldiers had balls. Booth was a sneaking little backshooter who didn’t have the courage to don the Gray. While Johnny Rebs were dying in their thousands, Booth was performing MacBeth. That’s your hero?”

            Lets see, thousands who died for nothing or a man who actually accomplished the goal of killing the enemy…. That shouldn’t take long to figure out the answer. If any one of the farm boys who died for nothing had managed to kill Lincoln, we’d be discussing him being a hero instead of Booth.

            • Once again, Totenglocke, you make me say “Wow.” And “Golly.” Please don’t kill me. You are clearly a proponent of all manner of murder.

  5. “Someone may market a line of Lee Harvey Oswald optics.”

    I’d take a Whitman over an Oswald any day.

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