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“Krewson cites a demonstration earlier this year in which groups stood on the street in the Central West End carrying assault rifles. ‘I’ve been thinking about this for a while,’ she said. ‘I think it’s time to push back against some of this. These are common sense provisions, and they’re worth fighting for.'” – St. Louis alderman wants to ban ‘assault weapons,’ require guns left in vehicles be locked up [via]

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  1. “…Krewson cites a demonstration earlier this year in which groups stood on the street in the Central West End carrying assault rifles. ”

    An event in which no one was shot, or in any other way hurt. How could that be with all those scary black guns just out there for everyone to see?

    “…‘I’ve been thinking’”

    You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

      • Hrumph.

        Let it be known I would *never* make a cheap ad-hominem attack by comparing her picture to a famous comic like ‘Pearls Before Swine’.

        Not me. No sir, no way, no how, not me… 🙂

  2. according to the bill, all “assault weapons” would need to be disposed of or surrendered. I thought liberals were not coming for our guns???

      • Actually MO is very lucky right now. Pro-gun republicans swept the statewide offices and there will be a pro-gun super majority in both legislative chambers next year.

        This useful idiot is posturing. I would like to see the legislature and governor put some real teeth into our preemption laws though to cut this kind of stupidity down further.

      • Missouri has a fairly strong preemption statute. The most that can be done is to require a CHL to carry openly. Trying for a local AWB could very well end with these idiots in prison. It wouldn’t surprise me, with Greitens being governor-elect.

  3. common sense provisions just got the dems bent over in the national elections. You go girl, double down on the stupid.

  4. I guess she isn’t aware of the election results of others running on a similar platform of “common sense gun safety laws”

  5. The good Alderman seems unaware of Missouri Revised Statute 21.750.1 which exercises statewide preemption on firearms. Though will ignorance of or purposeful disregard of the law would be a hallmark of people like this.

    ETA: MSR 571.010 and 571.070 do have limited and strict provisions for allowing some regulation of open carry. However, any local ordinance has to be 100% in line with both sections to be enforceable and cannot blanket disarm someone not engaged in criminal behavior. IANAL. TINLA.

    • It’s the city. The aldermen/women are all on the autism “spectrum” depending on the district. A very sad collection of ambulatory excrement. It’s rather routine for one of them to propose something illegal, patently stupid, or outright insane on a regular basis. Given their voter base, it’s to be expected.

      One of the millions of reasons a re-merger with STL County will never be approved.

      • Mildly autistic people are usually less emotional and more rational and systematic than normal people. I don’t think this woman is so.

        • Just because it smiles and professes emotion, doesn’t mean it has any. Yeah, they’re an “it”. A human “it”, with the rights of any other American citizen, but often with less emotional worth than a dog. Let alone societal productivity. We’ve screwed with evolution keeping them alive, and humanity will eventually pay the price for the indiscretion. Sounds “mean” until you seriously ruminate on the consequences of our “niceness”. Just like tolerating illegal immigrants, we already pay a serious price for bit of “Liberal” largesse with the funds of those who actually earned it.

          Words have meaning, and I know what the word I used means.

  6. Krewson cites a demonstration earlier this year in which groups stood on the street in the Central West End carrying assault rifles.

    What assault rifles were present at said demonstration?


    The bill broadly defines assault weapons, but in an interview, Krewson summed them up as military-style weapons.

    …and the broad definition in New York state considers my .22LR pistol an “assault weapon”, because it has a threaded barrel. I can just imagine all the people made “safer” by banning my .22LR pistol.

  7. I seem to recall that there was another old blonde lady running on an anti-gun platform in a recent election. I haven’t been following the news; does anybody know how that worked out for her?

  8. Buzzwords of Stupid: Common Sense Provisions, Common Sense Measures, Sustainability. . .

    Quit satan’s hive brain you evil POS (D).

  9. She is right about open carry:
    -used to intimidate voters
    -makes us look like Afghanistan and people don’t feel safe
    -best way for a terrorist to transport a weapon to a massacre is where open carry is legal

    In many other places, seeing an open carrier is sufficient reason for the police to engage with lethal force. She is only asking for regulation that ends up helping the image of gun owners. We should all favor banning OC before the next massacre by an OC’er is blamed on gun owners!

    • She is right about open carry:
      -used to intimidate voters

      You should stop projecting.

      -makes us look like Afghanistan and people don’t feel safe

      I couldn’t care less about the feelz or other delicate sensibilities of the perpetually offended class.

      -best way for a terrorist to transport a weapon to a massacre is where open carry is legal

      …which explains why so many terrorists (and violent criminals) open carry?

      In many other places, seeing an open carrier is sufficient reason for the police to engage with lethal force.

      Please name such places.

      She is only asking for regulation that ends up helping the image of gun owners. We should all favor banning OC before the next massacre by an OC’er is blamed on gun owners!

      How many massacres have been carried out by open carriers? When was the last such massacre?

      Your attitude is more of a risk to the rights of all law-abiding gun owners than open carry is.

    • Sometimes responding to Trolls is just too easy:

      “A well regulated Militia being, necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS, shall not be infringed.” (Emphasis mine)

    • Well Surf old buddy>>>>>
      Just why are you trolling this site. Its’s for 2A supporters and your agreements with this pearl clutching idiot are not requested or wanted. She is a perpetual stain on the politics of a 3rd rate city run by morons for the perpetually offended class of malcontents.

      As a resident of St. Louis County I will work hard to make sure we never merge with the cesspool of St. Louis City and have idiots like Krewson able to run for office to mess up our county.


    The last person seeking legislative advice from a liberal_progressive_communist_globalist [&] (D) WAS ALSO A STUPID POS.

  11. I think everyone missed the point of this article.
    It’s in the title: The Perils of Open Carry?
    RF questions the right to open carry and wants to steer the conversation in that direction. Bring back the “Chipotle Ninja” argument, if you will.

    • The really interesting question is whether open carry is more perilous for gun-rights advocates or for gun-grabbers.

      It could be perilous for gun-grabbers if it normalizes firearm possession and galvanizes opposition to gun-control.

      It could be perilous for gun-rights advocates if it normalizes fear and galvanizes opposition to gun-rights.

      • You understood the point well. Instead of focusing on short term “victories” that instill fear (what good does OCing at Walmart do?), we need to focus on changing the culture to understand that gun ownership is a responsibility and is good for society.
        Instill confidence in society to trust guns not fear gun owners!

        • I mean, I open-carry a sidearm at Walmart sometimes, mostly because I don’t have a CHL and am in an area where finding courses can be a bit difficult. I avoid the Chipotle Ninja behavior of long-gun open carry in daily life not involving hiking.

  12. St. Louis has the highest murder rate of any large city in America and this b!tch is getting her rocks off dreaming about banning rifles? What a Democrat douchebag.

      • I see! Now I get it! If they use rifles, with the increased range, both targeted and stray bullets may cause damage or death in other, more civilized portions of the city. Therefore, she wishes to outlaw gangbangers killing each other with rifles! Makes perfect sense! Be nice, guys!

    • Uh, I thought the cities vying for the highest murder rate in the United States were Oakland (California), Memphis (Tennessee), and Flint (Michigan). Are you sure that St. Louis has the highest murder rate?

  13. I have a problem with people who believe that if Bruce visits a dress store and decrees himself Caitlynn that gives him the right to whip it out and whiz in a ladies room lecturing me about common sense.

    I have a problem with people who believe that if Bruce still has the components that caused the obstetrician to decree “It’s a boy!” he should be called she, and I am a bigot if I don’t buy that, lecturing me about common sense.

    I have a problem with people who believe that businesses do not provide jobs lecturing me about common sense.

    I have a problem with people who believe that bakers who refuse to bake wedding cakes for what they do not consider a proper wedding riot in the streets when they lose an election and do not consider the result to be proper lecturing me about common sense.

    This behavior has a name. It’s called Dunning Kruger Syndrome. When you are so stupid you can’t be told how stupid you are because you think you are the smart one, you exemplify Dunning Kruger Syndrome.

    • Lord save us from people who are too stupid to even understand that they are stupid, and the people who vote for them.

    • I looked up Dunning-Kruger Syndrome and OMG! NOW I fully understand what is wrong with the Liberal Left and the anti-gun/pro gun infringement crowd! Thank-you explainist!!!

      • DerryM,

        I believe the Dunning Kruger Syndrome is primarily a natural result of the fact that altruism, fantasy, and emotion dominates the brain function of Progressives.

        Think about it. Acknowledging one’s ignorance/ineptitude does not feel good. And Progressive minds want to feel good at all costs. The Progressive mind therefore employs fantasy to establish their genius/aptitude which feels great. So they run with it.

        All the psychology buzzwords, descriptions, and explanations are simply dancing around the fact that altruism, fantasy, and emotion dominate the brain function of people with “disorders”. Unfortunately, I doubt the psychology world will embrace that simple concept any time soon. Why? Aside from the fact that many psychologists suffer from that very problem (and admitting it requires condemning themselves), there is little money to be made. Either a person is rational or they are not. If they are rational, they do not have any disorders. If they are irrational, either they will change their ways or they will not. Oh, and lest we forget that simple explanations have a very poor affinity for EXPENSIVE research and studies.

        • I agree with your analysis. I find it interesting, however, that the Dunning-Kruger Effect (its formal name) has been identified. In my lifetime, I have definitely known multiple persons who demonstrate the “symptoms” [if you can call them that] described by DKE. In general, anyone who believes they have a right to dictate to everyone else what they can do seems to me to be exhibiting DKE to some extent.

        • Dunning-Kruger has been floating around TTAG for the last coupla years anyway. It’s not new, or news. It was ‘discovered’ pre-2K.

    • I think the Dunning Kruger Syndrome thing is overstated and over complicated. Quite simply, many people “do not know what they do not know” and are therefore overconfident.

      Personally, the more I learn and discover, the more I realize that I never knew and the more ignorant that I perceive myself to be.

    • Dunning Kruger syndrome is poorly named. Better would be Barack Obama syndrome, or perhaps Hillary Clinton syndrome.

    • I find it interesting that the Left as a whole is also picking up this syndrome and blaming Trump’s rise on it. I saw the articles when I looked up the syndrome.

  14. I cannot overstate how emotion dominates the motivation and justification of gun-grabbers.

    Our generic response should be:
    (1) Acknowledge with absolute clarity that emotion (intense fear in this instance) is the dominant rationale to “regulate” (e.g. ban) firearm possession.
    (2) Acknowledge with absolute clarity that emotion-based laws direct government to suppress/eliminate people who have “wrong” positions.
    (3) State how heinous that is — eliminating people who have attacked no one.
    (4) State the consequences if government starts enforcing emotion-based laws against people who have “wrong” positions and attacked no one.

    • (5) Bang head on nearest cement or brick wall repeatedly.

      Sorry, snarky. But I like your suggestions. Calm and Socratic.

  15. I get a kick out of her notion that it’s “time to push back.” Open carry was never really a “thing” until the anti-gunners pushed gun owners into a corner by denying concealed carry of handguns. The blatant, politically-motivated version of open carry of rifles was a direct reaction of anti-gunners pushing for more gun control in the first place! So now she wants to push back on the pushback that their original pushing fomented.

  16. uncommon_sense:

    “I cannot overstate how emotion dominates the motivation and justification of gun-grabbers.

    Our generic response should be:

    (4) State the consequences if government starts enforcing emotion-based laws against people who have “wrong” positions and attacked no one.”

    So, I’ll engage in a little “Rule 4” here. From the article:
    “‘I think it’s time to push back against some of this. – St. Louis alderman”

    “This” is a bunch of people carrying rifles at a protest (incidentally shooting nobody.) So, after thinking about it, the Alter-thing wants to ban this particular political speech because … “it’s time” to “start pushing back.” So, because it’s clobberin time, or something.

    No reasons given. One assumes the people protesting a position she does not agree with made the alter-thing uncomfortable. There’s a word for people in the government using the government to eliminate political they find inconvenient. Now, what is that, again? Let me think for a while. I’m sure I can come up with the term, you know, to “push back” with.

    /To UC’s excellent prescription, I’ll add:
    (5) Never miss a chance to go Alinsky (back) on them.

    Mockery, personalize it, and make them live up to their own rules work best. The anti’s are just so vulnerable to these. Besides grown-ups don’t like going with some of the other Alinsky tactics. Monkeywrenching, of any kind, like gleefully suggesting a “poo in” to disrupt airport operations is drifting toward extortion and worse (which BTW, Alinsky advocates and provides examples of in various of his works.)

    Alinsky never said “Make them live up to the standard you set.” but this is why you never go full Alinsky on the anti’s. If you are willing to be admirable, you have this additional tactic, that they do not.

    You can see from the several national elections that went against them, that post-election the gunny folks decline to extort through shut-downs, protests and similar, and BTW, decline to go all armed insurrection, either (despite outnumbering most of the armies in the world.)

    Far more able to cause destruction than the post-election protesters burning cars and businesses in cities across the US right now, these armed, skilled people limit themselves to peaceful protests. Like the peaceful protest alter-thing Krewson is so bugged by, she thinks its time to stomp on political speech.

  17. I hate unsecured guns in vehicles; it’s a huge way for criminals to get gun.

    Know how to stop that from happening? Make sure people don’t (legally) have to leave their guns in the vehicle.

  18. “‘I’ve been thinking about this for a while,’ she said.”

    Let me stop you right there.

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